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[原创] 给Win10的资源管理器治疗啰嗦病症

冥界3大法王 发表于 2022-10-18 11:31
本帖最后由 冥界3大法王 于 2022-10-18 12:19 编辑

开始以为是不是exeplor.exe? 一切从怀疑开始。
所以呢? 搜索中文是多么的愚蠢行为。。。
00007FFE5F485152 | 48:8D15 F73A0500       | lea rdx,qword ptr ds:[7FFE5F4D8C50]       | 00007FFE5F4D8C50:L"RenameEdit"
我们来到DUMP窗口中按下Ctrl+Shift+1 ,设置1字节硬件访问断点
然后不断的Ctrl+A 向上查看段首  是哪里调用的。。。
不断的重复向上查看 ,并配合堆栈窗口



最终,我们就来到了上面的这个地方!!! 照图那样修改那个烦人的框框就再也不会出来了。。。
[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00007FFE74E171E0 | 40:55                  | push rbp                                      |
00007FFE74E171E2 | 53                     | push rbx                                      |
00007FFE74E171E3 | 56                     | push rsi                                      |
00007FFE74E171E4 | 57                     | push rdi                                      |
00007FFE74E171E5 | 41:54                  | push r12                                      |
00007FFE74E171E7 | 41:56                  | push r14                                      |
00007FFE74E171E9 | 41:57                  | push r15                                      |
00007FFE74E171EB | 48:8DAC24 70FFFFFF     | lea rbp,qword ptr ss:[rsp-90]                 |
00007FFE74E171F3 | 48:81EC 90010000       | sub rsp,190                                   |
00007FFE74E171FA | 48:8B05 57410300       | mov rax,qword ptr ds:[7FFE74E4B358]           | 00007FFE74E4B358:L"丫洝뷾"
00007FFE74E17201 | 48:33C4                | xor rax,rsp                                   |
00007FFE74E17204 | 48:8985 80000000       | mov qword ptr ss:[rbp+80],rax                 |
00007FFE74E1720B | 8365 D0 00             | and dword ptr ss:[rbp-30],0                   |
00007FFE74E1720F | 45:32FF                | xor r15b,r15b                                 |
00007FFE74E17212 | 49:8BF9                | mov rdi,r9                                    |
00007FFE74E17215 | 4D:8BE0                | mov r12,r8                                    |
00007FFE74E17218 | 48:8BF2                | mov rsi,rdx                                   |
00007FFE74E1721B | 4C:8BF1                | mov r14,rcx                                   |
00007FFE74E1721E | 49:81F9 00000100       | cmp r9,10000                                  |
00007FFE74E17225 | 0F83 92000000          | jae shlwapi.7FFE74E172BD                      |
00007FFE74E1722B | 48:85C9                | test rcx,rcx                                  |
00007FFE74E1722E | 0F84 89000000          | je shlwapi.7FFE74E172BD                       |
00007FFE74E17234 | 41:0FB7D1              | movzx edx,r9w                                 |
00007FFE74E17238 | 4C:8D45 E0             | lea r8,qword ptr ss:[rbp-20]                  |
00007FFE74E1723C | BB 50000000            | mov ebx,50                                    | 50:'P'
00007FFE74E17241 | 44:8BCB                | mov r9d,ebx                                   |
00007FFE74E17244 | FF15 7E5F0100          | call qword ptr ds:[<&LoadStringW>]            |
00007FFE74E1724A | 85C0                   | test eax,eax                                  |
00007FFE74E1724C | 75 62                  | jne shlwapi.7FFE74E172B0                      |
00007FFE74E1724E | 48:85F6                | test rsi,rsi                                  |
00007FFE74E17251 | 74 63                  | je shlwapi.7FFE74E172B6                       |
00007FFE74E17253 | 44:8BC3                | mov r8d,ebx                                   |
00007FFE74E17256 | 48:8D55 E0             | lea rdx,qword ptr ss:[rbp-20]                 |
00007FFE74E1725A | 48:8BCE                | mov rcx,rsi                                   |
00007FFE74E1725D | FF15 B55C0100          | call qword ptr ds:[<&GetWindowTextW>]         |
00007FFE74E17263 | 85C0                   | test eax,eax                                  |
