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发表于 2014-9-29 12:45
这个有od2.X、IDA 、x64_dbg 的插件一起发这里算了,不上传了,给链接
ScyllaHide is an open-source x64/x86 usermode Anti-Anti-Debug library. It hooks various functions in usermode to hide debugging. This will stay usermode! For kernelmode hooks use TitanHide.
Debugger Hiding:
- PEB - BeingDebugged, NtGlobalFlag, Heap Flags
- NtSetInformationThread - ThreadHideFromDebugger
- NtQuerySystemInformation - SystemKernelDebuggerInformation, SystemProcessInformation
- NtQueryInformationProcess - ProcessDebugFlags, ProcessDebugObjectHandle, ProcessDebugPort, ProcessBasicInformation, ProcessBreakOnTermination, ProcessHandleTracing
- NtSetInformationProcess - ProcessBreakOnTermination, ProcessHandleTracing
- NtQueryObject - ObjectTypesInformation, ObjectTypeInformation
- NtYieldExecution
- NtSetDebugFilterState
- NtUserBuildHwndList - EnumWindows
- NtUserFindWindowEx - FindWindowA/W, FindWindowExA/W
- NtUserQueryWindow
- NtClose
- NtCreateThreadEx
- BlockInput
- Remove Debug Privileges
- OutputDebugStringA - OutputDebugStringW
Timing Hooks:
- GetTickCount
- GetTickCount64
- GetLocalTime
- GetSystemTime
- NtQuerySystemTimeHook
- NtQueryPerformanceCounter
Special functions:
- prevent Thread creation - for protectors like Execryptor. Only use if you know what you are doing !
- Malware RUNPE Unpacker - Hooks NtResumeThread and terminates + dumps the process created by malware
Protecting and Stealthing DRx (Hardware Breakpoints):
- NtGetContextThread
- NtSetContextThread
- KiUserExceptionDispatcher (only x86)
- NtContinue (only x86)
- Stealth hooks for 32-bit targets (Tested against Themida/VMProtect)
lOllyDbg 1.xx Plugins :https://tuts4you.com/download.php?view.3596
OllyDbg 2.xx Plugins :https://tuts4you.com/download.php?view.3560
IDA Plugins:https://tuts4you.com/download.php?view.3597
x64_dbg Plugins:https://tuts4you.com/download.php?view.3598
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