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『逆向资源区』 今日: 7 |主题: 5027|排名: 8 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
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[IDA Plugin] ida接入chatgpt——WPeChatGPT attach_img recommend agree

N1nEmAn2023-3-31 14:24

N1nEmAn 2023-3-31 14:24 5212189 N1nEmAn 2024-11-7 21:00
[Other] H5GG【IOS】砸壳IPA文件 新人帖 attachment agree

qqbaipiao2023-7-25 09:28

qqbaipiao 2023-7-25 09:28 329142 czf2021 2024-11-5 14:06
[Debuggers] 【更新】调试工具x64dbg 版本snapshot_2024-07-09_23-55 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

submariner2023-2-24 11:01

submariner 2023-2-24 11:01 14516937 神奇的人鱼 2024-11-4 17:47
[.NET] dnSpy反编译的键码还原与编程实现键码查询 attachment agree

zyyujq2022-11-16 18:13

zyyujq 2022-11-16 18:13 175072 baguobuyi 2024-11-1 14:53
[Cryptography] [随波逐流]CTF编码工具 V3.3 20221001 国庆吾爱版 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

zb8482022-8-31 20:07

zb848 2022-8-31 20:07 10913779 mrwangtw 2024-10-31 15:25
[Other] 渗透测试 vulnhub dc系列靶场(1-8) - [阅读权限 10]recommend agree

chenk02023-11-17 12:40

chenk0 2023-11-17 12:40 551771 15116521990 2024-10-31 09:53
[Other] 基于论坛去虚拟化win10整合吾爱工具包2.0且关闭ASLR 新人帖 - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend agree

oneOoen2023-4-26 20:02

oneOoen 2023-4-26 20:02 8010058 Serendipity55 2024-10-30 19:55
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.63(Enigma Virtual Box 解包工具) attachment recommend agree

FleTime2024-7-11 11:48

FleTime 2024-7-11 11:48 434584 我玩命 2024-10-30 16:27
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.61(Enigma Virtual Box 解包工具) attachment recommend agree

EternalBlue2023-3-16 12:15

EternalBlue 2023-3-16 12:15 638349 我玩命 2024-10-30 16:26
[Editors] Resource Hacker V5.2.8.437(测试版)汉化单文件 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

wszjf2023-10-31 13:42

wszjf 2023-10-31 13:42 20213330 tkssex 2024-10-30 15:24
[Unpackers] Inno解包工具-InnoExtractor_8.1.0.615 汉化优化单文件版 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

wszjf2022-11-25 09:59

wszjf 2022-11-25 09:59 14113167 hym2008 2024-10-29 11:32
[Android Tools] [转帖]JEB Decompiler mod by CXV() recommend agree

温柔2024-8-26 15:59

温柔 2024-8-26 15:59 63001 Linuxkey007 2024-10-28 15:58
[Cryptography] (2023/9/20更新) 密码学工具 v1.17.0~~Misc模块功能扩充,文本处理增强~~ - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend agree

leon4062021-8-27 11:41

leon406 2021-8-27 11:41 138839952 Hmily 2024-10-25 18:01
[.NET] VMProtectNoDelegates (.NET) By CodeCracker attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2024-10-8 11:32

风吹屁屁凉 2024-10-8 11:32 223135 wdb364778978 2024-10-25 10:24
[IDA Plugin] 适用于 IDA 9.0 的 MicroCode 分析插件 HexRaysDeob attachment recommend agree

johnwas2024-9-12 15:17

johnwas 2024-9-12 15:17 163755 w4ngz 2024-10-24 23:30
[Disassemblers] IDA易语言反编译插件E-Decompiler attachment recommend agree

fjqisba2022-9-5 21:33

fjqisba 2022-9-5 21:33 5514202 redapple2015 2024-10-23 13:51
[Unpackers] demoleition v0.65(Molebox 解包工具) attachment agree

FleTime2022-1-14 00:30

FleTime 2022-1-14 00:30 135618 我玩命 2024-10-22 21:54
[Disassemblers] Malcat v0.9.0 Beta X64 反编译及PE文件分析工具 attachment recommend agree

SuperHero2023-2-8 12:18

SuperHero 2023-2-8 12:18 386459 miaoshengkang 2024-10-22 16:25
[Editors] Hextor 多文件通配符搜索替换16进制工具 attachment agree

qqycra2023-9-20 08:43

qqycra 2023-9-20 08:43 404923 qqycra 2024-10-22 15:25
[Patchers] HexRep 16进制问号通配符替换工具 20240903更新 attach_img agree

qqycra2024-8-29 14:20

qqycra 2024-8-29 14:20 131953 qqycra 2024-10-22 15:23
[Unpackers] InnoExtractor 2025 v8.1.0.615 attachment recommend agree

Networktest20222024-9-4 08:17

Networktest2022 2024-9-4 08:17 182200 我不是宝马哥哥 2024-10-20 15:50
[Unpackers] lua逆向神器_unluac_2023_11_15.jar 新人帖 - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend agree

gcode2021-10-21 13:19

gcode 2021-10-21 13:19 737414 kyzy0590 2024-10-20 08:59
[Other] Dll Proxy Creator v1.0.0 attachment recommend agree

EternalBlue2023-12-2 00:57

EternalBlue 2023-12-2 00:57 454490 anhuizhubao 2024-10-19 09:44
[Android Tools] AndroidKiller使用V3签名 attachment recommend agree

yikuaiyingbi2022-11-2 15:40

yikuaiyingbi 2022-11-2 15:40 9411915 fssyxs 2024-10-18 16:17
[.NET] de4vmp - VMProtect .NET unvirtualizer attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2024-10-8 11:26

