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[Patchers] AT4RE PATCHER v0.3

风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2015-7-28 18:35
                    AT4RE PATCHER v0.3
               Coded by ghost-dz & Sn!per X.
                        Version History:
v0.3 Beta 01:
  Due to the lack of time for programming, improving and testing
  so here is a quick release of AP v0.3:
Creator Side:
[+] Added Loader (History Bellow).
[+] Added Restore Original File Date&Time After Patching (Creation Time, Last Access/Modified Time).
[+] Added MD5 Hash Check (Automatically Calculated).
[+] Added Support for (MOD, IT, S3M, MTM, UMX, MID & SID) Modules.
[+] Added Support for Placeholders in Registry Patch.
[+] Added Save / Load Project.
[+] Added Load last saved/loaded project at starting application.
[+] Added a detailled list about the loaded Skin Items (Sizes, Types..).
[+] Added a Log window for more detailled information.
[+] User now is chosen betwen using a smaller XM player or the biger one.
[+] Added tray icon option.
[+] Added ovedrwrite ouput file option.
[+] Added execute output folder after finishing option.
[+] Added execute output file after finishing option.
[+] Added hints for several components.
[x] Fixed an output folder problem.
[x] Fixed a compression issue.
[x] Fixed some mis-spelling and other phrases to have more clearer meaning.
[x] Fixed delete item with del key in snr.
[x] Fixed a bug happen when saving settings.
[x] Fixed an empty skn resource was added to patcher when GUI Mode is used.
[x] Fixed an error occurs whith snr when changes at EOF.
[=] Automatic Uppercase in add manual pattern.
[=] Various Tweaks done to settings file.
    and many more bug fixes and enhancements..
Patcher Side:
[x] Fixed Music Button.
[v] If traget file was not found, an open dialog is excuted showing the Initial directory.
Loader Options:
[+] Specific RVA Patch (Multiple Bytes).
[+] Search and Replace (Multiple Bytes).
[+] Registry Patcher.
[+] Added Target-Auto Detection:
    From a Sepecifc Path (with macros).
    From a Specific Registry Key.
[+] Support for Patching Loaded DLLs Modules.
[+] Added Patch an Existing Process.
[+] Added File Check (CRC32, File Size and MD5).
[+] Added Set Debug Privilege.
[+] Added Wait for first window.
[+] Added Silent Loader.
[+] Added Use Target Main Icon.
[+] Timed Loader with Delay (ms) and Timeout (s) Options.
    And many more..
    Ideas, suggestions or a bug report are welcome, don't hestiate time to contact us!.
v0.2 Build 503:
Creator Side:
[!] Fixed bug when loading modules.
[+] Date is auto updated now.
[!] Fixed Target Path.
[+] Added Delete List Item with [Suppr/Del] Keyboard Key.
[!] Fixed Compression with UPX.
[!] Fixed an App crash when skins with BMP Images used.
[+] Added Offset Patch Manual.
[!] Fixed Target Patch.
Patcher Side:
[!] Fixed Offset Patch.
[!] Fixed Search and Replace Patch.
Skin Builder:
[!] Fixed a bug in Drawing Text: wasn't totally appear.
[!] Fixed Success/Fail Patching Blinking Text: wasn't appear normally.
[!] Fixed a bug: when no module used Music Button wasn't disabled.
[!] Fixed a bug with skins that have JPG Images: wasn't fully drawen.
Creator Side:
[+] Multi-File Patcher.
[+] Offset Patcher.
[+] Search and Replace Patcher.
[+] Registry Patcher.
[+] Target File Check: CRC, File Size and user defined signature.
[+] Auto Detect From File Path/Registry.
[+] File Installer with macros enabled.
[+] Skin Support.
[+] GUI Fully Changed (More friendly user interface).
[+] No need to keep Overly in Packer.
[+] Code fully rewritten.
[+] Changed the way Data Written to patcher:
[+] No more writing data to EOF (end of file)
    now data is written in Resources.
Patcher Side:
[+] Skin Supported Images: JPG, PNG, BMP ...
    Skin Supported Fonts : TTF and FON.
[+] Added Support for Animated Cursors.
[+] Scroll Text more smoother.
[+] Fixed website link click.
27-11-2014 News:
[+] Added Attach Files (a.k.a File Installer).
    Including Macros Support.
[+] Added Registry Patcher.
[+] Added Support for most of fonts including: .TTF, .FON..
[+] Added Check File Signature on Patching.
[+] Added V2M Music Support.
[+] More Faster File Compare (100x).
[+] FileDetector.dll Integrated with Patch Creator (as internal Unit).
[+] GUi Enhanced.
[+] Fixed Some bugs.
[+] Alot of Tweaks.
14-11-2014 News:
[+] File Size & CRC Check.
[+] User Can Use Custom Fonts.
[+] Target File Auto-Detection [From Registry].
[+] Some Tweaks in The Creator GUI.
[+] Terminate Target If it's Running.
[+] Added More Options..
[+] Alot of Tweaks with Patcher.
[-] Fixed Bug When Adding Icons.
[-] Fixed Bug In GUI Under Windows XP.
09-11-2014 News:
[+] Packing Patcher with External Packer with Command.
[+] Run Patcher using Admin Rights.
[+] Few Bugs Fixed.
[+] New Option: Delete Chosen files.
[+] New Option: Choose UPX Compression Ratio.
Release Date: 07-11-2014
Release Info:
[+] Multiple Files Offset Patcher.
[+] Ability to Add Icon.
[+] Ability to Add XM Chiptune.
[+] Simple Scroll Text.
[+] User Customized Logo.
= Very Simple Multi-Files Patcher, Dozen of bugs but expect better later.
First release, the best will come later, do not judge what you see! but expect more, if you see you can do better, so do not hestiate time and start yours.



 楼主| 风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2015-9-7 10:56
AT4RE Patcher v0.4


[+] Added patcher/loader requires NFO file to run.
[+] Added do not run if the NFO file is modifed (patcher/loader).
[+] Added support for SPC Music (SNES-SPC700 Sound File).
03 SPC Samples are included in the archive (From Games: Killer Instinct, Asterix).
[+] Added support for ST-Sound File (YM, 03 Samples are included in the archive).
[+] No longer using EXEFILE RCDATA Resources!.
[x] Fixed BMP Detection.
[x] Fixed bug with assocaite files.
[x] Fixed bug in loader imagebase detection.
[x] Fixed crash with PE files detection.
[x] Fixed load/save project. (now upgraded to v0.2).
[!] Project files v0.1 are no longer supported.

Skin Builder v0.4:
[+] Added Support for SPC, YM Modules.
[x] Fixed FadeIn/FadeOut speed issue.
[x] Fixed bug in v2m Player.
[x] Fixed a crash happen when droping a font under Windows 10.

- Standalone (Password: www.at4re.com):

 楼主| 风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2015-11-16 13:55
AT4RE Patcher v0.6.1

new version released today:

AP v0.6.1
[+] Added drag and drop support to project file over the on main list.
[x] Serious Bug Fixed in main list popup menu:
        rename option should'nt appear for items except Target xx,
        and because of this bug (appears for all) any item(s) renamed
        except specified will be ignored (in v0.6) so if any user renamed
        item(s) in the main list except Target xx so those items will be
        invalid in the project file and those items will be ignored and wont
        be loaded next time the user load it.



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