[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
import json
import hashlib
import platform
import time
import uuid
import requests
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from services.config_manager import ConfigManager
from utils.helpers import *
import binascii
import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
class Licence:
SECRET_KEY = 'UjPpJ9xAVIR9eNwTz9ZBVD66Uml/Tlu8n/iDRX7cTyU='
def __init__(self):
self.config = ConfigManager('licence')
self.base_url = self.config.get('base_url', 'https://sw.jiusuan.art/v1')
def is_active(self):
licence = self.get_licence_info()
license_key = licence.get('license_key')
if license_key is None or license_key == '':
message = licence.get('message')
return (False, message)
device_changed = None.get_changed_data()
if device_changed > 1:
return (False, '设备已变更,需要重新激活')
current_time = None()
if licence.get('licence_expires_date', 0) < current_time:
return (False, '许可证过期')
return (True, '')
def register(self = None, license_key = None, name = None):
key = base64.b64decode(self.SECRET_KEY)
url = '/activeCode/active'
device_id = self.get_device_id()
device_data = self.get_device_data()
data = {
'code': license_key,
'device_name': name,
'device_data': device_data,
'mac_sn': device_id,
'timestamp': get_current_timestamp() }
(res, msg) = self.send_request(url, data)
if res is None:
return (False, f'''激活失败【{msg}】(0x50000)''')
res_code = None.get('code', 0)
if res_code != 200:
res_data = res.get('data', '')
return (False, f'''激活失败:{res_data}【{res_code}】(0x50001)''')
res_data = None.get('data', { })
token = res_data.get('token', '')
token_expires_at = res_data.get('expires_at', 0)
licence_expires_date = res_data.get('licence_expires_date', 0)
self.create_licence(license_key, token, token_expires_at, name, device_id, licence_expires_date, **('license_key', 'token', 'token_expires_at', 'name', 'device_id', 'licence_expires_date'))
return (True, '设备激活成功')
def refresh(self):
url = '/macToken/validateToken'
licence = self.get_licence_info()
license_key = licence.get('license_key')
if license_key is None or license_key == '':
return False
device_id = None.get_device_id()
device_data = self.get_device_data()
data = {
'token': licence.get('token'),
'mac_sn': device_id,
'timestamp': get_current_timestamp(),
'device_data': device_data }
(res, msg) = self.send_request(url, data)
if res is None:
return False
res_code = None.get('code', 0)
if res_code == 401:
res_data = res.get('data', '')
return False
if None != 200:
return False
res_data = None.get('data', { })
token = res_data.get('token', '')
token_expires_at = res_data.get('expires_at', 0)
licence_expires_date = res_data.get('licence_expires_date', 0)
token_expires_at = min(token_expires_at, licence_expires_date)
self.create_licence(licence.get('license_key'), token, token_expires_at, licence_expires_date, licence.get('name'), device_id, **('license_key', 'token', 'token_expires_at', 'licence_expires_date', 'name', 'device_id'))
current_time = get_current_timestamp()
if token_expires_at < current_time:
return False
return True
def create_licence(self, license_key, token, message = None, token_expires_at = None, name = None, device_id = ('', 0, '', None, 0), licence_expires_date = ('license_key', str, 'token', str, 'token_expires_at', int, 'name', str, 'device_id', str)):
if device_id is None:
device_id = self.get_device_id()
token_expires_at = min(token_expires_at, licence_expires_date)
key = self.SECRET_KEY
cipher_suite = Fernet(key)
device_data = self.get_device_data()
# WARNING: Decompyle incomplete
def remove_licence(self, message = ('',)):
self.create_licence('', '', 0, message, **('license_key', 'token', 'token_expires_at', 'message'))
def get_licence_info(self):
cipher_text = self.config.get('LICENCE')
key = self.SECRET_KEY
cipher_suite = Fernet(key)
# WARNING: Decompyle incomplete
def get_licence_info1(self):
cipher_text = self.config.get('LICENCE')
key = base64.b64decode(self.SECRET_KEY)
plaintext = self.decrypt_aes256ecb(key, cipher_text).decode('utf-8')
key = self.SECRET_KEY
cipher_suite = Fernet(key)
# WARNING: Decompyle incomplete
def send_request(self = None, url = None, data = None, timeout = (5,)):
key = base64.b64decode(self.SECRET_KEY)
plaintext = json.dumps(data)
cipher_text = self.encrypt_aes256ecb(key, plaintext).decode('utf-8')
post_data = {
'data': cipher_text }
msg = ''
# WARNING: Decompyle incomplete
def get_device_id(self):
licence_info = self.get_licence_info()
device_id = licence_info.get('device_id')
if device_id:
