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[Packers] GameShield - Yummy Interactives

Hmily 发表于 2009-9-15 13:01

Introduction to GameShieldGameShield is a powereful software licensing and protection system for companies that create and distribute PC video games. By using GameShield your team will save substantial development time and money by focusing on what you do best - making and selling great games! Let GameShield take care of protecting and licensing them.
Key Benefits
  • Time Proven IP Protection – Yummy Interactive has been securing products and popular PC games for almost ten years. IP Protection means a wider release window in which partners can maximize profits and minimize losses due to unauthorized distribution.
  • Flexible Licensing Models – GameShield has the superior flexibility to meet the demands of any license model or combination of models. TBYB, standard purchase (ESD), rental, pay-per-level, micro-transactions, trials etc. can all be realized with GameShield. And non-monetized initiatives such as demos, media reviews, and betas are also supported.
  • Simple Implementation – GameShield’s License Manager helps you set up new projects and with the New Project Wizard you can be protecting your products in minutes.
  • Single build for both online and offline distribution - Create a unified build for the physical CD/DVD copies for your retail channels, and the online download versions for your online channels. Patches and updatesl can be efficiently managed using GameShield's tools.
  • Easy Product Activations for Customers - Increase your sales through immediate product activations and a flexible licensing approach that is transparent to your customers.
To get a good introduction to GameShield and its features and applications, have a look through a few of the following sections. And try it with your games by downloading GameShield's Free Evaluation.




0040193C /EB 10 jmp short ActiveCo.0040194E ; OEP
0040193E |66:623A bound di,dword ptr ds:[edx]
00401941 |43 inc ebx
00401942 |2B2B sub ebp,dword ptr ds:[ebx]
00401944 |48 dec eax
00401945 |4F dec edi
00401946 |4F dec edi
00401947 |4B dec ebx
00401948 |90 nop
00401949 -|E9 9C105F00 jmp 009F29EA
0040194E \A1 8F105F00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[5F108F]
00401953 C1E0 02 shl eax,2
00401956 A3 93105F00 mov dword ptr ds:[5F1093],eax
0040195B 52 push edx
0040195C 6A 00 push 0
0040195E E8 E3E71E00 call ActiveCo.005F0146 ; jmp to kernel32.GetModuleHandleA
00401963 8BD0 mov edx,eax


00402158 /EB 10 jmp short GameShie.0040216A ; OEP
0040215A ? |66:623A bound di,dword ptr ds:[edx]
0040215D ? |43 inc ebx
0040215E ? |2B2B sub ebp,dword ptr ds:[ebx]
00402160 ? |48 dec eax
00402161 ? |4F dec edi
00402162 . |4F dec edi
00402163 . |4B dec ebx
00402164 . |90 nop
00402165 . |E9 9CA07C00 jmp GameShie.00BCC206
0040216A . \A1 8FA07C00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[7CA08F]
0040216F . C1E0 02 shl eax,2
00402172 . A3 93A07C00 mov dword ptr ds:[7CA093],eax
00402177 . 52 push edx
00402178 . 6A 00 push 0 ; /pModule = NULL
0040217A . E8 E9653C00 call GameShie.007C8768 ; \GetModuleHandleA
0040217F . 8BD0 mov edx,eax
00402181 . E8 A6B92F00 call GameShie.006FDB2C
00402186 . 5A pop edx
00402187 . E8 BCB52F00 call GameShie.006FD748
0040218C . E8 87BE2F00 call GameShie.006FE018


01D41948 /EB 10 jmp short 01D4195A ; OEP
01D4194A |66:623A bound di,dword ptr ds:[edx]
01D4194D |43 inc ebx
01D4194E |2B2B sub ebp,dword ptr ds:[ebx]
01D41950 |48 dec eax
01D41951 |4F dec edi
01D41952 |4F dec edi
01D41953 |4B dec ebx
01D41954 |90 nop
01D41955 -|E9 FC60EF01 jmp 03C37A56
01D4195A \A1 8360EF01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[1EF6083]
01D4195F C1E0 02 shl eax,2
01D41962 A3 8760EF01 mov dword ptr ds:[1EF6087],eax
01D41967 8B4424 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
01D4196B A3 F560EF01 mov dword ptr ds:[1EF60F5],eax
01D41970 FF1485 E560EF01 call dword ptr ds:[eax*4+1EF60E5]
01D41977 833D F560EF01 01 cmp dword ptr ds:[1EF60F5],1
01D4197E 75 5E jnz short 01D419DE
01D41980 803D 8F60EF01 00 cmp byte ptr ds:[1EF608F],0
01D41987 74 24 je short 01D419AD
01D41989 E8 78381B00 call 01EF5206 ; jmp to kernel32.GetVersion
01D4198E BA 9060EF01 mov edx,1EF6090 ; ASCII "Nonshared DATA segment required"
01D41993 25 00000080 and eax,80000000
01D41998 74 05 je short 01D4199F
01D4199A BA B060EF01 mov edx,1EF60B0 ; ASCII "Cannot run multiple instances of a DLL under WIN32s"
01D4199F 52 push edx
01D419A0 E8 DFE21300 call 01E7FC84
01D419A5 58 pop eax


