with je as (
select [dbo].[GET_NBFHZMX_TBO_DEAL_NO](Remark) as deal_no,TransactionDate, CurrencyCode, Amount_BaseCCY, RIGHT(Remark, 8) as acctg_id, DrCrFlag,
row_number() over (partition by [dbo].[GET_NBFHZMX_TBO_DEAL_NO](Remark) order by RIGHT(Remark, 8) asc) as rn
from ODS_DT_JournalEntry
where AccountCode = '0065920' and Remark like 'DEALIDFO%'
and TransactionDate = '20220208'
), je_num as (
select je.*, a.num from je
left join (
select deal_no, count(deal_no) as num from je
group by deal_no
)a on a.deal_no = je.deal_no
select * into #je_num from je_num;
select * into #je_2_temp from #je_num where num = 2; -- 2条
select * into #je_4_temp from #je_num where num = 4; -- 4条
-- 2条cd组 start
with je_2_group_1 as (
select *,
row_number() over (partition by deal_no, DrCrFlag order by deal_no asc) as flag
from #je_2_temp -- 68 68 68
), swap_group as (
select a.* from je_2_group_1 a
left join je_2_group_1 b on b.deal_no = a.deal_no and b.DrCrFlag <> a.DrCrFlag and b.flag = a.flag
where b.deal_no is not null
select * into #swap_group_2 from swap_group;
select deal_no, TransactionDate, CurrencyCode, Amount_BaseCCY, acctg_id, DrCrFlag into #je_2_c from #swap_group_2 where DrCrFlag = 'C';
select deal_no, TransactionDate, CurrencyCode, Amount_BaseCCY, acctg_id, DrCrFlag into #je_2_d from #swap_group_2 where DrCrFlag = 'D';
with swap_red as (
select * from (select * from ODS_DT_TBO_Deals_outstanding union select * from ODS_DT_TBO_Deals_volume) a where a.Instrument = 'FXSWAP'
and a.Folders NOT LIKE 'BJ%' AND a.Folders NOT LIKE 'KM%'
and a.Folders NOT LIKE 'SZ%'AND a.[Cpty Class] IS NOT NULL
and a.[Cpty Class] <> '' -- 6728 6728 6728
), swap_blue as (
select c.deal_no, c.TransactionDate, c.CurrencyCode, (c.Amount_BaseCCY - d.Amount_BaseCCY) as amount from #je_2_c c
left join #je_2_d d on d.deal_no = c.deal_no
), swap_2 as (
select * from swap_blue a
left join swap_red b on b.DealNumber = a.deal_no and a.TransactionDate <> b.MaturityDate
where b.DealNumber is not null
select * into #swap_2 from swap_2;
-- 2条cd组 end
-- 4条cd组 start
select deal_no, TransactionDate, CurrencyCode, Amount_BaseCCY, acctg_id, DrCrFlag into #je_4_4 from #je_4_temp where rn = '4';
select deal_no, TransactionDate, CurrencyCode, Amount_BaseCCY, acctg_id, DrCrFlag into #je_4_3 from #je_4_temp where rn = '3';
with je_4_group_1 as (
select *,
row_number() over (partition by deal_no, DrCrFlag order by deal_no asc) as flag
from (select * from #je_4_4 union select * from #je_4_3)a
), swap_group as (
select a.* from je_4_group_1 a
left join je_4_group_1 b on b.deal_no = a.deal_no and b.DrCrFlag <> a.DrCrFlag and b.flag = a.flag
where b.deal_no is not null
select * into #swap_group_4 from swap_group;
select * into #je_4_c from #swap_group_4 where DrCrFlag = 'C';
select * into #je_4_d from #swap_group_4 where DrCrFlag = 'D';
with swap_red as (
select * from (select * from ODS_DT_TBO_Deals_outstanding union select * from ODS_DT_TBO_Deals_volume) a where a.Instrument = 'FXSWAP'
and a.Folders NOT LIKE 'BJ%' AND a.Folders NOT LIKE 'KM%'
and a.Folders NOT LIKE 'SZ%'AND a.[Cpty Class] IS NOT NULL
and a.[Cpty Class] <> ''
), swap_blue as (
select c.deal_no, c.TransactionDate, c.CurrencyCode, (c.Amount_BaseCCY - d.Amount_BaseCCY) as amount from #je_4_c c
left join #je_4_d d on d.deal_no = c.deal_no
), swap_4 as (
select * from swap_blue a
left join swap_red b on b.DealNumber = a.deal_no
select * into #swap_4 from swap_4;
-- 4条cd组 end
-- 2条 同cd组 start
with je_2_group as (
select *,
row_number() over (partition by deal_no, DrCrFlag order by deal_no asc) as flag
from #je_2_temp
), swap_red as (
select * from (select * from ODS_DT_TBO_Deals_outstanding union select * from ODS_DT_TBO_Deals_volume) a where a.Instrument = 'FXSWAP'
and a.Folders NOT LIKE 'BJ%' AND a.Folders NOT LIKE 'KM%'
and a.Folders NOT LIKE 'SZ%'AND a.[Cpty Class] IS NOT NULL
and a.[Cpty Class] <> ''
), swap_blue as (
select a.deal_no, a.TransactionDate, a.CurrencyCode,
