本帖最后由 hj170520 于 2020-6-25 16:43 编辑
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<p><strong>Abduct</strong> and <strong>kidnap</strong> are sometimes employed without distinction as denoting to carry off (a person) surreptitiously for an illegal purpose.</p>
<h2>What’s the difference?</h2>
<p>In general use <strong>kidnap</strong> is the more specific term because it connotes seizure and detention for ransom. In law, however, the reverse is true, for the verbs acquire their meanings from the rigid technical definitions of kidnaping and abduction.</p>
<li>Two businessmen have been <em>kidnapped</em> by terrorists.</li>
<p><strong>Kidnaping</strong> is the legal term of wider application, implying that a person has been seized by violence or fraud and detained against his will or that of his legal guardian.</p>
<li>She was arraigned today on charges of assault and <em>kidnapping</em>.</li>
<p><strong>Abduction</strong> is the carrying off of a girl (usually one below the legal age of consent), either against her will or with her consent, for marriage or seduction.</p>
<li>In some cases of <em>abduction</em>, the abducting parent is mentally unstable and/or a drug abuser.</li>
<p>Consequently in law <strong>kidnaping</strong> and <strong>abduction</strong> and <strong>kidnap</strong> and <strong>abduct</strong> can be used interchangeably only when the person carried off is a girl below a fixed age, or when seizure and detention are against her will and the motive is marriage or rape.</p>
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如何用python实现? 还是说把代码直接导入word,在word里做手脚?
我的意思是如何把html的文字提取出来,并且在word里保留他们的格式。比如h2 就是heading2 ; <ul> 、<li> 就是编号。 而不显示这类的代码 |