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[Other] UDF for Easy Code-Cave injection and Memory Manipulation

cmc5410 发表于 2013-10-15 07:42
本帖最后由 cmc5410 于 2013-10-15 08:04 编辑

This project was started because I was bored to do all these useless things (like allocate memory, create opcode for injection etc.) again and again. So i wrote this UDF for Code-Cave-Injection.
Just to sum up in a few words what a Code-Cave can do:

A Code-Cave enables you to insert some ASM-Code into an running process, which then gets executed by the process. On that way you are able to read the value of every register at any time, which is not always possible with Pointer and/or Addresses.

This UDF is really easy to use. I think the explanations were not really needed but to be sure I wrote them.

There is also a Example of how to use this UDF.

To get able to use that UDF you have to copy the complete content of the "Includes"-Directory to the AutoIt-Includes-Directory.

You have to execute the AutoIt-Script as x86 Script and you also have to compile it as x86-Exe. Otherwise AutoIt-Script will crash.

Source-Code (only the CCInject.au3 you need to download complete Attachment and the other Includes to use these functions):

CCInject v1.0.2.zip (217.22 KB, 下载次数: 7)


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