[Java] 纯文本查看 复制代码
private void postLogin(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4) {
short[] sArr;
int i;
String str5;
int i2;
StringBuilder sb;
String str6;
HashMap hashMap;
String str7;
String str8;
String str9;
String str10;
String str11;
String str12;
String str13;
int i3;
StringBuilder sb2;
int i4;
String str14;
String str15;
HashMap hashMap2;
String str16;
short[] sArr2;
int i5;
short[] sArr3;
String str17;
String str18;
String str19;
int i6;
int i7;
String str20;
String str21;
String str22;
String str23;
int i8;
FullscreenActivity fullscreenActivity = this;
HashMap hashMap3 = null;
short[] sArr4 = null;
short[] sArr5 = null;
String str24 = null;
short[] sArr6 = null;
String str25 = null;
short[] sArr7 = null;
String str26 = null;
String str27 = null;
String str28 = null;
String str29 = null;
String str30 = null;
StringBuilder sb3 = null;
short[] sArr8 = null;
char c = 0;
short s = 0;
int r23 = R.attr.m49("ۡ۫ۜ");
String str31 = null;
int i9 = 0;
int i10 = 0;
int i11 = 0;
short[] sArr9 = null;
String str32 = null;
while (true) {
switch (r23) {
case 1738810:
str6 = str31;
str5 = str24;
str20 = str25;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
R.drawable.m389(hashMap3, R.layout.m433(f41, 201, 5, i9), str27);
str28 = MyDeviceID;
str22 = "ۧۚۖ";
i7 = R.attr.m49(str22);
str25 = str20;
str31 = str6;
r23 = i7;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
case 1738993:
str6 = str31;
str5 = str24;
str20 = str25;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
R.drawable.m389(hashMap3, a.m514(f41, 188, 6, i9), str3);
sArr7 = f41;
str21 = "۫۫ۥ";
i7 = a.m512(str21);
str25 = str20;
str31 = str6;
r23 = i7;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
case 1739984:
if (GlTextureFrameBuffer.m714() < 0) {
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str8 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
i2 = i11;
str7 = str32;
hashMap = hashMap3;
str10 = "ۜۘ۠";
r23 = R.attr.m49(str10);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str16 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
i5 = i11;
hashMap2 = hashMap3;
sArr2 = sArr9;
r23 = R.attr.m49("ۙۛ۬");
sArr9 = sArr2;
str25 = str16;
i10 = i;
hashMap3 = hashMap2;
str31 = str6;
sArr4 = sArr;
i11 = i5;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
case 1740794:
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str8 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
i2 = i11;
str7 = str32;
hashMap = hashMap3;
short s2 = sArr8[c];
if (androidx.vectordrawable.animated.R.drawable.f28 < 0) {
r23 = a.m512("ۨۖ۠");
s = s2;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
fullscreenActivity = this;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
str10 = "ۘ۠ۘ";
r23 = R.attr.m49(str10);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
case 1740797:
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str8 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
i2 = i11;
str7 = str32;
hashMap = hashMap3;
i9 = 31057;
str9 = "۟ۙۦ";
r23 = a.m512(str9);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
case 1743123:
str5 = str24;
str20 = str25;
sb = sb3;
R.string.m107(sb, str32);
r.m547(sb, DiyConfig.PramUrl);
R.string.m107(sb, MyDeviceID);
i8 = a.m512("ۡۨۡ");
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
str23 = str20;
r23 = i8;
str25 = str23;
case 1743588:
if (WebSocketProtocol.m798()) {
str17 = str31;
sArr3 = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str19 = str25;
sb = sb3;
str18 = str32;
i6 = i11;
r23 = a.m512("ۤۘۗ");
i11 = i6;
str25 = str19;
str32 = str18;
str31 = str17;
sArr4 = sArr3;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str16 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
i5 = i11;
hashMap2 = hashMap3;
sArr2 = sArr9;
r23 = R.attr.m49("ۙۛ۬");
sArr9 = sArr2;
str25 = str16;
i10 = i;
hashMap3 = hashMap2;
str31 = str6;
sArr4 = sArr;
i11 = i5;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
case 1746508:
str11 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str12 = str24;
str14 = str25;
i4 = i10;
sb2 = sb3;
i3 = i11;
str13 = str32;
Config.DeviceID = IRtcEngineEventHandler.Quality.m690(this);
MyDeviceID = Config.DeviceID;
