【文章标题】: AP PDF Password Recovery 算法分析
【软件名称】: AP PDF Password Recovery
【下载地址】: http://www.adultpdf.com/
【加壳方式】: 未加壳
【编写语言】: delphi
【使用工具】: OD+dede
【操作平台】: XP SP3
【作者声明】: 只是感兴趣,没有其他目的。失误之处敬请诸位大侠赐教!
The PDF Password Recovery can be used to decrypt protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files, which have "owner" password set, preventing the file from editing(changing), printing, selecting text and graphics(and copying them into the Clipboard), or adding/changing annotations and form fields. Pdf decrypt is being done instantly. Decrypted file can be opened in any PDF viewer(e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader)without any restrictions -- i.e. with edit/copy/print functions enabled. All versions of Adobe Acrobat are supported.
The standard security provided by PDF consists of two different methods and two different passwords. A PDF document may be protected by password for opening ('user' password) and the document may also specify operations that should be restricted even when the document is decrypted: printing; copying text and graphics out of the document; modifying the document; and adding or modifying text notes and AcroForm fields (using 'owner' password).
于是在网上搜到一个AP PDF Password Recovery软件,该软件不同于一般的暴力破解pdf 它能瞬间解除pdf的加密限制。