var begin
var end
var tmp
var dest
var code
var dest2
var count
mov begin, 400000 // lowest possible jmp/call destination
mov end, 40a000 // highest possible jmp/call destination
mov start, 401000 // start here to search for jmps/calls
mov count, 0 // clear safety counter
mov tmp, start // set starting point
findop tmp, #e9# // find first jmp
mov tmp, $RESULT
cmp tmp, 0
je __goon // if script couldn't find it, go on
inc tmp // get the destination of the jmp
mov dest, [tmp]
add dest, tmp
add dest, 4
cmp dest, begin // check if destination is in range
jbe __findjmp
cmp dest, end
jae __findjmp
findop dest, #e9# // check if destination has syntax
sub $RESULT, dest // ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? e9 ?? ?? ?? ?? (5 bytes stolen and jmp back)
cmp $RESULT, 5 // saying, distance to next jmp must be 5
jne __findjmp // if not go on searching
dec tmp // copy first stolen byte
mov al, [dest]
mov [tmp], al
inc tmp
inc dest
mov code, [dest] // copy last 4 stolen bytes, as dword
mov [tmp], code
inc count // increment safety counter (counts restored jmps)
jmp __findjmp // let the search go on
cmp count, 0 // continue searching jmps as long as the counter is not 0
jne __jmpstart // (make sure all have been resolved, necessary!)
mov tmp, start // reset starting point
findop tmp, #e8# // search calls
mov tmp, $RESULT
cmp tmp, 0
je __end
inc tmp
mov dest, [tmp]
add dest, tmp
add dest, 4
cmp dest, begin // check range of destination
jbe __findcall
cmp dest, end
jae __findcall
findop dest, #e9# // check if call points to a jmp, else it's no stolen code
cmp dest, $RESULT
jne __findcall
inc dest
mov dest2, dest
mov dest2, [dest2] // save destination of jmp in dest2
add dest2, dest // subtract the offset from jmp
add dest2, 4
sub dest2, tmp // calculate offset from call
sub dest2, 4
dec tmp
mov [tmp], #e8# // let there be a call
inc tmp
mov [tmp], dest2 // save new offset to destination
add tmp, 4
jmp __findcall // the search goes on :)
ret // finished