0045647C E8 68F10000 call 收割小分.004655E9 ; VC++ 2008 OEP
00456481 ^ E9 78FEFFFF jmp 收割小分.004562FE
00456486 8BFF mov edi,edi
00456488 55 push ebp
00456489 8BEC mov ebp,esp
0045648B 6A 00 push 0
00477000 77DCC110 ADVAPI32.LookupPrivilegeValueA
00477004 77DA796B ADVAPI32.OpenProcessToken
00477008 77DA6C07 ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey
0047700C 77DB42F0 ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueA
00477010 77DA7832 ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyExA
00477014 77DAEE4C ADVAPI32.AdjustTokenPrivileges
00477018 77DA7A9B ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueExA
0047701C 77DAE834 ADVAPI32.RegCreateKeyExA
00477020 77DAE927 ADVAPI32.RegSetValueExA
00477024 77DCB6BE ADVAPI32.RegDeleteKeyA
00477028 77DC86A3 ADVAPI32.RegEnumKeyA
IAT RVA : 00800000
IAT Size : 000006D0
再说下优化程序,用CFF打开脱好的程序,其中.vmp0 .vmp1 .tls .vmp2 .reloc 这几个区段都是VMP的代码重定位还有tls区段,可以直接删除直接用CFF删除区段和数据,删除完保存再用LoadPE看PE信息,会发现很多出错的地方,什么输出表啊 重定位啊 TLS啊 还有一个载入配置啊 全部都清0:
程序优化完再用海风的利器PeRebuilder优化下大小,还可以用Resource Binder或者PE_Optimizer,优化完程序大概有六百多K,差不多了,下面说说自校验
运行程序,发现挂掉了,程序还有个自校验,bp CreateFileA,然后F9,知道发现打开自身了然后返回:
0012B78C 0040D45D /CALL 到 CreateFileA 来自 dumped_.0040D457
0012B790 0012E344 |FileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\QQ收割小分队4.2(beta版)\dumped_.exe"
0012B794 80000000 |Access = GENERIC_READ
0012B798 00000000 |ShareMode = 0
0012B79C 00000000 |pSecurity = NULL
0012B7A0 00000004 |Mode = OPEN_ALWAYS
0012B7A4 00000000 |Attributes = 0
0012B7A8 00000000 \hTemplateFile = NULL
0040E965 |. E8 56EDFFFF call dumped_.0040D6C0 ; 这里就是刚刚获取文件进行校验的地方
0040E96A |. 8B35 58E55100 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[<&shell32.ShellExecuteA>] ; shell32.ShellExecuteA
0040E970 |. 85C0 test eax,eax
0040E972 |. 74 1B je short dumped_.0040E98F ; 校验失败就打开窗口并退出
0040E974 |. 6A 05 push 5 ; /IsShown = 5
0040E976 |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |DefDir = NULL
0040E978 |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |Parameters = NULL
0040E97A |. 68 34064800 push dumped_.00480634 ; |FileName = " http://www.176web.com/index.html"
0040E97F |. 68 9CFE4700 push dumped_.0047FE9C ; |Operation = "open"
0040E984 |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |hWnd = NULL
0040E986 |. FFD6 call esi ; \ShellExecuteA
0040E988 |. 8BCF mov ecx,edi
0040E98A |. E8 8C580200 call dumped_.0043421B
0040E98F |> 57 push edi ; /Arg1
0040E990 |. E8 0B340000 call dumped_.00411DA0 ; \dumped_.00411DA0
0040E965 /EB 28 jmp short dumped_.0040E98F ; 这里就是刚刚获取文件进行校验的地方
首先还是载入程序进入OD,搜索字符串,然后在字符串里搜索 http:// 吧,搜到不是腾讯的地址就下个段,然后直接让程序跑起来,他就自动断下来了
0040EB80 . FFD0 call eax
0040EB82 . 83C0 10 add eax,10
0040EB85 . 894424 44 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+44],eax
0040EB89 . 6A 0D push 0D
0040EB8B . 8D4C24 48 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]
0040EB8F . 68 D0064800 push Unpack.004806D0 ; http://update.176web.com/farm/notice.html?v=%d
0040EB94 . 51 push ecx
0040EB95 . C68424 D4000000 >mov byte ptr ss:[esp+D4],18
0040EB9D . E8 2E6EFFFF call Unpack.004059D0
0040EB4F . 8B47 20 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+20]
0040EB52 . 6A 00 push 0 ; /Timerproc = NULL
0040EB54 . 6A 64 push 64 ; |Timeout = 100. ms
0040EB56 . 6A 64 push 64 ; |TimerID = 64 (100.)
