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[PEtools] ReloX 1.0 by MackT/uCF2000

Hmily 发表于 2009-8-24 18:41
The only relocation tool worth its bytes. Perfect for that 'final step' in unpacking those pesky dynamic link libraries.

{ from included readme.txt }

ReloX v1.0 * by MackT/uCF2000 in 2003

This program may crash, or in a worse case it may even reboot your computer, so please use it with caution. (Do not run it 3 hours into an unsaved coding session for example)

I am *NOT* responsible for any damage caused by the use of it.

ReloX is a Win32 relocations rebuilder. It will create a .reloc section from different
based images.

What does it need?
- At least 2 different based images of a module. The more you have images, the more
your relocations will be reliable.

How does it work?
1) - Select the first based image with the "..." button on the "Original" line.

The imagebase will be put automatically. If it is not right, modify it.

2) - Select the second based image with the "..." button on the "Compare to" line.

The imagebase will be put automatically. If it is not right, modify it.

3) - Click on "Select Sections" to select all sections which contain code for
comparison (default is all).

4) - Click on "Compare" to start comparison between the modules.

The result will be in the list control.

5) - If you have other based images, redo the same thing from 2) for all of them

6) - Click on "Fix PE Module" to select a pe file and fix with the new ".reloc" section.

(no backup needed just like ImpREC(tm))

- It will only support 32 bits relocations of type (3).
(IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW : The fixup applies the delta to the 32-bit field at Offset)

Thanks to
Muffin and Snacker for testing.

Greetings to
Michelle Branch, Jackie Chan and Jet Li.


154.69 KB, 下载次数: 88, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


给你阳光 发表于 2009-8-24 20:07
E文看不明白  老大,这是干嘛的?
 楼主| Hmily 发表于 2009-8-24 21:48
frozenrain 发表于 2009-10-25 10:08
goodyou520 发表于 2010-3-23 04:11
wei123 发表于 2010-4-1 01:15
baby520 发表于 2010-7-28 19:41
这里有啊  呵呵~
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