吾爱破解 - 52pojie.cn




查看: 3317|回复: 10


丶小蓝丶 发表于 2021-9-6 09:18
本帖最后由 丶小蓝丶 于 2021-9-6 10:22 编辑


[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
Your personal ID
BG RS if Tn +d /i k6 xP xK Lv KT bg a3 +S Xt 4s
Ek 6m Df HA CX un 2L Hn Al qD 6E Cx Q7 mf xV vW
Co jJ DG jh R4 9m 3o za mm cn 6r 5f 9g 2v z+ 3Q
Qt VU QX es Jh ZJ hA 4C cy ZH HV XO mf d8 NY 6T
ZI /2 Gc mI We hD TE ek no WC ue d9 no hG Hb U4
Qj SZ ir UC FT R9 gG TF Xf /5 TJ 7/ s4 zD iR cC
/t LD Ov Lv di M2 9R ql 5i vA T3 zB /v AJ Sh hu
LV 4U 2w jJ PA H8 pY qx qa 0o hN u7 RV 5Y rV Kq
EK Qr aH sc V2 ho Z6 pv LE rF js mR Fr 53 PI XH
Ka tc K+ Ec bC 7A M7 jE 09 et y6 1Q 99 Tj f0 CY
XU Ys Fy ny DN Ey pQ XY bu AU G+ mk VM yL Az 4q
B4 TV AE 6m AC kC T0 Mc qt By hm IW om 6Q 9D sL
KI 7W Nl Cm Vw 5l xq 7i gE ov o0 Ak XX z2 U/ Nt
bY ZU v2 9Q rQ 1b zq jg r6 qY 8d eD 3f zg On kD
jy cL 7V vy Mx b/ /7 4Q CT dJ jl Gg zU sj cA Sq
sL gF z0 F6 HZ kP 1x 1/ +Y 1S pG LG +5 mV 0N u1
hJ 6P NR 7z bB Mb 1N KJ wj wg Dn fk hj fc CH BQ
lP UW f+ K8 5o C4 GY +H L9 0H EV bW bz A1 0x q5
SJ Ob 23 ab lN Tw mE k+ yX Sn Rk V2 ut mC XS 5f
v3 R6 AS 5l 0D DP Yu Q/ Pa dg qi jt Th JQ rA Ba
5b /o 5L sf 4m k5 Gd V8 FW ws ZQ qh hH tL l4 M1
eo Nf lk du SX g= 
 English ☣Your files are encrypted!☣


⬇ To decrypt, follow the instructions below.⬇ 
To recover data you need decrypt tool.
To get the decrypt tool you should:

Send 1 crypted test image or text file or document to [url=mailto:China.Helper@aol.com]China.Helper@aol.com[/url]
In the letter include your personal ID (look at the beginning of this document). Send me this ID in your first email to me.
We will give you free test for decrypt few files (NOT VALUE) and assign the price for decryption all files.
After we send you instruction how to pay for decrypt tool and after payment you will receive a decrypt tool and instructions how to use it We can decrypt few files in quality the evidence that we have the decoder.



Do not contact other services that promise to decrypt your files, this is fraud on their part! They will buy a decoder from us, and you will pay more for his services. No one, except [url=mailto:China.Helper@aol.com]China.Helper@aol.com[/url], will decrypt your files.


Only [url=mailto:China.Helper@aol.com]China.Helper@aol.com[/url] can decrypt your files 
Do not trust anyone besides [url=mailto:China.Helper@aol.com]China.Helper@aol.com[/url] 
Antivirus programs can delete this document and you can not contact us later. 
Attempts to self-decrypting files will result in the loss of your data 
Decoders other users are not compatible with your data, because each user's unique encryption key 




yyb1813 发表于 2021-9-6 12:43
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
strick 发表于 2021-9-6 12:46
reody 发表于 2021-9-6 13:10
reody 发表于 2021-9-6 13:11
 楼主| 丶小蓝丶 发表于 2021-9-6 13:30
yyb1813 发表于 2021-9-6 12:43
什么东东。文件给打包了?还是一进服务器就 这样显示

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
3.如果文件急需,可以自行联系黑客(有可能付款拿不到解密工具)或者第三方(在百度或者淘宝上找,涉及利益相关的我们不做任何推荐,第三方收费价格高于黑客,建议如果不知道如何支付但数据特别重要的用户可以直接联系第三方,最好签合同,解密文件才完成交易,同时应先咨询黑客收费,避免被第三方 收去几倍费用)。   
5.群里所有私信(除本人外,本人为360官方人员)说能恢复的都非官方人员 请自行辨别是否可靠。 本群原则是杜绝第三方的,但还是有不少人混进来。
zhi54 发表于 2021-9-6 14:01
keen-azure 发表于 2021-9-6 15:14
丶小蓝丶 发表于 2021-9-6 13:30
360给我的回复[mw_shl_code=asm,true]1.您中的属于GlobeImposter勒索病毒家族,暂时无 ...

jtdata 发表于 2021-9-6 15:17
12生肖变种 没戏的
ROBertzt 发表于 2021-9-7 09:02
丶小蓝丶 发表于 2021-9-6 13:30
360给我的回复[mw_shl_code=asm,true]1.您中的属于GlobeImposter勒索病毒家族,暂时无 ...

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