This program can automatically remove DDeM Protection.
Tested on version 1.1.9
1) If you have started bend, but is there spoken: "Для корректной работы этой игры требуется оригинальный компакт-диск 7Wolf Multimedia. Вставьте, пожалуйста, диск и нажмите ОК"(sometimes can be other text), that uses some pe-sniffers: FBA, PEiD, DiE, others
2.1) If they speak Aspack 2.11(if no that proceeds with 2.2), use AspackDie 1.41 by yoda(exactly him!). Once again use the pe-sniffers.
2.2) If pe-sniffers speak: "*** Protector v1.1.11 (DDeM->PE Engine v0.9, DDeM->CI v0.9.2)", that try DDeM Protector Reversing Tool by Flashback.