return device_id
device_id = None.get_device_id1()
self.create_licence(device_id, '', '', 0, **('device_id', 'license_key', 'token', 'token_expires_at'))
return device_id
def get_device_id2():
return Licence.get_device_id1()
get_device_id2 = staticmethod(get_device_id2)
def get_device_data():
mac_address = ':'.join((lambda .0: [ '{:02x}'.format(uuid.getnode() >> elements & 255) for elements in .0 ])(range(0, 12, 2))[::-1])
processor_id = platform.processor()
architecture = platform.architecture()
main_board_serial = Licence.get_main_board_serial()
device_uuid = Licence.get_device_uuid()
hard_drive_serial = Licence.get_hard_drive_serial()
user_directory = os.path.expanduser('~')
device_data = {
'mac_address': mac_address,
'processor_id': processor_id,
'architecture': architecture,
'main_board_serial': main_board_serial,
'device_uuid': device_uuid,
'hard_drive_serial': hard_drive_serial,
'user_directory': user_directory }
return device_data
get_device_data = staticmethod(get_device_data)
def get_changed_data(self):
licence_info = self.get_licence_info()
main_board_serial = Licence.get_main_board_serial()
device_uuid = Licence.get_device_uuid()
hard_drive_serial = Licence.get_hard_drive_serial()
user_directory = os.path.expanduser('~')
licence_main_board_serial = licence_info.get('main_board_serial')
licence_hard_drive_serial = licence_info.get('hard_drive_serial')
licence_user_directory = licence_info.get('user_directory')
licence_device_uuid = licence_info.get('device_uuid')
changed = 0
if licence_main_board_serial and main_board_serial != licence_main_board_serial:
changed += 2
if licence_device_uuid and device_uuid != licence_device_uuid:
changed += 2
if licence_hard_drive_serial and hard_drive_serial != licence_hard_drive_serial:
changed += 1
if licence_user_directory and user_directory != licence_user_directory:
changed += 1
return changed
def get_device_id1():
main_board_serial = Licence.get_main_board_serial()
serial = None
if main_board_serial:
serial = f'''{main_board_serial}'''
device_uuid = Licence.get_device_uuid()
serial = f'''{serial}-{device_uuid}'''
hard_drive_serial = Licence.get_hard_drive_serial()
if hard_drive_serial:
serial = f'''{serial}-{hard_drive_serial}'''
if serial is None or serial == '':
mac_address = ':'.join((lambda .0: [ '{:02x}'.format(uuid.getnode() >> elements & 255) for elements in .0 ])(range(0, 12, 2))[::-1])
processor_id = platform.processor()
architecture = platform.architecture()
device_uuid = Licence.get_device_uuid()
serial = f'''{device_uuid}-{mac_address}-{processor_id}-{architecture}'''
hard_drive_serial = Licence.get_hard_drive_serial()
if hard_drive_serial:
serial = f'''{hard_drive_serial}-{serial}'''
device_info = f'''HeRmEs-#SiLenCe#-{serial}-#END#'''
device_id = hashlib.sha256(device_info.encode()).hexdigest()
return device_id
get_device_id1 = staticmethod(get_device_id1)
def get_main_board_serial():
serial_number = None
# WARNING: Decompyle incomplete
get_main_board_serial = staticmethod(get_main_board_serial)
def get_device_uuid():
serial_number = None
# WARNING: Decompyle incomplete
get_device_uuid = staticmethod(get_device_uuid)
def get_hard_drive_serial():
serial_number = None
# WARNING: Decompyle incomplete
get_hard_drive_serial = staticmethod(get_hard_drive_serial)
def encrypt_aes256ecb(key, ciphertext):
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(pad(ciphertext.encode(), AES.block_size))
return base64.b64encode(ciphertext)
encrypt_aes256ecb = staticmethod(encrypt_aes256ecb)
def decrypt_aes256ecb(key, ciphertext):
hex_ciphertext = base64.b64decode(ciphertext)
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
plaintext = cipher.decrypt(hex_ciphertext).strip()
# WARNING: Decompyle incomplete
decrypt_aes256ecb = staticmethod(decrypt_aes256ecb)
def encrypt_aes256gcm(key, ciphertext):
iv = get_random_bytes(16)
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, iv)
(ed, auth_tag) = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(ciphertext.encode())
return base64.b64encode(iv + ed + auth_tag)
encrypt_aes256gcm = staticmethod(encrypt_aes256gcm)
def decrypt_aes256gcm(key, ciphertext):
hex_ciphertext = binascii.unhexlify(ciphertext)
iv = hex_ciphertext[:12]
data = hex_ciphertext[12:-16]
auth_tag = hex_ciphertext[-16:]
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, iv)
dd = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(data, auth_tag)
return dd.decode()
decrypt_aes256gcm = staticmethod(decrypt_aes256gcm)
def check_auth(self, name = ('ttv',)):
return False