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[原创] 一个从基因测序系统分离出来的基因算法(或遗传算法)组件包的注册分析及注册机

solly 发表于 2020-4-17 23:33
本帖最后由 solly 于 2020-4-17 23:43 编辑

但是通过 Excelior Jet 7.6 预编译为一个 300 多兆的EXE执行文件了,是不能反编译成java源码的,不过其编译后,会在数据节中保留所有class和jar包的信息,但所有的jar包
的class文件都清成0字节长度了,只保留了 *.properties, *.xml 等资源文件,没有其它可用的信息了。本软件采用的是 FlexLM.jar + EccpressoAll.jar 进行授权管理的,但这两个
jar包中的class也已经被清成0字节了,经研究是采用的 11.9 版本的flexlm.jar。
    但是,由于java的jar库可存在多级打包的原因,以及其版本管理的问题(版本冲突,会出现一些jar包改名,导致没有编译),有几个jar包中的class没有被 Excelior Jet 清零,
    这个组件是 GAComponents.jar,GA 表示 Genetic Algorithm 的意思,给有兴趣的各位玩玩,不懂的或没兴趣的,就不要看了。该jar包附在后面作附件
其中 Registrar.class 主要代码如下:
[Java] 纯文本查看 复制代码
    public boolean checkLicense() {
        boolean licenseValidity = false;
        if (this.isLicenseExpired()) {
            this.displayMessage("This license has been expired. Please contact PE Biosystems Sales Representative.");
            return false;
        final String licenseString = this.readLicense();
        if (licenseString != null) {
            licenseValidity = this.checkLicense(licenseString);
        if (!licenseValidity) {
            final Frame aFrame = new Frame();
            final RegistrarView registrarView = new RegistrarView(aFrame, this);
            if (this.license == null) {
                return false;
            if (!this.checkLicense(this.license)) {
                this.displayMessage("The application could not start because the registration code is not valid.");
                return false;
            licenseValidity = true;
        if (this.validLicense == null) {
            return false;
        this.appNumber = this.validLicense.getAppNumber();
        this.serialNumber = this.validLicense.getSerialNumber();
        this.numUsers = this.validLicense.getNumUsers();
        if (this.validLicense.isExceedsLegalLicenseCount(this.numUsers, this.license)) {
            this.displayMessage("The maximum concurrent user number of this license has been reached.");
            return false;
        return true;

这个类调用另一个类进行注册码校验,这个类是 License.class,如下图所示:

[Java] 纯文本查看 复制代码
    public boolean areLicenseDigitsValid() {
        final byte[] digit = new byte[11];
        this.appNumber = 0;
        this.serialNumber = 0;
        this.numUsers = 0;
        final long scrambleCode = this.licenseDigits[9] * 16 + this.licenseDigits[10];
        this.unscrambleDigits(this.licenseDigits, digit, scrambleCode);
        final byte crc = this.getCRCDigits(digit, 8L);
        final byte testCrc = digit[8];
        boolean valid = crc == testCrc;
        if (valid) {
            final int testSerialNumber = digit[0] * 4096 + digit[1] * 256 + digit[2] * 16 + digit[3];
            final int testAppNumber = digit[4] * 256 + digit[5] * 16 + digit[6] * 1;
            final int testNumUsers = digit[7];
            final int testScrambleCode = this.scrambleCode(testSerialNumber + testAppNumber + testNumUsers);
            valid = (scrambleCode == testScrambleCode);
            if (valid) {
                this.licenseHasBeenValidated = true;
                this.appNumber = (short)testAppNumber;
                this.serialNumber = (short)testSerialNumber;
                this.numUsers = (short)testNumUsers;
        return valid;
    private byte getNthRandomByte(final long num) {
        final long kTwoToThe31MinusOne = 2147483647L;
        final long kTwoToThe31MinusTwo = kTwoToThe31MinusOne - 1L;
        final long kByteScaling = (kTwoToThe31MinusOne - 1L) / 256L;
        final long kTwoToThe32Plus1 = kTwoToThe31MinusOne * 2L + 2L;
        final long kSevenToThe5 = 16807L;
        long r = 1L;
        for (int k = 0; k < num + 12L; ++k) {
            r *= kSevenToThe5;
            r = (int)r;
            if (r < 0L) {
                r += kTwoToThe32Plus1;
            r %= kTwoToThe31MinusOne;
        final byte b = (byte)(r / kByteScaling);
        return b;
    private void unscrambleDigits(final byte[] scramDigits, final byte[] clearDigits, final long scrambleCode) {
        for (int k = 0; k < 9; ++k) {
            final long scramblebyte = 9L * scrambleCode + k;
            final byte nthrandombyte = this.getNthRandomByte(scramblebyte);
            clearDigits[k] = (byte)(scramDigits[k] - nthrandombyte & 0xF);
    private byte getCRCDigits(final byte[] digit, final long numToCRC) {
        long crc = 0L;
        for (int k = 0; k < (int)numToCRC; ++k) {
            crc <<= 1;
            if (crc > 15L) {
                crc |= 0x1L;
            crc += digit[k];
            crc &= 0xFL;
        return (byte)crc;
    private short scrambleCode(final long number) {
        short key = 0;
        final int scrambleCase = (int)number % 451;
        switch (scrambleCase) {
            case 0: {
                key = 90;
            case 1: {
                key = 181;
            case 449: {
                key = 101;
            case 450: {
                key = 231;
        return key;

