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[Other] DARKER's Enabler 1.0 by DARKER

Hmily 发表于 2010-3-15 14:12

        -+-     DARKER's Enabler 1.0   *   Copyright (C) JP 2o1o     -+-
Program allows enable or show windows, controls such as buttons, options, menus,
checkboxes etc.
- enable all child windows and controls under mouse pointer
- enable all child windows and controls of selected process
- support for enabling menu items

How to use it
- click on the red picture and drag mouse over target windows
- or select process from list
- windows and controls can be enabled or show, menu items can be just enabled
  Green - Object is visible and enabled
  Red   - Object is visible but disabled
  Black - Object is invisible
  Menu  - menu item object (gray for disabled)

Known limitations, Bugs
.NET controls
When you enable some  .NET Control it just set only flags.  But  .NET still uses
its own properties which can be changed only by "Enabled property" of this class.
So  .NET Control  still things that it's not enabled.  Therefore it's painted as
disabled and doesn't accept mouse inputs. After enabling it start accepting mouse
messages but Control own mechanism still checks for properties before processing
the mouse message.  Control which is enabled does  not accept mouse messages but
it begins to accept keyboard messages !!!.  So you can click on button and press
space on enter to run associated action.
Menu under .NET is working in different way so it's not functional for now.
Beware! that by enabling some button you are not at the end,  there can be still
checks in then code!
If you have some comments, improvements, ideas or you find some bug you can mail
to me at  darker@inmail.sk   or visit  http://progress-tools.110mb.com  for more
information or updates.

System requirements
For run you need  VB6 runtime  MSVBVM60.DLL, PSAPI.DLL and MSCOMCTL.OCX but I am
sure you already have it or you can download it from web.

1.0 - [14.03.2010]
+ Initial version
+ New Feature
* Changed/Improved Feature
! Fixed Bug
- Removed


18.24 KB, 下载次数: 15, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


tengxiong532 发表于 2010-3-15 17:30
daibillion 发表于 2010-3-15 19:49
745327354 发表于 2010-3-15 20:53
dmx107wjc 发表于 2010-3-23 11:50
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