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[.NET] Red Gate NET Reflector最新版更新)

caicaisin 发表于 2020-7-11 23:57
本帖最后由 caicaisin 于 2020-7-30 08:22 编辑

Red Gate .NET Reflector

Development is increasingly dependent on 3rd party technologies – using available frameworks and libraries is a great way to get stuff done fast without re-inventing the wheel. But the problem with using code you didn’t write is that you’re dependent on the documentation, and it’s hard to debug. Documentation is often missing or incomplete, and debugging stops where your own code stops. This gets even worse with a legacy code base. .NET Reflector saves time and simplifies development by letting you see and debug into the source of all the .NET code you work with.

Advanced .NET decompilation
Decompile any .NET assembly

Cutting-edge C# decompilation
- .NET Reflector supports C# 5, and .NET 4.5. So you can decompile and learn async code.
- .NET Reflector decompiles high level C# features such as Iterator blocks, Lambda expressions, and LINQ queries.

Navigate through decompiled code fast:

One-click navigation through source code
Click hyperlinks in the decompiled code to navigate between types or methods quickly.

Tabbed browsing
.NET Reflector now has a tabbed browsing model, and the individual tabs have independent histories.

A global overview of types and classes:

Find class and method dependencies
Use the Analyzer pane to find where classes and methods (including virtual method overrides) are used.

Explore resources in assemblies
Use .NET Reflector to view the resources embedded in an assembly.

Context-sensitive documentation view
Click on any type or method to display the associated documentation file for the module.

Manage assemblies:

Code URL support
Navigate to objects using code URLs from an external browser.

Windows Shell integration
Use the shortcut menu in Windows Explorer to open an assembly in .NET Reflector.

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10


136 Bytes, 下载次数: 299, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB



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zsdsun 发表于 2022-8-1 23:48
䌓❔ᙀ�럋삤::һ⽴໬뺱꽰胴� - void (Object )t32 float32) static unsigned int32 (String) unsigned int8)
cfanpc 发表于 2020-7-12 09:45
Red Gate .NET Reflector是专为开发人员打造的一款专业.net反编译软件,可方便程序员将相应的net程序反编译出源码。拥有全面支持.NET 2.0、.NET 3.0、.NET 3.5和.NET 4.0以及查询表达式支持等特点。
不想火页 发表于 2020-7-12 00:09
imcuer 发表于 2020-7-12 00:32

刘统宝 发表于 2020-7-12 11:47
EnterpriseSolu 发表于 2020-7-13 07:49
psx1lin 发表于 2020-7-13 08:07
cyl279 发表于 2020-7-13 09:48
巴黎去踢塔 发表于 2020-7-13 10:52
tianxianni 发表于 2020-7-14 01:11
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