[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
# 导入库
from random import randint as rnd
from os import system
from time import sleep
# 定义MineField类
class MineField():
def __init__(self, x, y, n):# 初始化
if x <= 36 and y <=36 and n <x*y:self.x = x; self.y = y; self.n = n# 判断行列数是否满足要求并记录
else: raise ValueError('Invalid input.')
self.field = []# 游戏数据存储
for i in range(x*y): self.field.append({'type': 0, 'status': 0})# 初始化数据
self.flagged = 0; self.known = 0; self.status = 0
self.theme = (10*('-'), (' ', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '*'), 10*('!'))# 使用theme以便修改呈现效果
type status self.status
0 nothing 0 unknown -1 defeat
1-8 numbers 1 known 0 unknown
9 mine 2 flagged 1 success
def surroundings(self, n):# 获得给点方格附近方格
result = set()
y = n // self.x; x = n % self.x
possible = {(-1,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(0,-1),(0,1),(1,-1),(1,0),(1,1)}
for d in possible:
tx = d[0] + x; ty = d[1] + y
if 0 <= tx < self.x and 0 <= ty < self.y: result.add(ty * self.x + tx)
return result
def generate(self):# 生成雷
mines = set(); count = 0; self.known = 0
x = self.x; y = self.y
while count < self.n:
tmp = rnd(0, x*y)
while tmp in mines: tmp = rnd(0, x*y)
mines.add(tmp); count += 1
# print('Field_gen:', self.field)# debug
for mine in mines:
self.field[mine]['type'] = 9
for surrounding in self.surroundings(mine):
if self.field[surrounding]['type'] != 9: self.field[surrounding]['type'] += 1# ; print(surrounding,'+= 1')# debug
def show(self):# 呈现
s = f'{self.flagged}/{self.n}\n '
t = 0
for i in range(self.x): s += index[i]
for y in range(self.y):
s += '\n'; s += index[y]
for x in range(self.x):
info = self.field[t]
s += self.theme[info['status']][info['type']]
t += 1
return s
def (self, n):# 打开某未知方格
t = self.field[n]['type']
if t == 0:
self.field[n]['status'] = 1; self.known += 1
for surrounding in self.surroundings(n):
if self.field[surrounding]['status'] == 0:
# print('Open #', surrounding)# debug
elif t == 9: self.field[n]['status'] = 1; self.known += 1; self.status = -1
else: self.field[n]['status'] = 1; self.known += 1
def open_known(self, n):# 打开某已知方格附近的方格
surroundings = self.surroundings(n)
flagged = 0
for surrounding in surroundings:
if self.field[surrounding]['status'] == 2: flagged += 1
if flagged == self.field[n]['type']:
for surrounding in surroundings:
if self.field[surrounding]['status'] == 0: self.open_unknown(surrounding)
def open(self, n):# 判断情况,调用open_known抑或open_unknown
t = self.field[n]['status']
if t == 0: self.open_unknown(n)
elif t == 1: self.open_known(n)
else: pass
if self.known + self.n == self.x * self.y: self.status = 1
def flag(self, n):# 标记雷
self.flagged += 1 - self.field[n]['status']
self.field[n]['status'] = 2 - self.field[n]['status']
def convert(s):# 行列数为字母时转化为数字
if '0' <= s <= '9': return int(s)
elif 'a' <= s <= 'z': return ord(s) - ord('a') + 10
elif 'A' <= s <= 'Z': return ord(s) - ord('A') + 10
else: raise ValueError('Invalid input.')
m = MineField(15,15,6)# 生成MineField实例(15*15,6颗雷)
m.generate()# 生成雷
while m.status == 0:# 主循环
system('cls')# 清空界面
print(m.show())# 显示
i = input('>')# 输入指令
cmd = i.split()
# 处理指令
if cmd[0] == 'open' or cmd[0] == 'o':
target = convert(cmd[1]) + convert(cmd[2]) * m.x
elif cmd[0] == 'flag' or cmd[0] == 'f':
target = convert(cmd[1]) + convert(cmd[2]) * m.x
elif cmd[0] == 'exit': break
elif cmd[0] == 'help':
print('Help:\nopen: open/o x y\nflag: flag/f x y\nexit: exit')
input('Press enter to continue...')
input('Press enter to continue...')
if m.status == 1:# 扫雷成功
for c in 'You ': print(c, end='', flush=True); sleep(0.15)
for c in 'WON!': print(c, end='', flush=True); sleep(0.5)
input('Press enter to exit...')
elif m.status == -1:# 扫雷失败
for c in 'You ': print(c, end='', flush=True); sleep(0.15)
for c in 'LOST!': print(c, end='', flush=True); sleep(0.5)
if input('Inspect?(y)') == 'y':
m.theme = ((' ', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '*'), (' ', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '*'), (' ', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '*'))
input('Press enter to exit...')