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[Python 转载] python经典题分享

科迈罗 发表于 2024-6-26 21:55
本帖最后由 科迈罗 于 2024-6-26 21:57 编辑



第 0000 题: 将你的 QQ 头像(或者微博头像)右上角加上红色的数字,类似于微信未读信息数量那种提示效果。 类似于图中效果

[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
# PIL https://pillow.readthedocs.org/

def add_num(img):
    # 创建一个绘画对象针对参数开始绘画
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    # 加载TrueType或OpenType字体文件,并创建一个字体对象。
    myfont = ImageFont.truetype('./SimHei.ttf', size = 50)
    # 加载字体颜色
    fillcolor = "#008c8c"
    # 加载图片宽和高 
    width, height = img.size
    # 在图片上画上字,坐标原点为图片左上角
    draw.text((width-20, 0), '0', font = myfont, fill = fillcolor)
    # 保存图片
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    image = Image.open('./image.jpg')

第 0001 题: 做为 Apple Store App 独立开发者,你要搞限时促销,为你的应用生成激活码(或者优惠券),使用 Python 如何生成 200 个激活码(或者优惠券)?

第 0002 题:    将 0001 题生成的 200 个激活码(或者优惠券)保存到 MySQL 关系型数据库中。

第 0003 题: 将 0001 题生成的 200 个激活码(或者优惠券)保存到 Redis 非关系型数据库中。

[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
import random
import pymysql

def creat_num(num,long):
    num: 激活码的个数
    str = 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234567890'
    b = []
    for i in range(num):
        a = ''
        for j in range(long):
            a += random.choice(str)
    return b

def InsertIntoMysql(codelist):
    # 打开数据库连接
     db = pymysql.connect(host='',user='root',passwd='919824467',db='mysql')
    # 使用 cursor() 方法创建一个游标对象 cursor
    cur = db.cursor()
    cur.execute('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS code')
    cur.execute('USE code')
    cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS num(
                    id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                    code VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
                    PRIMARY KEY(id) )''')
            for num in codelist:
                cur.execute('INSERT INTO num(code) VALUES(%s)',(num))

if __name__ == "__main__":

第 0004 题: 任一个英文的纯文本文件,统计其中的单词出现的个数。

[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
# encoding: utf-8
import collections 
import re

def countWords(input_filename, output_filename):
        with open(input_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:  
            text = fp.read()  
            # 使用正则表达式去除标点符号,并将文本转换为小写  
            cleaned_text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', text.lower())  
            # 使用正则表达式分割单词  
            words = re.findall(r'\b\w+\b', cleaned_text)  
            word_counts = collections.Counter(words)  

        with open(output_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as result_file:  
            for key, value in word_counts.items():  
                result_file.write(key + ':' + str(value) + '\n')  

        print(f"单词统计结果已写入到 {output_filename}")  
    except FileNotFoundError:  
        print(f"文件 {input_filename} 不存在,请检查文件名和路径是否正确。")  
    except Exception as e:  

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_filename = input('input a filename:')
    output_filename = input('output filename is:')
    countWords(input_filename, output_filename)

第 0005 题: 你有一个目录,装了很多照片,把它们的尺寸变成都不大于 iPhone5 分辨率的大小。

[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
from PIL import Image
import os

def resize(dirPath, size_x, size_y):
    f_list = os.listdir(dirPath)
    for i in f_list:
        if os.path.splitext(i)[1] == '.jpg':
            img = Image.open(dirPath + '/' + i)
            img.thumbnail((size_x, size_y))
            img.save(dirPath + '/' + i)
            print(f"Resized: {i}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    resize('./image', 1136, 640)

第 0006 题: 你有一个目录,放了你一个月的日记,都是 txt,为了避免分词的问题,假设内容都是英文,请统计出你认为每篇日记最重要的词。

[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
# encoding: utf-8
import collections
import os.path
import re
from string import punctuation

