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[讨论] implicit_cast与down_cast

古月不傲 发表于 2021-1-12 16:46
本帖最后由 古月不傲 于 2021-1-12 16:47 编辑

[C++] 纯文本查看 复制代码
        // Use implicit_cast as a safe version of static_cast or const_cast
        // for upcasting in the type hierarchy (i.e. casting a pointer to Foo
        // to a pointer to SuperclassOfFoo or casting a pointer to Foo to
        // a const pointer to Foo).
        // 使用 implicit_cast 替换static_cast | const_cast,因为它是向上类型转换的一个安全的版本
        // (即,将一个子类指针转为基类指针 | 将一个Foo指针转为常量指针)
        // When you use implicit_cast, the compiler checks that the cast is safe.
        // Such explicit implicit_casts are necessary in surprisingly many
        // situations where C++ demands an exact type match instead of an
        // argument type convertable to a target type.
        // 当你使用 implicit_cast时,编译器会检查转换是否安全
        // 这种 implicit_casts转换在许多情况下都是必须的,例如C++需要一个精确的类型匹配,而不是隐式类型转换
        // The From type can be inferred, so the preferred syntax for using
        // implicit_cast is the same as for static_cast etc.:
        // From参数可以推断出类型,所以 更推荐使用 implicit_cast 因为使用implicit_cast 就等价于static_cast等
        //   implicit_cast<ToType>(expr)
        // implicit_cast would have been part of the C++ standard library,
        // but the proposal was submitted too late.  It will probably make
        // its way into the language in the future.
        // implicit_cast 本该是C++标准库的一部分,但是发布的太晚了
        // 未来很可能会是C++中的一员
        template<typename To, typename From>
                inline To implicit_cast(From const &f)
                        return f;

        // When you upcast (that is, cast a pointer from type Foo to type
        // SuperclassOfFoo), it's fine to use implicit_cast<>, since upcasts
        // always succeed.  When you downcast (that is, cast a pointer from
        // type Foo to type SubclassOfFoo), static_cast<> isn't safe, because
        // how do you know the pointer is really of type SubclassOfFoo?  It
        // could be a bare Foo, or of type DifferentSubclassOfFoo.  Thus,
        // when you downcast, you should use this macro.  In debug mode, we
        // use dynamic_cast<> to double-check the downcast is legal (we die
        // if it's not).  In normal mode, we do the efficient static_cast<>
        // instead.  Thus, it's important to test in debug mode to make sure
        // the cast is legal!
        //    This is the only place in the code we should use dynamic_cast<>.
        // In particular, you SHOULDN'T be using dynamic_cast<> in order to
        // do RTTI (eg code like this:
        //    if (dynamic_cast<Subclass1>(foo)) HandleASubclass1Object(foo);
        //    if (dynamic_cast<Subclass2>kkk(foo)) HandleASubclass2Object(foo);
        // You should design the code some other way not to need this.
        // 当你使用向上类型转换(也就是子类转父类,最好使用 implicit_cast,因为它总是成功)
        // 当你使用向下类型转换时,应该使用 down_cast(static_cast是不安全的,因为你怎么知道指针的类型就是子类呢?)
        // 调试版,down_cast使用dynamic_cast,发布版使用static_cast

        template<typename To, typename From>     // use like this: down_cast<T*>(foo);
        inline To down_cast(From* f)                     // so we only accept pointers
                // Ensures that To is a sub-type of From *.  This test is here only
                // for compile-time type checking, and has no overhead in an
                // optimized build at run-time, as it will be optimized away
                // completely.
                if (false)
                        implicit_cast<From*, To>(0);

#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_RTTI)
                assert(f == NULL || dynamic_cast<To>(f) != NULL);  // RTTI: debug mode only!
                return static_cast<To>(f);
}  // namespace muduo


[C++] 纯文本查看 复制代码
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>

//#define NDEBUG

template<typename To, typename From>
To implicit_cast(From const &f)
    return f;

template<typename To, typename From>
To down_cast(From *f)
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_RTTI)
    assert(f == nullptr || dynamic_cast<To>(f) != nullptr);
    return static_cast<To>(f);

class Parent
    virtual ~Parent() {}
    virtual void print() = 0;

class Child : public Parent
    void print() override

// 运行上述实例函数并打印捕捉的异常
int main()
	int a = 5;
    double b = implicit_cast<double>(a);
    printf("b = %lf\n", b);

    // Parent *parent = implicit_cast<Parent *>(new Child());
    // parent->print();

    Parent *p;

    //Child *child = static_cast<Child *>(p);   // 编译正确
    Child *child = implicit_cast<Child *>(p);   // 编译错误
    return 0;


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