00007FFE74E17265 | 74 4F                  | je shlwapi.7FFE74E172B6                       |
00007FFE74E17267 | 48:8D15 1AA20100       | lea rdx,qword ptr ds:[7FFE74E31488]           | 00007FFE74E31488:L"Program Manager"
00007FFE74E1726E | 48:8D4D E0             | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rbp-20]                 |
00007FFE74E17272 | FF15 88660100          | call qword ptr ds:[<&StrCmpW>]                |
00007FFE74E17278 | 85C0                   | test eax,eax                                  |
00007FFE74E1727A | 75 34                  | jne shlwapi.7FFE74E172B0                      |
00007FFE74E1727C | 33D2                   | xor edx,edx                                   |
00007FFE74E1727E | 48:8BCE                | mov rcx,rsi                                   |
00007FFE74E17281 | FF15 595D0100          | call qword ptr ds:[<&GetWindowThreadProcessId |
00007FFE74E17287 | 8BD8                   | mov ebx,eax                                   |
00007FFE74E17289 | FF15 89600100          | call qword ptr ds:[<&GetCurrentThreadId>]     |
00007FFE74E1728F | 3BD8                   | cmp ebx,eax                                   |
00007FFE74E17291 | 75 2A                  | jne shlwapi.7FFE74E172BD                      |
00007FFE74E17293 | 48:8D15 0EA20100       | lea rdx,qword ptr ds:[7FFE74E314A8]           | 00007FFE74E314A8:L"pszDesktopTitleW"
00007FFE74E1729A | 48:8BCE                | mov rcx,rsi                                   |
00007FFE74E1729D | FF15 655C0100          | call qword ptr ds:[<&GetPropW>]               |
00007FFE74E172A3 | 48:85C0                | test rax,rax                                  |
00007FFE74E172A6 | 48:8D7D E0             | lea rdi,qword ptr ss:[rbp-20]                 |
00007FFE74E172AA | 48:0F45F8              | cmovne rdi,rax                                |
00007FFE74E172AE | EB 0D                  | jmp shlwapi.7FFE74E172BD                      |
00007FFE74E172B0 | 48:8D7D E0             | lea rdi,qword ptr ss:[rbp-20]                 |
00007FFE74E172B4 | EB 07                  | jmp shlwapi.7FFE74E172BD                      |
00007FFE74E172B6 | 48:8D3D 637E0100       | lea rdi,qword ptr ds:[7FFE74E2F120]           |
00007FFE74E172BD | 48:8D85 F8000000       | lea rax,qword ptr ss:[rbp+F8]                 |
00007FFE74E172C4 | 49:8BD4                | mov rdx,r12                                   |
00007FFE74E172C7 | 4C:8D4424 20           | lea r8,qword ptr ss:[rsp+20]                  |
00007FFE74E172CC | 48:894424 20           | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+20],rax                 |
00007FFE74E172D1 | 49:8BCE                | mov rcx,r14                                   |
00007FFE74E172D4 | E8 BFFDFFFF            | call shlwapi.7FFE74E17098                     | 原来你在这里啊~~~~~~~从这里开始NOP
00007FFE74E172D9 | 48:836424 20 00        | and qword ptr ss:[rsp+20],0                   | NOP
00007FFE74E172DF | 4C:8BF0                | mov r14,rax                                   | NOP
00007FFE74E172E2 | 48:85C0                | test rax,rax                                  | NOP
00007FFE74E172E5 | 0F84 B2000000          | je shlwapi.7FFE74E1739D                       | 84==>85
00007FFE74E172EB | BB A0000000            | mov ebx,A0                                    |
00007FFE74E172F0 | 48:8D4C24 30           | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30]                 |
00007FFE74E172F5 | 44:8BC3                | mov r8d,ebx                                   |
00007FFE74E172F8 | 33D2                   | xor edx,edx                                   |
00007FFE74E172FA | E8 864AFFFF            | call <JMP.&memset>                            |
00007FFE74E172FF | 8B8D F0000000          | mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[rbp+F0]                 |
00007FFE74E17305 | 48:8D5424 30           | lea rdx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30]                 |
