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[Other] Crinkler 05.09.09: Version 1.2 released

Hmily 发表于 2009-9-7 13:44
Crinkler is an executable file compressor (or rather, a compressing linker) for Windows specifically targeted towards compressing 4k intros.

Crinkler is being developed by Rune L. H. Stubbe (Mentor/TBC) and Aske Simon Christensen (Blueberry/Loonies).

05.09.09: Version 1.2 released.
Decompression header and import code reworked to make output executables Windows 7 compatible.
Due to incompatibilities between the loading mechanisms of Windows 7 and Windows 2000 (and general Windows 2000 weirdness), Windows 2000 compatibility is lost.
New header is 16 bytes smaller.
Non-range import code is (usually) slightly smaller.
Slightly improved section ordering estimation.
/RECOMPRESS option to recompress Crinkler-compressed executables, optionally with different parameters.
/FIX removed, as it is subsumed by /RECOMPRESS.



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