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[Disassemblers] ETU-Dasm 汉化版

mycsy 发表于 2009-1-20 11:10
  v2.35 ALPHA (released 12/23/05)
  - Added "Goto base relocation" popup menu entry for first byte of a base
    relocated address (12/18/05)
  - By right clicking a first byte of a base relocated address (marked in asm
    mode) you can "Remove base relocation". This is done by simply clearing
    the upper 4 bits of the corresponding entry (12/18/05)
  - Added "Mark based relocations" button (12/17/05)
  - In asm mode bytes which have a corresponding entry in the base relocation
    table are marked with a light red background especially the first byte
    of each relocation which will get special popup menu items (12/17/05)
  - Changed stack and registers on program entry point and exception to
    Win2K SP4 (German version) values (12/15/05)
  - Fixed "jnle" as my assembler reference stated wrong conditions...(12/04/05)
  - GetModuleHandleA added (same as LoadLibraryA) (12/03/05)
  - Added "Save as section enlarged file" to enlarge all sections to the
    maximum of raw data size and virtual size to allow correct tracing
  - Now also direct calls to the addresses of imported functions are recognized
    and shown as i.e. "... = KERNEL32: GetProcAddress". For this the values
    at the positions where the correct address of an import would be stored
    are used and interpreted as "real" import addresses (12/03/05)
  - ETU now memorizes calls to LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress and uses the
    own returned values to recognize calls to "loaded" functions (12/03/05)
  - Added first LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress call recognition to
    tracer (11/27/05)
  - Added redo feature (11/27/05)
  - Several bug fixes concerning fixed registers (11/27/05)
  - "lea" has been fixed and the missing "loop" command been added to the
    tracer (11/26/05)  
  - DEF files can now be used to get the names of ordinal >EX<ported functions
  - Made sorting optional and same function keeps selected when changing
    sorting mode (11/13/05)
  - Reduced export dialog resizing flickering (11/12/05)
  - Import modules become sorted by name and only appear once
    anymore (11/09/05)
  - Made export dialog resizable (09/20/05


599.93 KB, 下载次数: 53, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


Squn 发表于 2009-1-20 13:29
嘿嘿 下啦~~
xueyong 发表于 2009-1-20 15:58
小生我怕怕 发表于 2009-1-21 19:33
rooky2000 发表于 2009-1-23 08:49
paids123 发表于 2009-1-23 15:38
嘿嘿 下啦~~
a2213572 发表于 2009-2-1 01:13
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