hashMap3 = new HashMap();
if (str == null) {
str15 = "۠ۨۛ";
r23 = a.m512(str15);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str14;
i11 = i3;
str32 = str13;
str31 = str11;
i10 = i4;
sb3 = sb2;
str24 = str12;
sArr4 = sArr;
} else {
str26 = str;
str15 = "ۤۙۤ";
r23 = a.m512(str15);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str14;
i11 = i3;
str32 = str13;
str31 = str11;
i10 = i4;
sb3 = sb2;
str24 = str12;
sArr4 = sArr;
case 1747923:
str12 = str24;
str11 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str26 = R.dimen.m378(f41, 221, 1, i9);
i4 = i10;
sb2 = sb3;
i3 = i11;
str14 = str25;
str13 = str32;
str15 = "ۤۙۤ";
r23 = a.m512(str15);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str14;
i11 = i3;
str32 = str13;
str31 = str11;
i10 = i4;
sb3 = sb2;
str24 = str12;
sArr4 = sArr;
case 1748808:
str5 = str24;
sb = sb3;
R.drawable.m389(hashMap3, str29, str28);
str30 = Build.MODEL;
str7 = str32;
str31 = RouteSelector.m782(f41, 214, 7, i9);
i7 = R.attr.m49("ۦ۫ۗ");
str25 = str25;
r23 = i7;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
case 1748890:
AccessibilityManagerCompat.m224(R.attr.m59(), WebSocketProtocol.m792(sb3), hashMap3, new SpotsCallBack<User>(fullscreenActivity) {
/* class com.qihu360.mylive.FullscreenActivity.AnonymousClass10 */
/* renamed from: ۧ۠ۥ reason: not valid java name and contains not printable characters */
private static final short[] f42 = {3710, -26647, -27036, 26470, -29923, -20087, 26013, 6068, -17625, -16808, 6050, 627, 2336, -277, 27429, 27455, 6425, 1534, -27629, 2189, -768, 9522, -27629, -7960, 4370, 16145, -27629, 27432, 27433, 4813, 16145, -6972, 14970, 27441, 27441, 27441, 13463, 2478, 86, -1275, 7418, 2999, -27629, 2999, 7579, 2388, 3109, 9489, 27486, 27503, 27503, 9490, 14947, 12454, -27629, 13797, -8015, 2999, 2173, 2388, 3109, -1326, -7990, 27441, 27441, 27441};
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:11:0x0032, code lost:
if (com.baidu.b.c.a.g.f31 != false) goto L_0x007a;
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:24:0x007a, code lost:
r13 = "ۤۧۡ";
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:42:0x00df, code lost:
r13 = "ۚۢۦ";
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:48:0x010a, code lost:
r13 = "ۖ۫ۖ";
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:52:0x0124, code lost:
r13 = "۠۠ۗ";
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:7:0x0023, code lost:
if (io.agora.rtc.video.CameraUtil.f83 == false) goto L_0x007a;
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:81:0x01ca, code lost:
r13 = "ۚۦۨ";
/* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */
public void onSuccess(okhttp3.Response r18, final com.qihu360.mylive.User r19) {
// Method dump skipped, instructions count: 594
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.qihu360.mylive.FullscreenActivity.AnonymousClass10.onSuccess(okhttp3.Response, com.qihu360.mylive.User):void");
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:13:0x0040, code lost:
if (androidx.core.content.PermissionChecker.m136() == 0) goto L_0x0023;
@Override // com.qihu360.mylive.IBaseCallBack
/* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */
public void onFailure(okhttp3.Call r19, java.lang.Exception r20) {
// Method dump skipped, instructions count: 420
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.qihu360.mylive.FullscreenActivity.AnonymousClass10.onFailure(okhttp3.Call, java.lang.Exception):void");
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:10:0x0021, code lost:
if (androidx.collection.SimpleArrayMap.f5 != false) goto L_0x004d;
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:6:0x0015, code lost:
if (androidx.vectordrawable.R.layout.m432() == false) goto L_0x0059;
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:8:0x001c, code lost:
if (androidx.collection.SimpleArrayMap.m84() == 0) goto L_0x004d;
@Override // com.qihu360.mylive.IBaseCallBack
/* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */
public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ void onSuccess(okhttp3.Response r2, java.lang.Object r3) {
// Method dump skipped, instructions count: 216
