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[.NET] DotNet Renamer v1.1.7

风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2015-1-4 19:06
DNR is a open source obfuscator/Renamer which use MonoCecil library for .NET applications ! This project is based on the DotNet Patcher's renamer library

You can use these 2 libraries separately without the DotNetRenamer GUI

Core20Reader : a simple PE DotNet Parser/Reader
The renamer based on : Core20Reader.dll, DotNetRenamer.Helper.dll, DotNetRenamer.Implementer.dll


Doesn't support WPF .exe !
English UI language only
Displays selected .exe informations (assembly name, Version, TargetRuntime, TargetCPU, SubSystemType)
Selecting presets : Full, Medium, Customize
Selecting encoding chars type : Alphabetic, Dots, Invisible, Chinese, Japanese
Renaming : Namespaces, Types, Methods, Properties, Fields, Custom Attributes, Events, Parameters, Resources content .....
Displays number of renamed members

Homepage https://bitbucket.org/3dotdev/dotnet-renamer/
Download https://bitbucket.org/3dotdev/do ... amer%20-%20Dnlib.7z


manbajie 发表于 2015-1-5 09:04
话说  是干嘛用的
bunraku 发表于 2015-1-6 11:45
 楼主| 风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2015-3-24 16:45
DotNet Renamer : Update to 1.2
- BugFix : Creating and calling the method Cls_Content.CleanUp (no need to close and re-open DNR to protect another bit !).
- BugFix : Renaming application settings (after renaming the " Embedded Resources " remains available / visible !).
- BugFix : The CheckedChanged event checkbox control ( the theme " XertzLoginTheme " ) took into account only the click !
- Changed: Replacing the Cls_CecilHelper class by Cls_DnlibHelper .
- Changed: Grouping renaming of parameters and variables in "Methods" from the DNR interface.
- Added: Display of the assembly structure in a treeview .
- Added: Managing exclusion rules (exclusion, by type and entities ) from a treeview .

Download https://bitbucket.org/3dotdev/dotnet-renamer/get/c0cac25a8498.zip
囧哥 发表于 2016-3-26 00:35
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