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[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] MemoryDumpv0.9a by aeon

Hmily 发表于 2009-8-9 01:39
       -= Memory Dump 0.9a for Olly Debugger by AeoN =-

Copy plugin into Olly's plugin directory.

Usage & Help
Plugin is intended to save/load bytes from momory dump window of the process in
various forms. In the dump window right click and select 'Memory Dump' in the popup menu
pick your choice.
Possible choices are:
- Load Dump
    Allows to fill process' memory with data from a file. (Be sure what you are
    doing, overwriting the process memory may cause you a lot of trouble.)
- Save Dump
    Copies selected bytes from dump into a file.
- Clipboard(Text)
    Copies selected bytes from dump into a clipboard (text only).
- Delphi/Pascal Table
    Generates table of selected bytes which can be easily used in Delphi/Pascal
- C/C++ Table
    Generates table of selected bytes which can be easily used in C/C++
- ASM Table
    Generates table of selected bytes which can be easily used in Assembler
    (MASM Tested)
- Visual Basic Table
    Generates table of selected bytes which can be easily used in Visual Basic
- Range Dump (ALT+R)
    Dumps Range of defined bytes by:
- Lenght : Tick End Address/Lenght
        - End Address : Untick End Address/Lenght
    Xor Dump With: Self-explanatory

    Button with [<] symbol enters address of last byte clicked(not selected) in the dump,
    it's more convenient than entering addresses manually.

- Xor Selection
    Xors Selection and shows dumped data in Olly's window. This window cannot be used
    for another byte manipulation with plugin because dump is created in your Win's
    temporary folder and not in memory.

- Quick Dump (ALT+Q)
     Allows quickly select and dump data, mark the start(SHIFT+1) and the end(SHIFT+2) of
     the block in dump window, then just press (ALT+Q).

What's new
v0.91 - [Aug. 2009]
  - load data into process from file
  - bug in Range Dump fixed (the bug caused selection dump to be shorter by one byte)
  - shortcut key (ALT+R) for Range Dump
  - shortcut keys (SHIFT+1) and (SHIFT+2) for block selection
  - fast dump(ALT+Q)


v0.9 - [Dec. 2007]
  - 2 bugs in ASM Table fixed
v0.8 - [Nov. 2007]
  + Xor Selection
  + Visual Basic Table
  + Updated Range Dump With Xor
  - Removed bug which allocated space in memory
v0.7 - [Nov. 2007]
  + Updated Range Dump Again
v0.6 - [Nov. 2007]
  + Updated Range Dump
v0.5 - [Nov. 2007]
  + Range Dump
  - Bug Fixed
v0.4 - [Oct. 2007]
  + ASM Table
v0.3 - [Sept. 2007]
  + Delphi/Pascal Table
  + C/C++ Table
  + Version for Immunity Debugger
v0.2 - [Sept. 2007]
  + Copies Selected Strings form Dump Window into clipboard
  + Version for Immunity Debugger
v0.1 - [July 2007] - Initial Private Build
  + Copies Selected Strings form Dump Window into a file

Plugin does not perform space check so be sure what you are doing when
loading data into memory(have in mind size of the file too), also be
sure not to cross memory blocks otherwise olly doesn't import anything.
Another possible reason of not loading data is because targeted memory
block may be read-only.

Thanks to
DARKER - for VB table specification
pr0p4g4nd4 and eraser - for pointing out some bugs



17.16 KB, 下载次数: 25, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


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