# 常见的英文停用词列表  
STOPWORDS = set(['the', 'her', 'his', 'and', 'she', 'it', 'to', 'a', 'an', 'in', 'on', 'is', 'its', 'that', 'for', 'are', 'was', 'were', 'will', 'be', 'have', 'has', 'do', 'does', 'did', 'at', 'by', 'from', 'with', 'as', 'of', 'this', 'these', 'those', 'they', 'their', 'them', 'or', 'but', 'if', 'then', 'so', 'all', 'any', 'both', 'each', 'few', 'more', 'most', 'other', 'some', 'such', 'no', 'nor', 'not', 'only', 'own', 'same', 'than', 'too', 'very', 'can', 'may', 'must', 'should', 'would', 'am', 'could', 'might', 'shall', 'will', 'would', 'about', 'after', 'again', 'also', 'an', 'another', 'any', 'because', 'before', 'between', 'both', 'but', 'by', 'came', 'can', 'come', 'could', 'during', 'each', 'few', 'for', 'from', 'further', 'had', 'has', 'have', 'he', "he's", 'her', 'here', 'hers', 'herself', 'him', 'himself', 'his', 'how', 'in', 'into', 'is', 'it', "it's", 'its', 'itself', 'just', 'like', 'make', 'many', 'me', 'might', 'more', 'most', 'much', 'must', 'my', 'myself', 'never', 'now', 'o', 'of', 'off', 'on', 'once', 'only', 'or', 'other', 'our', 'ours', 'ourselves', 'out', 'over', 'own', 'same', 'she', "she's", 'should', 'so', 'some', 'such', 'than', 'that', 'the', 'their', 'theirs', 'them', 'themselves', 'these', 'they', "they're", 'this', 'those', 'through', 'to', 'too', 'under', 'until', 'up', 'very', 'was', 'were', 'what', 'when', 'where', 'which', 'while', 'who', 'whom', 'why', 'with', 'would', 'you', 'your', 'yours', 'yourself', 'yourselves'])  

def judgeit(words):
    for i in range(6):
        if len(words[i]) > 2 and words[i] != 'the' and words[i] != 'her' and words[i] !=  'his' and words[i] != 'and' and words[i] != 'she':
            return  words[i]
    return words[7]

    ## 使用正则表达式进行分词,并去除标点符号和转换为小写  
    #words = re.findall(r'\b\w+\b', text.lower())  
    ## 去除停用词  
    #words = [word for word in words if word not in STOPWORDS]  
    ## 统计词频  
    #word_counts = collections.Counter(words)  
    ## 返回频率最高的词  
    #return word_counts.most_common(1)[0][0] 

def mainKeywords(dirPath):
    f_list = os.listdir(dirPath)
    for i in f_list:
        if os.path.splitext(i)[1] == '.txt':
            print(f'the keywords of {i} is:')
            with open(i, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                str1 = fp.read().split(' ')
            b = collections.Counter(str1)
            keywords = sorted(b, key=lambda x: b[x],reverse = True)

if __name__ == "__main__":

第 0007 题: 有个目录,里面是你自己写过的程序,统计一下你写过多少行代码。包括空行和注释,但是要分别列出来。

[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
import os, re

def mainKeywords(dirPath):
    blank, comments, codelines, totalines, count, temp = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    f_list = os.listdir(dirPath)
    for i in f_list:
        if os.path.splitext(i)[1] == '.py':
            file_path = os.path.join(dirPath, i)
            print(f">Processing file: {file_path}")  
            with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                multiline_comment = False  
                for line in fp:  
                    totalines += 1  
                    if multiline_comment:  
                        if '"""' in line or "'''" in line:  
                            if line.strip().endswith('"""') or line.strip().endswith("'''"):  
                                multiline_comment = False  
                            comments += 1  
                    elif line.strip().startswith('#'):  
                        comments += 1  
                    elif '"""' in line or "'''" in line:  
                        if line.strip().startswith('"""') or line.strip().startswith("'''"):  
                            multiline_comment = True  
                            comments += 1  
                    elif line.strip():  
                        codelines += 1  
                        blank += 1  

    print('The total number of lines is : ' + str(totalines))  
    print('The number of comments is : ' + str(comments))  
    print('The number of code lines is : ' + str(codelines))  
    print('The number of blank lines is : ' + str(blank))

if __name__ == "__main__":

第 0008 题: 一个HTML文件,找出里面的正文。

第 0009 题: 一个HTML文件,找出里面的链接。

[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def searchBody(path):
with open(path,encoding='utf-8') as fp:
text = BeautifulSoup(fp, 'lxml')
urls = text.findAll('a')
for u in urls:
content = text.get_text().strip('\n')
return content

if __name__ == "__main__":