00007FFE74E1730A | 895C24 30              | mov dword ptr ss:[rsp+30],ebx                 |
00007FFE74E1730E | 48:897424 34           | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+34],rsi                 |
00007FFE74E17313 | 4C:897424 64           | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+64],r14                 |
00007FFE74E17318 | 48:897C24 4C           | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+4C],rdi                 |
00007FFE74E1731D | E8 1A150100            | call shlwapi.7FFE74E2883C                     |
00007FFE74E17322 | 8BD8                   | mov ebx,eax                                   |
00007FFE74E17324 | 85C0                   | test eax,eax                                  |
00007FFE74E17326 | 78 6A                  | js shlwapi.7FFE74E17392                       |
00007FFE74E17328 | 48:8D4D D8             | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rbp-28]                 |
00007FFE74E1732C | E8 5FECFEFF            | call shlwapi.7FFE74E05F90                     |
00007FFE74E17331 | 45:33C9                | xor r9d,r9d                                   |
00007FFE74E17334 | 48:8D55 D0             | lea rdx,qword ptr ss:[rbp-30]                 |
00007FFE74E17338 | 48:8D4C24 30           | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30]                 |
00007FFE74E1733D | E8 2A280100            | call shlwapi.7FFE74E29B6C                     | ===》最终应是这附近!!!
00007FFE74E17342 | 8BD8                   | mov ebx,eax                                   |
00007FFE74E17344 | 85C0                   | test eax,eax                                  |
00007FFE74E17346 | 78 18                  | js shlwapi.7FFE74E17360                       |
00007FFE74E17348 | F685 F0000000 0F       | test byte ptr ss:[rbp+F0],F                   |
00007FFE74E1734F | 75 30                  | jne shlwapi.7FFE74E17381                      |
00007FFE74E17351 | 837D D0 02             | cmp dword ptr ss:[rbp-30],2                   |
00007FFE74E17355 | 75 2A                  | jne shlwapi.7FFE74E17381                      |
00007FFE74E17357 | C745 D0 01000000       | mov dword ptr ss:[rbp-30],1                   |
00007FFE74E1735E | EB 21                  | jmp shlwapi.7FFE74E17381                      |
00007FFE74E17360 | 44:8B8D F0000000       | mov r9d,dword ptr ss:[rbp+F0]                 |
00007FFE74E17367 | 4C:8BC7                | mov r8,rdi                                    |
00007FFE74E1736A | 41:0FBAE9 10           | bts r9d,10                                    |
00007FFE74E1736F | 49:8BD6                | mov rdx,r14                                   |
00007FFE74E17372 | 48:8BCE                | mov rcx,rsi                                   |
00007FFE74E17375 | 41:B7 01               | mov r15b,1                                    |
00007FFE74E17378 | FF15 A25C0100          | call qword ptr ds:[<&MessageBoxW>]            |
00007FFE74E1737E | 8945 D0                | mov dword ptr ss:[rbp-30],eax                 |
00007FFE74E17381 | 48:8B55 D8             | mov rdx,qword ptr ss:[rbp-28]                 |
00007FFE74E17385 | 48:85D2                | test rdx,rdx                                  |
00007FFE74E17388 | 74 08                  | je shlwapi.7FFE74E17392                       |
00007FFE74E1738A | 33C9                   | xor ecx,ecx                                   |
00007FFE74E1738C | FF15 AE650100          | call qword ptr ds:[<&DeactivateActCtx>]       |
00007FFE74E17392 | 49:8BCE                | mov rcx,r14                                   |
00007FFE74E17395 | FF15 C55D0100          | call qword ptr ds:[<&LocalFree>]              |
00007FFE74E1739B | EB 05                  | jmp shlwapi.7FFE74E173A2                      |
00007FFE74E1739D | BB 0E000780            | mov ebx,8007000E                              |