when a.DrCrFlag = 'D' and b.DrCrFlag = 'D' then -abs(a.Amount_BaseCCY + b.Amount_BaseCCY)
when a.DrCrFlag = 'C' and b.DrCrFlag = 'C' then abs(a.Amount_BaseCCY + b.Amount_BaseCCY)
end as amount
from je_2_group a
left join je_2_group b on b.deal_no = a.deal_no and b.DrCrFlag = a.DrCrFlag and b.flag = 1
where a.flag = 2
), swap_2_cd as (
select * from swap_blue a
left join swap_red b on b.DealNumber = a.deal_no and a.TransactionDate <> b.MaturityDate
where b.DealNumber is not null
select * into #swap_2_cd from swap_2_cd;
-- 2条 同cd组 end
-- 4条 同cd组 start
with je_4_group as (
select *,
row_number() over (partition by deal_no, DrCrFlag order by deal_no asc) as flag
from (select * from #je_4_4 union select * from #je_4_3)a
), swap_red as (
select * from (select * from ODS_DT_TBO_Deals_outstanding union select * from ODS_DT_TBO_Deals_volume) a where a.Instrument = 'FXSWAP'
and a.Folders NOT LIKE 'BJ%' AND a.Folders NOT LIKE 'KM%'
and a.Folders NOT LIKE 'SZ%'AND a.[Cpty Class] IS NOT NULL
and a.[Cpty Class] <> ''
), swap_blue as (
select a.deal_no, a.TransactionDate, a.CurrencyCode,
when a.DrCrFlag = 'D' and b.DrCrFlag = 'D' then -abs(a.Amount_BaseCCY + b.Amount_BaseCCY)
when a.DrCrFlag = 'C' and b.DrCrFlag = 'C' then abs(a.Amount_BaseCCY + b.Amount_BaseCCY)
end as amount
from je_4_group a
left join je_4_group b on b.deal_no = a.deal_no and b.DrCrFlag = a.DrCrFlag and b.flag = 1
where a.flag = 2
), swap_4_cd as (
select * from swap_blue a
left join swap_red b on b.DealNumber = a.deal_no and a.TransactionDate <> b.MaturityDate
where b.DealNumber is not null
select * into #swap_4_cd from swap_4_cd;
-- 4条 同cd组 end
-- 汇总
if OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#swap') is not null
insert into #swap select * from(select * from #swap_2 union select * from #swap_4 union select * from #swap_2_cd union select * from #swap_4_cd)a
select * into #swap from (select * from #swap_2 union select * from #swap_4 union select * from #swap_2_cd union select * from #swap_4_cd) a
-- close 临时表
drop table #je_num;
drop table #je_2_temp;drop table #je_4_temp;
drop table #je_2_c;drop table #je_2_d;drop table #swap_2;
drop table #je_4_4;drop table #je_4_3;drop table #je_4_c;drop table #je_4_d;drop table #swap_4;
drop table #swap_group_2;drop table #swap_group_4;
drop table #swap_2_cd;drop table #swap_4_cd;
-- 清洗数据 end
-- 校验
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220207' group by TransactionDate union -- y
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220208' group by TransactionDate union -- n
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220209' group by TransactionDate union -- y
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220210' group by TransactionDate union -- y
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220211' group by TransactionDate union -- n
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220214' group by TransactionDate union -- n
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220215' group by TransactionDate union -- n
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220216' group by TransactionDate union -- n
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220217' group by TransactionDate union -- y
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220218' group by TransactionDate union -- n
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220221' group by TransactionDate union -- n
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220222' group by TransactionDate union -- y
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220223' group by TransactionDate union -- n
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220224' group by TransactionDate union -- n
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220225' group by TransactionDate union -- n
select TransactionDate, sum(amount) from #swap where TransactionDate = '20220228' group by TransactionDate -- y
drop table #swap; --96585889.30 --96585889.30 --96604629.06