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.qihu360.mylive.FullscreenActivity.AnonymousClass10.onSuccess(okhttp3.Response, java.lang.Object):void");
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:10:0x002a, code lost:
if (androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerCompat.m233() == false) goto L_0x0033;
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:11:0x002d, code lost:
r1 = "۟ۤ۟";
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x0012, code lost:
if (androidx.activity.R.attr.m51() != false) goto L_0x002d;
// Method dump skipped, instructions count: 110
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.qihu360.mylive.FullscreenActivity.AnonymousClass10.<init>(com.qihu360.mylive.FullscreenActivity, android.content.Context):void");
case 1748978:
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str8 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
i2 = i11;
str7 = str32;
hashMap = hashMap3;
sArr8 = f41;
c = 161;
str9 = "ۙۛۜ";
r23 = a.m512(str9);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
case 1749473:
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str16 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
i5 = i11;
hashMap2 = hashMap3;
sArr2 = sArr9;
r23 = R.attr.m49("ۙۛ۬");
sArr9 = sArr2;
str25 = str16;
i10 = i;
hashMap3 = hashMap2;
str31 = str6;
sArr4 = sArr;
i11 = i5;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
case 1749664:
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str16 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
i5 = i11;
hashMap2 = hashMap3;
sArr2 = sArr9;
String r16 = OneShotPreDrawListener.m199(AudioAttributesCompatParcelizer.m365((EditText) RouteSelector.m771(fullscreenActivity, i)));
sArr9 = f41;
if (!SimpleArrayMap.f5) {
r23 = R.attr.m49("۬۟ۚ");
str25 = str16;
hashMap3 = hashMap2;
str31 = str6;
i11 = i5;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = r16;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
r23 = R.attr.m49("ۙۛ۬");
sArr9 = sArr2;
str25 = str16;
i10 = i;
hashMap3 = hashMap2;
str31 = str6;
sArr4 = sArr;
i11 = i5;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
case 1751267:
if (R.style.m412() <= 0) {
str5 = str24;
str20 = str25;
sb = sb3;
i8 = R.attr.m49("ۢۜۛ");
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
str23 = str20;
r23 = i8;
str25 = str23;
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str16 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
i5 = i11;
hashMap2 = hashMap3;
sArr2 = sArr9;
r23 = R.attr.m49("ۙۛ۬");
sArr9 = sArr2;
str25 = str16;
i10 = i;
hashMap3 = hashMap2;
str31 = str6;
sArr4 = sArr;
i11 = i5;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
case 1751311:
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str8 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
hashMap = hashMap3;
i2 = i11;
int r0 = R.attr.m49(R.string.m97(f41, BDLocation.TypeServerDecryptError, 3, i9)) ^ 2127133249;
if (FontResourcesParserCompat.f9 == 0) {
r23 = R.attr.m49("ۢۢ۠");
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sArr4 = sArr;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = r0;
fullscreenActivity = this;
str10 = "ۜۘ۠";
r23 = R.attr.m49(str10);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
case 1751593:
str6 = str31;
str5 = str24;
str20 = str25;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
R.drawable.m389(hashMap3, AudioAttributesCompatParcelizer.m360(sArr6, 182, 6, i9), str2);
if (TypefaceCompatUtil.m191()) {
str22 = "ۗ۟ۙ";
i7 = R.attr.m49(str22);
str25 = str20;
str31 = str6;
r23 = i7;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
sArr = sArr4;
i = i10;
i2 = i11;
str8 = str20;
hashMap = hashMap3;
str10 = "ۘ۠ۘ";
r23 = R.attr.m49(str10);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
case 1752666:
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str8 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
i2 = i11;
str7 = str32;
hashMap = hashMap3;
i9 = 1664;
str9 = "۟ۙۦ";
r23 = a.m512(str9);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
case 1753778:
str5 = str24;
str20 = str25;
sb = sb3;
TypefaceCompatUtil.m189(hashMap3, str31, str30);
sb3 = new StringBuilder();