参与人数 25吾爱币 +24 热心值 +23 收起 理由
frankrx41 + 1 热心回复!
candleliu + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
skiss + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
gxsky + 1 + 1 我看中法王的万能五笔了,是不是去广告的啊
精妹 + 1 我很赞同!
冬天冷了多穿点 + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
Xiangzhisuoxin + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
那些年打的飞机 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
Bluespacelx + 1 热心回复!
笙若 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
hnb + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
zhczf + 1 我很赞同!
msold5 + 2 + 1 膜拜大师,再多来点这种高招,如果再有补丁程序就更完美了
qweyongyuan + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
fangchang819 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
SakuraYaaa + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!
lyl610abc + 3 + 1 我很赞同!
gzmars + 1 我很赞同!
语然 + 1 + 1 真硬核啊
weidechan + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!
Ehon + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
laoxiao + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
KylinYang + 1 + 1 热心回复!
zhao7643442 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
独行风云 + 2 + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!




 楼主| 冥界3大法王 发表于 2022-10-19 08:53
@msold5        + 2        + 1


第2)个文件 需要手动跨模块搜索下,再找一找,没费啥劲就做到了。

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00007FFCD4F66F63  | 48:8D15 4EA50100           | lea rdx,qword ptr ds:[7FFCD4F814B8]       | 00007FFCD4F814B8:L"pszDesktopTitleW"
00007FFCD4F66F6A  | 48:8BCE                    | mov rcx,rsi                               |
00007FFCD4F66F6D  | FF15 955F0100              | call qword ptr ds:[<&GetPropW>]           |
00007FFCD4F66F73  | 48:85C0                    | test rax,rax                              |
00007FFCD4F66F76  | 48:8D7D E0                 | lea rdi,qword ptr ss:[rbp-20]             |
00007FFCD4F66F7A  | 48:0F45F8                  | cmovne rdi,rax                            |
00007FFCD4F66F7E  | EB 0D                      | jmp shlwapi.7FFCD4F66F8D                  |
00007FFCD4F66F80  | 48:8D7D E0                 | lea rdi,qword ptr ss:[rbp-20]             |
00007FFCD4F66F84  | EB 07                      | jmp shlwapi.7FFCD4F66F8D                  |
00007FFCD4F66F86  | 48:8D3D 9B810100           | lea rdi,qword ptr ds:[7FFCD4F7F128]       |
00007FFCD4F66F8D  | 48:8D85 F8000000           | lea rax,qword ptr ss:[rbp+F8]             | [rbp+F8]:"?朷"
00007FFCD4F66F94  | 49:8BD4                    | mov rdx,r12                               |
00007FFCD4F66F97  | 4C:8D4424 20               | lea r8,qword ptr ss:[rsp+20]              |
00007FFCD4F66F9C  | 48:894424 20               | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+20],rax             |
00007FFCD4F66FA1  | 49:8BCE                    | mov rcx,r14                               |
00007FFCD4F66FA4  | E8 BFFDFFFF                | call shlwapi.7FFCD4F66D68                 |
00007FFCD4F66FA9  | 48:836424 20 00            | and qword ptr ss:[rsp+20],0               |
00007FFCD4F66FAF  | 4C:8BF0                    | mov r14,rax                               |
00007FFCD4F66FB2  | 48:85C0                    | test rax,rax                              |
00007FFCD4F66FB5  | 0F85 B2000000              | jne shlwapi.7FFCD4F6706D                  | 1)84=>85
00007FFCD4F66FBB  | BB A0000000                | mov ebx,A0                                |
00007FFCD4F66FC0  | 48:8D4C24 30               | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30]             |
00007FFCD4F66FC5  | 44:8BC3                    | mov r8d,ebx                               |
00007FFCD4F66FC8  | 33D2                       | xor edx,edx                               |
00007FFCD4F66FCA  | E8 C64CFFFF                | call <JMP.&memset>                        |
00007FFCD4F66FCF  | 8B8D F0000000              | mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[rbp+F0]             | [rbp+F0]:&"辣O"
00007FFCD4F66FD5  | 48:8D5424 30               | lea rdx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30]             |
00007FFCD4F66FDA  | 895C24 30                  | mov dword ptr ss:[rsp+30],ebx             |
00007FFCD4F66FDE  | 48:897424 34               | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+34],rsi             |
00007FFCD4F66FE3  | 4C:897424 64               | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+64],r14             |
00007FFCD4F66FE8  | 48:897C24 4C               | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+4C],rdi             |
00007FFCD4F66FED  | E8 0A170100                | call shlwapi.7FFCD4F786FC                 |
00007FFCD4F66FF2  | 8BD8                       | mov ebx,eax                               |
00007FFCD4F66FF4  | 85C0                       | test eax,eax                              |
00007FFCD4F66FF6  | 78 6A                      | js shlwapi.7FFCD4F67062                   |
00007FFCD4F66FF8  | 48:8D4D D8                 | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rbp-28]             |
00007FFCD4F66FFC  | E8 5FEEFEFF                | call shlwapi.7FFCD4F55E60                 |
00007FFCD4F67001  | 45:33C9                    | xor r9d,r9d                               | r9d:&"PE"
00007FFCD4F67004  | 48:8D55 D0                 | lea rdx,qword ptr ss:[rbp-30]             |
