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[作品提交] 《吾爱破解2019征文大赛-My journal》

云在天 发表于 2019-11-23 18:12
本帖最后由 云在天 于 2019-11-23 18:14 编辑

My Journal

For my forum with all my love

February 2016: Walk into

On February 25, 2016, I was surfing the internet as usual and wanted to find something that can catch my eyes. I am interested in the computer, especially how the software work, from my childhood. Unfortunately, these too complicated and tedious to read, although I did find some articles on some computer forums. So, I want to have a place I can talk about other people who have the same interest as me, and it can also have some articles easy to understand. I am already losing my confidence until I find an article about how to unpack one software. It uses some simple sentences to explain the solution. When I finished reading this article, I seem to have entered a new world. After that, I know a forum named LoveCrack. When I want to view more articles, I need to register to look, and the more worst thing is I have to buy a code to do it. And I purchase it without thinking. Now, I walk into the forum, and it also walks into my heart.

April 2016: The first article

I was registered for two months and learned a lot during this time. So, I decided to write an article to show my results. I choose popular communication software, QQ, to analyze how to crack the medal wall without satisfied requests. I am afraid that nobody can understand me or evaluate it oppositely.

Nevertheless, I still do it, and this is the link for the article. Of course, the result is the same as I expected. Some people use some of that time looked unfriendly words to judge me. I am so sad, and I realized I need to work hard. It is a steep road to go, but I do not want to give up. I believe that time is the best proof. I will be successful!!!


In this journal, I want to divide into some parts to record the significant events in the forum. So, I will write about other pieces in the next few days. And I will provide the Chinese version after I finish.

If you can not read English, you can use the translator, and I promise you can understand easily and friendly.

See you later.


隰则有泮 发表于 2019-11-23 19:03
本帖最后由 隰则有泮 于 2019-11-23 21:03 编辑

My Journal
For my forum with all my love

On February 25, 2016, I was surfing the internet as usual and wanted to find something that could catch my eyes. I am interested in the computer, especially how the software works, from my childhood. Unfortunately, these are too complicated and tedious to read, although I did find some articles on some computer forums. So, I wanted to have a place I could talk about with other people who have the same interest as me, and it we could also have some articles easy to understand easily. I am had already losing lost my confidence until I found an article about how to unpack one software. It used some simple sentences to explain the solution. When I finished reading this article, I seemed to have entered a new world. After that, I knew a forum named LoveCrack. When I wanted to view more articles, I needed to register to look, and the worst thing is I had to buy a code to do it. And I purchased it without thinking. Now, I walk into the forum, and it also walks into my heart.

April 2016: The first article
I had registered for two months and learned a lot during this time. So, I decided to write an article to show my results. I choosed popular communication software, QQ, to analyze how to crack the medal wall without satisfied requests(?). I was afraid that nobody can understand me or they would evaluate it opposite.


Nevertheless, I still do it, and this is the link for the article. Of course, the result is the same as I expected. Some people use some of that time looked unfriendly words to judge me. I am so sad, and I realized I need to work hard. It is a steep road to go, but I do not want to give up. I believe that time is the best proof. I will be successful!!!

In this journal, I want to divide into some parts to record the significant events in the forum. So, I will write about other pieces in the next few days. And I will provide the Chinese version after I finish.

If you can not read English, you can use the translator, and I promise you can understand easily and friendly.

See you later.


参与人数 5吾爱币 +6 热心值 +4 收起 理由
Tomcrack520 + 1 中间那个杠杠是不是代表下面的还没有看,这比赛越来越溜了哦
rainny + 1 这个历害
我的盘由我做主 + 1 + 1 6啊,我刚开看还以为水贴,一看这才是大佬!!
lihaisanhui + 2 + 1 搞得云大不好意思了
lu_ + 2 + 1 不容易啊," I can talk "can要改成could吗


甘愿堕落 发表于 2019-11-23 19:41
Peace 发表于 2019-11-23 20:16

To English:
Yes,nice,彪特浮,good job, I 期待中文版本 OH


没想到P叔这英语三级证书水品,英语能力就这么臭屁了,让偶这,号称英语四级的情何以堪,欧巴  详情 回复 发表于 2019-11-25 09:37
袁煜914 发表于 2019-11-23 18:17
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追逐太阳 发表于 2019-11-23 18:37

나 는 평상시 처럼 인터넷 에 인터넷 에 접속하여 내 눈길 을 끌 수 있는 것 을 찾고 싶다
lihaisanhui 发表于 2019-11-23 19:12














参与人数 1吾爱币 +1 收起 理由
rainny + 1 我正在翻译哩,且才打了一半汉字,你都给发出来了..


wgz001 发表于 2019-11-23 19:32
Crazy开发仔 发表于 2019-11-23 20:09
zcz00 发表于 2019-11-23 20:09







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