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[PEtools] PROTECTiON iD v6.2.2

LCG 发表于 2009-3-29 19:50
PROTECTiON iD v0.6.2.2 Public MARCH 2009 - <CDKiLLER & TippeX>

core additions / changes

- new: incorporated PEiD / PE Tools database usage

         -> additionally displays the protection found via the userdatabases

         -> peid database is expected to be in the same folder as protection id

             and should be called peid_database.txt

         -> petools database is expected to be in the same folder as protection id

             and should be called petools_signs.txt

             - enable/disable: go to Configuration -> Allowed Scanning Types -> peid / petools (3rd party scan)

             - once enabled you can browse the signature files when

               clicking the 'Extensions' tab (second icon from the bottom right)

             - note: in cases of multiple hits, the highest probability is automatically figured out and reported

- new: work on compiler detection began

         -> The compiler detection simply reports what compiler was used to make

              the executable, It can also sometimes report the programming language

              the executable was made with.

              current detections: dotnet, visual basic & visual basic.net, some visual c/c++, borland c++, delphi


              enable/disable: Configuration -> Allowed Scanning Types -> Enable Compiler Detection Scan

- new: tooltip preview (configurable option in the settings - under the gui portion)

- new: added in drive type reporting in the misc tools section

- new: added in option in configuration to dedicate 1 cpu to scanning core (if multiple cpu's are found on the system)

- new: added in little pause/resume button in the main dialog (green circle when you load pid)

- new: added in activity reporting on hdd reads, pid is so quick though, you may not notice it,

          but on large files, its useful because its an indicator pid is doing something

- update: turned on scan inside microsoft cab files as default

- update: added more informative comments into pe stuff

- update: file queue now reports the amount of files it has processed

- update: updated detection routine to report dll compiled in native mode

- update: folderwatch cleanup now works and reporting is handled correctly

- update: updated version info core to handle 'strange' exes with fucked version info,

              or version information that version.dll does not 'see'

- update: fixed some imports so that pid now loads on windows nt 4.0 (and probably 3.x)

              without the system throwing an import missing error and exiting the process

- update: services now disables itself if the os is 9x/me (9x/me doesnt have 'services')

              shares also disables itself if the os is 9x/me (api not present in these os'es)

- update: gui -> cd/dvd tools and the folderwatch buttons are now automatically disabled if

              the operating system is windows 9x/me (ie: less than windows 2000)

- update: folder location shell32 output now made 9x/me compliant(old comctl32.dll listview issue)

- update: added in minimize to systray if its set in the configuration

              if set, pid will minimize itself when its loaded for the first time

- update: added in another handler for smbios, its quicker, but only available in vista or higher

- update: windows product key updated code, now should be good for all windows versions except nt 4.0

- update: windows product key is now also reported for 9x/me

- update: updated code so that windows 95, windows nt 3.x and nt 4.x do NOT have ownerdrawn menus
             (95 couldn't handle them properly anyway, and nt 3/4 had issues too)

- update: added battery reporting into misc tool window

- update: dep reporting done in misc tools information section

- update: fixed icons in 9x looking too big (now pid looks the same in 98, me, 2k, xp, vista)

- update: pause / resume is now properly functional

- update: added in pause checking into the cab file handler

- update: progress bar resets once scan is complete

- update: added in animated rect for sizing (work in progress)

- update: added tooltip to sizer window

- bugfix: fixed 9x/me crash (bsod) issue in petools stuff

- bugfix: fixed crash issue when viewing reloc information on some x64 files

- bugfix: silent exit / crash issue fixed in win2000 server

- bugfix: fixed position saving bug (reported by Blazkowicz)

- bugfix: fixed os detecton (win nt was detected as 2000)

- bugfix: fixed the strange drag -> drop, file added to queue but scanning not started bug

- bugfix: fix for buffer overrun error when saving a protection log containing lots and lots of files

- bugfix: folderwatch - fixed crash when trying to add more than 2 folders

- bugfix: dirty buffer used in folderwatch reporting code

- bugfix: 9x sizing issue fixed

- bugfix: fixed some problems with windows 95 original (before 95a, 95b and 95c...) where the versioninfoex struct

  is expected to be a different size, this resulted in a failure in detecting the operating system

- bugfix: various other tweaks & fixes...

detection additions / changes

- new: check_protectdisc.asm - added ProtectDisc v9.5.0 detection & detection of ProtectDisc drivers

- new: check_byteshield.asm - added ByteShield Software Activation Client detection

