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[分享] VMProtect - CRC/Inlines by SunBeam

Hmily 发表于 2010-4-10 01:10
Hello, reversers.

Am currently trying to inline a VMProtect target and from what I could see, VMProtect uses two tricks. One is a hash (or DWORD value) of the main code sections of the protected application (along with its own code), and two, the ASProtect trick - CreateFileMapping + MapViewOfFile. Detailing what I did with observations, maybe it will help get this to its end :-)


a. get application, make a copy, hex edit copy in such a way that I changed last byte from 00 to 01; saved, launched, error, corrupted

Wanted to see if changing the byte in real-time does the trick. So:

b. opened application in Olly, found last byte, changed from 01 to 00; ran app, error, corrupted

Therefore, it must be making an image of the file on the disk. Known methods - ReadFile, CreateFileMapping + MapViewOfFile. Since VMProtect is tricky, decided to break on end of each API. Ran app, result:

7C809561 C2 1800 RETN 18 // CreateFileMappingA < break

->> 0012F6BC 007FF83A RETURN to pclaw.007FF83A from pclaw.007FD391 (yeah, guess you know the target now, hehe)

7C80B9C1 C2 1400 RETN 14 // MapViewOfFile

->> 0012F6C0 007FF83A RETURN to pclaw.007FF83A from pclaw.007FD391

As you can see, returns to same "wrapper" ;-)

So, pushed this further a little bit. Time to find out the parameters for those two APIs, since the custard doesn't let me change 01 to 00 in the mapped copy T_T..

0012F6C0 007FF83A /CALL to MapViewOfFile from pclaw.007FF835
0012F6C4 00000104 |hMapObject = 00000104
0012F6C8 00000004 |AccessMode = FILE_MAP_READ
0012F6CC 00000000 |OffsetHigh = 0
0012F6D0 00000000 |OffsetLow = 0
0012F6D4 00000000 \MapSize = 0

That's why :-) Same trick as with ASProtect -> 4th parameter is FILE_MAP_READ. Let's trick the custard with 01 (FILE_MAP_COPY). Mapping done, EAX = 1010000. Scrolled to end of map, found my byte, changed to 00.

Ran.. Success :-)

Continuing in a bit with other tests ;-)


natyou 发表于 2010-4-10 08:09
good work
xjbxx 发表于 2010-4-10 15:58
qaz003 发表于 2010-4-13 00:15
 楼主| Hmily 发表于 2010-4-13 11:18
qaz003 发表于 2010-4-13 19:21
 楼主| Hmily 发表于 2010-4-14 13:26
此方法过VMProtect crc检测的方法以前在ASProtect上用过,类似.
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