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『逆向资源区』 今日: 7 |主题: 5027|排名: 8 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
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[Other] Vmware虚拟机去虚拟化及附属虚拟机 - [阅读权限 10]attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

thisxx2022-6-5 14:55

thisxx 2022-6-5 14:55 96760757 ccber 2024-12-15 10:47
[Unpackers] 小程序反编译工具KillWxapkg v2.2.0,支持Hook,微信开发者工具运行,二次打包 新人帖 attach_img recommend agree

antkites2024-7-25 20:54

antkites 2024-7-25 20:54 856247 ZhuanKeBa 2024-12-14 17:53
[Editors] 010Editor-鸿蒙.hap文件签名块解析脚本 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

klop2024-9-1 19:03

klop 2024-9-1 19:03 192345 cnfeitian 2024-12-13 22:31
[.NET] ILProtectorUnpacker v7.3 By CodeCracker attach_img recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2024-9-24 15:08

风吹屁屁凉 2024-9-24 15:08 282604 cgxsb 2024-12-13 22:01
[x64dbg Plugin] x64dbgScript By Ahmadmansoor agree

风吹屁屁凉2022-3-4 14:46

风吹屁屁凉 2022-3-4 14:46 53907 hudong2000cn 2024-12-13 17:49
[Debuggers] 鬼鬼js调试工具7.5 attachment recommend agree

老M2022-8-25 15:10

老M 2022-8-25 15:10 8313052 zcming 2024-12-13 10:24
[Other] The Enigma Protector自定义注册机 attach_img recommend agree

hszt2022-11-3 18:40

hszt 2022-11-3 18:40 11313625 laot1 2024-12-12 11:21
[Unpackers] whatlicense-给WinLicense加密的exe重建可用的regkey.dat和regkey.rsa recommend agree

weist1232024-12-8 16:17

weist123 2024-12-8 16:17 152300 bujimo3 2024-12-11 19:28
[Mac OSX] CheatEngine 7.5.2 0.1最新版 attachment recommend agree

HackXK2024-1-2 18:55

HackXK 2024-1-2 18:55 10115953 donjack369 2024-12-11 19:26
[Android Tools] 浦大喜奔-jadx更新了,基于最新1.5.0优化hook代码生成 recommend agree

iyue2024-4-23 15:07

iyue 2024-4-23 15:07 557901 iyue 2024-12-11 10:00
[Packers] EXE/Dll资源压缩工具-UPX_4.2.2+Free UPX_3.2 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

wszjf2022-12-15 21:33

wszjf 2022-12-15 21:33 10812908 lion25 2024-12-10 21:52
[Network Analyzer] HTTP Debugger 9.9 中文特别版 - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend heatlevel agree

sohuso2024-6-12 16:15

sohuso 2024-6-12 16:15 1487765 copy1024 2024-12-10 18:59
[Disassemblers] [2023/05更新预告]反汇编神器IDA Pro 7.7.220118 (SP1)汉化版 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

夏暖i2022-5-25 12:46

夏暖i 2022-5-25 12:46 41345995 Waylee 2024-12-10 15:42
[Debuggers] x64dbg 简体中文修订版 (Oct 18 2024) attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

FleTime2023-5-23 17:16

FleTime 2023-5-23 17:16 14416166 xtudou 2024-12-10 15:36
[Packers] 新年礼物 Obsidium v1.6.9b1 Company License with NetworkLicensing attachment recommend heatlevel agree

antiol2023-1-20 10:11

antiol 论坛大牛 2023-1-20 10:11 21621649 gotolala 2024-12-10 09:41
[Mac OSX] Hopper Disassembler 5.15.4 Premium (高級版) [17 May 2024] attachment recommend agree

BlackHatRCE2024-5-13 12:08

BlackHatRCE 2024-5-13 12:08 736890 seei01 2024-12-9 11:03
[x64dbg Plugin] ClawSearch 汉化插件 在 x32/x64dbg 中可以像CE一样搜索数值 attachment recommend agree

笨蛋の猫猫2023-7-9 16:45

笨蛋の猫猫 2023-7-9 16:45 819812 wchh8888 2024-12-8 14:08
[.NET] Eazfuscator.NET_2021.4 Crack attachment agree

cq20022022-1-29 22:04

cq2002 2022-1-29 22:04 499600 qlbm 2024-12-8 02:52
[Disassemblers] IDA Pro 8.1 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

FleTime2023-6-21 17:05

FleTime 2023-6-21 17:05 13720858 ng658790 2024-12-7 22:46
[Patchers] Baymax Patch Tools v3.3.3(2024.08.11 更新) attach_img agree

Nisy2024-1-12 21:18

Nisy 2024-1-12 21:18 618171 whdlzz 2024-12-7 16:03
[Editors] WinHex 21.3_x86_x64 绿色单文件版 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

映梓2024-10-27 19:38

映梓 2024-10-27 19:38 36314159 dmhy401 2024-12-6 21:40
[.NET] .net reactor 6.9 cracked 新人帖 recommend agree

zjjhot2022-10-10 11:44

zjjhot 2022-10-10 11:44 5512514 yuifjdfgs 2024-12-6 00:47
[Other] VM虚拟机WIN10-LTSC2021精简版镜像压缩包-小而精悍完美运行 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

guo05372023-6-14 16:07

guo0537 2023-6-14 16:07 43041329 i74126 2024-12-5 08:34
[IDA Plugin] CTF常见花指令去除IDA插件 recommend agree

n1ng2024-10-15 18:39

n1ng 2024-10-15 18:39 222945 bbclinux 2024-12-4 14:22
[Editors] WinHex 21.2 SR-2_x86_x64 绿色单文件版 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

