3. 我个人喜欢制作按键精灵脚本,也想学习破解,下面是脚本展示-
- //初始化
- Dim 你的邮箱帐号
- Dim 你的邮箱密码
- Dim 发送邮件地址
- Dim 邮件主题
- Dim 邮件内容
- Dim 邮件附件
- //发送按钮
- Event Smail.Button_send.Click
- 你的邮箱帐号 = Smail.InputBox_user.Text
- 你的邮箱密码 = Smail.InputBox_password.Text
- 发送邮件地址 = Smail.InputBox_to.Text
- 邮件主题 = Smail.InputBox_q.Text
- 邮件内容 = Smail.InputBox_body.Text
- 邮件附件 = Smail.BrowseBox_f.Path
- If 你的邮箱帐号 = "" or 你的邮箱密码 = "" or 发送邮件地址 = "" Then
- MsgBox "请将邮件填写完整",vbExclamation
- Else
- 返回值 = Lib.网络.发送邮件(你的邮箱帐号,你的邮箱密码,发送邮件地址,邮件主题,邮件内容,邮件附件)
- If 返回值 = TRUE Then
- MsgBox "邮件发送成功",vbInformation
- Else
- MsgBox "邮件发送失败",vbQuestion
- End If
- End If
- End Event
- //重置 按钮
- Event Smail.Button_reset.Click
- Smail.InputBox_user.Text = "邮箱账号"
- Smail.InputBox_password.Text = "邮箱密码"
- Smail.InputBox_to.Text = ""
- Smail.InputBox_q.Text = ""
- Smail.InputBox_body.Text = ""
- Smail.BrowseBox_f.Path = ""
- Smail.InputBox_password.PasswordChar = false
- End Event
- //定时器
- Event Smail.Timer1.Timer
- Smail.Timer1.Enabled = false
- Smail.InputBox_time.Text = Date + Time
- Smail.Timer1.Enabled = True
- End Event
- //解密载入时
- Event Smail.Load
- Smail.Timer1.Enabled = false
- Smail.Timer1.Interval = 1000
- Smail.Timer1.Enabled = True
- End Event
- //账号 焦点
- Event Smail.InputBox_user.GotFocus
- If Smail.InputBox_user.Text = "邮箱账号" then
- Smail.InputBox_user.Text = ""
- End If
- End Event
- Event Smail.InputBox_user.LostFocus
- If Smail.InputBox_user.Text = "" then
- Smail.InputBox_user.Text = "邮箱账号"
- End If
- End Event
- //密码 焦点
- Event Smail.InputBox_password.GotFocus
- If Smail.InputBox_password.Text = "邮箱密码" then
- Smail.InputBox_password.Text = ""
- Smail.InputBox_password.PasswordChar = True
- End If
- End Event
- Event Smail.InputBox_password.LostFocus
- If Smail.InputBox_password.Text = "" then
- Smail.InputBox_password.Text = "邮箱密码"
- Smail.InputBox_password.PasswordChar = false
- End If
- End Event
- PutAttachment D:\ *.wav
- dim hong,lan,hongT,lanT,xgT,bbh,hgsd
- dim number(2),thetime(2),key(2),sj(2)
- dim a,b,c,d,jn1,jn2,jn3,s1,s2,s3,t1,t2,t3,L
- //声明变量
- UserVar hong=DropList{30%:30|50%:50|70%:70|90%:90|95%:95}=1 人多少吃红F5
- UserVar lan=DropList{30%:30|50%:50|70%:70}=1 人多少吃蓝F6
- UserVar bbh=DropList{30%:30|50%:50|70%:70|90%:90|95%:95}=1 宠多少吃红F7
- UserVar hongT=10000 红药冷却时间
- UserVar lanT=1000 蓝药冷却时间
- UserVar xgT=1000 寻怪延时
- Rem 开始
- Gosub 外挂提示
- IfColor 247,31,101410,2
- Rem 继续找怪
- Gosub 寻怪
- Rem 正式开始
- Gosub 吃血蓝
- Delay 200
- Gosub 锁定怪
- Delay 50
- Else
- Gosub 外挂提示
- EndIf
- IfColor 247,31,000fff,2
- Gosub 打怪
- Else
- IfColor 223,30,000000,1
- Gosub 外挂提示
- Goto 继续找怪
- Else
- Goto 开始
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Sub 关闭意外窗口
- VBSCall FindPic(0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\tlxx.bmp",0.6,x,y)
- If x>0 and y>0
- MoveTo x+2,y+2
- LeftClick 1
- EndIf
- //条件结束
