起因:从新浪众测下载的华为p50手机拍的图片,一开始遇到这个报错 “内存不足”。Win11使用旧版的照片查看器,一开始会有一定几率出现闪退。
我在看了知乎 打开图片显示Windows照片查看器无法显示图片。因为计算机上的可用内存可能不足。怎么解决?、 解决Windows图片查看器提示内存不足后,怎么解决打印问题? 。略有思索,解决办法无非三种:
exiftool -icc_profile x:/your_photo_path/xxx.jpg
其实这也与公司有些地方真得用IE,我们所背负的“技术负债” ,同理。如果你的职业是桌面运维,应该是对这情况,比较很清楚的。顺便一提,工作性质来说,工控商显电脑的FAE侧重于硬件,外包或对内的桌维/网管更多侧重于软件及系统调试。
远程下载并解压,调用ExifTool 工具处理。
@echo off
@rem ----- 下载与配置 --------------
@REM 下载 exiftool.zip
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\exiftool.zip" curl -o C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\exiftool.zip https://exiftool.org/exiftool-12.59.zip
@REM “找不到中央目录结尾记录”,那是存档坏了,见:https://qa.1r1g.com/sf/ask/1467228241/
@REM 判断位置是否存在,解压缩并重命名
IF NOT EXIST C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\exiftool.exe ^
powershell -c "Expand-Archive C:/Users/${env:UserName}/Downloads/exiftool.zip C:/Users/${env:UserName}/Tools/ -Force"&&ren C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\exiftool(-k).exe exiftool.exe > nul
@REM echo 文件保存位置:C:/Users/%USERNAME%/Tools
echo "exiftool下载与配置,已完成"
@REM ----- 使用示例 --------------
@REM 1. 部分系统终端默认变量目录不同
@REM 2. 单个图片演示
set /p data=请将图片或目录路径复制到终端,或输入 exit 可退出当前程序:
IF "%data%"=="exit" GOTO END
IF EXIST %data%\ (
@REM %%~nxf %nameonly% %extonly% %filename%
for %%f in ("%data%\*.jpg" "%data%\*.png" "%data%\*.jpeg") do (
echo 删除文件 "%%~nxf" 中的 ICC_PROFILE...
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\exiftool.exe -overwrite_original -icc_profile= %%f > nul
IF EXIST %data% (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\exiftool.exe -overwrite_original -icc_profile= %data%) else (echo "信息有误,不存在图片内容" )
echo 图片处理程序,已退出
@REM -------- 调试代码(win11调用旧版照片查看器)------------
@REM reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Photo Viewer\Capabilities\FileAssociations" /v ".jpg" /t reg_sz /d "PhotoViewer.FileAssoc.Tiff" /f
@REM reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Photo Viewer\Capabilities\FileAssociations" /v ".jpeg" /t reg_sz /d "PhotoViewer.FileAssoc.Tiff" /f
@REM reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Photo Viewer\Capabilities\FileAssociations" /v ".png" /t reg_sz /d "PhotoViewer.FileAssoc.Tiff" /f
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;Agfa状态下 能够正常看图
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ICM\RegisteredProfiles]
引用一下 brother打印机官网对 ICM 此项 的描述:
ICM profiles are used to describe the color characteristics of your printer. Your Brother printer is supplied with two ICM profiles which you can use with your software applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Quark Express etc. Generally speaking, we recommend that you use these profiles, however, by purchasing a color calibration device you are able to create your own profiles which will be optimized for your particular printer.
以及 微软对 RSWOP.icm 的描述
Some software applications manage color to ensure that the colors appearing on the monitor or sent to the printer are as accurate as possible. Color management involves converting from the source profile (the color profile of the device, such as the camera, that created the image) to the destination profile (the color profile of the device that displays or prints it). If either color profile is unavailable, the color conversion fails and the image is not displayed or printed.
The RSWOP.icm CMYK color profile targets the widely-used US SWOP printing standard. This profile is installed with Microsoft Office but is not installed by default on Windows. This causes unexpected failures in applications that manage color on some images or devices. Installing this profile will correct the problem.