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[其他转载] BAT的3D显示效果也可以很美

Monitor 发表于 2021-8-5 17:03



[Bash shell] 纯文本查看 复制代码
chcp 437
if "%1"=="" (
  for %%a in (  FontSize:00080008
  ) do for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%b in ("%%a") do (
    >nul reg add HKCU\Console\DosBatch_3D_Engine /v %%b /t reg_dword /d 0x%%c /f 
  start "DosBatch_3D_Engine" /max "%ComSpec%" /c "%~s0" 1&goto:eof
) else ( >nul reg delete HKCU\Console\DosBatch_3D_Engine /f )
@echo off & setlocal & title Sphere 3D & set /a cols=100, lines=70 & goto :Init_system
set /a ar=100, rt=0, ds=0, cx=cols/2, cz=4000, cY=lines/2
  set SIN=
  set _PLOT$_=
  set _$PLOT_=
  set _empty=
  set lines=
  set cols=
  for /L %%\ in (1000,-1,0) do (
   set /a "rt+=31416/60"
   if !ds! lss 1000 set /a ds+=10
   set /a "a=(15708-rt) %% 62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a"
   if !c! gtr 47124 (set /a "a=a-(a>>31|1)*62832, b=%SIN%, a=rt %% 62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a")  else (if !c! gtr 15708 (set /a "a=(a>>31|1)*31416-a, b=%SIN%, a=rt %% 62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a") else set /a "b=%SIN%, a=rt %% 62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a")
   if !c! gtr 47124 (set /a "a=a-(a>>31|1)*62832, a=%SIN%")  else (if !c! gtr 15708 (set /a "a=(a>>31|1)*31416-a, a=%SIN%") else set /a "a=%SIN%")
   for %%f in ("0 9999" "-5000 8661" "-8661 5000" "-9999 0" "-8661 -5000" "-5000 -8661" "0 -9999" "5000 -8661" "8661 -5000" "9999 0" "8661 5000" "5000 8661") do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%g in (%%f) do (
   for %%t in ("3827 9239" "7071 7071" "9239 3827" "9999 0" "9239 -3827" "7071 -7071" "3827 -9239") do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%u in (%%t) do (
     set /a "ax=ar*%%h/10000*%%u/10000, az=ar*%%g/10000*%%u/10000, ay=ar*%%v/10000, aax=(ax*b/10000-(ay*a/10000+az*b/10000)*a/10000)*b/10000-(ay*b/10000-az*a/10000)*a/10000, aay=(ax*b/10000-(ay*a/10000+az*b/10000)*a/10000)*a/10000+(ay*b/10000-az*a/10000)*b/10000, e=ax*a/10000+(ay*a/10000+az*b/10000)*b/10000, c=ds*aax/(e-cz)+cx, d=ds*aay/(e-cz)+cy" 
     if not defined L!d! set L!d!=%_empty%
     if !e! lss 0 (%_$PLOT_% !c! !d! 1 %_PLOT$_%) else %_$PLOT_% !c! !d! 4 %_PLOT$_%
   if not "!OT!"=="!time:~-1!" (
     cls & (For /L %%l in (1,1,%lines%) do if not defined L%%l (echo() else echo( !L%%l!)>CON
     if "!OT!"=="0" title Sphere 3D [%%\]
     set OT=!time:~-1!
   ) else endlocal
goto :eof
  setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
  set /a cc=cols+2, ll=lines+2
  mode %cc%,%ll% & cls
  for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set') do set "%%v="
  set /a cols=%cols%, lines=%lines%
  set "_$PLOT_=For /F usebackq^ tokens^=1-3 %%x in ('"
  set "_PLOT$_=') do set /a f=%%x+1 & For %%w in (!f!) do set L%%y=!L%%y:~0,%%x!!g:~%%z,1!!L%%y:~%%w!"
  set "SIN=(a-a*a/1920*a/312500+a*a/1920*a/15625*a/15625*a/2560000-a*a/1875*a/15360*a/15625*a/15625*a/16000*a/44800000)"
  setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  color 0a
  For /L %%l in (1,1,%cols%) do set "_empty=!_empty! "
  set g= .±2@"
Goto :Main

[Bash shell] 纯文本查看 复制代码
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

if "%1" neq "" goto %1

title Sphere 3D

    :: By einstein1969. Dedicated to jeb, dbenham, penpen, carlos, aGerman, Aacini, EdDyreen, 
    :: npocmaka_, Sponge Belly, Magialisk, the users and the staff of Dostips forum.

