1. Occasionally crash when fixing initialization table of Delphi apps.
2. IAT rebuild for an early version of Asprotect.
3. Add one more crc check pattern.
4. Add one more Asprotect API emulation.
IAT rebuild is incomplete when the address of the API caller is beyond first section of the app.
With some version of ODBGscript it occasionally fails to locate the OEP.
1. With ODBGscript v1.63 or above it fails to fix initialization table of Delphi apps.
2. Support a newer Asprotect whose stolen code type definition is different.
1. Script runs on ODBGscript v1.64 or above only.
2. Modification of fixing CRC check point.
3. Failed to locate OEP of proggie packed with verison 1.4x
4. Unhide the Asprotect API used in proggie packed with version 1.4x.
5. If std function can't find a match, they will be copied to .aspr section just like other stolen code.
6. Other bugs fix.