风吹屁屁凉 2024-10-8 11:26 112019 kookook 2024-10-18 05:34
[PEtools] RelEdit重定位编辑器 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

lzrlzr2024-1-23 16:59

lzrlzr 2024-1-23 16:59 464819 lzrlzr 2024-10-17 15:44
[.NET] Demutation (VMProtect .NET) attachment recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2024-10-8 11:30

风吹屁屁凉 2024-10-8 11:30 51814 luyu999 2024-10-17 09:07
[Unpackers] PyArmor-Unpacker recommend

风吹屁屁凉2022-9-6 14:42

风吹屁屁凉 2022-9-6 14:42 216965 戏子i丶 2024-10-16 16:57
[Debuggers] WinDbg 1.2402.24001.0 离线安装包 多架构 新人帖 recommend agree

skrets2024-7-29 23:01

skrets 2024-7-29 23:01 223699 吾爱PYB 2024-10-16 12:49
[Unpackers] 小程序wxapkg文件解密解包工具 新人帖 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

bb_boy2022-12-15 09:10

bb_boy 2022-12-15 09:10 10113052 ys002 2024-10-16 10:34
[Unpackers] bobalkkagi - Themida 3.1.3 static unpacker and unwrapper agree

风吹屁屁凉2023-4-25 13:34

风吹屁屁凉 2023-4-25 13:34 64667 gxxxx0888 2024-10-15 22:47
[Editors] 【BIN编辑工具合集】全文件提取打包 attachment recommend agree

Henglie2023-11-4 21:47

Henglie 2023-11-4 21:47 577698 ask0wizard 2024-10-15 22:44
[Debuggers] OllyDbg 64-bit v2.01 alpha1 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2022-4-24 02:14

FleTime 2022-4-24 02:14 8319110 byh3025 2024-10-15 16:54
[Unpackers] ArmaGeddon(穿山甲脱壳机)V2.3 attachment recommend agree

he58882023-6-4 17:52

he5888 2023-6-4 17:52 8110661 a13640 2024-10-13 11:16
[Disassemblers] Binary Ninja 3.5来了(2023.9.15) attachment recommend agree

冥界3大法王2023-9-21 09:11

冥界3大法王 2023-9-21 09:11 328373 dingwh 2024-10-13 08:38
[IDA Plugin] ClassInformer - IDA Class Informer plugin for IDA 8.x and 9.x attachment recommend

风吹屁屁凉2024-10-8 11:28

风吹屁屁凉 2024-10-8 11:28 12016 mfkiwl 2024-10-9 18:23
[Editors] Heaventools Resource Tuner v2.24 发布 attachment recommend agree

suko2024-6-10 20:33

suko 2024-6-10 20:33 574629 唯一笑解千愁 2024-10-6 22:25
[Disassemblers] jeb-demo-和谐 attach_img recommend agree

lies20142022-6-7 10:43

lies2014 2022-6-7 10:43 357940 bingyue 2024-10-6 16:08
[Scripts] EnigmaHardwareID By CodeExplorer attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2023-11-29 12:16

风吹屁屁凉 2023-11-29 12:16 123488 dongdong135468 2024-10-2 13:52
[PEtools] PEStudo 9.57 Pro attachment recommend agree

ceciliaaii2024-4-26 22:03

ceciliaaii 2024-4-26 22:03 424870 fridaand 2024-10-2 11:50
[Editors] X-Ways WinHex Forensics (XWF取证版)v20.5 SR1 FULL x32+x64绿色版本 attachment recommend agree

guoguo2022-5-9 13:10

guoguo 2022-5-9 13:10 8112879 shenwei634 2024-10-2 09:49
[PEtools] Detect It Easy v3.09 attach_img recommend agree

FleTime2022-2-5 22:02

FleTime 2022-2-5 22:02 386437 luxingyu329 2024-10-1 22:24
[x64dbg Plugin] X32dbg 特征码搜索开源 attachment recommend agree

谁的坏叔叔2023-1-15 13:11

谁的坏叔叔 2023-1-15 13:11 427118 dongdong135468 2024-9-30 19:38
[Unpackers] [Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.6(Enigma Virtual Box 解包工具) 新人帖 attachment agree

jiangsen1232023-2-5 15:45

jiangsen123 2023-2-5 15:45 204396 dongdong135468 2024-9-29 22:17
[IDA Plugin] ChatGPT 对二进制文件全自动分析 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

Hcho2023-4-23 18:20

Hcho 2023-4-23 18:20 16818642 wysp20240901 2024-9-28 23:18
[x64dbg Plugin] 一款简单的vmp分析插件 digest recommend agree

fjqisba2023-9-13 16:29

fjqisba 2023-9-13 16:29 287249 胖胖2016 2024-9-26 17:42
[Patchers] RozDll Advanced Dynamic Hijacking Reverse Engineering Tool attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2024-3-29 18:18

风吹屁屁凉 2024-3-29 18:18 153555 huhuhuf 2024-9-26 14:45
[Unpackers] 7-zip的asar插件,支持直接压缩/解压缩asar文件 recommend agree

Carrot-Chou2021-12-30 00:42

Carrot-Chou 2021-12-30 00:42 8115650 乐在其中 2024-9-26 11:46
[Android Tools] Pixel sailfish Android 10 脱壳机 recommend agree

lyldalek2024-9-22 12:20

lyldalek 2024-9-22 12:20 222375 smilelife2024 2024-9-24 14:30
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker_0.61解包器汉化版 attachment recommend agree

phxi2023-3-17 17:00

phxi 2023-3-17 17:00 859560 nicksean 2024-9-24 08:09
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