    :: Use raster font 8x8

    :: v 0.0.2 passed from 16.6 FPS to ~20.0 FPS

    :: Variables enigma:

    :: ?   =   Sphere radius
    :: rt   =   Rotation angle
    :: ds   =   Distance Z of sphere
    :: _dx,_dy   =   Offset x,y of projecting coordinates in 2D plane.
    :: a,b   =   Sine, cosine of rotation angle
    :: ax,ay,az   =   Rotation coordinate 3D, now a, b, c
    :: c,d   =   X,Y coordinate of projecting 3D to 2D, now a,b
    :: e   =   Z coordinate, now c

REM Interactive version by Antonio Perez Ayala aka Aacini

echo Sphere 3D original version by einstein1969
echo Interactive version by Aacini
echo Sphere 3D rotation is controlled by WASDERQZ keys this way:
echo  zoom in   up
echo         \   ^|   counterclockwise ^<- E R -^> clockwise
echo          Q  W
echo   left ^<- A S D -^> right
echo          Z  ^|
echo         / down
echo zoom out
echo -^> Press P key to pause/exit


  set /a cols=62, lines=58

  set /a cc=cols+2, ll=lines+2
  mode %cc%,%ll% & cls

  for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set') do set "%%v="
  set /a cols=%cols%, lines=%lines%
  REM APA mod
  set "ComSpec=%ComSpec%"

  set "_SIN=a-a*a/1920*a/312500+a*a/1920*a/15625*a/15625*a/2560000-a*a/1875*a/15360*a/15625*a/15625*a/16000*a/44800000"

  REM APA mod: Convert final sine calculation into a long "function" expression
  REM [url]http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6744[/url]
  REM                                  if !c! gtr 47124   (set /a "a=a-(a>>31|1)*62832") else if !c! gtr 15708  set /a "a=(a>>31|1)*31416-a"
  set "SIN(x)=(a=(x)%%62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a, t=((c-47125)>>31)+1, a-=t*((a>>31|1)*62832)  +  ^^^!t*( (((c-15709)>>31)+1)*(-(a>>31|1)*31416+2*a)  ), %_SIN%)"
  set "_SIN="

  For /L %%l in (1,1,%cols%) do set "_empty=!_empty! "

  REM APA mod
  set "g=.ABCDEFGNS"

set /a ?=100, rx=0, ry=0, rz=0, ds=800, _dx=cols/2, _dy=lines/2, _dz=4000, _1=10000

REM APA mod: Start the control and animation processes in parallel
cd . > pipeFile.txt
"%~F0" Input >> pipeFile.txt | "%~F0" Main < pipeFile.txt
del pipeFile.txt
goto :EOF

REM APA mod: Control part: get control keys and send the corresponding command to the animation part
set /A Drx=0, Dry=0, Drz=0, Dr=31416/180
set "letter= ADWSERQZP"
set "com[A]=Dry-=Dr,ry-=1"  &  set "var[A]=Dry"
set "com[D]=Dry+=Dr,ry+=1"  &  set "var[D]=Dry"
set "com[W]=Drz-=Dr,rz+=1"  &  set "var[W]=Drz"
set "com[S]=Drz+=Dr,rz-=1"  &  set "var[S]=Drz"
set "com[E]=Drx-=Dr,rx-=1"  &  set "var[E]=Drx"
set "com[R]=Drx+=Dr,rx+=1"  &  set "var[R]=Drx"
set "com[Q]=ds+=100"        &  set "var[Q]=ds"
set "com[Z]=ds-=100"        &  set "var[Z]=ds"
set "com[P]=ps=1"           &  set "var[P]=ps"

   title Sphere 3D:  rx=%ry%, ry=%rz%, rz=%rx%, zoom=%ds:~0,-1%%%
   C:\Windows\System32\choice /C %letter% /N
   set "option=!letter:~%errorlevel%,1!"
   set /A "!com[%option%]!"
   set "var=!var[%option%]!"
   echo %var%=!%var%!
if %option% neq P goto getKey
C:\Windows\System32\choice /C CSX /N
if %errorlevel% neq 3 (
   if %errorlevel% equ 1 (
      echo Continue
   ) else (
      set /A Drx=Dry=Drz=rx=ry=rz=0
      echo Stop
   goto getKey
echo Exit
C:\Windows\System32\ping localhost -n 3 > NUL

set "ps=0"
set /P "=Press C to Continue, S to Stop movement or X to eXit: " < NUL
   set /P "command="
   if "%command%" equ "Exit" exit
   if "%command%" equ "Stop" set /A Drx=Dry=Drz=0 & exit /B
if "%command%" neq "Continue" goto wait
exit /B



  for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set _') do set "%%v="
  set "lines="
  set "cols="
  REM APA mod
  set "ComSpec="

  rem giro completo (120)*31416/60 o multipli di 120
for /L %%\ in () do (
   REM APA mod: Get control command and execute it
   set /P "command="
   if defined command (
      set /A "!command!"
      set "command="
      if "!ps!" equ "1" call :pause
   REM APA Instead of: if !ds! lss 1000 (set /a ds+=10) else %_FPS%
   set /a "rx+=Drx, ry+=Dry, rz+=Drz"

