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[.NET] 9Rays.Spices.Net.v5.8.0.54.cracked

glionying 发表于 2015-11-2 02:30
9Rays Spices.Net Suite
Spices.Net is a set of .NET code security and code protection, software lifecycle management tools for .NET developers, including .Net obfuscation, tamper defense tools, tools to recover source code and convert binaries to c# and VB.Net, documentation services, analysis and modeling tools in one environment that constantly offers new possibilities.
Programming in Microsoft's .NET Framework platform gives additional horizons in realization of various ideas with an extensive set of features.

Spices.Net - next generation set of tools that helps .NET developers increase .NET сode security, safety and productivity, quality and efficience of .NET software, that continues to offer wide range of features for developers and many more new possibilities.

Now Spices.Net Suite includes following highly integrated modules:

Spices.Net Obfuscator

- provides solutions to increase .NET code security and protect your .NET code and make it tamper resistant, localization, analysis and software lifecycle management tools and services.
Make sure to keep your intellectual properties secure! Using the Spices.Net Obfuscator, you can put your code within a concentrically protective belt of security. Misinformation, blind alleys that lead to dead ends, and obtuse gibberish will greet the hacker, and send them packing for greener pastures.

Spices.Net Decompiler

- provides tools to recover source code and convert binaries to c#, VB.Net, J#, Delphi.Net and managed C++, code flow visual representation tools.


- provides modeling and diagramming tools to visually represent various types of .NET code and assembly members relationships and structure.


- provides .NET metadata and assembly structure browsing tools to get detailed information about any item at low level.


- provides detailed context information about any assembly member.

Visual Studio Integration Package(VSIP)

- special module that deeply integrates Spices.Net tools with Microsoft's Visual Studio IDE, MSBuild and NAnt build environments.
This package delivers full set of Spices.Net features intp Microsoft Visual Studio and expand Visual Studio development environment functionality.
Spices.VSIP offers integration with Microsoft Visual Studio 2003/2005/2008 and 2010 and MSBuild build environments.
链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sjmpHoT 密码: 5j4r


参与人数 1热心值 +1 收起 理由
Hmily + 1 鼓励转贴优秀软件安全工具和文档!



eric2 发表于 2015-11-2 22:57
Niuer 发表于 2015-11-2 23:01
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