00007FFCD4F67008  | 48:8D4C24 30               | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30]             |
00007FFCD4F6700D  | E8 82290100                | call shlwapi.7FFCD4F79994                 |
00007FFCD4F67012  | 8BD8                       | mov ebx,eax                               |
00007FFCD4F67014  | 85C0                       | test eax,eax                              |
00007FFCD4F67016  | 78 18                      | js shlwapi.7FFCD4F67030                   |
00007FFCD4F67018  | F685 F0000000 0F           | test byte ptr ss:[rbp+F0],F               |
00007FFCD4F6701F  | 75 30                      | jne shlwapi.7FFCD4F67051                  |
00007FFCD4F67021  | 837D D0 02                 | cmp dword ptr ss:[rbp-30],2               |
00007FFCD4F67025  | 75 2A                      | jne shlwapi.7FFCD4F67051                  |
00007FFCD4F67027  | C745 D0 01000000           | mov dword ptr ss:[rbp-30],1               |
00007FFCD4F6702E  | EB 21                      | jmp shlwapi.7FFCD4F67051                  |
00007FFCD4F67030  | 44:8B8D F0000000           | mov r9d,dword ptr ss:[rbp+F0]             | [rbp+F0]:&"辣O"
00007FFCD4F67037  | 4C:8BC7                    | mov r8,rdi                                |
00007FFCD4F6703A  | 41:0FBAE9 10               | bts r9d,10                                | r9d:&"PE"
00007FFCD4F6703F  | 49:8BD6                    | mov rdx,r14                               |
00007FFCD4F67042  | 48:8BCE                    | mov rcx,rsi                               |
00007FFCD4F67045  | 41:B7 01                   | mov r15b,1                                |
00007FFCD4F67048  | FF15 D25F0100              | call qword ptr ds:[<&MessageBoxW>]        |
00007FFCD4F6704E  | 8945 D0                    | mov dword ptr ss:[rbp-30],eax             |
00007FFCD4F67051  | 48:8B55 D8                 | mov rdx,qword ptr ss:[rbp-28]             |
00007FFCD4F67055  | 48:85D2                    | test rdx,rdx                              |
00007FFCD4F67058  | 74 08                      | je shlwapi.7FFCD4F67062                   |
00007FFCD4F6705A  | 33C9                       | xor ecx,ecx                               |
00007FFCD4F6705C  | FF15 DE680100              | call qword ptr ds:[<&DeactivateActCtx>]   |
00007FFCD4F67062  | 49:8BCE                    | mov rcx,r14                               |
00007FFCD4F67065  | FF15 F5600100              | call qword ptr ds:[<&LocalFree>]          |
00007FFCD4F6706B  | EB 05                      | jmp shlwapi.7FFCD4F67072                  |
00007FFCD4F6706D  | BB 0E000780                | mov ebx,8007000E                          |
00007FFCD4F67072  | 85DB                       | test ebx,ebx                              |
00007FFCD4F67074  | EB 20                      | jmp shlwapi.7FFCD4F67096                  | 2)79=>EB
00007FFCD36104F6  | 48:FF15 EBC51000           | call qword ptr ds:[<&ShellMessageBoxW>]   |
00007FFCD36104FD  | 0F1F4400 00                | nop dword ptr ds:[rax+rax],eax            |
00007FFCD3610502  | 44:8BE8                    | mov r13d,eax                              |
00007FFCD3610505  | 48:8D4D D7                 | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rbp-29]             |
00007FFCD3610509  | E8 62B1C5FF                | call windows.storage.7FFCD326B670         |
00007FFCD361050E  | 41:83FD 06                 | cmp r13d,6                                |
00007FFCD3610512  | 90                         | nop                                       | 3)此处NOP掉
00007FFCD3610513  | 90                         | nop                                       |
00007FFCD3610514  | 90                         | nop                                       |
00007FFCD3610515  | 90                         | nop                                       |
00007FFCD3610516  | 90                         | nop                                       |
00007FFCD3610517  | 90                         | nop                                       |
00007FFCD3610518  | 8B85 87000000              | mov eax,dword ptr ss:[rbp+87]             |
00007FFCD361051E  | 48:8BCF                    | mov rcx,rdi                               |
00007FFCD3610521  | 4C:8B4D B7                 | mov r9,qword ptr ss:[rbp-49]              |
00007FFCD3610525  | 4C:8B45 BF                 | mov r8,qword ptr ss:[rbp-41]              |
00007FFCD3610529  | 48:8B55 C7                 | mov rdx,qword ptr ss:[rbp-39]             |
00007FFCD361052D  | 4C:897C24 30               | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+30],r15             |
00007FFCD3610532  | 894424 28                  | mov dword ptr ss:[rsp+28],eax             |
00007FFCD3610536  | 8B45 7F                    | mov eax,dword ptr ss:[rbp+7F]             |
00007FFCD3610539  | 894424 20                  | mov dword ptr ss:[rsp+20],eax             |
00007FFCD361053D  | E8 0A010000                | call windows.storage.7FFCD361064C         |
00007FFCD3610542  | 44:8BF0                    | mov r14d,eax                              |
00007FFCD3610545  | 85C0                       | test eax,eax                              |
00007FFCD3610547  | 78 7A                      | js windows.storage.7FFCD36105C3           |