   REM APA mod: Calculate sine and cosine of rotating angles in three axis
   set /A "sx=%SIN(x):x=rx%"
   set /A "cx=%SIN(x):x=15708-rx%"
   set /A "sy=%SIN(x):x=ry%"
   set /A "cy=%SIN(x):x=15708-ry%"
   set /A "sz=%SIN(x):x=rz%"
   set /A "cz=%SIN(x):x=15708-rz%"

   REM APA mod                  %%a  %%b  %%c  %%d  %%e  %%f
   For /f "tokens=1-6" %%a in ("!sx! !cx! !sy! !cy! !sz! !cz!") do (

      REM APA mod: Calculate rotation common factors *much* less times (just once!)
      set /A "p=%%a*%%f/10000, q=%%a*%%e/10000, r=%%b*%%f/10000, s=%%b*%%e/10000, t=%%b*%%c/10000, u=%%a*%%c/10000"

      REM APA "sin cos" of 12 angles in %%i %%j for Sphere meridians (x axis)
      for %%h in ("0 9999" "-5000 8661" "-8661 5000" "-9999 0" "-8661 -5000" "-5000 -8661" "0 -9999" "5000 -8661" "8661 -5000" "9999 0" "8661 5000" "5000 8661") do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%i in (%%h) do (

         REM APA "sin cos" of 7 angles in %%u %%v for Sphere parallels (y axis)
         set "i=0"
         for %%t in ("3827 9239" "7071 7071" "9239 3827" "9999 0" "9239 -3827" "7071 -7071" "3827 -9239") do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%u in (%%t) do (

            REM APA Calculate a sphere point
            set /A "a=?*%%j/10000*%%u/10000,  b=?*%%v/10000,  c=?*%%i/10000*%%u/10000"

            REM APA MOD!: Rotation on all axis
            set /A "x=(a*%%b-b*%%a)/10000*%%d/10000 - c*%%c/10000,    v=c*%%d/10000"
            set /A "y=a*(p - t *%%e/10000)/10000  +  b*(r + u *%%e/10000)/10000  -  v *%%e/10000"
            set /A "z=a*(q + t *%%f/10000)/10000  +  b*(s - u *%%f/10000)/10000  +  v *%%f/10000"

            REM APA Projection of 3D to 2D
            set /A "a=ds*x/(z-%_dz%)+%_dx%, b=ds*y/(z-%_dz%)+%_dy%, APA=(i+=1)*((z>>31)+1)"

            if not defined L!b! set "L!b!=%_empty%"

            REM APA mod: _$PLOT_ ... _PLOT$_ code inserted here
            For /F "tokens=1-3" %%x in ("!a! !b! !APA!") do (
               set "c=!L%%y:~%%x!"
               REM APA mod: Give preference to "top" points over "bottom" ones
               if "%%z" neq "0" (
                  set "L%%y=!L%%y:~0,%%x!!g:~%%z,1!!c:~1!"
               ) else if "!c:~0,1!" equ " " (
                  set "L%%y=!L%%y:~0,%%x!.!c:~1!"



      REM APA mod: Draw the North and South Poles
      for %%v in (1 -1) do (

         set /A "b=?*%%v,  x=(-b*%%a)/10000*%%d/10000, y=b*(r+u*%%e/10000)/10000, z=b*(s-u*%%f/10000)/10000"
         set /A "a=ds*x/(z-%_dz%)+%_dx%, b=ds*y/(z-%_dz%)+%_dy%, APA=(i+=1)*((z>>31)+1)"

         if not defined L!b! set "L!b!=%_empty%"

         For /F "tokens=1-3" %%x in ("!a! !b! !APA!") do (
            set "c=!L%%y:~%%x!"
            if "%%z" neq "0" (set "L%%y=!L%%y:~0,%%x!!g:~%%z,1!!c:~1!") else if "!c:~0,1!" equ " " set "L%%y=!L%%y:~0,%%x!.!c:~1!"



   cls & For /L %%l in (1,1,%lines%) do echo/ !L%%l!



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KONG1991 发表于 2021-9-3 10:19
lengbingling 发表于 2021-8-5 17:07
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iamasbgfi 发表于 2021-8-5 17:28
haoyi2010 发表于 2021-8-5 17:43
曾经的DOS命令,  楼主批处理玩到极致!
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提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
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bdcpc 发表于 2021-8-5 20:07
曾经的DOS命令,  楼主批处理玩到极致!
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