0040148C /EB 10 jmp short FingerPr.0040149E ; OEP
0040148E |66:623A bound di,dword ptr ds:[edx]
00401491 |43 inc ebx
00401492 |2B2B sub ebp,dword ptr ds:[ebx]
00401494 |48 dec eax
00401495 |4F dec edi
00401496 |4F dec edi
00401497 |4B dec ebx
00401498 |90 nop
00401499 -|E9 9C904B00 jmp 008BA53A
0040149E \A1 8F904B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[4B908F]
004014A3 C1E0 02 shl eax,2
004014A6 A3 93904B00 mov dword ptr ds:[4B9093],eax
004014AB 52 push edx
004014AC 6A 00 push 0
004014AE E8 976A0B00 call FingerPr.004B7F4A ; jmp to kernel32.GetModuleHandleA
004014B3 8BD0 mov edx,eax
004014B5 E8 72100A00 call FingerPr.004A252C
004014BA 5A pop edx
004014BB E8 880C0A00 call FingerPr.004A2148
004014C0 E8 53150A00 call FingerPr.004A2A18
004014C5 6A 00 push 0


009A1948 /EB 10 jmp short SSCProt.009A195A ; OEP
009A194A |66:623A bound di,dword ptr ds:[edx]
009A194D |43 inc ebx
009A194E |2B2B sub ebp,dword ptr ds:[ebx]
009A1950 |48 dec eax
009A1951 |4F dec edi
009A1952 |4F dec edi
009A1953 |4B dec ebx
009A1954 |90 nop
009A1955 -|E9 FC60B500 jmp 014F7A56
009A195A \A1 8360B500 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[B56083]
009A195F C1E0 02 shl eax,2
009A1962 A3 8760B500 mov dword ptr ds:[B56087],eax
009A1967 8B4424 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
009A196B A3 F560B500 mov dword ptr ds:[B560F5],eax
009A1970 FF1485 E560B500 call dword ptr ds:[eax*4+B560E5]
009A1977 833D F560B500 01 cmp dword ptr ds:[B560F5],1
009A197E 75 5E jnz short SSCProt.009A19DE
009A1980 803D 8F60B500 00 cmp byte ptr ds:[B5608F],0
009A1987 74 24 je short SSCProt.009A19AD
009A1989 E8 78381B00 call SSCProt.00B55206 ; jmp to kernel32.GetVersion
009A198E BA 9060B500 mov edx,SSCProt.00B56090 ; ASCII "Nonshared DATA segment required"
009A1993 25 00000080 and eax,80000000
009A1998 74 05 je short SSCProt.009A199F
009A199A BA B060B500 mov edx,SSCProt.00B560B0 ; ASCII "Cannot run multiple instances of a DLL under WIN32s"
009A199F 52 push edx


009A1948 /EB 10 jmp short SSCProtD.009A195A ; OEP
009A194A |66:623A bound di,dword ptr ds:[edx]
009A194D |43 inc ebx
009A194E |2B2B sub ebp,dword ptr ds:[ebx]
009A1950 |48 dec eax
009A1951 |4F dec edi
009A1952 |4F dec edi
009A1953 |4B dec ebx
009A1954 |90 nop
009A1955 -|E9 FC90B400 jmp 014EAA56
009A195A \A1 8390B400 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[B49083]
009A195F C1E0 02 shl eax,2
009A1962 A3 8790B400 mov dword ptr ds:[B49087],eax
009A1967 8B4424 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
009A196B A3 F590B400 mov dword ptr ds:[B490F5],eax
009A1970 FF1485 E590B400 call dword ptr ds:[eax*4+B490E5]
009A1977 833D F590B400 01 cmp dword ptr ds:[B490F5],1
009A197E 75 5E jnz short SSCProtD.009A19DE
009A1980 803D 8F90B400 00 cmp byte ptr ds:[B4908F],0
009A1987 74 24 je short SSCProtD.009A19AD
009A1989 E8 C8601A00 call SSCProtD.00B47A56 ; jmp to kernel32.GetVersion
009A198E BA 9090B400 mov edx,SSCProtD.00B49090 ; ASCII "Nonshared DATA segment required"
009A1993 25 00000080 and eax,80000000
009A1998 74 05 je short SSCProtD.009A199F
009A199A BA B090B400 mov edx,SSCProtD.00B490B0 ; ASCII "Cannot run multiple instances of a DLL under WIN32s"
009A199F 52 push edx
009A19A0 E8 53711300 call SSCProtD.00AD8AF8
009A19A5 58 pop eax
009A19A6 33C0 xor eax,eax


qnbs1 发表于 2009-9-15 13:22
看不懂。老大 。问一下。新手应该怎么学?这里的教程好像都很难呀
xiaorong520 发表于 2009-9-15 17:07
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