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[Disassemblers] 【转帖】VB Decompiler Pro v11.5 Crack By GautamGreat

FleTime 发表于 2021-6-6 12:33
本帖最后由 FleTime 于 2023-3-30 11:26 编辑


VB Decompiler Pro v11.5 (Retail) Fixed - Cracked By GautamGreat
VB Decompiler v11.5 has been released (July 6, 2020)

What's new in this version:
Tables parser is completely refactored and improved (.NET)
Show module name, assembly name and assembly references
at Project window after decompilation (.NET)
Support assemblies with duplicates of some streams (.NET)
Support assemblies with extra data in "#~" stream (.NET)
Partially support MethodSemantics, MethodImpl, GenericParam,
FieldRVA, EventMap, Event, PropertyMap, Property,
AssemblyRefProcessor, AssemblyRefOS, ExportedType,
ENCLog, ENCMap tables (.NET)
Support icons for dsr designer files and saving
this icon to a dsx file
New events processing for ActiveX-based controls. A lot of most popular
ActiveX libraries already supported via internal database. For unknown
components VB Decompiler analyze TypeLib information of used OCX files
and use protoypes of the events from this files. Please note, used
ActiveX components should be registered using regsvr32.
Support events prototypes of the Animation, UpDown, TabStrip,
Toolbar, StatusBar, ProgressBar, TreeView, ListView, Slider,
Gauge, MhState, Connection, Recordset, Adodc, MSChart,
MonthView, DTPicker, FlatScrollBar, ImageCombo, MSComm,
DataGrid, DataList, DataCombo, DataRepeater, MSFlexGrid,
MSHFlexGrid, Inet, MaskEdBox, Winsock, RichTextBox, SSTab,
SSCheck, SSFrame, SSCommand, SSPanel, SSOption, SSRibbon controls
Don't place file names of modules and classes to vbp project file
if option "Decompile only forms" is checked
Adding to the History recent files list only if file can be loaded
Optimizations and fixes in analyzer for packed files
BugFix: Size of "ResolutionScope" field in "TypeRef" table;
Size of "GenericParam" and "Constraint" fields in "GenericParamConstraint" table;
Size of "Field" field in "FieldLayout" table;
Size of "Parent" field in "ClassLayout" table;
Size of "MemberForwarded" and "ImportScope" fields in "ImplMap" table;
Size of "MethodSpec" field in "Method" table;
Size of "NestedClass" and "EnclosingClass" fields in "NestedClass" table;
Size of "Implementation" field in "ManifestResource" table;
Size of "Class" field in "MemberRef" table;
Size of "Parent" field in "Constant" table;
Size of "Parent" field in "DeclSecurity" table (.NET)
BugFix: Show token in "Method" table (.NET)
BugFix: Processing comparisons with more than 2 compares
at single code line (Native Code)
BugFix: Nonstandard types declaration for standard events
DragDrop, DragOver, OLEDragOver, OLEDragDrop, OLEStartDrag,
OLESetData, WriteProperties, ReadProperties,
AsyncReadComplete, AsyncReadProgress
BugFix: Correctly show start of the form in HEX Editor if
offset is higher than ImageBase



参与人数 11吾爱币 +11 热心值 +8 收起 理由
yp17792351859 + 1 + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!
junjia215 + 1 + 1 热心回复!
Lazzaro + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
goodista + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
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笙若 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
爱你小吉君 + 1 我很赞同!
海天一色001 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
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tail88 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!



  • · Aarow|主题: 988, 订阅: 304


x1na0v0 发表于 2023-11-27 20:09
如果keygen在新系统上出现打开卡死闪退的不正常现象,可通过属性里面使用win7兼容模式运行解决(本人系统为win11 23h2 中文家庭版,亲测有用)
xy93 发表于 2021-6-6 20:35
本帖最后由 xy93 于 2021-6-6 20:37 编辑

‎‎VB 分解器 Pro v11.5 (零售) 固定 - 由‎
‎高塔姆破解大 VB 分解器 v11.5 已发布 (2020 年 7 月 6 日)‎

‎析器完全重构并改进 (.NET) 显示模块名称, 分解 (.NET)‎

‎配引用与某些流 (.NET) 支持组件的重复,其中‎
‎具有"#~"流中的额外数据(。NET) 部分支持‎
‎Map、事件、 属性映射、属性、装配参考处理器、‎
‎装配参考、输出类型、ENCLog、ENCMap 表 (.NET)‎
‎dsr 设计器文件‎
‎的图标,并将此图标保存到 dsx 文件中,用于基于 ActiveX 的控件处理新事件。许多最流行的‎
‎ActiveX 库已经通过内部数据库支持。对于未知‎
‎组件,VB 分解器分析已使用的 OCX 文件‎
‎的 TypeLib 信息,并使用此文件中事件的原型。请注意,使用‎
‎过的 ActiveX 组件应使用 regsvr32 进行注册。‎
‎平面滚动栏、图像通信、 MSComm、‎
‎面板、 SS选择,SSRibbon控制‎
‎ "通用帕拉姆"和"约束"字段的大小在"通用帕拉姆"表中:‎
‎ "字段"表中的"字段"字段大小;‎
‎ "类"表中的"父"字段大小;‎
‎ "ImplMap"表中的"成员前进"和"导入范围"字段的大小:‎
‎ "方法"表中的"方法"字段的大小:‎
‎ "嵌套类"和"封闭类"字段的大小在"嵌套类"表中:‎
‎ "清单资源"表中的"执行"字段大小:‎
‎ "成员参考"表中的"类"字段大小;‎
‎ "常数"表中的"父"字段大小;‎
‎ "Decl‎
‎安全"表 (.NET) BugFix 中的"父"字段大小:在"方法"表 (.NET)‎
‎ BugFix 中显示令牌:‎
‎中处理比较超过 2 个,以‎
‎示:标准事件拖动滴答的非标准类型声明, 拖动,奥勒德拉格弗,奥勒德拉‎
‎BugFix:正确显示表格的开头在 HEX 编辑器,‎
weliong 发表于 2021-6-6 12:45
Antik1 发表于 2021-6-6 13:43


能用到这东西的人都知道是干啥用的,用不到的都是没需求的......  详情 回复 发表于 2021-6-6 13:45
 楼主| FleTime 发表于 2021-6-6 13:45
Antik1 发表于 2021-6-6 13:43

tryit 发表于 2021-6-6 15:27
y_w_o 发表于 2021-6-6 15:51
wildfire_810 发表于 2021-6-6 16:58
boyving 发表于 2021-6-6 17:34
Redfiremaple 发表于 2021-6-6 18:06
bjxiaoyao 发表于 2021-6-6 19:40
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