- new: check_safedisc.asm - now also detects Safedisc 1 icd file as being protected &secdrv.sys

- new: check_tages.asm - code updated to detect Tages protection drivers

- new: check_armadillo.asm - added Armadillo v6.24 (or newer) detection

- new: check_pcguard.asm - added PC Guard v5.03 detection

- new: check_themIDA.asm - added detection for Themida / Winlicense with Hide PE Scanner Option

- new: check_asprotect.asm - added exact detection of ASProtect v2.3 Build 05.14 & ASProtect v1.40 Build 11.20

- new: check_privateexe.asm - added Private EXE Protector v3.0 (or newer) detection

- new: check_stardock.asm - added Stardock Product Activation Module detection

- new: check_reflexivearcade.asm - added ReflexiveArcade Wrapper - Build 171 and newer detection

- new: check_realarcade_drm.asm - added in RealArcade DRM Module detection

- new: check_popcapdrm.asm - added PopCap DRM Protect detection

- new: check_elefunwrapper.asm - added Elefun Trial Game Wrapper detection

- new: check_playfirst.asm - added PlayFirst DRM Module detection

- new: check_oberonmediatime.asm - added detection for Oberon Media Time Protection Module

- new: check_wildtangent.asm - added detection of the Wild Tangent Wrapper v2.1.2.26 (or newer)

- new: check_dotnetreactor.asm - added .Net Reactor v3.x Library mode (+ Necrobit) detection

- new: check_macrobjectnet.asm - added Macrobject Obfuscator.NET 2008 detection

- new: check_noobyprotect.asm - added NoobyProtect v1.0.x.x and v1.1.x.x - v1.4.x.x.

- new: check_spicesnet.asm - added Spices.Net Obfuscator detection

- new: check_pegasyscustom.asm - added PEGASYS Custom Layer detection

- new: check_serialshield.asm - added Ionworx SerialShield Core.dll & it&acute;s version detection

- new: check_dotnetguard.asm - added detection of the DotNet Guard HVM Runtime Library Module

- new: check_eakey.asm - added in EA Key Module detection

- new: check_sevlock.asm - added sevLock detection

- new: check_asscrypter.asm - added ass - crypter detection

- new: check_billarcrypter.asm - added Billar Crypter v2.0 detection

- new: check_bitfrostcrypter.asm - added Bifrost Crypter v1 detection

- new: check_cigicigi.asm - added Cigicigi File Crypter v1.0 detection

- new: check_cryptdmarnar.asm - added Crypt Dmar Nar v0.5 detection

- new: check_darkavengard.asm - added DarkAvengard Crypter detection

- new: check_dexcrypt.asm - added DeX-Crypt v2.0 detection

- new: check_dirtycrypt0r.asm - added DirTy CrYpt0r detection

- new: check_dhcripter.asm - added DH Cripter v0.1 detection

- new: check_etcv.asm - added ETCV v1.0 detection

- new: check_fishpacker.asm - added FishPacker v1.03 & v1.04 detection

- new: check_flashbackscrambler.asm - added Flashback Scrambler v1.3.x detection (all 3 modes :-))

- new: check_idapplicationprotector.asm - added ID Application Protector v1.2 detection

- new: check_freecryptor.asm - added FreeCryptor v0.3b Build 3 detection

- new: check_gentlemancrypter.asm - added Gentlemen Crypter v1 detection

- new: check_gkripto.asm - added GKripto v1.0 detection

- new: check_haccrewcrypter.asm - added Hac-Crew Crypter detection

- new: check_hipacryp.asm - added HipACryp v0.0.1 detection

- new: check_icrypt.asm - added ICrypt v1.0 detection

- new: check_keycrypter.asm - added KeyCrypter detection

- new: check_lordcrypter.asm - added L0rD Crypter v1.0 detection

- new: check_maskpe.asm - added MaskPE v2.0 detection

- new: check_ncode.asm - added N-Code v0.2 detection

- new: check_nidhogg.asm - added Nidhogg v1.0 Final, v1.1 Beta 1 and [unknown version] detection

- new: check_novacipher.asm - added NovaCipher 1.0 Beta detection

- new: check_npack.asm - added nPack v2.0.100.2008 detection

- new: check_pfecx.asm - added PFE CX v0.1 detection

- new: check_poherna.asm - added Pohernah v1.02, v1.03 & v1.07 detection

- new: check_pokescrambler.asm - p0ke Scrambler v1.2 detection added

- new: check_rdgtejoncrypter.asm - added RDG Tejon Crypter v0.6, v0.7 & v0.8 detection

- new: check_rewolfdllpackager.asm - added ReWolf DLLPackager v1.0 detection

- new: check_roguepack.asm - added RoguePack v4.1 detection

- new: check_scancryptic.asm - added ScanCryptic v2.0 detection

- new: check_securepe.asm - added SecurePE v1.6 detection

- new: check_supercrypt.asm - added Super Crypt v1.0 detection

- new: check_tgrcrypter.asm - added TGR Crypter v1.0 detection

- new: check_vegancrypter.asm - added Vegan-Crypter v0.7 detection

- new: check_yokohcrypter.asm - added Yokoh Crypter v1.3 detection

- new: license_adobelm.asm - Adobe Systems License Manager Module detection added

- new: license_deploylx.asm - added DeployLX Licensing for DotNet detection

- new: license_esellerate.asm - added eSellerate Activation System Core Module detection

- new: license_infralution.asm - Infralution Licensing System for DotNET detection added

- new: license_isquicklicense.asm - added Interactive Studios Quick License Manager detection

- new: license_mirage.asm - added detection for Mirage License Protector

- new: license_sentinelrms.asm - added SafeNet Sentinel RMS Core.dll detection

- new: license_xheolicensing.asm - added Xheo Licensing Module for DotNet detection

- new: dongle_biteboard.asm - added Bite-Board USB Dongle detection

- new: dongle_copylock.asm - added CopyLock Dongle detection

- new: dongle_marx.asm - MARX Crypto-BOX Dongle detection added

- new: dongle_rockey.asm - added Rockey2 / Rockey4 Dongle detection

- new: dongle_sentinel.asm - added detection of the NetSentinel Win32 Client DLL

- new: dongle_sentry.asm - added Sentry Hardware Lock detection

- new: dongle_wizzkey.asm - added Wizzkey Dongle detection

- new: installer_digital_river_downloader.asm - Digital River Download Manager detection

- new: installer_gpinstall.asm - added GP-Install Module detection

- new: installer_lymesfx.asm - added Lyme SFX Extractor Module detection

- new: installer_install_anywhere.asm - added InstallAnywhere detection

- new: installer_installshield.asm - added InstallShield v15 detection & Installshield PackageForTheWeb  Installers

- new: installer_lindersoftsetup.asm - added Lindersoft Setup Builder Module detection

- new: installer_omnisetup.asm - added Omni Setup Module detection

- new: installer_popcap.asm - added PopCap Installer detection

- new: installer_realarcade_downloader.asm - added RealArcade Download Manager detection

- new: installer_reflexive_arcade.asm - added Reflexive Arcade Install Wrapper detection

- new: installer_smart_install_maker.asm - added Smart InstallMaker detection

- new: installer_visual_patch.asm - added detection for Visual Patch Installer

- improved: check_starforce.asm

                - updated to handle those strange starforce 5.60 exe's that didn't have version information

                - updated to handle Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods (russian)

- improved: check_securom.asm - code updated to detect the drm dyn data module

- improved: check_protectdisc.asm - added one more older version (v7.7.0)

- improved: check_codelok.asm - scanning speed optimizations

- improved: check_sysiphus.asm - optimized detection & scanning speed

- improved: check_solidshield.asm - update for those strange exe's and dll's with no version information

- improved: check_themida.asm - better version detection (v1.8.2.0 - v1.9.5.0, v1.9.7.0 - v1.9.9.0,

v2.0.0.0 - v2.0.2.0, v2.0.3.0 - v2.0.4.0, v2.0.5.0 (or newer))

- improved: check_acprotect.asm - faster scanning results

- improved: check_armadillo.asm - armadillo detection code updated

- improved: check_asprotect.asm - rewritten for better version detection

- improved: check_xenocode.asm - tweaked detection

- improved: check_thinstall.asm - updated with another detection method for v3.207

- improved: check_upx.asm - fixed UPX detection code so it detects upx'ed dlls too

- improved: check_xprotector.asm - added in another check (this also fixed a possible wrong detection

of Themida / WinLicense protected DotNet executables)

- improved: check_vmprotect.asm - made more generic, adjusted version info output

- improved: check_andpakk2.asm - rewritten, additionally we exactly detect the 2 versions (v0.06 & v0.18) now

- improved: check_anslympacker.asm - rewritten

- improved: check_cicompress.asm - tweaked & optimised

- improved: check_exestealth.asm - added in one more generic check

- improved: check_mew10.asm - tweaked mew 10 detection

- improved: check_pebundle.asm - updated, now detects on an exe wich didn&acute;t before

- improved: check_rdgtejoncrypter.asm - added in a more generic detection method

- improved: check_telock.asm - tweaked TeLock v0.96 detection

- improved: license_elicense.asm - completely rewritten (better v3.2 & v4.0 detection)

- improved: license_flexlm.asm - optimized detection & scanning speed

- improved: license_flexnet.asm - optimized detection & scanning speed

- improved: license_haspsl.asm - added another check for HASP SL

- improved: license_interlok.asm - added in one more generic check

- improved: license_salesagent.asm - optimized detection & scanning speed

- improved: license_sentinellm.asm - optimized

- improved: generic speed improvements in almost all license scans

- improved: dongle_keylok2.asm - updated KeyLok2 Dongle detection for better detection

- improved: generic speed improvements in all dongle scans

- improved: installer_7zip.asm - code updated, now detects an exe it never 'saw' before

- improved: installer_installaware.asm - updated to detect a custom version wich was un-detected before

- improved: installer_installshield.asm - installshield detection is now more generic and improved

- improved: installer_mscabsfx.asm - microsoft cab sfx format detection is now made better

- improved: installer_nullsoft.asm - updated to handle nullsoft sfx exe's with the data in the resource section

- improved: installer_rarsfx.asm - WinRAR SFX detection updated

- improved: installer_zylomgames.asm - detection of another variant of Zylom Games Setup

- bugfix: fixed bug in Cactus Data Shield file scan (discovered by Blazkowicz on acrobat.dll)

- bugfix: check_obsidium.asm - bugfix in obsidium detection code

- bugfix: check_polyene.asm - fixed possible crashbug

- bugfix: installer_redshift.asm - fixed potential bug

- detection of every major PC ISO Game / App protection
- sector scanning CDs / DVDs for Copy Protections
- covers more than 430 (different!) protections including exe protectors, .net protectors, packers, dongles, licenses & installers
- files / folders can simply be drag & droped into pid (link files will re resolved too)
- strong scanning routines allowing it to detect multiple protections in one file
- easy scanning via shell context menu
- usefully misc tools included
- coded 100% in Win32 assembly language
- fully 32bit & 64bit compliant
- working on every Windows OS from Win9x to windows Vista
- no additional files are required (like VB Runtimes, MSVC dlls or ASPI drivers)

PC ISO Protections

- 3P Lock
- CDCops
- Codelok
- HexaLock Copy Protection
- JoWood X-Prot
- Laserlok
- Optgraph Copy-X / Ring-Protech
- Protect DiSC
- Safedisc
- SecuROM
- Settec Alpha ROM
- SmartE
- SolidShield
- StarForce
- Steam
- Sysiphus
- Tages
- VOB Protect CD/DVD

- Games for Windows Live
- EA Key Module

CD/DVD sector scans

- Cactus Audio Shield
- Codelok
- ProtectDisc
- SafeDisc
- SecuROM
- Starforce
- Starforce Keyless
- Tages

- css/cpmm
- cprm
- aacs hddvd
- aacs bd

PC Game Trial Protections

- ActiveMARK
- Alawar Try & Buy Activation
- Elefun Trial Game Wrapper
- GameHouse Trial Wrapper
- INTENIUM Try & Buy
- KochMedia ePolice
- Oberon Media Time Protection Module
- PlayFirst DRM Module
- PopCap DRM Protect
- RealArcade DRM Module
- ReflexiveArcade Wrapper
- SVKP Online
- WildTangent Activation System
- Zylom Wrapper

EXE Packer - commercial

- ASPack v1.00b, v1.01b, v1.02b, v1.03b, v1.05b, v1.06b / v1.061b, v1.07b, v1.08.00, v1.08.01
  v1.08.02, v1.08.03, v1.08.04, v2.000, v2.001, v2.1, v2.11, v2.11c / v2.11d, v2.12, v2.12b
- EXE32Pack v1.37, v1.38, v1.42
- E-Zip v1.0
- KasperSky Pack
- NSPack 2.3 - v2.7, v2.9, v3.0, v3.1, v3.3, v3.4, v3.5, v3.6, v3.7, [unknown version]
- NTkernelPacker v0.1
- PEBundle v3.xx
- PE Compact v1.00 - v1.3x, v1.40 - v1.50, v1.55, v1.56 - v1.65, v1.66 - v1.84 v2.0 Beta Build 52,
  v2.00 - v2.10, 2.20 - v2.98 (or newer)', 2.xx [unknown version]
- Petite v1.2, v1.3, v1.4, v2.2, v2.3, [unknown version]
- PKLite32 v1.1
- RLPack v1.21
- Shrinker v3.4, v3.5, [unknown version]
- Software Compress v1.2, v1.4
- THInstall
- WWPack32 v1.xx

EXE Packer - freeware

- AHPacker v0.1
- ANDpakk2 v0.06, v0.18
- Anslym Packer
- ASDPack v2
- BamBam v0.0.1
- BeRoEXEPacker v1.00
- Berio v1.0
- BJFNT v1.1, v1.2, v1.3
- cEXE 1.0a / 1.0b
- CICompress v1.0
- DePack
- fEaRz Packer v0.3
- FSG v1.0, v1.2, 1.3 - v1.31, 1.3.3, 1.33, v1.33a, 2.0
- hmimys PE-Pack v0.1
- IMP-Packer v1.0
- JD Pack v1.01, v2.00
- KByS Packer v0.28 Beta
- kkrunchy
- Mew 5 EXE Coder v0.1
- Mew 10
- Mew 11 SE v1.1 - v1.2
- mkfPack
- mPack v0.0.2 & v0.0.3
- MuCruncher
- nPack v1.1.250.2006 Beta, v1.1.300.2006 Beta, v1.1.500.2008 Beta, v1.1.800.2008 Beta, v2.0.100.2008
- Packanoid v1.0, v1.1
- PackItBitch v1.0
- Packman v0.0.0.1, v1.0
- Pack Master v1.6
- PEQuake v0.06
- PE Pack v0.99, v1.0
- PE Shrink
- PE Zip v1.0
- QuickPack NT v0.1
- ReWolf DLLPackager v1.0
- RDG Pack Lite Edition v0.2, v0.4
- RLPack v1.16, v1.17, v1.18, v1.19, v1.20, [unknown version]
- Shrink Wrap v1.4
- SimplePack v1.11
- TPP Pack
- UPack v0.10 - v0.12, v0.20, v0.21, v0.22 - v0.23, v0.24 - v0.28, v0.29 - v0.33, v0.34 - v0.35, v0.36 - v0.39
- UPX, version grabber, [unknown / modified UPX]
- VPacker v0.02.10
- xxPack v0.1
- YZPack v1.1 & v1.2

EXE Protector - commercial

- ACProtect v1.09, v1.10, v1.20, v1.21, v1.22, v1.23, v1.3c, v1.32, v1.35 - v1.40 v2.0, v2.1, v2.1.1 and v2.1.2
- Air EXE Lock
- Akala EXE Lock
- Armadillo v2.xx - v3.xx, v2.00 - v2.61, v3.00 - v3.10, v3.20, v3.30 - v3.40, v3.50, v3.60 - v3.61, v3.70, v3.75
  v3.76, v3.78, v4.00 - v4.05, v4.00 - v4.42, v4.10 - v4.20, v4.30, v4.40, v4.40a, v4.40a Beta 2, v4.42, v4.44a Beta 1,
  v4.44a, v4.44 - v4.66, v4.64, v4.66, v5.00 - v5.02, v5.00 - v5.42, v6.00 - v6.04, v6.24 (or newer)  *Unknown Version*
- ASProtect v1.0, v1.1, v1.11, v1.2, v1.22 - v1.23, 1.23 RC4 - v1.3.08.24, v1.23 RC4 (Registered),
  v1.31 Build 2004.04.27, v1.32, v2.0, v2.1 - v2.2, v2.3 Build 05.14, v1.40 Build 11.20, v2.3 - v2.4 (or newer)
- AVLock
- Bit-Arts Crunch v5.0
- ByteShield Software Activation Client
- CopyMinder
- Cryptolock
- DBPE v2.33
- DotFix NiceProtect v1.0
- Enigma Protector v1.02 Build 3.10, v1.02 Build 4.00, v1.11, v1.12, v1.14, v1.16 - v1.5x version grabber
- EXE Cryptor v1.5.x, v2.0.0 - v2.1.0, v2.2.0 - v2.2.6, v2.3.0 - v2.3.9, v2.2.0 - v2.4.0, v2.4.0 (or newer),
  v2.xx [unknown version]
- EXE Guard v1.3
- EXE Password 2004 v1.111, 1.112, v1.114, [unknown version]
- EXE Password Lock v1.01
- EXE Prot v1.x
- EXE Protector v2.x
- EXE Safe v2.0
- EXE Shield 2.7, v2.7b, v2.8a, v2.9, v3.6, v3.7
- EXEStealth v2.70, v2.73, v2.74, v2.75, v2.75a
- ExeWrapper (533Soft) v3.0
- ExPressor v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v1.3, v1.4, v1.5, v1.6, v1.6.1
- ID Application Protector v1.2
- Ionworx SerialShield
- Ion Ice EXE Lock v1.0
- MazePath EXELockout v3.0
- MoleBox 2.0.0 - v2.3.0, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.2.5, v2.2.6, v2.2.8, v2.3.0, v2.3.3 v2.4.0, v2.5.0, v2.5.5, v2.5.12 - v2.6.3,
  v2.3.3 - v2.6.4
- Neolite v1.x - v2.x
- NoobyProtect v1.0.x.x,? v1.1 - v1.4
?- Obsidium v1.0.0.61, v1.1.1.0, v1.1.1.4, v1.2.0.0, v1.2.5.0, v1.3.0.0, v1.3.0.4, v1.3.3.4, v1.3.3.7, v1.3.3.9,
  v1.3.4.1, v1.3.6.1, [unknown version]
- ORiEN v2.12
- PC Guard v4.06, v5.00, v5.01 - v5.02, v5.03
- PE Lock v1.0x
- PEGASYS Custom Layer
- Private EXE Protector v2.00 - v2.25, v2.30 - v2.70, v3.0 (or newer)
- SD Protector v1.12, v1.16
- sevLock
- Special EXE Password Protector
- Shegerd EXE Protector & Anti-Debugger
- Softdefender v1.0 - v1.1
- Soft Sentry v3
- SoftWrap
- Stardock Product Activation Module
- SVKP v1.051, v1.11, v1.3x - v1.4x, [unknown version]
- Themida v1.0.0.0 - v1.8.1.0, v1.8.2.0 - v1.9.5.0, v1.9.7.0 - v1.9.9.0, v2.0.0.0 - v2.0.2.0, v2.0.3.0 - v2.0.4.0, v2.0.5.0 (or newer)
- Trial Master v2.x
- VBO Watch v3
- Visual Protect
- Vcasm-Protector v1.0
- VM Protect v1.00 - v1.50, v1.60 - v1.70
- WinLicense v1.0.0.0 - v1.8.1.0, v1.8.2.0 (or newer)
- WinUtilities EXE Protector v2.1
- X-treme Protector v1.00 - v1.06, 1.07 - v1.08, 1.07 BUiLD 12-12-03, 1.08 BUiLD 15-12-03, 1.08 FiNAL
- ZProtect v1.4.3, [unknown version]