映梓2024-7-8 20:31

映梓 2024-7-8 20:31 1226953 haoyunbansuiwo 2024-12-3 09:23
[IDA Plugin] Binoculars-IDA pro AI插件 attachment recommend agree

Vis-Wing2024-7-17 10:27

Vis-Wing 2024-7-17 10:27 354102 Tee8088 2024-12-2 21:23
[x64dbg Plugin] LyScript x64dbg 自动化调试插件 attachment agree

whyida2022-5-5 20:27

whyida 2022-5-5 20:27 387163 Coffee_Lake 2024-12-2 20:13
[Other] 大佬的OD,烛火OD attach_img recommend agree

AxiaoWyaoA2024-7-25 21:24

AxiaoWyaoA 2024-7-25 21:24 544153 15227567171 2024-12-2 17:12
[Patchers] 吾爱破解版注册机生成器(Python) attachment recommend heatlevel agree

hrh1232023-9-28 23:52

hrh123 2023-9-28 23:52 29531186 DaMaoErZai666 2024-12-2 16:15
[Android Tools] Apktool_M_v2.4.0-220920手机上强大的反编译和回编译工具 recommend agree

sking19892022-9-22 20:31

sking1989 2022-9-22 20:31 5910395 wdada6 2024-12-2 09:07
[Other] pycdc工具编译使用(纯小白篇,大师傅自动略过) 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

V01ta2023-11-8 19:42

V01ta 2023-11-8 19:42 529733 jsrcode 2024-12-1 22:51
[Disassemblers] VB Decompiler Pro v11.5 Crack By GautamGreat-中文版设置方法 attachment agree

FAFA2022-4-11 22:48

FAFA 2022-4-11 22:48 4512269 Louluo 2024-11-30 02:52
[Android Tools] apktools 2.10.0 recommend agree

gunxsword2023-10-17 12:52

gunxsword 吾是土豪 2023-10-17 12:52 338609 zhaicc 2024-11-29 21:22
[Network Analyzer] (9.8更新3.4.1版)Fiddler everywhere x64平台的破解(Windows/Linux/Mac OS可用) attachment recommend heatlevel agree

qqice2022-8-24 17:40

qqice 2022-8-24 17:40 25928306 ithanshui 2024-11-29 20:37
[IDA Plugin] 适用于IDA9 的符号执行插件 Ponce attachment recommend agree

johnwas2024-10-22 13:15

johnwas 2024-10-22 13:15 212054 cobe110 2024-11-29 15:55
[x64dbg Plugin] Multiline Ultimate Assembler 插件完美支持中文版(32&64位)(20240120更新) attach_img recommend agree

lies20142024-1-18 16:46

lies2014 2024-1-18 16:46 506742 jxc1690 2024-11-29 07:08
[Packers] The Enigma Protector v7.40 x86 x64 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

FleTime2023-12-18 22:11

FleTime 2023-12-18 22:11 8014537 wangxufang520 2024-11-28 21:47
[Editors] 010 Editor All Versions For Windows CracKed attach_img recommend agree

Hmily2023-8-16 17:50

Hmily 论坛大牛 2023-8-16 17:50 315206 GuoKer 2024-11-28 18:12
[Other] 超精简虚拟机镜像 recommend heatlevel agree

大喜2022-6-17 11:36

大喜 2022-6-17 11:36 50541472 cfdd100 2024-11-28 17:04
[Disassemblers] IDA Pro 8.4 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

ceciliaaii2024-4-2 10:17

ceciliaaii 2024-4-2 10:17 16315779 ytfrdfiw 2024-11-28 13:52
[PEtools] 查壳工具 Exeinfo PE 集成插件单文件汉化版 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

映梓2023-9-24 20:21

映梓 2023-9-24 20:21 16817531 Sy666ovo 2024-11-28 12:19
[Disassemblers] Mergen 去虚拟化工具 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

oureveryday2024-11-12 21:56

oureveryday 2024-11-12 21:56 533205 itdoctor 2024-11-28 11:47
[Packers] The Enigma 7.4 _x86_x64授权一份 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

冷月孤心2023-12-19 01:40

冷月孤心 2023-12-19 01:40 155725936 nicksean 2024-11-28 08:57
[x64dbg Plugin] 最新x32dbg/x64dbg 反反调试插件HyperHide已签名驱动文件(2023年10月9日更新签名) attachment recommend heatlevel agree

Say2023-7-3 22:40

Say 2023-7-3 22:40 8216772 bluexi 2024-11-27 10:41
[PEtools] ExeinfoPE attachment recommend agree

YorkWaugh2023-1-2 09:53

YorkWaugh 2023-1-2 09:53 347111 pengyou 2024-11-26 10:36
[Packers] Themida_x32_x64_v3.1.8.0 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2024-1-29 12:22

FleTime 2024-1-29 12:22 517919 dbv2pj 2024-11-25 11:23
[Disassemblers] IDA 9.0 BETA 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

eagleangle2024-8-10 09:27

eagleangle 2024-8-10 09:27 204730 zgg990 2024-11-25 10:09
[Other] win7 x64 虚拟机 纯净 除了系统应用什么都没有 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

mingan20012022-2-9 13:49

mingan2001 2022-2-9 13:49 50449406 bobi001 2024-11-25 00:25
[Disassemblers] IDA 9.0 BETA crack attachment recommend agree

xiaotian13392024-8-10 13:47

xiaotian1339 2024-8-10 13:47 968764 as22070 2024-11-24 20:53
[.NET] de4dot-All-Version de4dot多版本合集 含多合一拖拽gui工具箱 attachment recommend agree

superkou2022-3-1 16:16

superkou 2022-3-1 16:16 4518724 AliceSakua 2024-11-24 15:40
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