0040EB58 . 50 push eax ; |hWnd
0040EB59 . FF15 60E25100 call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.Set>; \SetTimer
0040EB5F E9 BC010000 jmp Unpack.0040ED20 ; 直接跳过这段,上面的SetTime不能跳过,那里是弹登陆框和检测升级用的,从这里跳到结尾就可以了
0040EB64 . 33C9 xor ecx,ecx
0040EB66 . 85C0 test eax,eax
0040EB68 . 0F95C1 setne cl
0040EB6B . 85C9 test ecx,ecx
0040EB6D . 75 0A jnz short Unpack.0040EB79
0040EB6F . 68 05400080 push 80004005
00417A68 |. E8 03980000 call Unpack.00421270
00417A6D |. 51 push ecx
00417A6E |. 8BCC mov ecx,esp
00417A70 |. 896424 28 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+28],esp
00417A74 |. 33DB xor ebx,ebx
00417A76 |. 68 001A4800 push Unpack.00481A00 ; update.176web.com
00417A7B |. 899C24 18010000 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+118],ebx
00417A82 |. E8 99E1FEFF call Unpack.00405C20
00417A87 |. 8D4C24 48 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]
00417A8B |. E8 90990000 call Unpack.00421420
00417A90 |. 68 141A4800 push Unpack.00481A14 ; http://update.176web.com/farm/version_v2.js
00417A95 |. FF15 5CE65100 call dword ptr ds:[<&wininet.De>; wininet.DeleteUrlCacheEntryA
00417A9B |. 51 push ecx
00417A9C |. 8BCC mov ecx,esp
00417A9E |. 896424 28 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+28],esp
00417AA2 |. 68 401A4800 push Unpack.00481A40 ; /farm/version_v2.js
00417AA7 |. E8 74E1FEFF call Unpack.00405C20
00417AAC |. 8D4C24 48 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]
00417AB0 |. E8 EB990000 call Unpack.004214A0
00417AB5 |. 3BC3 cmp eax,ebx
00417AB7 |. 74 2F je short Unpack.00417AE8
00417A20 C2 0400 retn 4 ; 直接返回,不让它检测升级点击广告!
00418110 . 6A 03 push 3 ; /(Initial CPU selection)
00418112 . 68 2FEC4700 push Unpack.0047EC2F ; |CConfigDlg
00418117 . 68 2FEC4700 push Unpack.0047EC2F ; |CConfigDlg
0041811C . 68 D41A4800 push Unpack.00481AD4 ; |http://www.176web.com/
00418121 . 68 9CFE4700 push Unpack.0047FE9C ; |open
00418126 . 6A 00 push 0 ; |hWnd = NULL
00418128 . FF15 50E55100 call dword ptr ds:[<&shell32.ShellExecuteA>] ; \ShellExecuteA
0041812E . C3 retn
00418280 . 6A 03 push 3 ; /IsShown = 3
00418282 . 68 2FEC4700 push Unpack.0047EC2F ; |CConfigDlg
00418287 . 68 2FEC4700 push Unpack.0047EC2F ; |CConfigDlg
0041828C . 68 041B4800 push Unpack.00481B04 ; |http://www.hj02.com/?source=farm
00418291 . 68 9CFE4700 push Unpack.0047FE9C ; |open
00418296 . 6A 00 push 0 ; |hWnd = NULL
00418298 . FF15 50E55100 call dword ptr ds:[<&shell32.ShellExecuteA>] ; \ShellExecuteA
0041829E . C3 retn
00406F40 /. 55 push ebp ; 广告
00406F41 |. 8BEC mov ebp,esp
00406F43 |. 83E4 F8 and esp,FFFFFFF8
00406F46 |. 6A FF push -1
00406F48 |. 68 80224700 push Unpack.00472280
00406F4D |. 64:A1 00000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]
00406F53 |. 50 push eax
00406F54 |. 83EC 28 sub esp,28
00406F57 |. 56 push esi
00406F58 |. A1 44364900 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[493644]
00406F5D |. 33C4 xor eax,esp
00406F5F |. 50 push eax
00406F60 |. 8D4424 30 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]
00406F64 |. 64:A3 00000000 mov dword ptr fs:[0],eax
00406F6A |. 8BF1 mov esi,ecx
00406F6C |. E8 EED50200 call Unpack.0043455F
00406F71 |. 33C0 xor eax,eax
00406F73 |. 68 7CEE4700 push Unpack.0047EE7C ; http://update.176web.com/farm/notice_v2.html
00406F78 |. 8D4C24 20 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
00406F7C |. 66:894424 20 mov word ptr ss:[esp+20],ax
00406F81 |. E8 7B700300 call Unpack.0043E001
00406F86 |. 8D4C24 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
00406F8A |. 51 push ecx ; /Arg1
00406F8B |. C74424 3C 000000>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+3C],0 ; |
00406F93 |. E8 DD6A0300 call Unpack.0043DA75 ; \Unpack.0043DA75
00406F98 |. 8D5424 0C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
00406F9C |. 52 push edx ; /Arg11
00406F9D |. 8BC2 mov eax,edx ; |
00406F9F |. 50 push eax ; |Arg10
00406FA0 |. 8BCA mov ecx,edx ; |
00406FA2 |. 51 push ecx ; |Arg9
00406FA3 |. 52 push edx ; |Arg8
00406FA4 |. 8D4424 2C lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C] ; |
00406FA8 |. 50 push eax ; |Arg7
00406FA9 |. 68 5C4C4900 push Unpack.00494C5C ; |LLLLL
00406FAE |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |Arg5 = 00000000