EXE Protector - freeware

- Alex Protector v1.0 Beta 2
- AntiDote v1.4 SE
- ARM Protector v0.1, v0.2, v0.3
- AT4RE Protector v1.0
- Aver Cryptor v1.00, v1.02 Beta
- Beria v0.0.7
- BitShape PE Crypt v1.5
- CDS SS 1.0 Beta 1
- Celsius Crypter v2.1
- COOLcryptor 0.9
- CodeCrypt v0.15, v0.16 - v0.161, v0.163 - v0.164, [unknown version]
- CRYPToCRACks PE Protector v0.9.2, v0.9.3
- DalKrypt v1.0
- Daemon Protect v0.6.7
- DCrypt Private v0.9b
- DEF v1.0
- DeX-Crypt v2.0
- DotFix FakeSigner
- DragonArmor v0.0.4.1
- Dual?s EXE Encryptor v1.0, v1.1b
- Encrypt PE v1.2003.5.18, v2.2004.8.10 / 2.2006.1.15, v2.2006.10.1, v2.2007.4.11
- EP Protector v0.3 [AHTeam]
- Excalibur v1.03
- ExeCRyPT v1.0 [ReBirth]
- EXEFog v1.1
- EXE ReFactor v0.2
- fEaRz Crypter v1.0 Beta 1, v2.2.0
- FishPacker v1.03 & v1.04
- FishPe Shield v2.0.1
- Flashback Protector v1.0
- Flashback Scrambler v1.3.x (all 3 modes )
- Forgot v1.0
- FreeCryptor v0.3b Build 3
- Frensh Layor v1.81
- Gie Protector v0.2
- Goat?s PE Mutilator v1.6
- Hide PE
- HipACryp v0.0.1
- KaOs PE eXecutable Undetecter
- Krypton v0.2, v0.3, v0.4, v0.5
- LameCrypt
- MarjinZ ScramblerSE
- MaskPE v2.0
- Morphine v1.2 - v1.3, 1.4 - v2.7
- Morphna Beta 2
- MSLRH v0.31a, v0.32
- MZ Crypt v1.0
- N-Code v0.2
- NFO v1.0
- NME Executable Crypter v1.1
- Noodlecrypt v2
- Passlock 2000
- PE 123 v2006.4.4
- PE-Armot (Hying) v0.x
- PE Crypt v1.0x
- PE Diminisher v0.1
- PE LockNT v2.01, v2.02, v2.04
- PE Mangle
- PE Nguincrypt v1.0
- PE Nightmare
- PE Ninja
- PE Shield v0.1d, v0.2, v0.25, [unknown version]
- PE Spin v0.0b, v0.3, v0.41, v0.7, v1.0, v1.1, v1.3, v0.1 (x64), [unknown version]
- PE Stub OEP v1.x (Entry Point Faker)
- PFE CX v0.1
- Perplex PE Protector v1.01
- PEX v0.99
- PolyCrypt PE
- PolyEnE
- Pohernah v1.02, v1.03, v1.07
- Program Protector v1.x - v2.x
- Protect v0.1.3
- Protect EXE v0.4a Beta
- Punisher v1.5 (DEMO)
- RCryptor v1.6d
- ReversingLabs Protector v0.7.4 beta
- Russian Cryptor v1.0
- SecurePE v1.5, v1.6
- Simple PE Crypter
- SLVc0deProtector v0.61, v1.1, v1.11
- Smokes EXE Shield v0.5
- Ste@lth PE v1.x, v2.x
- Stones PE Crypter v1.13
- Super Crypt v1.0
- TELock v0.42, v0.51, v0.60, v0.70, v0.71, v0.80, v0.85f, v0.90, v0.92a, v0.95, v0.96, v0.98b1, v1.00
- TGR Crypter v1.0
- Thunderbolt v0.0.2
- UnoPiX v0.94
- UPX Lock v1.01 - v1.02
- UPX Mutanter v0.2
- UPX Mutator
- UPX Protector v1.0e
- UPX Scrambler
- UPX$HiT 0.0.1
- USSR v0.31
- VCrypt v0.9b
- Vegan-Crypter v0.7
- Virogen Crypt v0.75
- WinKrypt v1.0
- XCR v0.12, v0.13
- Yoda?s Crypter v1.1, v1.2, v1.3
- Yoda?s Protector v1.0b, v1.02b, v1.02d, v1.02.05, v1.03.01 BETA, v1.03.02 BETA, v1.03.3
- Z-Code v1.01

Malware Crypter

- 1337 Cryptor v2
- ABC Crypt v1.0
- Angel's Crypteur v0.2
- ass ? crypter
- Billar Crypter v2.0
- Bifrost Crypter v1
- Breakpoint Crypter v0.0.79
- BUD Crypter
- Cigicigi File Crypter v1.0
- Crypt Dmar Nar v0.5
- Cryptic v2.0
- CryptWOZ v1.0
- DarkAvengard Crypter
- DarkCrypt v1.2 (Private Version)
- DH Cripter v0.1
- DirTy CrYpt0r
- ETCV v1.0
- EXE Evil v1.0
- Fakus Crypter
- FastFileCrypt v1.6 Public
- Fatalz Crypt v2.14a
- Gentlemen Crypter v1
- GKripto v1.0
- Hac-Crew Crypter
- HellCrypter v1
- ICrypt v1.0
- K!Cryptor v0.11
- KeyCrypter
- KGB Cypter v1.0a
- Kratos Crypter
- Lilith Crypter
- L0rD Crypter v1.0
- marcrypt v0.1
- Minke Executable Crypter v1.0.1
- Money Crypter
- Mortal Team Crypter v2
- Mu$hr00M CryPtOR v1.0
- Nidhogg v1.0 Final, v1.1 Beta 1, unknown version
- NovaCipher 1.0 Beta
- MZ0oPE v1.0.6b
- Poisen Ivy Crypter v1
- p0ke Scrambler v1.2
- Puri Crypt v1.2
- QrYPt0r v1.0
- RDG Tejon Crypter v0.3, v0.6, v0.7, v0.8, [unknown version]
- RoguePack v3.3, v4.0 Beta 1, v4.1
- ScanCryptic v2.0
- Secure Shade v1.8
- Sexe Crypter v1.1
- Simpl3 CrYpT3R
- SnoopCrypt
- The Best Cryptor [by FsK]
- TsT Crypter
- UndergroundCrypter v1.0
- unkOwn Crypter v1.0
- UnLimited Crypter v1.0
- Werus Crypter v1.0
- WindOfCrypt
- Wingscrypt v2.0
- WL-Crypt v1.0
- X-Crypter v2.01
- xHacker Cryptor
- XShell v1.5
- Yokoh Crypter v1.3

