2. x64dbg寻找切入点,
(为了减少break,在setting中只勾选entry和attach breakpoint,但是不知为什么还是在raiseerror中断?)
右键搜索all module,reference string "Corrupted index offset in pak file.",可以定位void FPakFile::LoadIndex(FArchive* Reader)函数了。
大佬你好,想问一下我已经照着操作拿到 AES 密钥了,但是用 UnrealPak.exe 加载 pak 文件的时候始终提示这个:
[Plain Text] 纯文本查看复制代码
LogInit: Display: Loading text-based GConfig....
LogPaths: Warning: No paths for game localization data were specifed in the game configuration.
LogInit: Warning: No paths for engine localization data were specifed in the engine configuration.
LogPakFile: Display: Parsing crypto keys from a crypto key cache file
LogPakFile: Error: Unable to open pak file "O:\Project\Game\Paks\paks/pakchunk0-Android_ASTC.pak".
LogPakFile: Display: Unreal pak executed in 0.000749 seconds
Error: incomplete input file -10:
Can't read 4 bytes from offset 00000000.
Anyway don't worry, it's possible that the BMS script has been written
to exit in this way if it's reached the end of the archive so check it
or contact its author or verify that all the files have been extracted.
Please check the following coverage information to know if it's ok.
Last script line before the error or that produced the error:
319 get NAMESZ signed_long TOC_FILE
coverage file 0 0% 312 773549050 . offset 00000000
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