Demutation (VMProtect .NET):
- get ride of VMProtect .NET mutation
Is a console program, should be start from command prompt with first parameter= file to demutate
Original project location
public static uint 787C4087(uint 46AA4343, int 2BDD4F8D)
uint num = 46AA4343 << 2BDD4F8D;
uint num2 = 46AA4343 >> 32 - 2BDD4F8D;
return num | num2;
- the fixed will avoid fixing these methods
Source code and exe attached.
Demutation fixed2:
- now will not OptimiseImageSize:
NativeModuleWriterOptions writerOptions = new NativeModuleWriterOptions(module, false);
while saving asssembly.
- Now finally VMP.NET-Kill_v2.1 will work to defeat integrity check.