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『逆向资源区』 今日: 7 |主题: 4961|排名: 9 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[Editors] Hex Editor Neo Ultimate v7.31.00.8528 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2023-5-4 03:10

FleTime 2023-5-4 03:10 626491 v208cgd 2024-5-20 19:35
[Network Analyzer] 非常好用的抓包工具 HTTPDebuggerPro_9.12 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

lucklys2023-7-17 11:50

lucklys 2023-7-17 11:50 26423063 lucklys 2024-5-20 15:16
[Network Analyzer] BurpSuite别乱刑之靶场WebGoat(替罪羔羊)懒人版 attachment recommend agree

txq02112022-4-10 09:45

txq0211 2022-4-10 09:45 337244 2367745 2024-5-20 15:09
[Network Analyzer] Reqable抓包工具(国产网络调试工具的春天) attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

Lehcok2023-9-14 21:55

Lehcok 2023-9-14 21:55 15016099 超鑫戏 2024-5-20 14:42
[Android Tools] JEB Decompiler recommend agree

Sh4DoW3212023-4-6 14:55

Sh4DoW321 2023-4-6 14:55 265711 fuum2pimbeb 2024-5-19 18:18
[Patchers] WinLicense注册码生成器(可生成单文件keygen) attachment recommend heatlevel agree

xingyuwan2021-9-26 09:22

xingyuwan 2021-9-26 09:22 26827159 wenqin001 2024-5-19 18:12
[Android Tools] JEB Decompiler

838159622023-8-15 00:37

83815962 2023-8-15 00:37 145703 dinghaiyang 2024-5-19 16:08
[Packers] EXE/Dll资源压缩工具 UPX_4.2.2+Free UPX_3.2_x86x64 官方版&单文件绿色版 attach_img recommend agree

映梓2023-10-27 18:05

映梓 2023-10-27 18:05 485460 bb2999 2024-5-19 13:28
[Packers] VMProtect Ultimate v3.8.4 Build 1754 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

FleTime2024-2-16 15:08

FleTime 2024-2-16 15:08 17511711 lcpxpj 2024-5-19 05:41
[Cryptography] (2023/9/20更新) 密码学工具 v1.17.0~~Misc模块功能扩充,文本处理增强~~ - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend heatlevel agree

leon4062021-8-27 11:41

leon406 吾是土豪 2021-8-27 11:41 138036573 lcpxpj 2024-5-19 05:34
[PEtools] 查壳工具 Exeinfo PE 集成插件单文件汉化版 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

映梓2023-9-24 20:21

映梓 2023-9-24 20:21 15812316 映梓 2024-5-18 11:52
[Packers] EXE/Dll资源压缩工具-UPX_4.2.2+Free UPX_3.2 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

wszjf2022-12-15 21:33

wszjf 2022-12-15 21:33 10710678 wenqin001 2024-5-18 07:43
[Other] The Enigma Protector自定义注册机 attachment recommend agree

hszt2022-11-3 18:40

hszt 2022-11-3 18:40 10510656 65980055 2024-5-16 21:56
[Disassemblers] Binary Ninja Free 4.0 recommend agree

冥界3大法王2024-3-14 20:10

冥界3大法王 2024-3-14 20:10 243153 artake 2024-5-16 12:05
[Network Analyzer] Fiddler Everywhere 4.0.1 windows一键破解脚本 新人帖 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

p1s1lver2023-3-23 19:02

p1s1lver 2023-3-23 19:02 13217361 rowpass 2024-5-16 10:51
[Disassemblers] [macOS]Hopper Disassembler v5.7.7 Full Version attachment recommend agree

fenginsc2023-1-21 11:24

fenginsc 2023-1-21 11:24 7510124 hipojie 2024-5-16 07:08
[Patchers] RozDll Advanced Dynamic Hijacking Reverse Engineering Tool attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2024-3-29 18:18

风吹屁屁凉 2024-3-29 18:18 152133 wenqin001 2024-5-15 12:14
[x64dbg Plugin] 最新x32dbg/x64dbg 反反调试插件HyperHide已签名驱动文件(2023年10月9日更新签名) attach_img recommend agree

Say2023-7-3 22:40

Say 2023-7-3 22:40 7010957 computeryi 2024-5-15 02:07
[Other] VMware Workstation v17.0.2 Build 21581411 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

FleTime2023-4-26 01:24

FleTime 2023-4-26 01:24 23415671 yks1985 2024-5-14 14:39
[Unpackers] Magicmida - Themida unpacker attachment

风吹屁屁凉2023-4-25 13:25

风吹屁屁凉 2023-4-25 13:25 63166 wenqin001 2024-5-14 08:30
[x64dbg Plugin] Ewnd Ultimate版本发布了 attachment recommend agree

fjqisba2021-6-27 15:24

fjqisba 2021-6-27 15:24 3110148 xiaojie916 2024-5-13 21:21
[x64dbg Plugin] Baymax toOls v1.9.1 for x64dbg 特征码提取&搜索(2023.11.28 更新) attach_img recommend agree

Nisy2023-8-22 19:59

Nisy 2023-8-22 19:59 656357 Thank友 2024-5-13 20:39
[Packers] VMProtect Professional v3.8.1.1695 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

FleTime2023-4-14 13:19

FleTime 2023-4-14 13:19 17115142 Thank友 2024-5-13 20:27
[Packers] Private exe Protector 4.1.2 Source Code attach_img recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2024-5-9 17:48

风吹屁屁凉 2024-5-9 17:48 192402 wenqin001 2024-5-13 18:32
[Android Tools] Apktool_M_v2.4.0-240317版本分享 recommend agree

sking19892024-3-30 21:48

sking1989 2024-3-30 21:48 493667 flytim 2024-5-13 15:33
[Network Analyzer] burpsuite光标偏移错位修复 attach_img agree

Datch2024-4-1 20:41

Datch 2024-4-1 20:41 192302 wind315_ 2024-5-13 14:48
[Android Tools] 【开源】BlackDex,无需环境,Android新姿势脱壳工具 attachment recommend agree

牛奶君2021-5-27 18:28

牛奶君 2021-5-27 18:28 27529879 ucbucb 2024-5-13 00:35
[IDA Plugin] HexRaysCodeXplorer for IDA 8.3 (重编译) attach_img recommend agree

爱飞的猫2024-3-1 06:49

爱飞的猫 论坛大牛原创精英 2024-3-1 06:49 494904 man996 2024-5-12 22:16
[Other] fridaUiTools attachment recommend agree

hehehero2022-12-31 16:28

hehehero 2022-12-31 16:28 445620 ryanhn717 2024-5-12 21:37
[Packers] Themida_x32_x64_v3.1.4.18 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2023-4-24 20:13

FleTime 2023-4-24 20:13 496036 q170454815 2024-5-12 18:47
[Unpackers] 小程序wxapkg文件解密解包工具带UI界面版 新人帖 attachment agree

vcdemon2023-2-3 14:42

vcdemon 2023-2-3 14:42 889502 wenqin001 2024-5-12 12:04
[Unpackers] pyinstxtractor -- PyInstaller Extractor attachment recommend

风吹屁屁凉2024-5-9 11:29

风吹屁屁凉 2024-5-9 11:29 131836 ephemere 2024-5-12 10:01
[Editors] 资源编辑-Resource Tuner v2.23 完整汉化单文件 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

wszjf2022-4-16 23:32

wszjf 2022-4-16 23:32 17911322 jackson2026 2024-5-11 18:56
[Other] Stegsolve attach_img

风吹屁屁凉2024-2-27 17:33

风吹屁屁凉 2024-2-27 17:33 51648 会飘的云 2024-5-11 18:48
[Disassemblers] 转IDA Pro 8.3 (x86, x86_64) attachment recommend heatlevel agree

Kenny05212023-11-25 10:49

Kenny0521 2023-11-25 10:49 32222214 Accelerator947 2024-5-11 18:38
[PEtools] PEStudo 9.57 Pro attachment recommend agree

ceciliaaii2024-4-26 22:03

ceciliaaii 2024-4-26 22:03 402665 asdf23789 2024-5-11 16:19
[Packers] The Enigma Protector v7.40 x86 x64 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2023-12-18 22:11

FleTime 2023-12-18 22:11 669849 wyxdz1001 2024-5-11 15:00
[Editors] WinHex 20.8 SR-4 绿色单文件版 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

映梓2022-3-7 20:03

映梓 2022-3-7 20:03 16618989 chchmai 2024-5-11 12:04
[Disassemblers] VB Decompiler Pro v11.5 Crack By GautamGreat-中文版设置方法 attachment agree

FAFA2022-4-11 22:48

FAFA 2022-4-11 22:48 399343 888ceo 2024-5-11 10:40
[PEtools] Exeinfo PE v0.0.8.3 attachment agree

FleTime2024-2-26 01:12

FleTime 2024-2-26 01:12 673223 lyl233 2024-5-10 14:09
[Network Analyzer] 网络抓包工具Wireshark支持多系统中文界面 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

txq02112022-4-16 21:00

txq0211 2022-4-16 21:00 19426153 oldCoder 2024-5-10 13:52
[.NET] dnSpy v6.1.9 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-8-15 15:56

FleTime 2021-8-15 15:56 6518826 白白白的 2024-5-10 13:38
[Network Analyzer] 11.28『4.0.1版』Fiddler everywhere x64平台的破解 【MacOS Inter版本可用】 新人帖 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

Tisuchen2022-11-28 10:59

Tisuchen 2022-11-28 10:59 16417413 wasimx 2024-5-9 17:05
[Mac OSX] IDA7.0优化版 attach_img recommend agree

HackXK2024-1-8 21:45

HackXK 2024-1-8 21:45 464597 PhantomQ 2024-5-9 14:34
[Other] 找CALL神器千寻元旦版 attachment agree

PETiger2023-1-2 21:46

PETiger 2023-1-2 21:46 455805 fzts 2024-5-8 11:55
[Other] unity逆向手机游戏资源提取+游戏汉化 attachment recommend agree

EQlangxian2022-9-17 14:53

EQlangxian 2022-9-17 14:53 369307 sexcgs 2024-5-7 16:51
[Packers] Themida_x32_x64_v3.1.8.0 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2024-1-29 12:22

FleTime 2024-1-29 12:22 394261 ceciliaaii 2024-5-6 17:35
[Cryptography] [随波逐流]CTF编码工具 V3.3 20221001 国庆吾爱版 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

zb8482022-8-31 20:07

zb848 2022-8-31 20:07 10110783 kongling 2024-5-6 16:53
[Disassemblers] Decompyle++(A Python Byte-code Disassembler/Decompiler) attach_img

风吹屁屁凉2023-10-10 17:24

风吹屁屁凉 2023-10-10 17:24 225052 hekai753 2024-5-6 16:43
[Packers] UPX 4.2.2 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2023-10-27 01:40

FleTime 2023-10-27 01:40 384069 hekai753 2024-5-6 11:52
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