    上面代码中的方法 areLicenseDigitsValid() 是注册码校验算法,注册码由11个字节组成,其中前8个字节是注册信息(含 3 字节的appNumber,4 字节的 serialNumber,1 字
节的userNumbers),第 9 字节是 CRC 32 较验,不过用了 4 bit,第10,11字节是一个加密key的索引值,用该key对前面的9字节进行加密。
    注册算法并不复杂,看其源码很容易理解,注册机代码如下,两个 java 类文件:
主java类文件:Main.java 如下:
[Java] 纯文本查看 复制代码
import com.apldbio.gacomponents.library.registration.License;
import com.apldbio.gacomponents.library.registration.Registrar;

public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        public static void reg() {
        short appNumber = 0x555;     /// 12 bits (1~0xFFF)
        short serialNumber = 0x6666; /// 16 bits (1~0x7FFF)
        short numUsers = 0x0F;       /// 4 bits (1~0x0F)
                LicenseKey key = new LicenseKey();
                String sn = key.getSN(serialNumber, appNumber, numUsers);

                System.out.println("SN: " + sn);
                //// check
//        License aLicense = new License(sn);
//        if (aLicense.getCodeValidity()) {
//                        System.out.println("check1: ok");
//                } else {
//                        System.out.println("check1: fail");
//                }
//        if (aLicense.areLicenseDigitsValid()) {
//                        System.out.println("check2: ok");
//                } else {
//                        System.out.println("check2: fail");
//                }
//        if (aLicense.getAppNumber() == appNumber) {
//                        System.out.println("check3: ok");
//                } else {
//                        System.out.println("check3: fail");
//                }
//        System.out.println("App No.: " + aLicense.getAppNumber());
//        System.out.println("Serial: " + aLicense.getSerialNumber());
//        System.out.println("Users: " + aLicense.getNumUsers());
                Registrar reg1 = new Registrar("d:/reg.txt", "991231", appNumber, null);
                boolean b = reg1.checkLicense();
        if (b) {
                        System.out.println("check: ok");
                } else {
                        System.out.println("check: fail");


其生成注册码在控制台显示,然后调用组件的注册函数,弹出一个对话框,要求输入注册码信息,注册码就是在控制台中显示的注册码。成功后就会生成注册文件 d:/reg.txt,
上面代码中的 Registrar reg1 = new Registrar("d:/reg.txt", "991231", appNumber, null); 就是组件的校验类,调用其 checkLicense() 方法进行校验,第1个参数是注册文件名,
第2个参数是过期时间,“991231”表示 2099 年 12 月 31 日,第三个参数是appNumber,必须与注册码中的一致,第4个参数是一个图标,可设置为 null。

另一个是注册码计算的 java 类,文件是: LicenseKey.java,如下所示:
[Java] 纯文本查看 复制代码
public class LicenseKey
    private byte[] licenseDigits;
    private short appNumber;
    private short serialNumber;
    private short numUsers;
    final static short[] scrambleKeys = { /// 451 elements
                    90, 181, 255, 226, 162, 202, 55, 51, 228, 37, 43, 14, 183, 198, 199, 118, 137, 122, 38, 7, 8, 244, 50, 193, 218, 
                    241, 25, 235, 147, 185, 26, 227, 169, 127, 22, 107, 58, 142, 215, 130, 20, 141, 110, 66, 180, 182, 174, 150, 46, 
                    45, 210, 5, 170, 135, 149, 65, 54, 173, 146, 247, 74, 158, 19, 245, 9, 203, 248, 240, 222, 160, 129, 88, 108, 82, 
                    80, 49, 113, 84, 1, 176, 12, 3, 64, 6, 191, 47, 163, 184, 100, 251, 189, 73, 212, 39, 211, 239, 166, 188, 232, 
                    121, 17, 159, 42, 128, 161, 18, 109, 249, 79, 53, 116, 81, 167, 0, 77, 134, 139, 187, 56, 152, 168, 164, 83, 194, 
                    209, 172, 126, 151, 192, 145, 60, 196, 178, 94, 197, 186, 27, 224, 34, 230, 234, 213, 15, 96, 48, 44, 123, 231, 
                    52, 220, 179, 219, 148, 76, 41, 11, 29, 91, 36, 62, 144, 156, 28, 153, 92, 206, 106, 236, 204, 61, 89, 217, 223, 
                    238, 115, 40, 207, 86, 63, 154, 132, 68, 177, 102, 254, 131, 32, 175, 136, 229, 67, 75, 30, 114, 70, 237, 157, 93, 
                    120, 95, 165, 171, 71, 201, 221, 205, 125, 216, 97, 112, 119, 98, 99, 101, 140, 155, 24, 31, 250, 10, 4, 195, 72, 
                    138, 111, 59, 16, 246, 13, 200, 143, 23, 252, 124, 21, 105, 35, 57, 242, 117, 243, 103, 69, 85, 214, 133, 104, 33, 
                    233, 225, 253, 78, 2, 190, 208, 87, 204, 6, 241, 110, 140, 111, 200, 73, 56, 247, 188, 30, 237, 7, 240, 252, 217, 
                    87, 104, 131, 196, 130, 39, 14, 21, 41, 190, 107, 5, 211, 122, 230, 248, 78, 213, 177, 67, 102, 60, 195, 138, 79, 
                    84, 181, 141, 219, 245, 33, 222, 218, 36, 212, 244, 183, 186, 57, 234, 71, 156, 246, 154, 193, 129, 108, 225, 40, 
                    115, 151, 146, 253, 11, 109, 159, 135, 149, 116, 18, 194, 65, 152, 51, 2, 8, 228, 163, 62, 168, 150, 81, 192, 27, 
                    185, 13, 124, 16, 250, 61, 113, 83, 82, 167, 214, 98, 42, 31, 136, 93, 236, 95, 173, 139, 197, 32, 189, 207, 145, 
                    227, 117, 132, 224, 19, 176, 74, 191, 68, 216, 127, 208, 96, 0, 35, 172, 15, 29, 126, 48, 106, 174, 49, 220, 23, 
                    148, 166, 97, 64, 105, 158, 25, 4, 3, 38, 72, 24, 91, 9, 239, 10, 20, 55, 26, 88, 143, 77, 133, 75, 223, 155, 90, 
                    210, 164, 52, 242, 58, 238, 160, 125, 86, 85, 215, 182, 226, 251, 123, 187, 99, 112, 92, 147, 89, 203, 184, 76, 
                    44, 101, 231
    public LicenseKey() {
        this.licenseDigits = new byte[11];
        this.appNumber = 1;
        this.serialNumber = 1;
        this.numUsers = 1;
    public String getSN(short serialNumber, short appNumber, short numUsers) {
        byte[] digit = new byte[11];
        for (int k = 0; k < 11; ++k) {
//                digit[k] = 0;
                this.licenseDigits[k] = 0;
//        this.serialNumber = 0x6666;
//        this.appNumber = 0x555;
//        this.numUsers = 15;
        this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
        this.appNumber = appNumber;
        this.numUsers = numUsers;

