This plugin is BETA, coz I've just started. It is not easy to get Olly ready for .net,
and it's my 1st plugin try at all. So don't expect too much.
-Auto-Hook on compileMethod()
-Shows the IL code of each method, which is going to be jitted
-Break on jitted method (native code)
-Manually dump IL code
How to:
-First you need to run any .net assembly in Olly.
-Menu > Plugins > ILLY > Init ILLY
-Now compileMethod() is hooked
-Restart the app in olly to break on the 1st method
or simply wait until the next method gets jitted (for example press a 'REG' button in the target)
Manually dump IL code:
-Select the range of IL code in a dump window
-Right click > ILLY > Dump ILs
posted by Ahmed18
its only beta a lot of promises can come from this plugin