- Delay 200
- Return 关闭意外窗口
- Sub 外挂提示
- VBSCall FindPic(2,107,566,568,"Attachment:\tlfwg.bmp",0.6,x,y)
- If x>0 and y>0
- For 3
- Gosub 报警
- EndFor
- Delay 20
- VBSCall FindPic(2,107,566,568,"Attachment:\tlfwgg.bmp",0.6,x,y)
- If x>0 and y>0
- MoveTo 886,746
- Delay 20
- LeftClick 1
- Delay 1000
- MoveTo 515,398
- Delay 20
- LeftClick 1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Return 外挂提示
- Sub 报警
- strSoundFile = "d:\5201.wav"
- Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
- strCommand = "sndrec32 /play /close " & chr(34) & strSoundFile & chr(34)
- objShell.Run strCommand, 0, True
- Delay 2000
- Return 报警
- Sub 吃血蓝
- IfColor hong/100*(185-65)+65,30,1b1f1a,2
- //x2=血条在屏幕最右端坐标,x1=血条在屏幕最左端坐标,
- //y=x1,x2在血条中的同一纵坐标,color=血条的空血颜色值。
- KeyPress 116,1
- //按下补血快捷键
- Delay hongT
- //补血延时
- EndIf
- IfColor lan/100*(185-65)+65,37,1b1f1a,2
- //x2=血条在屏幕最右端坐标,x1=血条在屏幕最左端坐标,
- //y=x1,x2在血条中的同一纵坐标,color=血条的空血颜色值。
- KeyPress 117,1
- //按下补血快捷键
- Delay lanT
- //补血延时
- EndIf
- IfColor bbh/100*(185-92)+92,70,111310,2
- //x2=血条在屏幕最右端坐标,x1=血条在屏幕最左端坐标,
- //y=x1,x2在血条中的同一纵坐标,color=血条的空血颜色值。
- KeyPress 118,1
- //按下补血快捷键
- Delay lanT
- //补血延时
- EndIf
- Return 吃血蓝
- Sub 寻怪
- VBSCall FindPic(878,42,1016,197,"Attachment:\dthd.bmp",0.4,x,y)
- If x>0 and y>0
- MoveTo x+4,y+4
- LeftClick 1
- UserVar jhp=80 当生命少于%时,使用红药
- UserVar jmp=30 当真气少于%时,使用兰药
- Delay 300
- Rem 开始
- Gosub 屏幕检测
- Delay 300
- EndScript
- Sub 屏幕检测
- Plugin cx=Sys.GetScRX()
- Plugin cy=Sys.GetScRY()
- Delay 300
- Plugin s=Sys.GetScDep()
- Delay 300
- If cx=1280 and cy=1024 and s=32
- Delay 100
- Gosub 窗口检测
- Delay 300
- Gosub 主程序1
- Else
- If cx=1024 and cy=768 and s=32
- Gosub 窗口检测
- Gosub 主程序2
- EndIf
- VBSCall MessageBox ("检测2:屏幕分辩率或者颜色设置不对,请按标准设置后,重新运行脚本!")
- EndScript
- EndIf
- Return
- Sub 窗口检测
- Delay 300
- Plugin hwnd=Window.Find(0,"Gongfu Client")
- Delay 300
- If hwnd<>0
- Delay 300
- Plugin Window.Active(hwnd)
- Delay 300
- Plugin Window.Max(hwnd)
- Delay 300
- Else
- Delay 300
- MessageBox "程序未启动,请先启动程序!重新运行脚本!"
- EndScript
- EndIf
- Return
- Sub 主程序1
- Gosub 判断血兰1
- For 6
- KeyPress 192,1
- Delay 100
- EndFor
- KeyPress 9,1
- Delay 100
- Gosub 打怪1
- Return
- Sub 打怪1
- Rem 技能1
- KeyPress 49,1
- Delay 100
- KeyPress 50,1
- Delay 100
- KeyPress 51,1
- Delay 1000
- Gosub 判断血兰1
- IfColor 553,82,3938FF,2
- Delay 300
- Goto 技能1
- EndIf
- Gosub 主程序1
- Return
- Sub 判断血兰1
- Lx=16
- Rx=175
- hpy=93
- mpy=111
- Hcolor="584D3F"
- Mcolor="605548"
- VBSCall Hpx=int(jhp/100*(RX-lx)+lx)
- VBSCall mpx=int(jmp/100*(Rx-lx)+LX)
- IfColor Hpx,hpy,Hcolor,2
- KeyPress 112,1
- Delay 50
- EndIf
- IfColor mpx,mpy,Mcolor,2
- KeyPress 113,1
- Delay 50
- EndIf
- Return
- Sub 主程序2
- Gosub 判断血兰2
- For 6
- KeyPress 192,1
- Delay 100
- EndFor
- KeyPress 9,1
- Delay 100
- Gosub 打怪2
- Return
- Sub 打怪2
- Rem 技能2
- KeyPress 49,1
- Delay 100