import openpyxl as op
import copy
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter, column_index_from_string
from openpyxl.utils.cell import coordinate_from_string
def fullcopy_sheet_s2t(s_wb, t_wb, s_ws=None, t_ws=None):
s_wb (_type_): 源工作簿
t_wb (_type_): 目标工作簿
s_ws (_type_, optional): 源工作表. Defaults to None.
t_ws (_type_, optional): 目标工作表. Defaults to None.
def get_effective_data_range(wb, sheet_name=None):
wb (_type_): 工作表
sheet_name (_type_, optional): 工作表名. Defaults to None.
_type_: 开始CELL坐标,结束CELL坐标,有效数据行数
# 获取指定工作表
if sheet_name is None:
ws = wb[wb.sheetnames[0]]
ws = wb[sheet_name]
cells = [cell for row in ws.rows for cell in row]
# print("🚀 ~ file: copyxlsx240517.py:199 ~ _list:", cells)
if cells:
start = cells[0]
# print("🚀 ~ file: copyxlsx240517.py:201 ~ cells[0]:", cells[0])
end = cells[-1]
# print("🚀 ~ file: copyxlsx240517.py:203 ~ cells[-1]:", cells[-1])
start_coordinate = start.coordinate
end_coordinate = end.coordinate
# 计算有效数据行数(不包括空行)
data_row_count = end.row - start.row + 1
# 空表格
start_coordinate = None
end_coordinate = None
data_row_count = 0
# 返回结果
return (start_coordinate, end_coordinate, data_row_count)
def get_newarea(start_coordinate, end_coordinate, current_row, newrows):
"""根据原始坐标, 开始行, 新增行数,生成新增数据的目标区域
start_coordinate (_type_): 开始坐标
end_coordinate (_type_): 结束坐标
current_row (_type_): 开始行
newrows (_type_): 新增行数
_type_: _description_
start_col, start_row = coordinate_from_string(start_coordinate)
end_col, end_row = coordinate_from_string(end_coordinate)
new_start_row = start_row + current_row
new_end_row = end_row + current_row
new_start_col = start_col
new_end_col = end_col
# print(new_start_col + str(new_start_row), new_end_col + str(new_end_row))
return new_start_col + str(new_start_row), new_end_col + str(new_end_row)
if s_ws is None:
s_ws = s_wb.sheetnames[0]
if t_ws is None:
t_ws = s_ws
ws_from = s_wb[s_ws]
if t_ws not in t_wb.sheetnames:
ws_to = t_wb.create_sheet(t_ws)
ws_to = t_wb[t_ws]
# 删除默认创建的空sheet
if s_ws != "Sheet" and "Sheet" in t_wb.sheetnames:
del t_wb["Sheet"]
_, _, lastrow = get_effective_data_range(t_wb)
start_coordinate, end_coordinate, data_row_count = get_effective_data_range(s_wb)
s_range = f"{start_coordinate}:{end_coordinate}"
targe_start_coordinate, targe_end_coordinate = get_newarea(
start_coordinate, end_coordinate, lastrow, data_row_count
t_range = f"{targe_start_coordinate}:{targe_end_coordinate}"
ws_to.sheet_properties.tabColor = ws_from.sheet_properties.tabColor
if s_range is not None:
source_area = ws_from[s_range]
source_area = ws_from
merge_cell_dict = OrderedDict()
merged_ranges = ws_from.merged_cells.ranges
for source_row in source_area:
for source_cell in source_row:
sc_str = str(source_cell)
point_time = sc_str.count(".")
sc_str = sc_str.replace(".", "", point_time - 1)
start = sc_str.find(".")
