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[Editors] 010editor v12.0.1

A-new 发表于 2020-10-15 17:38 回帖奖励
本帖最后由 A-new 于 2021-10-9 18:39 编辑

    010 Editor 是一款专业的文本和十六进制编辑器,其旨在快速轻松地编辑计算机上任何文件的内容。该软件可以编辑文本文件,包括 Unicode 文件、批处理文件、C/C++、XML 等,而在编辑二进制文件中,010 Editor 有很大的优势。二进制文件是一种计算机可读,但人很难读懂的文件(二进制文件如在文本编辑器中打开将显示为乱码)。十六进制编辑器是一种程序,它允许您查看和编辑二进制文件的单个字节,以及包括 010 Editor 的高级十六进制编辑器还允许您编辑硬盘驱动器、软盘驱动器、内存密钥、闪存驱动器、CD-ROM、进程等中的字节。这里仅列出使用 010 Editor 的一些优点:
    * 查看并编辑在你硬盘驱动器上(文件大小无限制)的任何二进制文件和文本文件,包括 Unicode 文件、C/C++、XML、PHP,等。
    * 独特的二进制模板技术允许你了解任何二进制文件格式。
    * 查找并修复硬盘驱动器、软驱、内存密钥、闪存驱动器、CD-ROM、进程等的问题。
    * 用强大的工具包括查找、替换、在多文件中查找、在多文件中替换、二进制比较、校验和/散列算法、直方图等,来分析和编辑文本和二进制数据。
    * 强大的脚本引擎允许多任务的自动化(语言非常类似于 C)。
    * 轻松下载并安装其他使用 010 Editor 储存库共享的二进制模板和脚本。
    * 以不同的格式导入和导出二进制数据。
内置在 010 Editor 中的十六进制编辑器可以立即加载任意大小的文件,并且对所有编辑操作都可以无限制地撤消和重做。编辑器甚至可以立即在文件之间复制或粘贴大量的数据块。010 Editor 的可移植版本也可用于 Windows 从 USB 键运行 010 Editor。试用了 010 Editor 后,我们相信你会同意 010 Editor 是今天最强大的十六进制编辑器!
二、010 Editor 11.0 版本中新功能概述:
    新的默认编辑器字体 "Droid Sans Mono" 和新的 "星空" 和 "晨空" 主题。
Windows 64-Bit
Windows 32-Bit
Windows Portable 64-Bit
Windows Portable 32-Bit

010editor-patch.zip (58.81 KB, 下载次数: 5421)

Fixed SHA512 and SHA384 reported the wrong value on files of a particular length.
Fixed a possible crash in scripts that write a large amount of data to a file.
Fixed a popup dialog asking about Inspector.bt was hard to read when upgrading to v12 with a light theme enabled.
Fixed the program version number was not being picked up by Winget.


Added an overview diagram called the Mini Map to the right side of each editor.The Dark theme can now be applied to scroll bars and dialogs.Added disassembler for X86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, SystemZ, and XCore.Special attributes in Templates such as <read> and <write> can now be written inline instead of writing a separate function.Tabs and headers are now rounded by default (this can be changed in the Options dialog).New 'Opcode' data type for doing disassembly in Templates.New 'Visualize' tab displays the same information as the Mini Map but can be undocked.


When opening a .LNK file, a dialog now asks whether to open the target of the LNK file or the LNK file itself. The LNK open action can also be controlled in the Editor Options dialog.
On the Bookmarks tab of the Inspector added Import... to the right-click menu to import a CSV file of bookmarks.
Fixed a string sometimes did not display properly in the Variables tab when debugging a script.
Fixed can get a crash setting a watch on a local struct.
Fixed sometimes a local struct in a script could not access other variables inside the local struct.
Fixed the opacity sliders were not saved properly in the Theme/Colors Dialog page on exiting 010 Editor.
Fixed ReadByte/ReadInt/ReadInt64/etc. did not properly take the file offset into account when called with no arguments.
Fixed a possible corruption of the 010 Editor cfg file when closing multiple instances of 010 Editor at the same time.
Fixed a possible crash running scripts which modify linefeeds in a text file.
Fixed a possible crash in SScanf using a string which is not null-terminated.
Fixed a possible crash calling ReplaceAll in a script.
Fixed some scripts were not properly updating the modified state after being run.
Fixed when a Template was modified, the Template icon disappeared from the file in the Workspace.
Fixed the Bookmarks panel was not displaying the type name properly on some systems.


参与人数 30吾爱币 +27 热心值 +28 收起 理由
vigers + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
HEROLI100 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
建爱爱爱 + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
tail88 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
Forsec + 1 我很赞同!
jywangjeff + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
zozobreak + 1 热心回复!
fangchang819 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
ttimasdf + 1 + 1 感谢发布原创作品,吾爱破解论坛因你更精彩!
zarro + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
DFcourier + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
cpr123 + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
casuall + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
reddyn + 1 + 1 热心回复!
happyghost2017 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
5ud0 + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
Forbbiden + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!
with600 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
dunxp + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
secgst + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
archer + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
JFF + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
冥界3大法王 + 1 良心工程,必须点赞。
york_shen + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
mysimply + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
xfwb + 1 + 1 感谢发布原创作品,吾爱破解论坛因你更精彩!
夜泉 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
涛之雨 + 1 + 1 热心回复!
jing19233 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
tflyr + 2 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!



 楼主| A-new 发表于 2020-11-13 11:37 |楼主
When opening a .LNK file, a dialog now asks whether to open the target of the LNK file or the LNK file itself. The LNK open action can also be controlled in the Editor Options dialog.
On the Bookmarks tab of the Inspector added Import... to the right-click menu to import a CSV file of bookmarks.
Fixed a string sometimes did not display properly in the Variables tab when debugging a script.
Fixed can get a crash setting a watch on a local struct.
Fixed sometimes a local struct in a script could not access other variables inside the local struct.
Fixed the opacity sliders were not saved properly in the Theme/Colors Dialog page on exiting 010 Editor.
Fixed ReadByte/ReadInt/ReadInt64/etc. did not properly take the file offset into account when called with no arguments.
Fixed a possible corruption of the 010 Editor cfg file when closing multiple instances of 010 Editor at the same time.
Fixed a possible crash running scripts which modify linefeeds in a text file.
Fixed a possible crash in SScanf using a string which is not null-terminated.
Fixed a possible crash calling ReplaceAll in a script.
Fixed some scripts were not properly updating the modified state after being run.
Fixed when a Template was modified, the Template icon disappeared from the file in the Workspace.
Fixed the Bookmarks panel was not displaying the type name properly on some systems.
51528098 发表于 2020-10-15 17:48
一场荒唐半生梦 发表于 2020-10-15 17:56
极速凌风 发表于 2020-10-15 17:59
一场荒唐半生梦 发表于 2020-10-15 17:56

光之继承者 发表于 2020-10-15 17:59
破击 发表于 2020-10-15 18:29
lvxuyang 发表于 2020-10-15 18:30
Wapj_Wolf 发表于 2020-10-15 18:33
不苦小和尚 发表于 2020-10-15 19:08
thghx 发表于 2020-10-15 19:15
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