 楼主| 冥界3大法王 发表于 2022-10-18 11:57
00007FFE74E172E5 | 0F85 B2000000          | jne shlwapi.7FFE74E1739D                      | 84==>85

00007FFE74E173A4 | EB 20                  | jmp shlwapi.7FFE74E173C6                      | 2) JMP 跳过下面的win32  LastWin32Error
00007FFE74E173A6 | 41:F6DF                | neg r15b                                      |
00007FFE74E173A9 | 0FB7CB                 | movzx ecx,bx                                  |
00007FFE74E173AC | 1BC0                   | sbb eax,eax                                   |
00007FFE74E173AE | 2145 D0                | and dword ptr ss:[rbp-30],eax                 |
00007FFE74E173B1 | 8BC3                   | mov eax,ebx                                   |
00007FFE74E173B3 | 25 0000FF1F            | and eax,1FFF0000                              |
00007FFE74E173B8 | 3D 00000700            | cmp eax,70000                                 |
00007FFE74E173BD | 0F45CB                 | cmovne ecx,ebx                                |
00007FFE74E173C0 | FF15 DA5C0100          | call qword ptr ds:[<&RtlRestoreLastWin32Error |
00007FFE74E173C6 | 8B45 D0                | mov eax,dword ptr ss:[rbp-30]               

00007FFE71E3547A | 48:FF15 8F341000       | call qword ptr ds:[<&ShellMessageBoxW>]       |
00007FFE71E35481 | 0F1F4400 00            | nop dword ptr ds:[rax+rax],eax                |
00007FFE71E35486 | 8945 CF                | mov dword ptr ss:[rbp-31],eax                 |
00007FFE71E35489 | 48:8D4D DF             | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rbp-21]                 |
00007FFE71E3548D | E8 A647C9FF            | call windows.storage.7FFE71AC9C38             |
00007FFE71E35492 | 837D CF 06             | cmp dword ptr ss:[rbp-31],6                   |
00007FFE71E35496 | 0F85 E4000000          | jne windows.storage.7FFE71E35580              | 3) 这里NOP掉


icode_isky 发表于 2022-10-18 11:43
q3126287 发表于 2022-10-18 11:45
Fiyu520 发表于 2022-10-18 11:53
Rmydream 发表于 2022-10-18 11:57
jimmy007 发表于 2022-10-18 12:02
j171801 发表于 2022-10-18 12:11
若然 发表于 2022-10-18 12:27
linruo218 发表于 2022-10-18 12:51
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