        long scrambleCode =  this.scrambleCode(this.serialNumber + this.appNumber + this.numUsers);
//        System.out.println("Scramble Code: " + scrambleCode);

        digit[0] = (byte) ((this.serialNumber / 4096));
        digit[1] = (byte) ((this.serialNumber % 4096) / 256);
        digit[2] = (byte) ((this.serialNumber % 256) / 16);
        digit[3] = (byte) ((this.serialNumber % 16));
        digit[4] = (byte) ((this.appNumber / 256));
        digit[5] = (byte) ((this.appNumber % 256) / 16);
        digit[6] = (byte) ((this.appNumber % 16));
        digit[7] = (byte) this.numUsers;
        digit[8] =  this.getCRCDigits(digit, 8L);
        digit[9]  = (byte) (scrambleCode / 16);
        digit[10] = (byte) (scrambleCode % 16);
        this.getScrambleDigits(this.licenseDigits, digit, scrambleCode);
        licenseDigits[9]  = digit[9];
        licenseDigits[10] = digit[10];
        String sn = convertLicenseDigitsToString();
        return sn;
    private String convertLicenseDigitsToString( ) {
            String ss = "RBCDSWGHTJKLMNVP";
            StringBuffer sn = new StringBuffer();
            for(int i=0; i<11; i++) {
            return sn.toString();

    private void getScrambleDigits(final byte[] scramDigits, final byte[] clearDigits, final long scrambleCode) {
        for (int k = 0; k < 9; ++k) {
            final long scramblebyte = 9L * scrambleCode + k;
            final byte nthrandombyte = this.getNthRandomByte(scramblebyte);
            scramDigits[k] = (byte)(clearDigits[k] + nthrandombyte & 0xF);

    private byte getNthRandomByte(final long num) {
        final long kTwoToThe31MinusOne = 2147483647L;
        //final long kTwoToThe31MinusTwo = kTwoToThe31MinusOne - 1L;
        final long kByteScaling = (kTwoToThe31MinusOne - 1L) / 256L;
        final long kTwoToThe32Plus1 = kTwoToThe31MinusOne * 2L + 2L;
        final long kSevenToThe5 = 16807L;
        long r = 1L;
        for (int k = 0; k < num + 12L; ++k) {
            r *= kSevenToThe5;
            r = (int)r;
            if (r < 0L) {
                r += kTwoToThe32Plus1;
            r %= kTwoToThe31MinusOne;
        final byte b = (byte)(r / kByteScaling);
        return b;
    private byte getCRCDigits(final byte[] digit, final long numToCRC) {
        long crc = 0L;
        for (int k = 0; k < (int)numToCRC; ++k) {
            crc <<= 1;
            if (crc > 15L) {
                crc |= 0x1L;
            crc += digit[k];
            crc &= 0x0FL;   // 4 bits
        return (byte)crc;
    private short scrambleCode(final long number) {
        int scrambleIndex = (int)(number % 451);
        return scrambleKeys[scrambleIndex];

直接在 Eclipse 中运行注册机,如下图所示,在 eclipse 中的控制台输出中显示了注册码。


GAComponent.rar (666.36 KB, 下载次数: 45)


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 楼主| solly 发表于 2020-4-19 21:07
gzwking 发表于 2020-4-19 20:40
好吧 前一段想把这软件安装到中文版的win7 64上结果最后到登陆那 一直提示什么连接不到数据库 真是郁闷。 ...

gzwking 发表于 2020-4-19 20:40
solly 发表于 2020-4-19 00:18

好吧 前一段想把这软件安装到中文版的win7 64上结果最后到登陆那 一直提示什么连接不到数据库 真是郁闷。虚拟机里的win7英文版就一路绿灯了
王星星 发表于 2020-4-18 00:19
maya4610 发表于 2020-4-18 00:43
烛光与香水 发表于 2020-4-18 07:09
雨落惊鸿, 发表于 2020-4-18 07:44
东方学痞 发表于 2020-4-18 08:05
wzzjnb2006 发表于 2020-4-18 08:16
wzlmwyFLy2019 发表于 2020-4-18 08:47
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
一个辣鸡 发表于 2020-4-18 09:24
ZHANGZHILING 发表于 2020-4-18 09:31

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