sc_str = sc_str[start + 1 : -1]
for merged_range in merged_ranges:
if source_cell.coordinate in merged_range:
_cell_value = ws_from.cell(
row=merged_range.min_row, column=merged_range.min_col
merge_cell_dict[sc_str] = (
range_li = []
for val in set(merge_cell_dict.values()):
tmp = []
for x, y in merge_cell_dict.items():
if y == val:
if len(tmp):
range_li.append(min(tmp) + ":" + max(tmp))
for i in range_li:
# print(i)
if s_range is not None:
base_point_letter = s_range.split(":")[0]
base_point = ws_from[base_point_letter]
base_row = base_point.row
base_col = base_point.column
base_point_letter = i.split(":")[0]
base_point = ws_from[base_point_letter]
base_row = base_point.row
base_col = base_point.column
s = i.split(":")[0]
e = i.split(":")[1]
# 模板区间第一个点相对顶点距离
base_delta_row = ws_from[s].row - base_row
base_delta_col = ws_from[s].column - base_col
# 模板区间两个端点距离
delta_row = ws_from[e].row - ws_from[s].row
delta_col = ws_from[e].column - ws_from[s].column
# print(base_delta_row, base_delta_col, delta_row, delta_col)
if t_range is not None:
tar_s = t_range.split(":")[0]
tar_s_letter = re.findall(r"([A-Za-z]+)", tar_s)[0]
tar_base_col_idx = column_index_from_string(tar_s_letter)
tar_base_row_idx = int(re.findall(r"(\d+)", tar_s)[0])
tar_s = s
tar_s_letter = re.findall(r"([A-Za-z]+)", tar_s)[0]
tar_base_col_idx = column_index_from_string(tar_s_letter)
tar_base_row_idx = int(re.findall(r"(\d+)", tar_s)[0])
# print(tar_base_row_idx, tar_base_col_idx)
tar_range_s_col = get_column_letter(tar_base_col_idx + base_delta_col)
tar_range_s_idx = tar_base_row_idx + base_delta_row
tar_range_e_col = get_column_letter(
tar_base_col_idx + base_delta_col + delta_col
tar_range_e_idx = tar_base_row_idx + base_delta_row + delta_row
tar_merge = (
+ str(tar_range_s_idx)
+ ":"
+ tar_range_e_col
+ str(tar_range_e_idx)
# print('tar merge:', tar_merge)
if s_range is not None and t_range is not None:
source_point_letter = s_range.split(":")[0]
source_point = ws_from[source_point_letter]
source_row = source_point.row
source_col = source_point.column
tar_point_letter = t_range.split(":")[0]
tar_point = ws_from[tar_point_letter]
tar_row = tar_point.row
tar_col = tar_point.column
delta_row = tar_row - source_row
delta_col = tar_col - source_col
print("ROW:", tar_row, source_row)
print("COL:", tar_col, source_col)
delta_row = 0
delta_col = 0
# print("DELTA ROW COL:", delta_row, delta_col)
for source_row in source_area:
update_row_h = False
for source_cell in source_row:
source_x = source_cell.row
new_x = source_x + delta_row
source_y = source_cell.column
new_y = source_y + delta_col
if not update_row_h:
ws_to.row_dimensions[new_x].height = ws_from.row_dimensions[
update_row_h = True
].width = ws_from.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(source_y)].width
ws_to.cell(row=new_x, column=new_y, value=source_cell.value)
# 设置单元格格式
target_cell = ws_to.cell(new_x, new_y)
target_cell.fill = copy.copy(source_cell.fill)
if source_cell.has_style:
target_cell._style = copy.copy(source_cell._style)
target_cell.font = copy.copy(source_cell.font)
target_cell.border = copy.copy(source_cell.border)
target_cell.fill = copy.copy(source_cell.fill)
target_cell.number_format = copy.copy(source_cell.number_format)
target_cell.protection = copy.copy(source_cell.protection)
target_cell.alignment = copy.copy(source_cell.alignment)
targe_wb = op.Workbook() # 新建一个EXCEL
source_wb1 = op.load_workbook("head.xlsx")
source_wb2 = op.load_workbook("data.xlsx")
source_wb3 = op.load_workbook("tail.xlsx")
fullcopy_sheet_s2t(source_wb1, targe_wb)
fullcopy_sheet_s2t(source_wb2, targe_wb)
fullcopy_sheet_s2t(source_wb3, targe_wb)