第 0010 题: 使用 Python 生成类似于下图中的字母验证码图片
批注 2024-06-26 213308.jpg

[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilter
import random

# 随机字母:
def rndChar():
    return chr(random.randint(65, 90))
# 随机颜色1:
def rndColor():
    return (random.randint(64, 255), random.randint(64, 255), random.randint(64, 255))
# 随机颜色2:
def rndColor2():
    return (random.randint(32, 127), random.randint(32, 127), random.randint(32, 127))

def captchaImage():
    # 240 x 60:
    width = 240
    height = 60
    image = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), (255, 255, 255))
    # 创建Font对象:
    font = ImageFont.truetype('SimHei.ttf', 36)
    # 创建Draw对象:
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
    # 填充每个像素:
    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(height):
            draw.point((x, y), fill=rndColor())
    # 输出文字:
    for t in range(4):
        draw.text((60 * t + 10, 10), rndChar(), font=font, fill=rndColor2())
    # 模糊:
    image = image.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
    # 保存图片
    image.save('code.jpg', 'jpeg');
    # 显示图片(注意:在Jupyter Notebook等环境中可能需要不同的显示方法)

if __name__ == "__main__":


参与人数 8吾爱币 +9 热心值 +5 收起 理由
crary06 + 1 我很赞同!
泪落尘埃 + 1 + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!
liuam428 + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!
junjia215 + 1 + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!
zake + 1 + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!
bluewatercom + 1 + 1 热心回复!
totoyan + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
龍謹 + 2 + 1 热心回复!




xcxhll 发表于 2024-7-2 15:13
[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilter
import random

# 随机字母:
def rndChar():
    return chr(random.randint(65, 90))

# 随机颜色1:
def rndColor():
    return (random.randint(64, 200), random.randint(64, 200), random.randint(64, 200))

# 随机颜色2:
def rndColor2():
    return (random.randint(32, 127), random.randint(32, 127), random.randint(32, 127))

def captchaImage():
    # 背景图
    size = 5
    width, height = 240, 60
    image = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), (255, 255, 255))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

    # 字符间距和字体大小
    char_spacing = random.randint(8, 12)
    font_size = random.randint(8, 14)*4
    # font = ImageFont.truetype('SimHei.ttf', font_size)
    font = ImageFont.truetype('SourceHanSansSC-Bold.otf', font_size)

    # 填充每个像素:
    for x in range(width//size):
        for y in range(height//size):
            # 绘制像素点,随机填充颜色
            # draw.point((x, y), fill=rndColor())
            # 绘制10x10的矩形块,填充随机颜色
            draw.rectangle([(x*size, y*size), (x*size + size, y*size + size)], fill=rndColor())

    # 输出文字:
    # 计算每个字符的起始x坐标
    start_x = (width - char_spacing * 3 - font_size * 4) // 2
    # 生成四个字符并分别处理
    for i in range(4):
        # 为每个字符创建一个小的text_image
        text_image = Image.new('RGBA', (font_size + 2 * char_spacing, font_size + 2 * char_spacing), (0, 0, 0, 0))
        text_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(text_image)

        # 绘制字符(稍微偏移以避免裁剪到边缘)
        text_x = char_spacing
        text_y = (text_image.height - font_size) // 2
        text_draw.text((text_x, text_y-random.randint(8, 12)), rndChar(), font=font, fill=rndColor2())

        # 旋转文本图像
        angle = random.randint(-9, 9)*5  # 限制旋转角度
        rotated_text_image = text_image.rotate(angle, expand=True)

        # 计算粘贴位置
        rotated_text_width, rotated_text_height = rotated_text_image.size
        x = start_x + i * (font_size + char_spacing) + (font_size - rotated_text_width) // 2
        y = (height - rotated_text_height) // 2

        # 粘贴旋转后的文本到背景图像
        image.paste(rotated_text_image, (x, y), rotated_text_image)
        # 模糊:
    image = image.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=0.5))
    # 保存图片
    image.save('code.png', 'PNG')
    # 显示图片(注意:在Jupyter Notebook等环境中可能需要不同的显示方法)

if __name__ == "__main__":
zake 发表于 2024-6-29 09:07
龍謹 发表于 2024-6-27 06:55
CRG_44 发表于 2024-6-27 07:38
anning666 发表于 2024-6-27 08:39
zzf520 发表于 2024-6-27 09:04
totoyan 发表于 2024-6-27 09:09

hanson1025 发表于 2024-6-27 10:10
zcming 发表于 2024-6-27 10:53
O2H2O 发表于 2024-6-27 13:39
leoyanger 发表于 2024-6-28 09:00
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