00406FB0 |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |Arg4 = 00000000
00406FB2 |. 6A 01 push 1 ; |Arg3 = 00000001
00406FB4 |. 68 F4010000 push 1F4 ; |Arg2 = 000001F4
00406FB9 |. 83C6 74 add esi,74 ; |
00406FBC |. 56 push esi ; |Arg1
00406FBD |. C64424 64 01 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+64],1 ; |
00406FC2 |. E8 5F370300 call Unpack.0043A726 ; \Unpack.0043A726
00406FC7 |. 8B35 B4E55100 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[<&oleaut3>; oleaut32.VariantClear
00406FCD |. 83C4 2C add esp,2C
00406FD0 |. 8D4C24 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
00406FD4 |. 51 push ecx
00406FD5 |. FFD6 call esi ; <&oleaut32.VariantClear>
00406FD7 |. 8D5424 1C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00406FDB |. 52 push edx
00406FDC |. FFD6 call esi ; <&oleaut32.VariantClear>
00406FDE |. B8 01000000 mov eax,1
00406FE3 |. 8B4C24 30 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]
00406FE7 |. 64:890D 00000000 mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
00406FEE |. 59 pop ecx
00406FEF |. 5E pop esi
00406FF0 |. 8BE5 mov esp,ebp
00406FF2 |. 5D pop ebp
00406FF3 \. C3 retn
00433010 /. 55 push ebp ; 广告
00433011 |. 8BEC mov ebp,esp
00433013 |. 83E4 F8 and esp,FFFFFFF8
00433016 |. 6A FF push -1
00433018 |. 68 80224700 push Unpack.00472280
0043301D |. 64:A1 00000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]
00433023 |. 50 push eax
00433024 |. 83EC 28 sub esp,28
00433027 |. 56 push esi
00433028 |. A1 44364900 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[493644]
0043302D |. 33C4 xor eax,esp
0043302F |. 50 push eax
00433030 |. 8D4424 30 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]
00433034 |. 64:A3 00000000 mov dword ptr fs:[0],eax
0043303A |. 8BF1 mov esi,ecx
0043303C |. E8 1E150000 call Unpack.0043455F
00433041 |. 33C0 xor eax,eax
00433043 |. 68 643A4800 push Unpack.00483A64 ; http://update.176web.com/farm/version.html
00433048 |. 8D4C24 20 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0043304C |. 66:894424 20 mov word ptr ss:[esp+20],ax
00433051 |. E8 ABAF0000 call Unpack.0043E001
00433056 |. 8D4C24 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0043305A |. 51 push ecx ; /Arg1
0043305B |. C74424 3C 000000>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+3C],0 ; |
00433063 |. E8 0DAA0000 call Unpack.0043DA75 ; \Unpack.0043DA75
00433068 |. 8D5424 0C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0043306C |. 52 push edx ; /Arg11
0043306D |. 8BC2 mov eax,edx ; |
0043306F |. 50 push eax ; |Arg10
00433070 |. 8BCA mov ecx,edx ; |
00433072 |. 51 push ecx ; |Arg9
00433073 |. 52 push edx ; |Arg8
00433074 |. 8D4424 2C lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C] ; |
00433078 |. 50 push eax ; |Arg7
00433079 |. 68 5C4C4900 push Unpack.00494C5C ; |LLLLL
0043307E |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |Arg5 = 00000000
00433080 |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |Arg4 = 00000000
00433082 |. 6A 01 push 1 ; |Arg3 = 00000001
00433084 |. 68 F4010000 push 1F4 ; |Arg2 = 000001F4
00433089 |. 81C6 D8000000 add esi,0D8 ; |
0043308F |. 56 push esi ; |Arg1
00433090 |. C64424 64 01 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+64],1 ; |
00433095 |. E8 8C760000 call Unpack.0043A726 ; \Unpack.0043A726
0043309A |. 8B35 B4E55100 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[<&oleaut3>; oleaut32.VariantClear
004330A0 |. 83C4 2C add esp,2C
004330A3 |. 8D4C24 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
004330A7 |. 51 push ecx
004330A8 |. FFD6 call esi ; <&oleaut32.VariantClear>
004330AA |. 8D5424 1C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
004330AE |. 52 push edx
004330AF |. FFD6 call esi ; <&oleaut32.VariantClear>
004330B1 |. B8 01000000 mov eax,1
004330B6 |. 8B4C24 30 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]
004330BA |. 64:890D 00000000 mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
004330C1 |. 59 pop ecx
004330C2 |. 5E pop esi
004330C3 |. 8BE5 mov esp,ebp
004330C5 |. 5D pop ebp
004330C6 \. C3 retn
00406F40 C3 retn ; 广告
00433010 C3 retn ; 广告
648.54 KB, 下载次数: 318, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB