Hyper Hasher is a utility that allows you to calculate hash/checksum values for any file on your system, as well as for a text string. Hash and checksum values are used to verify the integrity of computer files, as well as to uniquely identify them. The process of hashing a file basically involves reading the entire file, and applying various mathematical algorithms to its contents, in order to produce a text string (the "hash"). The hashing process does not in any way alter the files being read. Hyper Hasher is capable of calculating 22 different hashes and checksums!
HashFile is a brand new tool as of version 5. It adds support for the popular MD5 and SFV file formats. MD5 and SFV files contain name/hash pairs generated for a list of one or more files. Often when files are distributed on the internet, the distributor will also offer MD5 or SFV files to allow the downloader to check the integrity of their downloaded files. HashFile supports the creation of both file types, as well as the verification of already existing files. It produces and reads files compatible with popular programs such as md5sum, and of course provides a convenient user interface for the process!