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[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] ollyScriptEditor 0.2(The Lastest ver)

forfly 发表于 2009-4-16 14:50
本帖最后由 forfly 于 2009-4-16 15:18 编辑

This is ollyScriptEditor, enjoy.(Updated Release)
Updated:Jan 2nd 2009
changed the foreground color for default character .
removed the highlight of comments & quotes , so non English user can display it correctly.

Updated Jan 4th 2009:
removed style accept for autocompletion and tips, to remove a bug reported by ahmadmansoor.

Updated on Jan 11th 2009
1-mru is added through right click on the empty portion of the toolbar
2- minimize & close to tray is added
3- tip for key word handle is added

Updated on Feb 2nd 2009:
more highlight is added and keywords as well.

Updated on Feb 7 2009:
1-change bitmap for tips
2-added an option to enable\disable autocomplete

Updated to version 9 on 11/2/2009:
added author name and file date to status.
all most complete tips file added, there are few left ,which can be easily added if needed.
if there is no bug reported this will be final.

Updated to version 10 on 23/2/2009:
1- Added a menu to create custom hilite through a color picker
2- reduced filckering
3- fixed a bug related to mru,this should be an old bug so you should redownload.

Updated to version 11 on 2/3/2009:

added Save as to child popup menu .
mru is tuned to reflect not found file.

Updated to version 12 on 4/3/2009:
menu is added to include variable in autocomplete as requested by ahmadmansoor.
Corrected typing error in menu+some other small things.

Updated to version 13 on 11/3/2009:
1-added a menu to run script in OllyDbg.
2-edit some menu names to more meaningful names.

Updated to version 14 on 16/3/2009:
1-Fixed Var bug reported by ahmadmansoor (Thank you ahmadmansoor for your reports,I could not do without)
2- Demo on how to use is included.

Updated to version 15 on 22/3/2009:
1-fixed small leak in var
2-added option in TestMe menu to debug script (Thank you SunBeam for the suggestion).
3-added a function in ODbgScript to enable debuging
4- added a menu in OSWrite plugin to patch ODbgScript.dll to work with modified ollydbg

Updated to version 16 on 25/3/2009:
fixed tips's minor bug, reported by SunBeam(Thanks again SubBeam for the bug report).

Updated to version 17 on 27/3/2009
drag and drop is added (Thanks SunBeam for the suggestion and helpful debugging).
once you drag , then the MRU and fileopened menu will be updated instantly.
Recompiled ODbgScript.dll v1.67.3 for OSWrite.

Updated to version 18 on 3/4/2009:
1-add ability to lunch exe in ollydbg by dragging a short cut or an execute into oswrite
2-restricted oswrite, it is now except script files only; that is file with extension .txt or osc.
3- add option in testme menu to clear default oswrite debugger.(start ollydbg in presence of oswrite to set the default debugger).

Updated to version 19 on 8/4/2009:
1-added a skin menu (Thank you SunBeam for this one)
2- added setting menu (now you can set OSWrite to exit on closing).( Thanks goes to SunBeam as always).
3- small cosmetic changes.

Updated for tiny open skin dialog bug.

Updated to version 20 on 13/4/2009:

1-some menu names are changed as suggested by SunBeam to more meaningful names.(thanks SunBeam).
2-have oswrite sets scriptwindow always on top.

新建 文本文档.rar

146 Bytes, 下载次数: 6, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


Hmily 发表于 2009-4-16 15:00

 楼主| forfly 发表于 2009-4-16 15:19
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