.NET Protectors

- {smartassembly}
- .NetZ
- DeployLX Licensing for DotNet
- dotFuscator
- DotNet Guard (+ HVM Runtime Library Module)
- dotNet Protector v4 & v5
- dotNet Reactor v2.0 - v2.9, v3.0 - v3.2, v3.3 - v3.9 (or newer)
- Macrobject Obfuscator.NET 2008
- MaxtoCode .Net Encryption
- MPRESS NET compressor
- nTitles Verifier for .NET
- Sixxpack .Net Compressor
- Spices.Net Obfuscator
- XenoCode .NET protector
- XenoCode Postbuild 2007, 2008
- XHEO CodeVeil v1.2, v1.3, generic
- Xheo Licensing Module for DotNet


- Bite-Board USB Dongle
- CopyLock
- DinKey
- Hardlock
- Guardant
- HASP Hardware Lock
- HASP PE Envelope
- Key-Lok II
- MARX Crypto-BOX
- Rockey2
- Rockey4
- Sentry Hardware Lock
- SmartKey
- SoftDog
- Wizzkey

Core / Driver detection:
- NetSentinel Win32 Client DLL


- Adobe Systems License Manager Module
- CrypKey Instant
- CrypKey SDK
- eLicense
- eSellerate Activation System
- FlexLM
- FlexNET
- Infralution Licensing System for DotNET
- Interactive Studios Quick License Manager
- InterLok
- Mirage License Protector
- Nalpeiron Licensing Service
- nTitles Activator
- Protection Plus
- Release Software Corporations SalesAgent
- Safecast
- SafeNet Sentinel RMS
- Sentinel License Manager


- 7 - Zip SFX Setup Module
- AKInstaller Module
- Aquarius Soft Self-Extractor Archive
- Astrum Install Wizard
- AW Install Engine
- BinPatch
- Bitarts Install Wrap
- Blizzard PrePatch Module
- Clickteam Install Maker
- Clickteam Patch Maker
- Create Install 2003
- Digital River Download Manager
- Gentee Installer
- Ghost Installer
- GKWare SFX Setup
- GP-Install Module
- Inno Setup
- Install4j Wizard Module
- InstallAnywhere
- InstallAware Setup Module
- Installer 2 Go
- InstallShield v5.53.168.0, v6.31.100.1221, v7.1.100.1242, v7.7.0.262, v8.x, v9.1.0.429, v10, v10.5, v11, v12, v14, v15
- Installshield PackageForTheWeb
- Install Zip Setup
- IZarc Self Extractor
- Lindersoft Setup Builder Module
- Lyme SFX Extractor Module
- Microsoft SFX CAB Module
- Nullsoft SFX Setup
- Omni Setup Module
- Paquet Builder - Enhanced Self-Extracting Zip Module
- Patch Wise
- PKSFX Module
- PopCap Installer
- Power Archiver 2003 v8.x SFX Module
- QSetup SFX Kernel
- RealArcade Download Manager
- Red Shift Installation System
- Reflexive Arcade Install Wrapper
- RTPatch Module
- Setup Factory
- SFX Factory!
- Silicon Realms Install Module
- Smart InstallMaker
- Sony Self-Extracting Packager Archive
- Spoon Installer
- Squeeze Self Extractor Module
- Tarma Installer Module
- Trymedia Systems Download Manager
- VISE Mindvision Wizard
- Visual Patch Installer
- WinAce Self-Extractor Module
- WinRAR SFX Archive
- WinZip SFX
- Wise Installation Wizard
- Zip Central SFX Module
- Zip SFX Archive
- Z-Up Maker SFX Archive
- Zylom Games Setup Module



zhan1616 发表于 2009-3-29 21:38
Squn 发表于 2009-3-30 10:14
嘎嘎 谢谢哒~~


Download: ProtectionID_v6.2.3.rar
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