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[Packers] PECompact .v2.96.2.Retail----2.98.6 Final Retail 简体中文零售版(共六个版本)

ggq3493 发表于 2009-4-2 17:17
本帖最后由 ggq3493 于 2009-4-2 17:18 编辑

PECompact 一个能压缩可执行文件的工具,通过压缩代码、数据、相关资源使压缩能达到100%,由于在运行时不需要恢复磁盘上压缩后的数据,所以与没有压缩的程序在运行时没有明显的速度差异,在某种程度上还有所改善。
本软件从 2.61 开始已内含了多国语言。
Executable compressors work by compressing selected portions of executables. At runtime, compressed executables are decompressed and reconstructed directly into their virtual image (memory) so that no data is ever written to the disk. The executable can therefore be run exactly as it was before without the user even knowing it was compressed. PECompact2 is a next generation win32 executable/module compressor. Commonly termed an 'executable packer', such utilities compress executables and modules (i.e. *.EXE, *.DLL, *.OCX, *.SCR). At runtime the compressed modules are rapidly decompressed in memory.

There are many reasons. One of the most common is that compression offers an inherent degree of tamper resistance and obfuscation. Another is that since the usual compression ratio is greater than 70% (that is, the compressed file is 30% of the original), larger executables and modules may load much quicker from the network or disk hosting them. Since storage medium is often the largest bottleneck in overall system performance, the time spent decompressing can be much less than the time saved by not having to load as much data from the storage medium.

PECompact2 is a utility of the genre known as "executable packers". Executable packers compress executables and modules so that their physical size is considerably smaller than it originally was. At runtime, the module (executable) is decompressed and reconstructed in memory. With high-performance executable packers such as PECompact v2.x, decompression and reconstruction is so rapid that load time may actually improve since the time saved by reading fewer bytes from the disk or network may exceed the time spent reconstructing and decompressing the module.

Typically, PECompact2 compresses modules substantially better than that of the common compression software such as RAR and ZIP. This is accomplished through advanced techniques of pre-processing a module to make it more compressible when passed to the compression algorithm. PECompact2 allows use of virtually any compression algorithm due to its CODEC plug-in support.

In addition to space savings, PECompact2 inherently makes it more difficult to reverse engineer your module(s). The compressed data is unreadable and not directly modifiable. PECompact2's default loader employs some basic anti-debugging code to aid in prevention of reverse engineering. In addition, PECompact2 supports Loader plug-ins. Therefore, third parties can create custom loaders after purchasing the loader SDK.

Changes in v2.96:
- Fix.Core: Fixed compression of executables with MUI resources (i.e. Vista's notepad.exe). In previous builds, affected executables would fail to start after compression
- Change.EAD-Loader: Updated, some more protection code added
- Change.EAD-Loader: Changed name so it appears more descriptive and correct
- Installer.Change: Trial version no longer includes cipher codec plug-ins
- Installer.Removal: Removed PEHideText from trial version
- Installer.Removal: No longer publicly distributing student version due to abuse by malware authors. Freeware authors and acedemics can obtain a freeware license for PECompact by emailing support@bitsum.com
Changes in v2.98:
- Change.Package: Moved more plug-ins to the registered build only.
- Change.GUI: Updated Russian translation

OS: Windows 95/98/2000/XP/2003/Vista


 楼主| ggq3493 发表于 2009-4-2 17:34
ohyeah521 发表于 2009-4-15 04:54
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