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[OllyDbg 2.x Plugin] OllyDBG v2.xx plugin - OllyExt v1.3

amulin 发表于 2013-9-21 00:15
本帖最后由 amulin 于 2013-9-21 00:17 编辑

OllyExt is a plugin for Olly 2.xx debugger.

The main intention of this plugin is to provide the biggest anti-anti debugging features and bugfixes for Olly 2.xx. Updates will come...

VMProtect support!

The currently available commands are the following:
- Code Rip to Clipboard

The currently supported protections are the following:
- IsDebuggerPresent
- NtGlobalFlag
- HeapFlag
- ForceFlag
- CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
- OutputDebugString
- CloseHandle
- SeDebugPrivilege
- BlockInput
- ProcessDebugFlags
- ProcessDebugObjectHandle
- TerminateProcess
- NtSetInformationThread
- NtQueryObject
- FindWindow
- NtOpenProcess
- Process32First
- Process32Next
- ParentProcess
- GetTickCount
- timeGetTime
- QueryPerformanceCounter
- ZwGetContextThread
- NtSetContextThread
- KdDebuggerNotPresent
- KdDebuggerEnabled
- NtSetDebugFilterState
- ProtectDRX
- HideDRX
- DbgPrompt

The currently supported bugfixes are the following:
- Caption change
- Kill Anti-Attach ( dll integrity check )

- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)

OS support:
- WinXP x32
- WinXP WoW64
- Win7 x32
- Win7 WoW64


If you have any problem just notify me.

About the author:

Created by Ferrit
Send your bugreports/comments to ferrit.rce@gmail.com

Enjoy :P

Additional download page
捕获-1.png 捕获-2.png 捕获-3.png 捕获-4.png


少年好学 发表于 2013-9-23 21:18
谢谢楼主分享!!! 正好用的到
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