String str33 = Config.BaseUrl;
if (TypefaceCompatUtil.f11) {
str24 = str5;
str23 = str20;
r23 = R.attr.m49("ۛۨ۠");
str32 = str33;
str25 = str23;
i8 = R.attr.m49("ۢۜۛ");
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
str23 = str20;
r23 = i8;
str25 = str23;
case 1754136:
str6 = str31;
str5 = str24;
str20 = str25;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
R.drawable.m389(hashMap3, AccessibilityEventCompat.m211(sArr5, 179, 3, i9), str26);
sArr6 = f41;
str21 = "ۤۢۧ";
i7 = a.m512(str21);
str25 = str20;
str31 = str6;
r23 = i7;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
case 1754211:
str5 = str24;
str20 = str25;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
str6 = str31;
String r1 = R.layout.m433(f41, 206, 8, i9);
if (TypefaceCompatUtil.m191()) {
str29 = r1;
str32 = str7;
str25 = str20;
r23 = a.m512("ۡۥ۬");
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
str31 = str6;
sArr = sArr4;
i = i10;
i2 = i11;
str8 = str20;
hashMap = hashMap3;
str10 = "ۘ۠ۘ";
r23 = R.attr.m49(str10);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
case 1755058:
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str8 = str25;
i = i10;
sb = sb3;
i2 = i11;
str7 = str32;
hashMap = hashMap3;
int i12 = s + 1;
if (((s * 2) + 1) - (i12 * i12) > 0) {
str10 = "ۙۛ۟";
r23 = R.attr.m49(str10);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
} else {
str9 = "ۥۦۛ";
r23 = a.m512(str9);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
case 1758325:
str6 = str31;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
R.drawable.m389(hashMap3, GlTextureFrameBuffer.m708(sArr4, 173, 6, i9), str24);
short[] sArr10 = f41;
if (CameraUtil.m738() >= 0) {
str5 = str24;
sArr = sArr4;
i = i10;
i5 = i11;
str16 = str25;
hashMap2 = hashMap3;
sArr2 = sArr9;
r23 = R.attr.m49("ۙۛ۬");
sArr9 = sArr2;
str25 = str16;
i10 = i;
hashMap3 = hashMap2;
str31 = str6;
sArr4 = sArr;
i11 = i5;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
} else {
str25 = str25;
r23 = R.attr.m49("ۧۗۨ");
sArr5 = sArr10;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str24;
str31 = str6;
case 1758445:
str17 = str31;
sb = sb3;
str18 = str32;
str5 = str24;
sArr3 = sArr4;
str19 = str25;
R.drawable.m389(hashMap3, MyEnUtils.m614(f41, 168, 5, i9), str19);
sArr4 = f41;
if (GlTextureFrameBuffer.m714() < 0) {
r23 = a.m512("۫ۢ۬");
str25 = str19;
str32 = str18;
str31 = str17;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
i6 = i11;
r23 = a.m512("ۤۘۗ");
i11 = i6;
str25 = str19;
str32 = str18;
str31 = str17;
sArr4 = sArr3;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
case 1758597:
str6 = str31;
str5 = str24;
str20 = str25;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
R.drawable.m389(hashMap3, GlTextureFrameBuffer.m708(sArr7, 194, 7, i9), str4);
String str34 = Config.JessionId;
if (!androidx.slidingpanelayout.R.style.f25) {
i8 = R.attr.m49("ۗۙۜ");
str27 = str34;
str32 = str7;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
str23 = str20;
r23 = i8;
str25 = str23;
sArr = sArr4;
i = i10;
i2 = i11;
str8 = str20;
hashMap = hashMap3;
str10 = "ۘ۠ۘ";
r23 = R.attr.m49(str10);
fullscreenActivity = this;
str25 = str8;
str32 = str7;
hashMap3 = hashMap;
str31 = str6;
sb3 = sb;
i11 = i2;
str24 = str5;
i10 = i;
sArr4 = sArr;
case 1759175:
str6 = str31;
sArr = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
sb = sb3;
str7 = str32;
hashMap2 = hashMap3;
i5 = R.attr.m49(ParcelUtils.m479(sArr9, 165, 3, i9)) ^ 2126692078;
r23 = R.attr.m49("۬ۡۦ");
sArr9 = sArr9;
str25 = str25;
hashMap3 = hashMap2;
str31 = str6;
sArr4 = sArr;
i11 = i5;
str32 = str7;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
case 1759249:
str17 = str31;
sArr3 = sArr4;
str5 = str24;
str19 = str25;
sb = sb3;
str18 = str32;
i6 = i11;
String r4 = OneShotPreDrawListener.m199(R.drawable.m324((EditText) RouteSelector.m771(fullscreenActivity, i6)));
if (!AccessibilityManagerCompat.f14) {
r23 = a.m512("۫ۦۨ");
i11 = i6;
str25 = r4;
str32 = str18;
str31 = str17;
sArr4 = sArr3;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;
r23 = a.m512("ۤۘۗ");
i11 = i6;
str25 = str19;
str32 = str18;
str31 = str17;
sArr4 = sArr3;
sb3 = sb;
str24 = str5;