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[Other] Alloy

Hmily 发表于 2009-7-29 18:56
Alloy 4 offers software developer’s the ability to distribute stand-alone executables.

Alloy is a remarkable product which takes the hassle out of distributing software without separate runtime files. Very easy to use, fully compliant with Delphi, Visual Basic, Visual DialogScript and many other programming languages.

With Alloy your software products are much more reliable and compact for distribution
Key features of “Alloy”:

· Allows developers to distribute a single exe to their end users with all runtime and require files packed inside.
· Works with most programming languages and executable types. Allows any type of file to be embedded within the main executable.
· Compression of files embedded into the application to reduce project size considerably.
· Built-in file dependency scanner to automatically locate required project dependencies.
· Easy and intuitive user interface which allows your project to be deployed within minutes.

· Intel Pentium (or compatible) 90 MHz or higher processor
· 16 MB of computer memory or higher recommended
· PC Mouse or other pointing type device
· Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or higher installed

link download:


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