附:本程序在github上的说明 ----readme.txt This is an aplication for packing windows pe image.
Designed by devseed(also 小木曾雪菜,YuriSizuku)
useage:cmdline or drag the file on simpledpack.exe
simpledpack inpath [outpath] attentions:
[1]the initial demo version that can pack the pe32 exe file
code section by lzma through dll
[2]new it can only support a little various of exe file,
so just be regardless of the compatibility
[3]now Anti-virus software may regard the packed file as an viru
[4]other functions will be coming soon... coming soon:
+more compatible version
+pack multi sections
+win64 pe
+ciphering and spagetti codes to make it hard to reverse
+stolen oep codes
+... versions:
v0.1(initial release)
#lzma compress only code section in win32 exe
#c++ class to resolve pe(win32 exe),util fuctions
#relocate the shell codes dll(c) and add in win32 exe
----code_structure.txt [win console]
debugtry.c ;functions to debug
WinConsole.cpp ;cmd shell
PeInfo.cpp ;base class CPEinfo to resolve pe
PeInfo32.cpp ;CPEinfo32 :public CPEinfo to resolve pe32
SimpleDpack.cpp ;base class CSimpleDpack to pack pe
SimpleDpack32.cpp ;CSimpleDpack32 :public CSimpleDpack to pack pe32 [dpack shell dll]
simpledpackshell32.cpp ;shell code to start packed pe
dllmain [common shares]
dpackCode.c ;pack functions
dunpackCode.c ;unpack functions
dpackType.c ;structures decleare